418 research outputs found

    Uprolides N, O and P from the Panamanian Octocoral Eunicea succinea.

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    Three new diterpenes, uprolide N (1), uprolide O (2), uprolide P (3) and a known one, dolabellane (4), were isolated from the CH₂Cl₂-MeOH extract of the gorgonian octocoral Eunicea succinea, collected from Bocas del Toro, on the Caribbean coast of Panama. Their structures were determined using spectroscopic analyses, including 1D and 2D NMR and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) together with molecular modeling studies. Compounds 1-3 displayed anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting production of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Interleukin (IL)-6 induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in murine macrophages

    Afectaciones psicosociales del trastorno disfórico premenstrual

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    Describir las afectaciones psicosociales del trastorno disfórico premenstrualEsta monografía compilatoria aborda como temática central las afectaciones psicosociales del trastorno disfórico premenstrual caracterizado por ser una afección en la cual las mujeres que lo padecen presentan afectaciones psicológicas, fisiológicas, comportamentales y del estado de ánimo, causando consecuencias en un rango de 3 a 8% de las féminas, lo cual se traduce en incapacidad, además de generar problemas con la familia y el entorno laboral (Bianchi et al., 2003). Esta monografía pretende mostrar las diferentes posiciones que plantean diversos estudios y autores a través de artículos que arrojan luz sobre las afectaciones psicosociales presentes en las mujeres que lo padecen.This compilation monograph deals with the psychosocial effects of premenstrual dysphoric disorder as a central theme. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a condition in which women who suffer from it present psychological, physiological, behavioral and mood disorders, causing consequences in a range of 3 to 8% of females, which translates into disability, in addition of generating problems with the family and the work environment. This monograph aims to show the different positions raised by various studies and authors through articles that shed light on the psychosocial effects present in women who suffer from it

    Global Citizenship Education: A Curricular Innovation in Social Sciences

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    Este estudio explora una innovación curricular en la clase de ciencias sociales de una escuela pública en Bogotá, Colombia, orientada a integrar algunos de los objetivos de la Educación para la Ciudadanía Mundial en los planes de estudio de los estudiantes de décimo grado. A través de un proyecto de investigación-acción se reformuló el plan de estudios del docente para enriquecerlo con una visión global de los temas tratados. Los resultados muestran cómo a través de estrategias lúdicas e innovadoras los estudiantes comprenden las diferencias entre distintos sistemas de gobierno y el sentido de la participación democrática. Asimismo, por medio de ejercicios comparativos, logran comprender la complejidad del conflicto armado en Colombia, en diálogo con los procesos de transición democrática acontecidos en otros países. Por último, gracias a ejercicios de investigación sobre movimientos sociales globales y al uso de portafolios, analizan las motivaciones y formas de acción de estos movimientos y se identifican empáticamente con la defensa de los derechos humanos. Con esta base, en este artículo se destacan lecciones aprendidas que pueden aportar a los maestros interesados en realizar innovaciones similares en sus aulasThis study explores a curricular innovation in the social studies class of a public school in Bogota, Colombia, in order to integrate some of the Global Citizenship Education objectives in the curricula of tenth grade students. Through an action research project, we were able to reform the teacher’s former plan of studies to enrich it with a global vision of the topics discussed. Results show how, through ludic and innovative strategies, students understand the differences among various government systems, and the sense of democratic participation. Likewise, through comparative exercises, they get to understand the complexity of armed conflict in Colombia, in dialogue with the processes of democratic transition that took place in other countries. Lastly, thanks to research activities about global social movements and to the use of portfolios, students analyze the motives and forms of action of those movements, and empathically identify themselves with the defense of human rights. Learned lessons for teachers interested in conducting similar innovations in their classrooms are highlighte

    Estudio exploratorio sobre la cadena de suministros “verde” y el capital humano “verde” en organizaciones del área metropolitana de Monterrey (Exploratory study on the "green" supply chain and "green" human capital in organizations in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey)

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    La cadena de suministros “verde” (CSV) busca implementar un enfoque sostenible a las operaciones de una organización, de manera que esta pueda reducir su impacto ambiental, no obstante, para llevar a cabo una exitosa implementación de la CSV es necesario que el capital humano de la organización entienda y aprecie la cultura “verde”. Existe una falta de estudios relacionados con la CSV en México, por lo que, se busca aportar una perspectiva exploratoria. El presente estudio tiene la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿cuáles son los factores que están relacionados con el desempeño organizacional?, de la cual se derivan dos objetivos, por un lado, conocer la percepción que los empleados mexicanos tienen sobre la CSV y el capital humano “verde” (CHV) en sus organizaciones, y, por el otro lado, verificar si existe relación entre la CSV y el CHV con el desempeño de las organizaciones mexicanas. Los resultados arrojan que los empleados consideran que la implementación de estos dos elementos es deficiente, debido a que la mayoría de las preguntas tuvieron una media baja, además, se lograron comprobar, parcialmente, las hipótesis planteadas, en cuanto a la relación de la CSV y Alta dirección con el desempeño organizacional, y las relaciones entre el desempeño ambiental y las variables de CHV e Involucramiento

    With two who love each other

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    Medical training deserves an education that stimulates scientific knowledge, in which the cinema and the many audiovisual materials conceived for television are linked as a facilitating entity to the teacher to elevate the student's culture and thus influence the relevance of his management as a future public health professional, committed to the ethics of his practice and in particular to research involving trials. In this sense, programs such as the interview with Dr. Jorge Berlanga Acosta, an eminent researcher in the television space ¨Con dos que se quieran¨, used through debate with medical students, stand out.La formación médica amerita una educación que estimule el conocimiento científico, en la cual el cine y sus muchos materiales audiovisuales concebidos para la televisión se vinculan como un ente facilitador al docente para elevar la cultura del estudiante y con ello incidir en la pertinencia de su gestión como futuro profesional de la salud pública, comprometido con la ética de su praxis y en particular con las investigaciones que implican ensayos en humanos. En este sentido sobresalen programas como la entrevista al Dr. Jorge Berlanga Acosta, eminente investigador en el espacio televisivo «Con dos que se quieran», empleado mediante el debate con los estudiantes de Medicina

    Evaluación de las condiciones de bienestar animal de camélidos sudamericanos ingresados al camal municipal de Huancavelica, Perú

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    La crianza de camélidos sudamericanos domésticos, alpaca y llama, es la principal fuente de subsistencia en la zona altoandina peruana. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar las características de manejo y transporte hacia el camal de los camélidos sudamericanos, considerando los criterios basados en el bienestar animal, usando las lesiones contusas halladas en la carcasa como indicador. Se recolectó información del camal municipal de la ciudad de Huancavelica, Perú. Se seleccionaron 203 canales y se revisaron después de la faena para observar la presencia de lesiones. Se registró información sobre la cantidad de animales transportados, detalles del transporte y características del manejo de los animales. De las 203 canales evaluadas se contabilizó un total de 1,418 lesiones con un promedio de 6.9 ± 0.2 por carcasa, además se registraron cuatro animales con contusión generalizada (1.9 %). Se contabilizaron 27 medios de transporte, siendo la mitad de ellos autos (50.0 %). La presentación de lesiones grados 2 y 3 están asociadas al traslado en cualquier tipo de vehículo (OR= 2.20; IC95%: 1.27 – 3.82) y a la no restricción de visión (OR= 2.26; IC95%: 1.66 – 3.06). También las lesiones extensas están asociadas al tiempo de espera pre-sacrificio mayor a las 24 h (OR= 1.42; IC95%: 0.99 – 2.03). Se evidencia que las malas características de los vehículos, malas condiciones de transporte y manejo, aumentan la probabilidad de encontrar lesiones en las canales. Por lo tanto, no se cumplen con los criterios de bienestar animal durante el manejo y transporte de los camélidos sudamericanos.Raising South American domestic camelids is the main source of subsistence in the Peruvian Andes. Under the understanding that pre-slaughter handling and transport practices can affect meat quality an evaluation was done of South American camelids based on animal welfare criteria and carcass lesions. Data were collected at the Huancavelica municipal slaughterhouse, Peru. A total of 203 carcasses were inspected post-slaughter for lesions from trauma. Information collected on transport included number of animals transported per vehicle, transport characteristics and animal handling practices. Every one of the 203 evaluated carcasses exhibited evidence of pre-slaughter mistreatment. A total of 1,418 lesions were recorded, with an average of 6.9 ± 0.2 per carcass; four animals (1.9 %) exhibited generalized traumas. Of the 27 animal group arrivals, half were in cars (50.0 %). Grade 2 and 3 lesions were associated with transport in any vehicle type (OR= 2.20, 95% CI: 1.27 - 3.82), and no vision restriction (OR= 2.26, 95% CI: 1.66 - 3.06). Large area lesions were associated with pre-slaughter wait times greater than 24 h (OR= 1.42, 95% CI: 0.99 - 2.03). South American camelid transport and handling practices at the studied slaughterhouse were generally poor and clearly compromised carcass quality as evidenced by ubiquitous lesions. Animal welfare criteria and regulations for South American camelids were not fulfilled.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Prescribing patterns of antiparkinson drugs in a group of Colombian patients, 2015

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    Introduction: Parkinson’s disease, whose prevalence in Colombia is 4.7 per 1,000 inhabitants, is a public health problem and a therapeutic challenge for health professionals. Objective: To determine the prescribing patterns of antiparkinson drugs and the variables associated with its use in a population from Colombia. Materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study. We selected patients who had been given antiparkinson drugs uninterruptedly between January 1st and March 31st, 2015 from a systematized database of approximately 3.5 million people affiliated to the Colombian health system. We included sociodemographic, pharmacologic and comedication variables. For the multivariate analysis, we used the IBM SPSS™-22 software. Results: A total of 2,898 patients was included; the mean age was 65.1years, and 50.7% were men; 69.4% (n=2010) of people received monotherapy and 30.6% combination therapy with two to five antiparkinson drugs. The most frequently prescribed drugs were: levodopa 45.5% (n=1,318 patients), biperiden 23.1% (670), amantadine 18.3% (531) and pramipexole 16.3% (471). The most commonly used association was levodopa/carbidopa + entacapone (n=311; 10.7%). Multivariate analysis showed that being male (OR=1.56; 95%CI: 1.321-1.837), over 60 years (OR=1.41; 95%CI 1.112-1.782) and receiving treatment in the city of Barranquilla (OR=2.23; 95%CI 1.675-2.975) were statistically associated with a greater risk of using combination therapy; 68.2% (n=1,977) patients were given concomitant treatment with other drugs. Conclusions: Prescribing habits of drugs with high therapeutic value predominated, mainly in antiparkinson drugs monotherapy. Most were employed in the usual recommended doses. It is necessary to explore the clinical effectiveness of the medications studied and differentiate between disease and parkinsonian syndromes subtypes

    The cinema debates with medicine students to impact preventively on the prostitution

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    Las diversas influencias en materia de educación y arte, constituyen un exponente de labor preventiva contra el sexo transaccional y sus efectos indeseables. En la Facultad de Medicina No.1 de Santiago de Cuba se facilita, mediante el debate de proyecciones cinematográficas que abordan esta temática, el intercambio creativo y reflexivo de estudiantes y docentes teniendo en cuenta las situaciones complejas de la vida que se reflejan en los materiales exhibidos además de promover un modo de actuación acorde a los principios éticos de la medicina cubana.The diverse influences as regards education and art, constitute an exponent of preventive work against the transactional sex and their undesirable effects. In the Ability of Medicine No.1 of Santiago from Cuba is facilitated, by means of the debate of film projections that you/they approach this thematic one, the creative and reflexive exchange of students and educational keeping in mind the complex situations of the life that are reflected in the materials exhibited besides promoting a way of in agreement performance to the ethical principles of the Cuban medicine

    Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in saliva of patients with active infection not associated with periodontal or liver disease severity

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mainly transmitted by parenteral route, being blood transfusion and intravenous drug use the most frequent risk factors. However, it has been suggested that there are other routes of transmission. There are several studies where HCV RNA has been detected in saliva of patients infected with HCV, and epidemiological studies have proposed the dental treatments as possible risk factors for HCV transmission. The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of HCV RNA in saliva of patients with active infection and associating with periodontal or liver disease. METHODS: Patients with quantifiable HCV-RNA in serum were enrolled in the study. Periodontal disease was assessed using the modified gingival index (MGI). Presence of dental plaque was assessed with the use of disclosing tablets. Patients were clinically and laboratory evaluated to identify the stage of liver disease, the HCV RNA was determinate in saliva by nested RT-PCR. To determine associations between different parameters univariate and multivariate analysis were used. RESULTS: A total of 45 patients were included. Of these patients, 21 (46.6%) had hepatitis, 23 (51.1%) had cirrhosis and one patient (2.4%) presented hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Viral loads in serum ranged from 2.31–6.68 log IU/ml with a mean of 5.46 log IU/ml (95% CI 5.23–5.70). HCV RNA was positive in saliva of 29 patients (64.4%) and was not detected in 16 (35.6%). For univariate analysis three independent variables were associated with the detection of HCV-RNA in saliva: gender, viral load and dental plaque and multivariate analysis only one independent variable viral load >5.17 log IU/mL remained significantly associated with the detection of HCV in saliva (p = 0.0002). A statistical difference was observed when viral load was analyzed, log 5.85 IU/mL (95% CI 5.67–6.02) for patients with HCV in saliva vs. log 4.77 IU/mL (95% CI 4.35–5.19) for patients without HCV in saliva (p = 0.0001). The detection of HCV-RNA in saliva was more frequent in patients with relatively high serum viral loads. CONCLUSION: HCV-RNA in saliva was associated with the level of serum viral load but not with periodontal or liver disease severity