463 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial proposal: an english language training course for the tourism sector in four municipalities of the coffee region (Phase II)

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    This entrepreneurial proposal project is intended to create an English language training course to promote the communicative competence and sociocultural awareness of employees from specific businesses in the tourism sector. The extractivist economy that characterizes Colombia attempts to potentiate national tourism as another economic field. For this reason, the Colombian government has offered courses in different national institutions focused on tourism for small businesses and employees in this sector. However, these attempts have been made to potentiate national tourism as another economic field but not as an educational strategy to interact with touristic foreigners through the English language. This project intends to provide specialized English instruction courses for restaurants, travel agencies, hotels, and coffee bars in the following municipalities: Santuario, Anserma, Dosquebradas, and Pereira. These courses will be offered to tourism employees with a maximum of 15 students per group. Each course will aim to achieve a B1.1 level with a duration of 17 weeks(102 hours per course). The design ofthe courses will be focused on collaborative work using real-life situations. This will be carried out through the socio-constructivist theory. In addition, ESP approach (English for Specific Purposes) will play an essential role in the lessons as the target content focuses on what the tourismemployees need in their specific work setting. The expected results are to provide small businesses with the capability to interact with foreign tourists at a basic level and to promote intercultural awareness in order to know how to assertively interact with tourists.Este proyecto de propuesta empresarial pretende crear un curso de formación en inglés para promover la competencia comunicativa y la conciencia sociocultural de los empleados de empresas específicas del sector turístico. La economía extractivista que caracteriza a Colombia intenta potenciar el turismo nacional como un campo económico más. Por esta razón, el gobierno colombiano ha ofrecido cursos en diferentes instituciones nacionales enfocados al turismo para pequeñas empresas y empleados de este sector. Sin embargo, estos intentos se han hecho para potencializar el turismo nacional como un campo económico más, pero no como una estrategia educativa para interactuar con los extranjeros turísticos a través del idioma inglés. Este proyecto pretende impartir cursos de instrucción especializada en inglés para restaurantes, agencias de viajes, hoteles y cafeterías en los siguientes municipios: Santuario, Anserma, Dosquebradas y Pereira. Estos cursos se ofrecerán a empleados del sector turístico con un máximo de 15 alumnos por grupo. Cada curso tendrá como objetivo alcanzar un nivel B1.1 con una duración de 17 semanas (102 horas por curso). El diseño de los cursos se centrará en el trabajo colaborativo utilizando situaciones de la vida real. Esto se llevará a cabo a través de la teoría socio constructivista. Además, el enfoque ESP (Inglés para fines específicos) desempeñará un papel esencial en las lecciones, ya que el contenido objetivo se centra en lo que los empleados del sector turístico necesitan en su entorno laboral específico. Los resultados esperados son proporcionar a las pequeñas empresas la capacidad de interactuar con los turistas extranjeros a un nivel básico y promover la conciencia intercultural para saber cómo interactuar asertivamente con los turistas.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en InglésTable of Content Abstract................................................................................................................ 12 Acknowledgments.................................................................................................. 8 Justification ............................................................................................................ 9 Conceptual Framework......................................................................................... 12 Communicative Competence............................................................................. 14 The Three Dimensions of Communicative Competence .................................... 15 Receptive and Productive Skills........................................................................ 15 Understanding of Listening skill........................................................................ 16 Strategies to Promote Listening......................................................................... 17 Understanding of Speaking ............................................................................... 18 Components of Speaking................................................................................... 18 Strategies to promote Speaking ......................................................................... 19 English For Specific Purposes (ESP)................................................................. 20 Course features of ESP...................................................................................... 20 How to plan a lesson based on ESP? ................................................................. 21 Training in business .......................................................................................... 22 Customer Service .............................................................................................. 23 4 Literature Review ................................................................................................. 24 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 28 Description of the current situation.................................................................... 28 Figure 1 English Scores - Regions and Cities....................................................... 29 Problem Tree .................................................................................................... 29 Figure 2 Problem Tree ......................................................................................... 30 Participants Analysis......................................................................................... 30 Figure 3 Participants Analysis .............................................................................. 33 Objectives tree .................................................................................................. 33 Figure 4 Objectives tree........................................................................................ 34 General and Specific Objectives........................................................................ 34 Figure 5 General and Specific Objectives ............................................................. 35 Indicators and Goals.......................................................................................... 35 Figure 6 Indicators and Goals ............................................................................... 36 Beneficiary population ...................................................................................... 36 Figure 7 Beneficiary population............................................................................ 37 Target zone: Coffee Region............................................................................... 37 Figure 8 Target Zone ............................................................................................ 37 Alternative solution........................................................................................... 37 Technical Study ................................................................................................ 38 5 Figure 9 Technical Study..................................................................................... 45 Modality ........................................................................................................... 45 Figure 10 Modality .............................................................................................. 46 Risk study......................................................................................................... 46 Figure 11 .............................................................................................................. 47 Risk Study............................................................................................................ 47 Syllabus................................................................................................................ 47 Rationale........................................................................................................... 47 Hotels................................................................................................................... 50 Course 1 ........................................................................................................ 50 Course 2 ........................................................................................................ 52 Course 3 ........................................................................................................ 54 Course 4 ........................................................................................................ 55 Tourism Guidance............................................................................................. 57 Course 1 - Nature .......................................................................................... 57 Course 2 - City .............................................................................................. 59 Course 3 -Coffee ........................................................................................... 61 Course 4 - Culture: History and Arts.............................................................. 62 Figure 12 Syllabus............................................................................................... 64 Instructional Design.............................................................................................. 64 6 Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 65 Limitations and Anticipated Problems .................................................................. 67 Limitations.......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Anticipated Problems........................................................................................ 67 References............................................................................................................ 6

    Investigating a possible solution to the Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies

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    openThe Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) structure was hidden for many years due to instrumental limitations. Nowadays is no longer the case, we have strong theoretical and empirical arguments that the CMB has a wealth of scientific information on its temperature and polarization pattern. The extensive studies of this data have made possible to define the current cosmological model (LambdaCDM) with extreme precision. However, the diverse CMB measurement taken by WMAP and Planck satellite have shown some departures from our cosmological standard model, claim the presence of unexpected features (or anomalies) in the CMB at large angular scales. Even when many of these anomalies are not statistically significant (2 – 3 sigma level), many consider that their presence can open the window to explore new physics, probably related to the initial condition of the Early Universe. Motivated to find a common physical cosmological origin to these anomalies numerous detailed investigations have been carried on. A recent phenomenological model proposed by Hansen et al. 2019 which reproduces simultaneously six extensively studied anomalies and is based on the idea that non-Gaussianity may be the origin of these anomalies. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to compute and characterise the trispectrum (the Fourier counterpart of the 4-point correlation function) associated with the toy model, there are two essential quantities that we aim to obtain the overall amplitude and the shape. Analysing these quantities allows us to associate specific information with different inflationary models or cosmological scenarios. The results of our trispectrum analysis can provide insights into primordial non-Gaussianity, which may be related to the initial conditions of the Early Universe. Additionally, it can offer further information about the physical model underlying the phenomenological model that reproduces the CMB anomalies

    Estudio de factibilidad para la implementación de un centro de ensambles en una empresa comercializadora y distribuidora, caso de análisis P.T.I.S.A

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    El presente trabajo pretende determinar la factibilidad operativa y financiera para la implementación de un proceso de ensamble de indicadores de falla y equipos receptores de información en la empresa PTI S.A., el cual permitiría reducir los tiempos de entrega, disminuir los costos y aumentar las utilidades de la empresa.The objective of the present work is to determine the operational and financial feasibility for the implementantion of an assembly process for Remote Indicator Systems equipment in PTI S.A. This Project will reduce delivery times, costs and will increase the companie´s profits.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Multidimensional study of orofacial chronic neuropathic pain: An experimental study in rats

