111 research outputs found

    Strategic Analysis of the Effects of Human Capital Strategies on Organization Strategies in Marjan Tile according to Strategic Reference Points

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    Human resources strategy is a pattern for decisions which are related to human capital policies and procedures. In deed the process of human capital strategy formulation and implementation is to relating the human resources processes with organization strategic goals. In this article, we tried to study the impacts of human capital strategies on organization strategies. The basic models used in this research, are strategic reference points (Bamberger and Meshoulam) and balanced score card. The statistical population of this research is the Marjan Tile managers, bosses, experts, operators and contractors. The data gathered for this study are from questionnaires, documents and interviews. After the data mining, we found out that the most important human capital strategies for realizing organization development goals, especially product development, are commitment and free-agent strategies. The commitment strategy creates a good base of viewpoint for experts, managers and other people with important roles. The free-agent strategy can be used in temporary research and projects toward development. Keywords: strategy, balanced score card, strategic reference points, paternalistic strategies, commitment, free-agent and secondar

    Typology of Constitutional Assembly Experts' Attitude to the Media in 1979

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    The press and media publication rights and freedom are part of individual and public rights and freedom, a structural and fundamental element. For the first time in the history of this land, Mashrutiat Constitution recognized the rights of the press. The Constitutional Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Iran also included the same rights in the new constitution with minor changes. Authors and legislators have dedicated four principles to the rights and dignity of the press and mass media. The main question in this article is: What was the value of the position and rights of the media from the perspective of constitutional experts? Using descriptive-analytical methods, the authors, after examining the theoretical foundations of law and the position of the media in today's world, have extracted and explained seven viewpoints from the Constitutional Assembly negotiations: utilitarian instrument, restrictive, strategic, criminal, supervisory, eclectic and two types of legalist attitude. With a brief explanation of the meaning of each, the authors have examined and categorized the negotiations and views that have been raised on the principles mentioned in the Constitutional Assembly. The results of the study show that in addition to their being considered as today’s fundamental rights, the media gained some ethical value as a result of the religious and revolutionary nature of the new legal-political system. Also, much attention was paid to the institution of the press and media, but only the press as a whole was discussed, and the rights of journalists and members of the media were not specifically mentioned

    Optimum Concentration of InSb Photodiode for Minimum Low Reverse Bias Leakage Current

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    We have investigated a relation between the impurity concentration and the leakage current for three types of InSb diodes. They were fabricated with different impurity concentrations on both sides of the junction such as p - n, p^+ - n; and p^+ - n+ in order to achieve the minimal level of noise. It is shown that the leakage current at a low reverse bias has a minimum for the p^+ - n diode structure (impurity concentration of order of 2х10^15 cm^-3 for the n-type and 1х10^18 cm^-3 for the p-type). Increasing the impurity beyond these values may cause the tunneling at a low reverse bias voltage close to zero, and decreasing the impurity causes increasing the diffusion current.Дослiджено зв’язок мiж концентрацiєю домiшки та струму витоку для трьох типiв InSb дiодiв. Дiоди було виготовлено з рiзними концентрацiями домiшки на обох боках перехода, а саме p - n, p^+ - n та p^+ - n^+; щоб отримати найнижчий рiвень шумiв. Показано, що струм витоку має мiнiмальне значення при низьких зворотних напругах змiщення для p^+ - n структури (концентрацiя домiшки порядку 2 х 10^15 cм^-3 для n-типу та 1 х 10^18 cм^-3 для p-типу). Зростання концентрацiї домiшки понад цих значень може викликати тунелювання при малих зворотних напругах змiщення, тодi як при зменшеннi концентрацiї зростає дифузiйний струм

    Gold nanoparticle-based colorimetric platform technology as rapid and efficient bacterial pathogens detection method from various sources

