55 research outputs found

    Full-lactation performance of multiparous dairy cows with differing residual feed intake

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    Residual feed intake (RFI) is an efficiency trait underpinning profitability and environmental sustainability in dairy production. This study compared performance during a complete lactation of 36 multiparous dairy cows divided into three equal-sized groups with high (HRFI), intermediate (IRFI) or low RFI (LRFI). Residual feed intake was determined by two different equations. Residual feed intake according to the NorFor system was calculated as (RFINorFor) = (NEintake)–(NEmaintenance + NEgestation + NEmilk—NEmobilisation + NEdeposition). Residual feed intake according to the USA National Research Council (NRC) (RFINRC) was calculated as: RFI = DMI − predicted DMI where predicteds DMI = [(0.372× ECM)+(0.0968×BW0.75)]×(1−e−0.192×(DIM/7+3.67)). Cows in the HRFINorFor group showed higher daily CH4 production, CH4/ECM and CH4 yield (g/kg DMI) than IRFINorFor and LRFINorFor cows. Cows characterized by high efficiency (LRFINorFor) according to the NorFor system had lower body weight. Dry matter intake and apparent dry matter digestibility were not affected by efficiency group but milk yield was lower in the low efficiency, HRFINorFor, group. Cows characterized by high efficiency according to the NRC system (LRFINRC) had lower dry matter intake while yield of CH4 was higher. Daily CH4 production and CH4 g/kg ECM did not differ between RFINRC groups. Dairy cows characterized by high efficiency (both LRFINorFor and LRFINRC cows) over a complete lactation mobilized more of their body reserves in early lactation as well as during the complete lactation. The results also indicated great phenotypic variation in RFI between different stages the lactation

    Maksa-arvojen viiterajat tarkistettava

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    Insulin receptor activation and down-regulation by cationic lipid transfection reagents

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    BACKGROUND: Transfection agents comprised of cationic lipid preparations are widely used to transfect cell lines in culture with specific recombinant complementary DNA molecules. We have found that cells in culture are often resistant to stimulation with insulin subsequent to treatment with transfection agents such as LipofectAMINE 2000ℱ and FuGENE-6ℱ. This is seen with a variety of different readouts, including insulin receptor signalling, glucose uptake into muscle cells, phosphorylation of protein kinase B and reporter gene activity in a variety of different cell types RESULTS: We now show that this is due in part to the fact that cationic lipid agents activate the insulin receptor fully during typical transfection experiments, which is then down-regulated. In attempts to circumvent this problem, we investigated the effects of increasing concentrations of LipofectAMINE 2000ℱ on insulin receptor phosphorylation in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the human insulin receptor. In addition, the efficiency of transfection that is supported by the same concentrations of transfection reagent was studied by using a green fluorescent protein construct. Our data indicate that considerably lower concentrations of LipofectAMINE 2000ℱ can be used than are recommended by the manufacturers. This is without sacrificing transfection efficiency markedly and avoids the problem of reducing insulin receptor expression in the cells. CONCLUSION: Widely-used cationic lipid transfection reagents cause a state of insulin unresponsiveness in cells in culture due to fully activating and subsequently reducing the expression of the receptor in cells. This phenomenon can be avoided by reducing the concentration of reagent used in the transfection process

