296 research outputs found

    Ortho-surgical treatment in skeletal CLII patients with temporomandibular dysfunction: Case report / Tratamento orto-cirurgico em paciente CLII esquelética e com disfunção temporomandibular: Relato de caso

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    The study reports the ortho-surgical treatment of a patient with class II dentofacial deformity and temporomandibular dysfunction. Patient R.C, 29 years old, mixed race, female, sought the Orthodontics course at Christus University Center, complaining of orofacial pain and reporting other types of pain treatments, but without success. After facial analysis, intraoral and extraoral clinical examination, analysis of panoramic radiography and teleradiographs, it was concluded that in addition to temporomandibular dysfunction the patient had a class II deformity, with anteroposterior deficiency, and occlusal instability. The proposed treatment was ortho-surgical and evaluation of painful symptoms before and after surgery through the TMD Research Diagnostic Criteria questionnaire (RDC / TMD). The patient received pre-surgical orthodontic preparation and was then referred for surgery, in which Le Fort I osteotomy was performed in the maxilla with 3 mm advancement and bilateral sagittal osteotomy in mandibular branches for 5 mm mandibular advancement, in addition to mentoplasty. with a further 5 mm feed. Fixation was performed with the Dual Side 2.0mm System (screws and plates), followed by physical therapy, speech therapy and orthodontic finishing. The patient did not show an improvement in bone positioning, profile and face were more harmonic, without losing its aesthetic identity and there was a significant reduction in pain sensitivity previously presented

    Em tempos de guerra e de paz: a Educação Especial em Angola

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    This study investigates the construction of educational policies focused on Special Education in the Angolan Education System (ESS). The analysis starts from the absence of this policy from the colonial regime to the initiatives constituted from the independence of the country in both periods of civil war and times of peace. The trajectory of special education is analyzed as a source of the official documents of the Angolan government in order to identify the meanings of the formulations in relation to the political and economic conjuncture. Methodologically, this is a qualitative research, in which the official documents are analyzed from the point of view of the critical analysis of the discourse. The theme of special education was contemplated within the scope of institutional normative aspects during the First and Second Republics, characterizing historical milestones to understand the directions of Special Education. However, educational development amid political and economic instability due to civil war has weakened the implementation of Special Education policies. With the establishment of peace, the government invested in the elaboration and approval of documents and legislation aimed at special education and recorded, after the war (2002-2014), an expressive increase of 284% of Special Education students enrolled. It can be affirmed that the effective implementation of Special Education takes place with the end of the civil war, with teacher training, with the approval of public policies and the influence of partnerships with UN agencies, as well as technical cooperation with the called Global South.Este estudio investiga la construcción de las políticas educativas dirigidas a la Educación Especial en el Sistema Educativo de Enseñanza angoleño. Se analiza la trayectoria de la enseñanza especial teniendo por fuente los documentos oficiales del gobierno angoleño con el propósito de identificar los significados de las formulaciones en relación a la coyuntura política y económica en los diferentes momentos de la historia del país. Metodológicamente, se trata de una investigación cualitativa, en la cual los documentos oficiales son analizados bajo la óptica del análisis crítico del discurso. La temática de la enseñanza especial fue contemplada en el marco de los aspectos normativos institucionales durante la I y la II República, caracterizando marcos históricos a la comprensión de los rumbos de la Educación Especial. Sin embargo, el desarrollo educativo en medio de la inestabilidad política y económica debido a la guerra civil ha debilitado la implementación de las políticas de Educación Especial. Con la instauración de la paz, el gobierno angoleño invirtió en la elaboración y aprobación de documentos y legislaciones orientados a la enseñanza especial y registró, en los doce años de la posguerra, un aumento expresivo del 284% de los alumnos de Educación Especial matriculados. Se puede afirmar que la efectiva implementación de la Educación Especial ocurre con el fin de la guerra civil, con la formación de profesores, con la aprobación de políticas públicas y la influencia proveniente de alianzas con las agencias de las Naciones Unidas, además de cooperaciones técnicas con el gobierno llamado Sur Global.Este estudo investiga a construção das políticas educacionais voltadas à Educação Especial no Sistema Educacional de Ensino (SEE) angolano. A análise parte da inexistência dessa política desde o regime colonial às iniciativas constituídas a partir da independência do país tanto nos períodos de guerra civil como em tempos de paz. Analisa-se a trajetória do ensino especial tendo por fonte os documentos oficiais do governo angolano com o intuito de identificar os significados das formulações em relação à conjuntura política e econômica nos diferentes momentos da história do país. Metodologicamente, trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, na qual os documentos oficiais são analisados sob a ótica da análise crítica do discurso. A temática do ensino especial foi contemplada no âmbito dos aspectos normativos institucionais durante a I e a II República, caracterizando marcos históricos à compreensão dos rumos da Educação Especial. Contudo, o desenvolvimento educacional em meio à instabilidade política e econômica devido à guerra civil fragilizou a implementação das políticas de Educação Especial. Com a instauração da paz, o governo angolano investiu na elaboração e aprovação de documentos e legislações voltados ao ensino especial e registrou, nos doze anos do pós-guerra (2002-2014), um aumento expressivo de 284% dos alunos da Educação Especial matriculados. Pode-se afirmar que a efetiva implementação da Educação Especial ocorre com o fim da guerra civil, com a formação de professores, com a aprovação de políticas públicas e a influência advinda de parcerias com as agências das Nações Unidas, além de cooperações técnicas com o chamado Sul Global