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    Rapid, sensitive, and reliable bacterial pathogens detection is a chief requirement. The gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have numerous applications such as in the detection of biomolecules for their high surface to volume ratio and unique optical property facilitating development of highly efficient AuNPs-based bio-sensing tools. Although various molecular detection methods, such as PCR, real-time PCR, and loop-mediated isothermal amplification are sensitive and convenient, these techniques need elaborate work and require special skills to increase their specificity. Smartly fabricated gold nanoparticle (GNPs) play a role as probes for selective detection of pathogens. The AuNPs-based colorimetric methods have become applicable for rapid, simple, reliable and high-efficient, sensitive, inexpensive, and easy detection of the DNA, RNA, and protein biomolecules. Colorimetric detection using AuNPs has been used for rapid and high precision and multiplex detection of a large number and of bacterial pathogens. AuNPs act in functionalized and unfunctionalized ways. AuNPs-based colorimetric methods have incredible advantages compared with many other bacterial detection methods. In spite of many molecular techniques, AuNPs-based colorimetric methods do not require additional devices, fabrication cost, signal processing and interpretation complexities, and costly and complex instruments. This simple and rapid method is suitable, especially in low-income areas and for large number of samples analysis. In this review, applications of AuNPs and AuNPs-based colorimetric methods for bacterial pathogens detection have been overviewe

    Rational screening of biomineralisation peptides for colour-selected one-pot gold nanoparticle syntheses

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    Biomineralisation peptides that facilitate the one-pot synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with selected optical properties, were screened using a coherent peptide-spotted array consisting of a AuNP binding peptide library. As the biomineralised AuNPs were captured on each peptide spot, analysis of the images provided information on their collective optical properties

    Segregation as a consequence of an inadequate physical urban planning in the Million Programme