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    Orofacial neuropathic chronic pain (NCP) is frequently attributed to lesions caused by orofacial surgeries and dental treatments. There are many experimental models available to study orofacial NCP, however, many are extremely painful for the animal due to the amplitude of the innervated region. A previously proposed mental nerve constriction model, mNC, was used in this project. Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: one group included rats with mNC (n=20), and another rats with sham lesions (n=20). Through the use of the fixed ratio program and the progressive program, a decrease of motivation for a sweet substance, caused by the lesion, was evaluated. The possibility of alterations in cognitive learning and adaptation abilities was also assessed using the go/no-go behavioral task. The mNC group showed low induced and spontaneously evoked pain responses, as well as a decrease in the motivation for sucrose, a sign of anhedonia. This decrease does not depend on taste processing. Finally, although no alterations in the learning-memory process were observed, the mNC group did show alterations when adapting to a new rule

    Alfareros de aguabuena: notas etnográficas de (sus) fragmentos

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    Este artículo reflexiona sobre el papel de los detalles y los fragmentos en la experiencia de vida de los artesanos de Aguabuena (Ráquira, Colombia). También propone una antropología de los fragmentos como método de investigación etnográfica. A través de imágenes de detalles en diferentes escalas, presenta distintas vistas de la gente de Aguabuena con el fin de ampliar la mirada antropológica sobre los alfareros

    Cooperación internacional descentralizada a nivel local como herramienta para el alcance de una agenda política

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    El objetivo de este Reporte PAP es mostrar el contexto, experiencias, conocimientos y productos elaborados en el escenario de la Dirección de Movilidad y Transporte de Guadalajara durante el periodo Verano 2022 del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional: Consultores en Procesos de Internacionalización. Este demuestra la relevancia, capacidades y oportunidades de los gobiernos locales en temas de cooperación descentralizada con diferentes actores internacionales, particularmente en temas de movilidad de los ciudadanos. Se identifican las problemáticas externas e internas que enfrenta la Dirección de Movilidad y Transporte y las actividades que lleva a cabo para enfrentarlas. Del mismo modo, este reporte puntualiza el tema de movilidad como un tema interdisciplinar con áreas como la salud pública y el cuidado del medioambiente, al igual que su gran importancia tanto a nivel local, como internacional. Se concluye que los internacionalistas tienen una gran área de oportunidades en estos escenarios gracias a sus conocimientos interdisciplinarios y prácticos ya que los gobiernos locales son actores de gran importancia en los procesos de internacionalización para el alcance de objetivos de desarrollo. Finalmente, se persenta una serie de recomendaciones para las futuras actividades de esta dependencia. No obstante, debido a la complejidad y amplitud de algunos procesos de cooperación en este organismo, este reporte se limita a dar contextualizaciones generales de los diferentes proyectos de vinculación.ITESO, A.C

    The online teaching of the english language through didactic materials for virtual environments

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    Like many other side effects COVID-19 pandemic brought to the world, education was one of the most noticeable impacts that people could perceive. Schools and teachers were forced to apply new methods that were not as common before as they are now, such as distance learning, which also meant that educators had to get more familiar to the application of ‘‘e-learning’’ in their classes. After covid hit, and students from the Foreign Languages Department of the University of El Salvador, who were in the verge to graduate were pushed to make a pause on their graduation process. As a result, a decision was made, and a plan was created. This is how the idea of doing online courses was born. These courses were split up in three different modules, and they included audio and video files of weekly lectures by professors, as well as writing assignments for group discussions and individual projects. Module 1 ‘‘Online English Language Teaching’’ started with a short introduction to the history on online education, as well as a glimpse of different topics, such as the theories of learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning, the evolution of e-learning, etc. The second module ''Educational Applications for Learning a Foreign Language'' was a little broader in terms of its purpose, since it dealt with how educators use technological tools to teach online. Finally, in the third course, 'Design of Didactic Materials for Virtual Environments,' students learned how to create technological tools that they can implement in their online lessons. Since distance education seems to be here to stay, these courses were a big step up to getting teachers ready for the future

