101 research outputs found

    Sobre la presencia de Fumaria melillaica Pugsley (Papaveraceae) en Murcia (España)

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    Se cita por primera vez para Murcia Fumaria melillaica Pugsley. Se presenta una ilustración y un mapa revisado

    Sobre la presencia de Orobanche pubescens d'Urv. (Orobanchaceae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Se confirma para España y la Península Ibérica la presencia de Orobanche pubescens d?Urv. Se presenta una ilustración y un mapa de distribución

    Constantino y su cristianismo

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Raúl Villegas MarínEste trabajo de final de grado se centra cronológicamente en el Dominado romano, más concretamente durante el imperio de Constantino I, teniendo en cuenta los hechos anteriores a este y las repercusiones que tuvo su reinado. En especial analizaré la relación que tuvo Constantino con la religión cristiana, sin dejar de lado el culto de tradición romana. Como el cristianismo y el estado empezaron a relacionarse, a entenderse mutuamente.This end-of-degree work focuses chronologically on the Roman Dominate, more concretely during the empire of Constantine I, taking into account the facts previous to this and the repercussions that had its reign. In particular I will analyze the relationship that Constantine had with the Christian religion, without neglecting the cult of Roman tradition. As Christianity and the state began to relate, to understand each other

    Catálogo básico de derechos de las personas migrantes en Argentina

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    Se presenta un catálogo básico y consolidado de derechos de las personas migrantes en Argentina, catálogo básico de derechos elaborado a partir de los instrumentos legales rectores o de referencia en la materia vigentes en el país, con el objetivo de aportar una herramienta de fácil comprensión y utilización tanto para personas migrantes como para funcionarios públicos, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y para la ciudadanía en su conjunto.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    What is a tree in the mediterranean basin hotspot? A critical analysis

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    Background: Tree species represent 20% of the vascular plant species worldwide and they play a crucial role in the global functioning of the biosphere. The Mediterranean Basin is one of the 36 world biodiversity hotspots, and it is estimated that forests covered 82% of the landscape before the first human impacts, thousands of years ago. However, the spatial distribution of the Mediterranean biodiversity is still imperfectly known, and a focus on tree species constitutes a key issue for understanding forest functioning and develop conservation strategies. Methods: We provide the first comprehensive checklist of all native tree taxa (species and subspecies) present in the Mediterranean-European region (from Portugal to Cyprus). We identified some cases of woody species difficult to categorize as trees that we further called “cryptic trees”. We collected the occurrences of tree taxa by “administrative regions”, i.e. country or large island, and by biogeographical provinces. We studied the species-area relationship, and evaluated the conservation issues for threatened taxa following IUCN criteria. Results: We identified 245 tree taxa that included 210 species and 35 subspecies, belonging to 33 families and 64 genera. It included 46 endemic tree taxa (30 species and 16 subspecies), mainly distributed within a single biogeographical unit. The countries with the highest tree richness are Greece (146 taxa), Italy (133), Albania (122), Spain (155), Macedonia (116), and Croatia (110). The species-area relationship clearly discriminated the richest central-eastern (Balkans) and northern (Alpine and Cevenno-Pyrenean) biogeographical provinces, against the five western provinces in the Iberian Peninsula. We identified 44 unrecognized “cryptic trees”, representing 21% of the total trees. Among the 245 taxa identified, 19 are considered to be threatened (15 CR + EN + VU) or near threatened (4 NT) by IUCN. Conclusions: The Mediterranean-European region includes an unsuspectedly high number of tree taxa, almost 200 tree taxa more than in the central European region. This tree diversity is not distributed evenly and culminates in the central-eastern part of the Mediterranean region, whereas some large Tyrrhenian islands shelter several narrow endemic tree taxa. Few taxa are recognized as threatened in the IUCN Red list, and the vulnerability of these species is probably underestimated.French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB). Centre for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity data ANR-11-LABX-006

    Sobre la presencia de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra (Papaveraceae) en la Península Ibérica, 3-7

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    Sur la présence de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra (Papaveraceae) dans la péninsule Ibérique. Les auteurs relatent la découverte de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra pour la région de Catalogne. Ils présentent des illustrations et une carte actualisée de sa répartition en Espagn

    Analysis of the radar distance error structure through a simulation approach

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    Radar precipitation estimates are affected by inherent errors of different sources. Although sophisticated algorithms have been developed to correct several errors, final precipitation products are not free of errors. The study of the remaining errors affecting radar rainfall estimates is becoming as important as the retrieval estimates themselves.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft