2,034 research outputs found

    La gestión de crisis en la comunicación organizacional : el caso de Chile

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    No es nada nuevo decir que actualmente, los recursos intangibles son lo más importante dentro de una organización. Manejar el recurso humano, desde sus diversas perspectivas, ha tomado cada vez mayor relevancia, sobre todo cuando consideramos los flujos de comunicación dentro, hacia adentro y hacia fuera de la organización. Por otra parte, los continuos cambios a los que se ve enfrentada la organización requieren que ésta pueda adaptarse a ellos sin afectar los flujos de comunicación. Una crisis puede golpear a una empresa tanto a nivel interno como externo, y se debe estar preparado para ello, aun cuando muchas de estas situaciones se produzcan en momentos imprevisibles. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar la importancia de manejar situaciones de crisis a nivel comunicacional tanto interna como externamente, enfocándose especialmente en el caso de Chile a través de un ejemplo reciente que impactó a toda la comunidad nacional.There is nothing new in saying that intangible resources are nowadays the most important element of an organization. The handling of human resources, from its many perspectives, is of continually greater importance, especially when we consider the flows of communication within, and moving inward and outward in the organization. On the other hand, the continuous changes that organizations have to face mean they need to adapt themselves without affecting the flows of communication. An organization can be hit by crisis both on an internal and an external level, and it should be prepared for this, even when many of these situations are produced at unforeseeable moments. The present article aims to show how important it is to handle crisis situations on a communicational level both internally and externally, especially focusing on the Chilean case of a recent example that affected the national community as a whole

    Museo Inacabado de Arte Urbano (MIAU): Musealización del paisaje urbano

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    El autoproclamado Museo Inacabado de Arte Urbano (MIAU) en Fanzara (Castellón) es un singular museo al aire libre, que surge con el propósito de proteger la localidad de la instalación de un vertedero de características tóxicas. A partir de este hecho, Fanzara atraviesa un proceso de musealización del paisaje urbano. En la actualidad, los organismos oficiales no reconocen al MIAU como museo. Se podría afirmar que, en base al análisis de sus actuaciones en los ámbitos de educación y conservación patrimonial, puede considerarse un museoThe self-proclaimed Museo Inacabado de Arte Urbano (MIAU) in Fanzara (Castellón) is a singular, outdoor museum. Born with the purpose of protecting the town from the installation of a dumping site categorised as toxic. At the moment, the official state organizations do not consider MIAU as a museum. We could declare that, based on the analysis of their actions in the educational field and patrimonial conservation, it can be considered a museu

    El papel de las redes sociales en las oportunidades económicas de las mujeres de Bolivia

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    En este trabajo se analiza el papel de las redes sociales para determinar la participación de mujeres bolivianas en actividades generadoras de ingresos. Los resultados hacen pensar que las redes sociales son un canal eficaz para que las mujeres obtengan acceso a empleos asalariados, los cuales son de mayor calidad que los empleos independientes. Por el contrario, sus contrapartes varones perciben un efecto positivo aunque estadísticamente insignificante en la interacción con redes sociales. Al tomar en cuenta el sexo del contacto, las mujeres de zonas urbanas se benefician de otras mujeres empleadas, mientras en las zonas rurales las mujeres se benefician de la presencia de más trabajadores hombres empleados. (Disponible en Inglés)

    Reasoning about religion and the effects of belief bias

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    The present study compares religious skeptics to believers, assessing both performance and response times on logical reasoning problems (syllogisms). Skepticism make fewer reasoning errors than did believers, while controlling for general cognitive ability, time spent on the problems, and various demographic variables. Comparison of response times indicated that skeptics also spent more time reasoning than did believers. This suggests that slower processing is an important component of analytic problem solving. Implications for using additional processing measures, such as response time, to investigate individual differences in cognitive style are discussed

    Child labor in Bolivia: schooling, gender and ethnic groups

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    Even tough child labor is a wide spread phenomena in Bolivia, little is known about its main determinants. By using a bivariate probit model in order to take into account the joint nature of the decisions between labor and schooling, this paper investigates which are the key factors that influence the probability that a child works. The available information for the year 2001 allow us to make a comparative analysis between an “exclusive†definition of labor, which refers only to market oriented tasks, and an “inclusive†definition of labor, which also takes into account household duties. The results show that if we use the “exclusive†definition, the girl’s participation rate on the labor market is underestimated. Many types of segregation of the data have been performed, which enable us to identify that exogenous factors affect children in different ways, depending on the geographical area of the household, the gender and the ethnic background of the children. We were able to identify that the most vulnerable group are indigenous children and in particular indigenous girls. Conversely high education of the head of the family lowers the probability that a child workschild labor, schooling, gender, ethnic groups

    Ciudadanía en el nuevo Programa de Educación ciudadana: Una lectura posestructuralista