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    The Million Programme was a reform program that arose as a result of the housing shortage of that time, but also the deficient housing standard in Sweden. The reform aimed to have one million homes built during the ensuing decade, while at the same time reforming the existing housing standard. In connection with the construction of these dwellings, criticism and a bad reputation began to arise about these residential areas. More recently, these homes have become associated with geographical segregation and social exclusion in society. The social sustainability aspects have many times ended up in the cloud and have not been as important. The purpose is to find remedial solutions in a residential area that is characterized by social exclusion and geographical segregation in society. The methods implemented in the study are literature studies, interviews, document analysis and observations. Since social sustainability is difficult to measure and difficult to define, a qualitative and a quantitative approach has been applied in order to obtain a holistic perspective on the problem area and further answer the issues. In the present study, the impact of an inadequate physical urban planning on segregation in a Million Programme area was analysed. The study also analysed the physical urban planning in a newly built residential area as a starting point. It turned out that the physical urban planning in the Million Programme area created good conditions for social interaction and activity that were less good in the newly built residential area. The obvious shortcomings in the Million Programme area were mainly the monotonous concrete housing which lacked a variety of forms of housing and types of houses. This led to a socio-economic and demographic segregation. The conclusion that could be drawn in the study was, by only paying attention to the physical factors in a residential area is a narrow way to evaluate the social sustainability of a city, and not least a residential area. A decent city must create conditions for activity, interaction, outdoor life, promoted health and quality of life, etc. Achieving social sustainability requires a balance of these factors. Attractive housing with a variety of forms of lease and housing types is also important. Finally, it is important to involve the resident’s views on the issue of physical urban development. A major limitation of the study was the analysis of physical urban planning with regard to social sustainability. This is in connection with previous occurrence of a considerable number of theories regarding social sustainability and a wide variety of interpretations and specifications of the area. This entailed an enormous amount of pilot studying on the subject which was time consuming. Furthermore, a limiting factor was the lack of involvement of key people working on these issues.Miljonprogrammet var ett reformprogram som uppkom till följd av den dåvarande bostadsbristen men likaså den påtagligt bristande bostadsstandarden i Sverige. Reformen syftade till att under det påföljande decenniet låta uppföra en miljon bostäder och samtidigt reformera den dåvarande bostadsstandarden. I samband med uppförandet av dessa bostäder har det alltsedan uppkommit kritik och ett illa anseende om dessa bostadsområden. På senare tid har dessa bostäder övergått till att förknippas med geografisk segregation och socialt utanförskap i samhället. De sociala hållbarhetaspekterna har många gånger hamnat i skymundan och inte haft lika stor bemärkelse. Syftet är att påträffa åtgärdande lösningar i ett bostadsområde som präglas av socialt utanförskap och geografisk segregation i samhället. De metoder som implementerats i följande studie är litteraturstudier, intervjuer, dokumentanalys samt observationer. Eftersom social hållbarhet är svårmätbart och svårdefinierat har ett kvalitativt men likaså ett kvantitativt angreppsätt valt att utföras i syfte att erhålla ett helhetsperspektiv över problemområdet och vidare besvara studiens föreliggande frågeställningar. I innevarande studie analyserades den bristfälliga fysiska stadsplaneringens påverkan på segregation i ett miljonprogramsområde. I studien analyserades även den fysiska stadsplaneringen i ett nybyggt bostadsområde som ett utgångsläge. Det visade sig att den fysiska stadsplaneringen i miljonprogramsområdet skapade goda förutsättningar för sociala interaktion och aktivitet som var mindre bra i det nybyggda bostadsområdet. De påtagliga brister i miljonprogramsområdet var huvudsakligen de monotona betongbostäderna som saknade mångfald av upplåtelseformer och hustyper. Detta medförde till en socioekonomisk- och demografisk segregation. Den slutsats som kunde dras i innevarande studie var att enbart beaktan på de fysiska faktorerna i ett bostadsområde är ett trångsynt sätt att värdera den sociala hållbarheten i en stadsdel, och inte minst ett bostadsområde. En god stad måste skapa förutsättningar för aktivitet, interaktion, friluftsliv, främjad hälsa och livskvalité, etc. vilket innefattar de icke-fysiska faktorerna i stadsplanering. För åstadkommandet av social hållbarhet krävs en balans mellan dessa faktorer. Det är även viktigt med attraktiva bostäder med mångfald av upplåtelseformer och hustyper. Avslutningsvis är det av vikt att involvera de boendes synpunkter i frågan om fysisk stadsutveckling. En stor begränsning i studien var analyserandet av den fysiska stadsplaneringen med avseende på social hållbarhet. Detta i samband med förekomsten av en ansenlig mängd teorier beträffande social hållbarhet och stor mängd olika tolkningar och konkretiseringar av området. Detta medförde en stor mängd förstudie om ämnet vilket var oerhört tidskrävande. Ytterligare en begränsning är involverandet av nyckelpersoner i studien som arbetar med dessa frågor.

    A case report on dramatic response of refractory panuveitis of Behcet disease to short-term therapy with Infliximab followed by Cellcept

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    Behcet disease (BD) is a multisystem vasculitic syndrome with clinical triad of oral aphthus ulcer,genital ulcer, and eye involvement. Uveitis of BD may be particularly resistant to corticosteroids andimmunosuppressants with a rapid progression to loss of vision in 10-25% of the cases. In recent years,Infliximab is a very useful drug for refractory eye involvement of BD and some studies recommendCellcept for this reason.Here, we reported a 40 years old man with known BD, referred to our Clinic with severe bilateralpanuveitis. His eye involvement was refractory to conventional therapy in 15 months follow-up; thenhe was switched to Infliximab, in an attempt to control his disease. Infliximab (3mg/kg) was given at0, 4, 8 weeks (three doses) together with Azathioprin. Very soon after the first infusion, we have founda remarkable ophthalmologic response. We have prescribed Cellcept after the third infusion anddiscontinued Azathioprin and Infliximab.14 months after the last infusion, no significant changes werefound in ophthalmologic examination. Our observation highlights a difference in the effect of Cellceptin panuveitis of BD