    Influence of surgical ultrasound used in the detachment of flaps, osteotomy and odontosection in lower third molar surgeries. A prospective, randomized, and ?split-mouth? clinical study

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    As third molar surgery is the most commonly procedure performed in Dentistry and has been accompanied by serious postoperative disorders such as pain, edema and trismus, the study aimed to evaluate if ultrasound device would be able to reduce such postoperative features. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of soft tissue flap elevation, osteotomy and odontosection using piezosurgery versus conventional technique in mandibular third molar extractions. Twenty patients with impacted mandibular third molars underwent tooth extractions using two different methods. Ten patients were included in the Piezo Flap Group (PFG - the flap was elevated using piezosurgery) and ten patients were part of the Piezo Ostectomy Group (POG - osteotomy and odontosection were carried out with ultrasound tips). The contralateral tooth was included in the Control Group (CG - conventional technique). The patients were evaluated at postoperative periods of 1, 3, 7 and 14-days. The measured parameters were duration of surgery, pain, trismus and swelling. The mean duration of surgery for the PFG was 17.21 minutes (CG 10.07 minutes) and POG was 40.09 minutes (CG 15.97 minutes). There was no statistically significant difference in pain and trismus for any of the postoperative periods evaluated in PFG and POG (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in swelling between the PFG and POG, presenting less swelling at the 3-day postoperative period (p=0.038; p0.05). Piezosurgery for tissue elevation of the surgical flap, osteotomy and dental sectioning in mandibular third molar extraction surgery promoted less edema in the early postoperative stages in mandibular third molar extractions despite the longer surgical duration

    Systemic Trans- and Postoperative Evaluations of Patients Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to examine the trans- and postoperative systemic characteristics of patients undergoing dental implant surgery and to investigate the relationship between pre- and post- surgery anxiety levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients were analyzed in 3 call centers to determine anxiety levels, pain levels, and preoperative and postoperative histories using the State-Trait (STAI) questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 93 dental implants were installed, with a success rate of 100%. The most frequently reported systemic disease was hypertension. There was a significantly higher rate of effective clamping (torque) to the mandibular bone than to the maxillary bone. The association between postoperative surgical complications and longer operative time was not significant, but there was a significant correlation between the alteration of mouth opening and daily routine activities and a significant decrease in anxiety levels between the day of surgery and the postoperative time point (p =0.006). CONCLUSION: A longer surgical time was associated with surgery-related complications and with a higher anxiety index on the preoperative evaluation

    Anatomy of the abdominal aorta in the hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus, Lund, 1842)

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    The hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus, Lund, 1842) is the smallest Brazilian canid, whose weight varies between 2 and 4 kg, has a slender body, a small head, and a short and blackened snout. Despite being considered an endemic species, little is known about the hoary fox as it is one of the seven less studied canids in the world. Thus, this study aimed to describe the anatomy of the abdominal aorta artery of the hoary fox and to compare it with the pre-established literature data in domestic canids. For this purpose, we used two adult hoary foxes without definite age. We collected the corpses of these animals along roadsides of Catalão-GO, being later fixed and conserved in a 10% formalin solution. The results showed that the abdominal aorta in hoary fox is at the ventral face of the lumbar region vertebral bodies, being slightly displaced to the left of the median plane. The first branch is visceral, named celiac artery, followed by a paired parietal branch: the phrenic abdominal arteries. The third and fourth branches are the cranial mesenteric arteries and the rightand left are the renal arteries, respectively. The posterior branches of the renal arteries are equally visceral, paired, being called testicular arteries. Distal to the latter, both the caudal mesenteric artery and deep circumflex iliac arteries originate. Finally, two large external iliac arteries and its terminal branches composed of internal iliac arteries and the median sacral artery originate. In addition, five pairs of lumbar arteries originate alongside the abdominal segment of the aorta. Considering these findings, it is possible to conclude that despite the hoary fox being a wild animal, the anatomy of its abdominal aorta is very similar to that of domestic canids.A raposa-do-campo (Lycalopex vetulus) é o menor canídeo brasileiro, cujo peso varia entre 2 e 4 quilos, possui corpo esguio, a cabeça é pequena, focinho curto e enegrecido. Considerada uma espécie endêmica, pouco se sabe a seu respeito, e é um dos sete canídeos menos estudados no mundo. Assim, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever a anatomia da parte abdominal da artéria aorta em raposa-do-campo e comparar com dados literários pré-estabelecidos de canídeos domésticos. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizados dois exemplares de raposa-do-campo, adultos, sem idade definida. Os cadáveres dos animais foram recolhidos às margens de rodovias no entorno da Catalão-Goiás, fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e conservados na mesma solução. Os resultados mostraram que a aorta abdominal da raposa-do-campo está localizada sobre a face ventral dos corpos vertebrais da região lombar, levemente deslocada para a esquerda do plano mediano. O primeiro ramo é visceral, denominado artéria celíaca, seguido por um ramoparietal, pareado, as artérias frênico-abdominais. O terceiro e quarto ramos são a artéria mesentérica caudal e as artérias renais direita e esquerda, respectivamente. Os ramos posteriores das artérias renais são igualmente viscerais, pareados, denominados artérias testiculares. Distal à essas últimas, originam-se a artéria mesentérica caudal e as artérias circunflexas ilíacas profundas. Finalmente surgem duas grandes artérias ilíacas externas e os ramos terminais compostos pelas artérias ilíacas internas e artéria sacral mediana. Ao longo do trajeto da aorta abdominal, cinco pares de artérias lombares se originam da face dorsal. Considerando esses achados, pode ser concluído que a anatomia da aorta abdominal da raposa-do-campo é muito similar àquela de canídeos domésticos, embora ela seja um animal silvestre

    The effects of smoking and smoking cessation on nasal mucociliary clearance, mucus properties and inflammation

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to assess nasal mucociliary clearance, mucus properties and inflammation in smokers and subjects enrolled in a Smoking Cessation Program (referred to as quitters). METHOD: A total of 33 subjects with a median (IQR) smoking history of 34 (20-58) pack years were examined for nasal mucociliary clearance using a saccharine transit test, mucus properties using contact angle and sneeze clearability tests, and quantification of inflammatory and epithelial cells, IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations in nasal lavage fluid. Twenty quitters (mean age: 51 years, 9 male) were assessed at baseline, 1 month, 3 months and 12 months after smoking cessation, and 13 smokers (mean age: 52 years, 6 male) were assessed at baseline and after 12 months. Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT02136550. RESULTS: Smokers and quitters showed similar demographic characteristics and morbidities. At baseline, all subjects showed impaired nasal mucociliary clearance (mean 17.6 min), although 63% and 85% of the quitters demonstrated significant nasal mucociliary clearance improvement at 1 month and 12 months, respectively. At 12 months, quitters also showed mucus sneeze clearability improvement (∼26%), an increased number of macrophages (2-fold) and no changes in mucus contact angle or cytokine concentrations. CONCLUSION: This study showed that smoking cessation induced early improvements in nasal mucociliary clearance independent of mucus properties and inflammation. Changes in mucus properties were observed after only 12 months of smoking cessation

    Bringing user experience empirical data to gesture-control and somatic interaction in virtual reality videogames: an exploratory study with a multimodal interaction prototype

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    Comunicação apresentada na SciTecIn15 - Conferência Ciências e Tecnologias da Interação, realizada em Coimbra, de 12-13 de novembro de 2015With the emergence of new low-cost gestural interaction devices various studies have been developed on multi-modal human-computer interaction to improve user experience. We present an exploratory study which analysed the user experience with a multimodal interaction game prototype. As a result, we propose a set of preliminary recommendations for combined use of such devices and present implications for advancing the multimodal field in human-computer interaction

    Stafne's Defect with Buccal Cortical Expansion: A Case Report

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    A rare case of Stafne's bone cavity, type III-G, is reported in a 49-year-old male patient who had been referred to a private clinic for a routine evaluation. The final diagnosis was based on computed tomography. Scintigraphy played a fundamental role in determining the most likely etiology

    Efficacy of pre-exercise low-level laser therapy on isokinetic muscle performance in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes, also known non-insulin-dependent diabetes, is the most prevalent type of the disease and involves defects in the secretion and action of insulin. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the efficacy of pre-exercise low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle performance of the quadriceps femoris in individuals with type 2 diabetes. METHODS/DESIGN: A double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial will be carried out in two treatment phases. In the first phase, quadriceps muscle performance will be evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer and the levels of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase (biochemical markers of muscle damage) will be determined. The participants will then be allocated to four LLLT groups through a randomization process using opaque envelopes: Group A (4 Joules), Group B (6 Joules), Group C (8 Joules) and Group D (0 Joules; placebo). Following the administration of LLLT, the participants will be submitted to an isokinetic eccentric muscle fatigue protocol involving the quadriceps muscle bilaterally. Muscle performance and biochemical markers of muscle damage will be evaluated again immediately after as well as 24 and 48 hours after the experimental protocol. One week after the last evaluation the second phase will begin, during which Groups A, B and C will receive the LLLT protocol that achieved the best muscle performance in phase 1 for a period of 4 weeks. At the end of this period, muscle performance will be evaluated again. The protocol for this study is registered with the World Health Organization under Universal Trial Number U1111-1146-7109. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this randomized clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy of pre-exercise LLLT on the performance of the quadriceps muscle (peak torque, total muscle work, maximum power and fatigue index – normalized by body mass) in individuals with DM-2. The study will support the practice of evidence-based to the use of LLLT in improving muscle performance in Individuals with DM-2. Data will be published after the study is completed