1,135 research outputs found

    Spatial market expansion through mergers

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    In this paper we present a model that studies firm mergers in a spatial setting. A new model is formulated that addresses the issue of finding the number of branches that have to be eliminated by a firm after merging with another one, in order to maximize profits. The model is then applied to an example of bank mergers in the city of Barcelona. Finally, a variant of the formulation that introduces competition is presented together with some conclusions.Mergers, facility location, spatial competition

    Role of cytoplasmic cyclin D1 in radial migration of cortical neurons during brain development

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    Ciclina D1 pot interaccionar amb CDK4/6 per promoure el pas de la fase G1 a S en el cicle cel·lular. Recentment, s'ha descobert que cèl·lules cancerígenes sobreexpressen Ciclina D1 per al creixement tumoral, però també pot sortir del nucli per incrementar la capacitat metastàsica de las cèl·lules cancerígenes i la motilitat d’altres tipus cel·lulars. En aquest context, el nostre grup estudia mecanismes moleculars que poden participar en la migració neuronal. D'aquesta manera, la nostra hipòtesi està relacionada amb la possible funció citoplasmàtica de Ciclina D1 en la migració neuronal. En el nostre laboratori, hem vist que Ciclina D1 s'expressa citoplasmàticament en la glia radial i en la membrana basal del telencèfal. Els nostres resultats suggereixen que Ciclina D1 pot controlar la migració radial gràcies a la regulació de l'activitat del citoesquelet i l’adhesió neuronal, per al correcte desenvolupament de les neurones piramidals de la capa V de l’escorça cerebral adulta.Ciclina D1 puede interaccionar con CDK4/6 para promover el paso de la fase G1 a S en el ciclo celular. Recientemente, se ha descubierto que células cancerígenas sobreexpresan Ciclina D1 para su crecimiento tumoral, pero también puede salir del núcleo para incrementar la capacidad metastásica de las células cancerígenas y la motilidad de otros tipos celulares. En este contexto, nuestro grupo estudia mecanismos moleculares que pueden participar en la migración neuronal. De este modo, nuestra hipótesis está relacionada con la posible función citoplasmática de Ciclina D1 en la migración neuronal. En nuestro laboratorio, hemos visto que Ciclina D1 se expresa citoplasmáticamente en la glía radial y en la membrana basal del telencéfalo. Nuestros resultados sugieren que Ciclina D1 puede controlar la migración radial gracias a la regulación de la actividad del citoesqueleto y la adhesión neuronal, para el correcto desarrollo de las neuronas piramidales de la capa V en la corteza cerebral.Cyclin D1 may interact with CDK4/6 to promote the step from G1 to S phase of cell cycle. Recently, it has discovered that cancer cells overexpress Cyclin D1 to the tumor growth, but also it can exit from the nucleus to increase the metastasis capacity of cancer cells and the motility of other cells type. In this context, our group study molecular mechanisms that may mediate in neuronal migration. By this way, our hypothesis is related with the possible cytoplasmic role of Cyclin D1 in the neuronal migration. In our laboratory, we have seen that Cyclin D1 is expressed in the cytoplasm of the RGCs processes and in the basement membrane of telencephalon. Our results suggest that Cyclin D1 may controls radial migration through the activity regulation of cytoskeleton and neuron adhesion, for the correct pyramidal neurons development in the layer V of the adult cerebral cortex

    Achieving the food security strategy by quantifying food loss and waste. A case study of the chinese economy

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    Undernourished and food insecurity are recognized as two highly relevant topics. Approx-imately 820 million people in the world are undernourished and 2 billion people have moderate or severe food insecurity (FAO). In addition, globally roughly one-third of food is not consumed and is wasted. This article aims to provide an updated estimate of food loss and waste (FLW) in China as, in the period 2016–2018, there were still 122 million people in this country experiencing undernourishment. In this research, we use a top-down mass balance approach, discuss how it affects the achievement of SDG 2, Zero Hunger, that it is linked also to target 12.3 that “seeks to halve global food waste at retail and consumer levels, as well as to reduce food loss during production and supply” (United Nations). We point out some challenges that private and public policies still need to overcome to reduce FLW. The results of this research may contribute a more accurate baseline for the design of public policies and strategies related to FLW and the corresponding SDG

    ON. Horizontal Spaces - Lorquí, Murcia. Spain

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    [EN] ON is a place dedicated to leisure and the enjoyment of nature. The English word ON means to start, in reference to a multi space that is active and continuously on. ON is also a heritage and landscape recycling and renovation operation. A cistern-palace, a centennial palm grove, a pine forest and cane field, are the natural elements that unite and regenerate in our project. Each of these elements requires a specific project. A transparent ring, a sequence of terraces, a green space and an esplanade of vehicles and islands, respectively. ON is built in concrete and glass. The solid and transparent are combined to re-construct an old oasis of water and palm trees. The textured, colour or painted concrete creates new paths on the landscape, contributes new ancestral walled structures and creates a shadowed space, organic and transparent, almost invisible.[ES] ON es un lugar destinado al ocio y al disfrute de la naturaleza. La palabra ON remite al término anglosajón encendido, en referencia a un multi-espacio activo y encendido de manera ininterrumpida. ON es también una operación de reciclaje y renovación patrimonial y paisajística. Un palacio-aljibe, un palmeral centenario, una pinada y cañaveral, son los elementos naturales que se unen y regeneran en nuestro proyecto. Cada uno de estos elementos requiere de un proyecto específico. Un anillo transparente, una secuencia de bancales, un espacio verde y una explanada de vehículos e islas, respectivamente. ON está construido en hormigón y vidrio. Lo sólido y lo transparente son combinados para reconstruir un oasis antiguo de agua y palmeras. El hormigón, texturado, coloreado o pintado, genera nuevos caminos sobre el paisaje, aporta nuevas estructuras murarias ancestrales, y crea un espacio en sombra, orgánico y transparente, casi invisible.Durán Fernández, J.; Moreno Ruiz, D. (2020). ON Espacios horizontales - Lorquí, Murcia. España. En IX Congreso Internacional Arquitectura Blanca. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIAB9.2020.10662OC

    On the Normalized Herfindahl-Hirschman Index: A Technical Note

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    We compare the application of two different normalization procedures for the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. We show that structural differences exist between the two indices and derive the conditions for which these differences are more or less substantial

    Applying the model of conscious writing: the case of the collage university student

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    Un modelo de escritura se define como una herramienta pedagógica que permite entrenar a los estudiantes en la actividad de la escritura mediante una práctica consciente. Lo que significa que ellos deben considerar todas las reglas y opciones que poseen al momento de crear un texto. En consecuencia, el modelo debe considerar estos recursos generales para lograr que los estudiantes creen sus propias habilidades de escritura, escriban mejor y desarrollen su estilo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar, describir y presentar un modelo metodológico de escritura basado en la autocorrección (el caso de una estudiante) que ayude a los estudiantes universitarios a mejorar su producción textual académica mediante la producción de textos cotidianos.A writing model is defined as teaching tool that permit to train students in writing activity through a conscious practice. That means they have to consider all the rules and options they have at the moments they produce a writing text. Thus, this model must consider these general resources in order to reach students develop their own writing skills, they can write better and therefore the get their style. The objective of this study is to analyze, describe and present a methodological writing model based on the self-corrections (a college student case) that helps college students to improve their academical textual production by writing everyday text.peerReviewe

    The UHU Open Source Hardware Group

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    Efecto del uso de anticonceptivos hormonales sobre el perfil de coagulación en mujeres donantes de sangre atendidas en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo de julio a diciembre de 2016

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    El principal objetivo fue, evaluar el efecto del uso de anticonceptivos hormonales sobre el perfil de coagulación, en mujeres donantes de sangre atendidas en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, de Julio a Diciembre del 2016; consideradas como la población; extrayéndose una muestra aleatoria de 250, distribuidas en dos grupos (125 cada uno), según el uso o no de AH; con estudio descriptivo – correlacional y diseño de una sola casilla. Los datos fueron obtenidos de encuesta y análisis de muestra sanguínea, para medir factores del perfil de coagulación; siendo analizados con estadística descriptiva, chi cuadrado y prueba “t”. Los resultados indican que los AH influyen en los valores de TPT y fibrinógeno (diferencias significativas); correlación positiva del TPT; siendo inyectable el AH más usado para evitar embarazos. Se concluye que el uso de AH incrementa los valores del perfil de coagulación, sin superar los parámetros establecidos.The main objective was to evaluate the effect of the use of hormonal contraceptives on the coagulation profile in blood donor women treated at the Regional Teaching Hospital of Trujillo, from July to December 2016; considered as the population; extracting a random sample of 250, distributed in two groups (125 each), according to the use or not of AH; with descriptive study - correlational and single-box design. The data were obtained from a blood sample survey and analysis, to measure factors of the coagulation profile; being analyzed with descriptive statistics, chi square and "t" test. The results indicate that AH influence the values of TPT and fibrinogen (significant differences); positive correlation of TPT; the most used HA is injectable to avoid pregnancy. It is concluded that the use of AH increases the values of the coagulation profile, without exceeding the established parameters.Tesi

    Broad application of a simple and affordable protocol for isolating plant RNA

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    BACKGROUND: Standard molecular biological methods involve the analysis of gene expression in living organisms under diverse environmental and developmental conditions. One of the most direct approaches to quantify gene expression is the isolation of RNA. Most techniques used to quantify gene expression require the isolation of RNA, usually from a large number of samples. While most published protocols, including those for commercial reagents, are either labour intensive, use hazardous chemicals and/or are costly, a previously published protocol for RNA isolation in Arabidopsis thaliana yields high amounts of good quality RNA in a simple, safe and inexpensive manner. FINDINGS: We have tested this protocol in tomato and wheat leaves, as well as in Arabidopsis leaves, and compared the resulting RNA to that obtained using a commercial phenol-based reagent. Our results demonstrate that this protocol is applicable to other plant species, including monocots, and offers yield and purity at least comparable to those provided by commercial phenol-based reagents. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we show that this previously published RNA isolation protocol can be easily extended to other plant species without further modification. Due to its simplicity and the use of inexpensive reagents, this protocol is accessible and affordable and can be easily implemented to work on different plant species in laboratories worldwide