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    This article seeks to present a poststructuralist reading about the Citizen Education Program aimed at third-secondary students that is currently implemented in Chile since 2021. In this regard, it seems that civic education is understood as a possible solution to the criticisms exposed in the student revolts that began in 2006 and that have been maintained to this day, the analysis of the discourse allows us to investigate what aspects of the citizenship is sought to be taught in the classroom Citizenship education has historically been implemented since the creation of the Chilean State to address moments of crisis, which is why the development of new programs could be related to the need to organize a nation with structural problems at an educational level. It has been chosen to carry out a discourse analysis of the curricular documents through a post-structuralist perspective, because it is believed that this approach allows understanding the programs from other places, enabling the understanding and critical analysis of the ideas that are in the objective of educate the citizenship.Este artículo busca presentar una lectura posestructuralista sobre el Programa de Educación Ciudadana orientado a estudiantes de tercero medio que se implementa actualmente en Chile desde el 2021. Al respecto, pareciera que la educación cívica se entiende como una posible solución a las críticas expuestas en las revueltas estudiantiles que inician el 2006 y que se han mantenido hasta el día de hoy, el análisis del discurso permite indagar qué aspectos de la ciudadanía se buscan enseñar en la sala de clases. La educación ciudadana ha sido históricamente implementada desde la creación del Estado chileno para abordar momentos de crisis, es por esto que la elaboración de programas nuevos podría vincularse a la necesidad de organizar una nación con problemáticas estructurales a nivel educativo. Se ha elegido realizar un análisis del discurso de los documentos curriculares a través de una perspectiva posestructuralista, porque se cree que este enfoque permite comprender los programas desde otros lugares, posibilitando la comprensión y el análisis crítico de las ideas que se encuentran en el objetivo de educar a la ciudadanía

    "Does the use of cysteine-rich whey protein supplements (Inmunocal®) improve the health well-being of COVID-19 patients? A qualitative study"

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    "Introduction: In the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it has been proposed that oxidative stress may contribute to the management of COVID-19 severity. The impact on the well-being of patients with COVID-19 using cysteineproviding supplements has not yet been evaluated and there is a need to understand the benefits and limitations they may offer. Aim: The aim ofthis study is to understand the experiences ofimproved well-being with cysteine-rich whey protein supplementation (Immunocal®) in patients with COVID-19. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted by conducting semi-structured interviews with four participants taking Immunocal® while they had COVID-19. Participants were randomly recruited through internet networking. Ethical approval was obtained from the University ethics committee. Participants were informed of the study objectives two days in advance and consent was obtained before interviews began. We used the 16-item “Use of Immunocal supplementfor COVID-19” (USIC-19) questionnaire toinquire about COVID-19 behavior(time of illness, symptoms, and severity of illness) and the experience of using the supplement during illness. Confidentiality was maintained throughout this study. Results: All participants presented mild discomfort such as headache, weakness, and tiredness when they had COVID-19 impacting most of them emotionally. The use of Immunocal® produced a partial improvement in all patients as only two continued to experience fatigue. Immunocal® improved the mood (50%) and physical health ofthe participants. In addition, participants reported thatthe supplement was recommended and dosed primarily by a consultant and that they did not feel hesitant to use it because of previous experiences of friends and family. The daily dosage of half ofthe participants was two sachets and all felttheneed to consume the supplement which resulted in daily use. Conclusion: Following the daily dosage indications of the consultants, the participants who have consumed Inmunocal® have presented a partial improvement of the symptoms related to COVID-19, however, they feel the need to consume the supplement daily to improve their quality of life.

    Immigrant Influencers on TikTok: Diverse Microcelebrity Profiles and Algorithmic (In)Visibility

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    Internet celebrity has become a phenomenon of great interest for scholars in the last few years. This is partly due to its impact in contemporary media ecosystems, and its influence in political, social, cultural, and commercial behaviors around the world. Meanwhile, some segments of the population continue to be marginalized by sociotechnical configurations that perpetuate structures of dominance in the digital sphere and on social media platforms. This is the case of immigrants, who often face diverse digital, symbolic, and physical borders that neglect their voice and agency. Thus, the present study aims to explore the creative practices of immigrant tiktokers who have achieved a significant following on this platform. Using a case study approach, we explore four immigrant creator profiles with a following of 17,000 to 500,000 through in‐depth interviews and a multimodal content analysis of 252 of their videos to delve into their platformed practices on TikTok. The participants are Latin American immigrant creators living in the US and Spain, identified as part of a larger study on the uses of TikTok by Latinx immigrants in these two countries exploring 53 immigrant creator profiles with more than 10,000 followers. Their practices related to algorithmic (in)visibility, and their unfolding identities including their digital, creative, political, activist, cultural, and national personas are noteworthy, and suggest unique pathways to reclaim agency through social media influence and construct multi‐dimensional microcelebrity identities beyond migratory status

    Right-wing immigration narratives in Spain: A study of persuasion on Instagram Stories.

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    Ephemeral media has become a staple of today’s social media ecology. This study advances the first exploratory analysis of Instagram Stories as a format for political communication. Through an initial content analysis of 832 stories in three verified Vox accounts and a secondary content and discourse analysis of 114 stories, we delve into the strategies used by right-wing party Vox in Spain to portray immigration as an issue for ideological positioning. The findings shed light onto the ways in which the representation of migrants is employed as an instrument for anti-migratory policy support, through the construction of a very specific profile of migrant in terms of age and gender and the exclusion of significant migrant populations from the argument. Moreover, the party employs the content creation functionalities of Instagram Stories to construct arguments and storylines where diverse information sources converge, effectively bypassing traditional media and reaching their supporter base directly.This work was supported by 'Alfamed' (Euro-American Research Network), under Grant R+D+I Project (2019-2021), entitled "Youtubers and Intagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers", with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the R+D-i Project (2020-2022), entitled "Instagrammers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of instatubers", with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Andalusian Regional Government in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).This work was supported by 'Alfamed' (Euro-American Research Network), under Grant R+D+I Project (2019-2021), entitled "Youtubers and Intagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers", with code RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the R+D-i Project (2020-2022), entitled "Instagrammers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens. The media competence of instatubers", with code P18-RT-756, financed by the Andalusian Regional Government in the 2018 call (Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 2020) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)