    Kohti savutonta Suomea - Tupakoinnin ja tupakkapolitiikan muutokset

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    Suomi on toteuttanut terveystavoitteista tupakkapolitiikkaa ensimmÀisten maiden joukossa. Kuitenkin edelleen noin 20 prosenttia työikÀisestÀ vÀestöstÀ tupakoi pÀivittÀin ja tupakoinnin vÀestöryhmittÀiset erot ovat jatkuvasti kasvaneet. Kohti savutonta Suomea on tiivis yleisesitys tupakkapolitiikan kehityksestÀ ja vaikutuksista Suomessa. Kirjassa myös perustellaan, miksi tupakoimattomuuden edistÀmiseen tÀhtÀÀvÀÀ työtÀ on jatkettava ja pohditaan, mitÀ tupakkalain tavoitteena olevan savuttoman Suomen saavuttaminen edellyttÀÀ. Kirja koostuu yhdeksÀstÀ asiantuntija-artikkelista ja nÀkökulmasta tupakkaan. Tupakkapolitiikan kehityksen ohella aiheina ovat muun muassa nikotiiniriippuvuuden kuvaus kroonisena sairautena, tupakkalain valvonnan ja kuntien savuttomuuteen siirtymisen haasteet. Kirja antaa myös uutta tutkimustietoa tupakointikieltojen toteutumisesta oppilaitoksissa, kansalaisten suhtautumisesta tupakointirajoituksiin sekÀ tupakan kysyntÀÀn vaikuttavista taloudellisista tekijöistÀ. Kohti savutonta Suomea on tarkoitettu sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisille, opiskelijoille, pÀÀttÀjille, tutkijoille ja kaikille tupakkaan liittyvistÀ teemoista kiinnostuneille

    Thermalization from gauge/gravity duality: Evolution of singularities in unequal time correlators

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    We consider a gauge/gravity dual model of thermalization which consists of a collapsing thin matter shell in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter space. A central aspect of our model is to consider a shell moving at finite velocity as determined by its equation of motion, rather than a quasi-static approximation as considered previously in the literature. By applying a divergence matching method, we obtain the evolution of singularities in the retarded unequal time correlator GR(t,tâ€Č)G^R(t,t'), which probes different stages of the thermalization. We find that the number of singularities decreases from a finite number to zero as the gauge theory thermalizes. This may be interpreted as a sign of decoherence. Moreover, in a second part of the paper, we show explicitly that the thermal correlator is characterized by the existence of singularities in the complex time plane. By studying a quasi-static state, we show the singularities at real times originate from contributions of normal modes. We also investigate the possibility of obtaining complex singularities from contributions of quasi-normal modes.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    Soluble guanylate cyclase mediates the relaxation of healthy and inflamed bladder smooth muscle by aqueous nitric oxide

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    Introduction: Due to its chemical properties, functional responses to nitric oxide (NO) are often difficult to examine. In the present study, we established a method to produce NO in an aqueous solution and validated its capacity to evoke functional responses in isolated rat bladders. Furthermore, we compared the NO responses to the commonly used NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP). We also investigated the impact of ongoing inflammation on the involvement of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) dependent signaling in NO relaxation.Methods: A setup to produce an aqueous NO solution was established, allowing the production of an aqueous solution containing a calculated NO concentration of 2 mM. Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats received either no treatment (controls) or cyclophosphamide (CYP; 100 mg*kg−1 i.p., 60 h prior to the experiment) to induce experimental cystitis. Bladder strip preparations were mounted in organ baths and studied at basal tension or pre-contracted with methacholine (3 ΌM). Aqueous NO solution (40–400 ΌL; 2 mM corresponding to 4–40 ΌM) or SNP (1–1,000 ΌM) was added cumulatively in increasing concentrations. Relaxation to aqueous NO was also studied in the presence of the sGC inhibitor ODQ (0.25–25 ΌM). The expression of sGC was investigated by immunohistochemical analysis.Results: The NO solution caused functional relaxations in both controls and inflamed bladder preparations. NO-induced relaxations were significantly greater in inflamed bladder strips at basal tension, whereas no differences were seen in methacholine pre-contracted strips. In the presence of the sGC inhibitor ODQ in a high concentration, the NO-evoked relaxations were abolished in both control and inflamed preparations. At a lower concentration of ODQ, only NO relaxations in inflamed preparations were attenuated. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that sGC was expressed in the detrusor and mucosa, with a significantly lower expression in the inflamed detrusor.Conclusion: In the present study, we found that aqueous NO solution induces relaxation of the rat detrusor by activating soluble guanylate cyclase in both control and inflamed bladder strips. Induction of inflammation conceivably leads to decreased sGC expression in the detrusor, which may explain the different susceptibility towards inhibition of sGC in inflamed versus control tissue. The use of an aqueous NO solution should be further considered as a valuable complement to the pharmacological tools currently used

    Time singularities of correlators from Dirichlet conditions in AdS/CFT

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    Within AdS/CFT, we establish a general procedure for obtaining the leading singularity of two-point correlators involving operator insertions at different times. The procedure obtained is applied to operators dual to a scalar field which satisfies Dirichlet boundary conditions on an arbitrary time-like surface in the bulk. We determine how the Dirichlet boundary conditions influence the singularity structure of the field theory correlation functions. New singularities appear at boundary points connected by null geodesics bouncing between the Dirichlet surface and the boundary. We propose that their appearance can be interpreted as due to a non-local double trace deformation of the dual field theory, in which the two insertions of the operator are separated in time. The procedure developed in this paper provides a technical tool which may prove useful in view of describing holographic thermalization using gravitational collapse in AdS space.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. Version as in JHE

    Novel mutation in TNPO3 causes congenital limb-girdle myopathy with slow progression

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    Objective We report a second family with autosomal dominant transportinopathy presenting with congenital or early-onset myopathy and slow progression, causing proximal and less pronounced distal muscle weakness. Methods Patients had clinical examinations, muscle MRI, EMG, and muscle biopsy studies. The MYOcap gene panel was used to identify the gene defect in the family. Muscle biopsies were used for histopathologic and protein expression studies, and TNPO3 constructs were used to study the effect of the mutations in transfected cells. Results We identified a novel heterozygous mutation, c.2757delC, in the last part of the transportin-3 (TNPO3) gene in the affected family members. The mutation causes an almost identical frameshift affecting the stop codon and elongating the C-term protein product of the TNPO3 transcript, as was previously reported in the first large Spanish-Italian LGMD1F kindred. TNPO3 protein was increased in the patient muscle and accumulated in the subsarcolemmal and perinuclear areas. At least one of the cargo proteins, the splicing factor SRRM2 was normally located in the nucleus. Transiently transfected mutant TNPO3 constructs failed to localize to cytoplasmic annulate lamellae pore complexes in cells. Conclusions We report the clinical, molecular genetic, and histopathologic features of the second transportinopathy family. The variability of the clinical phenotype together with histopathologic findings suggests that several molecular pathways may be involved in the disease pathomechanism, such as nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, protein aggregation, and defective protein turnover.Peer reviewe