    As crianças e a(s) identidade(s) de género: estudo com turma do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloEste é um estudo realizado numa turma mista do primeiro ciclo, com primeiro e quarto ano de escolaridade, que procurou saber quais eram as perceções e atitudes das crianças em relação ao género e à sua igualdade na sociedade. É um estudo qualitativo que procura saber como está a nossa sociedade a cultivar as conceções quanto à igualdade de género e como estão a ser transmitidos esses valores que são, atualmente, tão discutidos em praça pública. Optámos, por isso, por entrevistar os alunos da turma e desenvolvemos atividades que proporcionassem uma melhor compreensão sobre a temática. Ao longo do estudo, falámos de duas diferentes frentes na transmissão dos valores na vida das nossas crianças, primeiramente, procurámos saber como era o passado e, quem era responsável por essa transmissão, falando da família e dos papéis dos pais e/ou familiares próximos na vida da criança. Posteriormente, procurámos saber também qual o papel da escola. Procurámos e apresentámos também qual o papel das instituições governamentais e qual o trabalho desenvolvido para a promoção de uma igualdade de género na sociedade. Ficou comprovado que a Escola e a Família são importantíssimas na transmissão de valores. Embora que, a crise de valores na família transfira cada vez mais esse papel para a escola, sendo que isto é também apoiado pelo Governo. Exigindo assim um papel por parte do professor que é preciso entender e que, até então não era tão fulcral.This is a qualitative research implemented in a classroom with a 1st and 4th primary grade seeking to understand children’s perceptions and attitudes on gender questions and to social equality in society. We aim to understand how deeply we are cultivating gender equality and the way families are spreading – or not – this values that are, nowadays, being discussed in the public square. We chose to interview the students and to develop pedagogical activities to provide a better understanding of the thesis main theme. Along the way, we have presented two different ways of spreading these values among children. First, we tried to know who was responsible for the transmission on family context and about gender functions at home and how school can participate in new ways of learning. It is also important to seek government commitment on these public policies. It stays proved that Family and School are fundamental on values transmission. Although some family crisis can put on school’s shoulders some more responsibility. Teachers need to be conscient of their role and to contribute in some little but significant change considering their essential role

    Cultura organizacional y grado de madurez en gestión de proyectos aplicación entidad sin ánimo de lucro en Bogotá "Corporación Fomentar Desarrollo"

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa Gerencia de Proyectos durante los últimos tiempos ha tenido un fuerte crecimiento como método, disciplina y valor agregado en sus procesos de gestión para cada una de las empresas colombianas, con el fin de mejorar sus políticas, procedimientos, aspectos técnicos, herramientas y lo más importante el capital humano buscando el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos. Para las entidades u organizaciones no es suficiente con la mejora en la gestión de sus proyectos “One by One”, puesto que a medida que se aumenta ideas de proyectos el cual produce incertidumbre en que la inversión es mayor y el factor tiempo juega un papel importante en la ejecución y entrega oportuna de ellos, nace así la necesidad de administrar efectivamente diferentes portafolios de iniciativas en estas organizaciones encaminadas al cumplimiento de su planeación estratégica. Nuestra propuesta de investigación “Cultura Organizacional y Grado de Madurez en Gestión de Proyectos” está dirigida a la Corporación Fomentar Desarrollo, entidad sin Ánimo de Lucro que promueve e impulsa la educación profesional y el desarrollo colombiano, la actividad principal de la entidad es ofrecer servicios de Asesoría, Consultoría y Capacitación de Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad, Ambiente y Seguridad, Gestión de Riesgos, Seguridad de la Información, Continuidad de Negocios y otros servicios de consultoría empresarial tanto para el sector público como para el sector privado. Esta inicia con un diagnóstico general para comprender como está constituida la entidad en cuanto al manejo de los diferentes proyectos que son ofrecidos de cara al cliente final y el manejo de la cultura organizacional, por supuesto como siguiente paso el estudio de diferentes metodologías asociadas a la evaluación de madurez, que son fundamentales para determinar la mejor opción con la que se trabajó al interior de la entidad como cumplimiento del objetivo de esta propuesta.1. MARCO TEORICO 2. MARCO REFERENCIAL 3. MARCO METODOLÓGICO 4. CONCLUSIONES 5. RECOMENDACIONES 6. PROPUESTA ECONÓMICA Y ADMINISTRATIVA 7. BIBLIOGRAFÍAEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto