32 research outputs found

    The new public corruption: Old questions for new challenges

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    This paper focuses on corruption in public procurement. It describes the contemporary face of corruption by investigating the role of public accountability in the fight against corruption. The paper describes a specific episode of corruption relative to the awarding of government contracts for big events, such as the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. Relying on the philosophical insights of Rousseau, Popper, Kant and others, the study suggests the need for enabling a democratic control and constructing a public ethics for the common good

    Dandelion in the morning

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    We are what we tell: An inquiry into NGOs’ organizational identity and accountability

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    Purpose – This study offers a critical inquiry into accountability vis-à-vis organizational identity formation. It investigates how accountability evolves in the transformation of an NGO operating in the field of migration management from an informal grassroots group into a fully-fledged organization. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is the outcome of a participatory action research project on Welcome Refugees (WR), a UK based NGO. The project involved documentary analysis, focus group and semi-structured interviews, field notes, and participant observation. The analysis draws from poststructuralist theorization to explain the interplay between organizational identity and different forms of NGO accountability over time. Findings – The study shows how different forms of accountability became salient over time and were experienced differently by organizational members thus leading to competing collective identity narratives. Organizational members felt accountable to beneficiaries in different ways and this was reflected in their identification with the organization. Some advocated a rights-based approach that partially resonated with the accountability demands of external donors, while others aimed at enacting their feelings of accountability by preserving their closeness with beneficiaries and using a need-based approach. These differences led to an identity struggle that was ultimately solved through the silencing of marginalised narratives and the adoption of an adaptive regime of accountability. Practical implications – The findings of the case are of practical relevance to quasi-organizations that struggle to form and maintain organizational identity in their first years of operation. Their survival depends not only on their ability to accommodate and/or resist a multiplicity of accountability demands but also on their ability to develop a shared and common understanding of identity accountability. Originality/value – The paper problematizes rather than takes for granted the process through which organizations acquire a viable identity and the role of accountability within them

    Gender, Money, and Sexuality: An Exploration into the Relational Work of Pakistani Khwajasiras

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    This study explores how khwajasiras, a community of gender-variant persons in Pakistan, engage in relational work to gain recognition in a heteronormative world. We highlight how these workers negotiate the meanings of their intimate relationships with different forms, frequencies, amounts, and payment media of financial exchanges. We have identified four such relations i.e. romantic relations, spousal relations, taboo relations, and professional relations. Our analysis shows how these relations and associated financial exchanges allow khwajasiras to navigate gender norms and negotiate recognition by alternatively and creatively playing the role of the khwajasira lover, the khwajasira wife, the khwajasira survival prostitute, and the khwajasira professional sex worker. In enacting these roles, they simultaneously reaffirm, redefine, and challenge dominant gender norms while resisting stable and fixed definitions of transgender sex work(ers). These findings unpack the contingent and situated relationship between gender, sexuality, and sex work and the critical role of financial exchange(s) therein

    Public-Private Partnership in a Smart City: a curious case in Japan

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    Previous studies have overlooked how partnerships between public and private actors (PPPs) play out as an effect of cultural and historical conditions in the context of smart city. Our analysis investigates the peculiar context of Japan, where smart city initiatives stem from historically and culturally embedded ‘partnership’ between government and businesses. Unlike other smart city settings, adopting a neoliberal logic of an all-embracing market world by prioritizing business interests over other civic issues is not inevitable. This paper contributes to the literature on PPPs and smart city by presenting the case of a partnership between public and private actors that overcomes the antagonistic and transactional relationship problematized in previous studies

    Doing Transgender ‘Right’: Bodies, Eroticism and Spirituality in Khwajasira Work

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    The regulative and oppressive effects of gender norms on bodies of transgender workers have been mostly explored in standard binary gender work settings. We explore the regulative effects of specialized transgender work regimes by posing the following two questions: How do specialized transgendered work regimes regulate transgender work and bodies? How do transgender workers cope with these regimes? Through a case study of khwajasiras, a community of male-to-female transgender people in Pakistan, we explain how competing and conflicting body ideals of hyper-eroticism, spirituality, and hybridity set by these regimes, allow khwajasiras to transgress the binary gender norms. Ironically, however, these specialized work regimes have their own regulative and oppressive effects on khwajasiras’ bodies and work. We then demonstrate how khwajasiras cope with these regulative effects in three different ways: embracing the body ideals, strategically shifting work and body across the regimes, and relegating body norms as unimportant for being a transgender. We finally argue that these differences in enacting different form of transgenderness is an outcome of a tight coupling or contradiction between audiences, khwajasira community and individual workers’ own sense of transgender authenticity

    Migration and the neoliberal state: accounting ethics in the Italian response to the refugee crisis

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    This research adds to sparse accounting literature on immigration by problematizing the intertwined relationship between accounting and ethics in the neoliberal era. It explains ethical paradoxes inherent in the neoliberal project and how these unfold in the accounting practices deployed by the Italian state to handle the ongoing refugee crisis. Our analysis shows how the State’s proclaimed conviction to the human right cause turned out to be neoliberal in nature. On the one hand, the use of accounting was indeed partially dictated by the State’s mission of constructing the neoliberal citizen. On the other hand, accounting practices mainly prioritized efficiency over care and reflected the unwillingness of the State to enact responsibility for immigrants' human rights. We conclude that the use of accounting epitomizes complementary rather than opposing forms of neoliberalism and ultimately unveils the inability of the State to offer a humanitarian response to the immigration crisis

    Corruption in migration management: a network perspective

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    This paper explores the relation between networks as an emerging mode of public governance and corruption. Adopting the theoretical lens of actor-network theory (ANT), the paper investigates an Italian episode of corruption related to the awarding of government contracts for the management of the Mineo’s CARA, the Europe's largest reception centre for migrants. The analysis shows that a governance network may turn corruption itself into a network where abuse of power can proliferate thanks to the opacity resulting from the multiplicity of actors, interactions, and fragmentation characterizing the governance system

    New Public Management between reality and illusion: Analysing the validity of performance-based budgeting

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    Drawing from the theoretical insights of pragmatic constructivism, this paper aims to explain the difficulties faced by organizational actors in the translation of performance-based budgeting (PBB) into practice. The dichotomy of reality and illusion at the centre of pragmatic constructivism sheds light on the limitations and shortcomings that characterize the implementation of a business-like practice introduced as a component of the reform movement known as New Public Management (NPM). The paper investigates the case of an Italian Ministry through the analysis of interviews, policy documents, and governmental reports. The analysis shows that a failed integration of communication, values and aims between actors and an illusionary analysis of factual possibilities constrain the construction of causalities, hence jeopardizing the successful implementation of the performance-based budgeting reform. Rather than engaging in a co-authoring process, the actors are left with illusionary constructs that, while providing the appearance of a compliant organization, fail to produce the desired changes