    New sludge handling at Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant

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    Hedesunda reningsverk Ă€r belĂ€get i södra delen av GĂ€vle kommun och hanterar avloppsvatten frĂ„n Hedesunda samhĂ€lle och ett fĂ„tal nĂ€rbelĂ€gna byar. Antalet anslutna personer Ă€r strax över 1500. Reningsverket byggdes pĂ„ 1960-talet och byggdes om i slutet av 1990-talet. Vid ombyggnaden anlades torkbĂ€ddar för avvattning av det slam som produceras vid reningsverket. Inledningsvis fungerade dessa torkbĂ€ddar bra men sedan 2005 har slammet i bĂ€ddarna inte avvattnats i önskad omfattning.   Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utreda hur slamavvattningen i Hedesunda ska se ut i framtiden. UtgĂ„ngspunkten var att den nuvarande lösningen Ă€r otillrĂ€cklig och att en förĂ€ndring Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig. Inledningsvis delades frĂ„gestĂ€llningen upp i tvĂ„ separata delar: avvattning av slammet och avsĂ€ttning för avvattnat slam. Fokus lĂ„g pĂ„ ekonomiska och miljömĂ€ssiga aspekter av slamhantering och en sammanvĂ€gning av dessa gjordes dĂ€r sĂ„ var möjligt.   FrĂ„gan om hur avvattningen bör se ut undersöktes genom att en enkĂ€t skickades ut till nio olika företag som levererar avvattningsutrustning. Dessa fick svara pĂ„ 17 frĂ„gor om vilken lösning de ansĂ„g vara bĂ€st lĂ€mpad för reningsverket i Hedesunda. Sammanlagt samlades sex olika svar in. Utöver dessa undersöktes Ă€ven alternativet att restaurera de befintliga torkbĂ€ddarna nĂ€rmare. Detta skedde bland annat genom provtagning och analys av slammet i bĂ€ddarna. De olika alternativen för slamavvattning sammanstĂ€lldes och jĂ€mfördes genom att varje undersökt parameter delades in i intervall som gav olika betyg. De tre alternativ som enligt denna undersökning ansĂ„gs bĂ€st lĂ€mpade var att restaurera de befintliga bĂ€ddarna, att anlĂ€gga vassbĂ€ddar eller att installera en mindre silbandpress.   DĂ„ slammet avvattnats Ă„terstĂ„r frĂ„gan kring hur det avvattnade slammet ska hanteras. Detta undersöktes genom att tvĂ„ alternativ studerades nĂ€rmare. Dessa var att fortsĂ€tta med den nuvarande hanteringen som Ă€r kompostering och tillverkning av anlĂ€ggningsjord eller att certifiera slammet genom REVAQ och sprida det pĂ„ Ă„kermark. Ett försök till att skatta kostnaden för de bĂ„da alternativen gjordes, bland annat genom att frĂ„gor stĂ€lldes till de kommuner/driftbolag som idag Ă€r certifierade enligt REVAQ. Kostnaden för certifiering och spridning pĂ„ jordbruksmark Ă€r betydligt mycket högre Ă€n kostnaden för kompostering. Certifieringsalternativet innebĂ€r dock en större mĂ„luppfyllelse i och med att fosfor Ă„terförs till produktiv mark.      Resultatet av studien Ă€r ett konkret förslag pĂ„ hur slamavvattning och avsĂ€ttning för slam vid Hedesunda reningsverk kan skötas i framtiden. Detta förslag innebĂ€r att de nuvarande torkbĂ€ddarna restaureras och att möjligheterna att certifiera flera delar av GĂ€strike Vatten AB:s verksamhet utreds nĂ€rmare. Att enbart certifiera slam frĂ„n Hedesunda reningsverk anses ekonomiskt orimligt.Hedesunda wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) is located in the southern part of GĂ€vle municipality in Sweden. The wwtp treats wastewater from Hedesunda community and a few nearby villages. All in all there are approximately 1500 persons connected to the plant. Hedesunda wwtp was originally built in the 1960’s and was restored in the late 1990’s. At the restoration sludge drying beds were built on the site for sludge dewatering. Initially, these beds worked fine but since 2005 the dewatering result has not been satisfactory.   The objective of this master thesis has been to investigate different alternatives for a more effective sludge handling at Hedesunda wwtp in the future. Initially the sludge handling process was divided into two different parts: sludge dewatering and management of dewatered sludge. The focus has been on economical and environmental aspects of sludge handling and where it’s been possible these factors have been weight together.   The question of how a more effective dewatering of sludge could be achieved was answered by a questionnaire that was sent to different companies that supply dewatering equipment to the Swedish market. Altogether six answers were collected. Besides these answers the option of restoring the existing sludge drying beds was also considered. The latter was done by sampling and analyzing sludge in the existing beds, among other things. The different options for dewatering were compiled and compared in a matrix where every parameter was split up in intervals and assigned grades. Three options that received the highest total grade were considered the best options. These were: restoring the sludge drying beds, reed beds and a small belt filter press.   The matter of how to handle the dewatered sludge was simplified to a study of only two alternatives. These were to continue the present handling or to certify the sludge according to REVAQ and use it as fertilizer. Attempts to estimate the cost for the two alternatives were made. The cost for certification is higher than the cost for composting, but to certify the sludge will lead to a higher target achievement.   The study resulted in concrete suggestions for how the sludge at Hedesunda wwtp can be handled in the future. This suggestion states that the existing sludge drying beds should be restored and that the possibility to certify several wwtp:s within GĂ€strike Vatten AB should be investigated. It is not considered economically plausible to certify sludge from Hedesunda wwtp alone
