61 research outputs found

    Metabolism of a Lipid Nanoemulsion Resembling Low-Density Lipoprotein in Patients with Grade III Obesity

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    INTRODUCTION: Obesity increases triglyceride levels and decreases high-density lipoprotein concentrations in plasma. Artificial emulsions resembling lipidic plasma lipoprotein structures have been used to evaluate low-density lipoprotein metabolism. In grade III obesity, low density lipoprotein metabolism is poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the kinetics with which a cholesterol-rich emulsion (called a low-density emulsion) binds to low-density lipoprotein receptors in a group of patients with grade III obesity by the fractional clearance rate. METHODS: A low-density emulsion was labeled with [14C]-cholesterol ester and [³H]-triglycerides and injected intravenously into ten normolipidemic non-diabetic patients with grade III obesity [body mass index higher than 40 kg/m²] and into ten non-obese healthy controls. Blood samples were collected over 24 hours to determine the plasma decay curve and to calculate the fractional clearance rate. RESULTS: There was no difference regarding plasma levels of total cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol between the two groups. The fractional clearance rate of triglycerides was 0.086 ± 0.044 in the obese group and 0.122 ± 0.026 in the controls (p = 0.040), and the fractional clearance rate of cholesterol ester (h-1) was 0.052 ± 0.021 in the obese subjects and 0.058 ± 0.015 (p = 0.971) in the controls. CONCLUSION: Grade III obese subjects exhibited normal low-density lipoprotein removal from plasma as tested by the nanoemulsion method, but triglyceride removal was slower


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    With the purpose of finding elements which allow modeling average characteristics that explain the pattern of the events of financial reports restatements determined by the CVM, as well as, more specifically,  to evaluate the independent auditors' role in such situation, a descriptive research was performed using technical procedures of documental nature, examining the 28 cases occurred between 2001 and 2009. The tests results showed: concentration of the cases in the second half of the period investigated; predominance of problems in the Quarterly Information (ITR), especially in the last years of the study; relatively uniform distribution of Financial Statements (DFP) restatement cases in the period; a larger number of cases related to financial statements audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; reasons alleged by the CVM for restatements are mainly in relation to inappropriate recognition and/or measurement of assets and liabilities and the deficiency or lack of disclosure in explanatory notes; the problems anticipation degree by independent auditors might be considered as relatively small - auditors issued qualified opinion in only about one quarter of the ITRs and half of DFPs. Regarding the reasons that led to restatements, just under half of the issues addressed by the CVM received qualified opinion by independent auditors.Com o fim de obter elementos que permitam a formulação de características médias que expliquem o padrão das ocorrências de refazimento/republicação de demonstrações financeiras, determinadas pela CVM, bem como, e mais especificamente, avaliar o papel desempenhado pelos auditores independentes nessas situações, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva com aplicação de procedimentos técnicos de natureza documental, examinando-se os 28 casos verificados entre 2001 e 2009. Os resultados dos testes demonstraram: concentração desses casos na segunda metade do período examinado; predominância de problemas nas ITRs, principalmente nos últimos exercícios; distribuição relativamente uniforme no período dos casos de refazimento das DFPs; maior número de questionamentos em relação a demonstrações auditadas pela Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; os motivos alegados pela CVM para o refazimento concentram-se, essencialmente, em relação a impropriedades no reconhecimento e/ou mensuração de ativos e passivos e a deficiências ou ausência de disclosure em notas explicativas; o grau de antecipação dos problemas por parte dos auditores independentes pode ser considerado como relativamente pequeno - apenas em cerca de um quarto das ITRs e metade das DFPs foram emitidos parecer de auditoria com ressalva ou parágrafo de ênfase. Em relação aos motivos que deram origem às determinações de refazimento, pouco menos da metade das questões abordadas pela CVM tinham sido ressalvadas ou recebido ênfase pelos auditores independentes

    Escolaridade e queixas auditivas em adolescentes e adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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    Introdução: estudos indicam que alterações auditivas podem ocorrer em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 1, apesar de não serem um sintoma típico da doença. A audição é importante para a aprendizagem, comunicação e interação social.  Assim, déficits auditivos podem prejudicar o desempenho escolar e a comunicação de quem os possui. Objetivo: verificar a associação de queixas auditivas em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 com o nível de escolaridade, sexo e idade dos participantes. Método: estudo transversal descritivo e analítico, realizado no Centro de Diabetes e Endocrinologia do Estado da Bahia (CEDEBA), Salvador, no período de 2009 a 2011. Foram selecionados 45 sujeitos com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e com queixas auditivas, de ambos os sexos e com idade entre 14 e 51 anos; e 96 indivíduos com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, sem queixas auditivas, de ambos os sexos e com faixa etária pareada. Resultados: não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis queixa auditiva e sexo (p= 0,49), queixa auditiva e idade (p= 0,25) e queixa auditiva e escolaridade (p= 0,10). Conclusão: o presente estudo sugere ausência de associação entre as variáveis queixa auditiva com idade, sexo e escolaridade. Em estudos futuros seria interessante levar em conta fatores externos e internos que possam influenciar no nível de escolaridad

    Antibacterial and Solubility Analysis of Experimental Phytotherapeutic Paste for Endodontic Treatment of Primary Teeth

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    Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial effect and the solubility of experimental root canal filling pastes containing the phytoconstituents terpineol and cinnamaldehyde. Material and Methods: Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of each phytoconstituent was determined against Enterococcus faecalis. Five groups of antibiotic pastes based on zinc oxide were obtained by mixing: only terpineol, only cinnamaldehyde, terpineol and cinnamaldehyde combined, chlorhexidine (antibiotic control), and CTZ paste (control paste). Antibacterial activity was analyzed through direct contact test within 24 and 72 hours. Solubility was evaluated by spectrophotometry within 48 and 144 hours. Antibacterial activity data were analyzed descriptively, and solubility data was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (p<0.05). Results: The MIC obtained for terpineol and cinnamaldehyde were, respectively, 2000 μg/mL and 500 μg/mL. After 24h, only the terpineol paste did not inhibit E. faecalis growth. After 72h, all groups inhibited E. faecalis growth. After 48h, the highest solubility was verified in the terpineol paste (p<0.05), and no differences were detected among other groups (p>0.05). After and 144h, highest solubility was observed in the terpineol paste (p<0.05), followed by the CTZ paste (p<0.05). No differences were detected for cinnamaldehyde, terpineol+cinnamaldehyde and chlorhexidine pastes (p>0.05). Conclusion: Pastes containing cinnamaldehyde or terpineol+cinnamaldehyde showed antibacterial activity against E. faecalis similar to CTZ paste, with lower solubility

    Antibacterial and Solubility Analysis of Experimental Phytotherapeutic Paste for Endodontic Treatment of Primary Teeth

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    Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial effect and the solubility of experimental root canal filling pastes containing the phytoconstituents terpineol and cinnamaldehyde. Material and Methods: Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of each phytoconstituent was determined against Enterococcus faecalis. Five groups of antibiotic pastes based on zinc oxide were obtained by mixing: only terpineol, only cinnamaldehyde, terpineol and cinnamaldehyde combined, chlorhexidine (antibiotic control), and CTZ paste (control paste). Antibacterial activity was analyzed through direct contact test within 24 and 72 hours. Solubility was evaluated by spectrophotometry within 48 and 144 hours. Antibacterial activity data were analyzed descriptively, and solubility data was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (p<0.05). Results: The MIC obtained for terpineol and cinnamaldehyde were, respectively, 2000 μg/mL and 500 μg/mL. After 24h, only the terpineol paste did not inhibit E. faecalis growth. After 72h, all groups inhibited E. faecalis growth. After 48h, the highest solubility was verified in the terpineol paste (p<0.05), and no differences were detected among other groups (p>0.05). After and 144h, highest solubility was observed in the terpineol paste (p<0.05), followed by the CTZ paste (p<0.05). No differences were detected for cinnamaldehyde, terpineol+cinnamaldehyde and chlorhexidine pastes (p>0.05). Conclusion: Pastes containing cinnamaldehyde or terpineol+cinnamaldehyde showed antibacterial activity against E. faecalis similar to CTZ paste, with lower solubility

    Concentração de auditoria no mercado de capitais brasileiro

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    This paper is aimed at evaluating the degree of independent audit services concentration in the Brazilian capital market between 2000 and 2009, and raising positive and negative aspects associated with this concentration. The empirical tests were based on the number of customers in the portfolio, total assets and net revenues of the companies listed at Bovespa. Using the benchmark parameters of the Brazilian antitrust authorities, no evidence that the audit market concentration in Brazil enables the coordinated exercise of market power was found. Using the criteria of the U.S. antitrust authorities, it was found that the audit market is concentrated in Brazil, with mixed results as to the level of concentration. Regarding the impacts of concentration, the duality related to the hypothesis structure-conduct-performance (HEP) and efficient structure (HEE) prevails in the literature. The first assumes that a more concentrated industry will behave opportunistically, while the second predicts that the concentration is due to the elimination of less efficient institutions for more efficient ones.O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o grau de concentração dos serviços de auditoria independente no mercado de capitais brasileiro entre 2000 e 2009 e levantar aspectos positivos e negativos associados a essa concentração. Os testes empíricos tiveram por base o número de clientes em carteira, os ativos totais e as receitas líquidas das empresas listadas na Bovespa. Tendo como benchmark os parâmetros das autoridades antitrustes brasileiras, não foram encontradas evidências de que a concentração do mercado de auditoria no Brasil viabiliza o exercício coordenado de poder de mercado. Utilizando os critérios das autoridades antitrustes dos EUA, constatou-se que o mercado de auditoria no Brasil é concentrado, com resultados mistos quanto ao nível dessa concentração. Quanto aos impactos da concentração, prevalece na literatura a dualidade relacionada às hipóteses estrutura-conduta-performance (HEP) e estrutura eficiente (HEE). A primeira pressupõe que uma indústria mais concentrada se comportará oportunisticamente, enquanto a segunda prevê que a concentração é decorrência da eliminação de instituições menos eficientes pelas mais eficientes

    Introducing HCI in Corporate IT Department in a Large Company in Brazil

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    Abstract. This paper describes the introduction of human-computer interaction activities in the Corporate IT Department in a large energy company in Brazil. It is certified by ISO 9001:2000, and thus has a set of norms that IT employees must follow during the software development process. We discuss the introduction of HCI activities into these norms

    Surveillance of the first cases of COVID-19 in Sergipe using a prospective spatiotemporal analysis: the spatial dispersion and its public health implications

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    Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global public health emergency with lethality ranging from 1% to 5%. This study aimed to identify active high-risk transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Sergipe. Methods: We performed a prospective space-time analysis using confirmed cases of COVID-19 during the first 7 weeks of the outbreak in Sergipe. Results: The prospective space-time statistic detected "active" and emerging spatio-temporal clusters comprising six municipalities in the south-central region of the state. Conclusions: The Geographic Information System (GIS) associated with spatio-temporal scan statistics can provide timely support for surveillance and assist in decision-making

    Importância do reconhecimento dos diferentes tipos de violência obstétrica

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    O parto é considerado um momento transformador na vida de uma mulher, onde se encontra numa nova fase, com diversos significados, sendo um momento singular na vida de cada uma, a partir das suas diferentes culturas. Com a evolução da medicina e seus avanços, todo o processo que antes era natural, sofreu diversas alterações, tornando-se um processo hospitalar e medicamentoso. Num contexto geral, existem diversos tipos de violências consideradas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, relacionado a violência obstétrica (VO) é caracterizada principalmente por um conjunto de atos de desrespeitos, abusos da pessoa humana e negligências contra a mulher e contra o bebê durante todo o processo do parto. Grande parte das mulheres acreditam que parte das práticas de VO, fazem parte do processo normal do parto, embora seja um tema comum de ser abordado, nota-se que diante da fragilidade feminina do momento, a VO inicia-se de forma institucional a partir de maus tratos por atendentes. Uma assistência bem realizada, que conta com profissionais capazes de executar um acompanhamento adequado, tem sido um fator de grande importância na redução de mortalidade materna. Notou-se que problemas psicológicos associados no pós-parto, não refletem apenas na mãe, mas sim em todos a volta que colaboram no suporte para a mãe e o bebê, a partir deste contexto, faz-se necessária a assistência pré-natal de forma qualificada e humanizada, por meio de um trabalho acolhedor, informativo e orientado, gerando promoção, prevenção e cuidados em geral, este papel vem sendo executado pela atenção primária a saúde