623 research outputs found

    The effects of regional scientific opportunities in science-technology flows: Evidence from scientific literature cited in firms' patent data

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    From a spatial perspective, it is well known in the literature on innovation and technological change that scientific research undertaken in the universities plays an important role as an instrument for stimulating economic growth. In general, the analysis of particular spaces, such as high technology districts or regional systems of innovation, has shown, by means of a descriptive methodology, the relevance of scientific research as a driver of regional development. With the application of spatial econometric methods, important contributions have also been made in clarifying the spillover effects of university activities. However, quantitative research on these aspects in regional contexts is still very limited. The objective of this study is to advance, from a quantitative point of view, in the knowledge of the science-technology flows from a regional perspective. We set out to answer the following kinds of question: How are science-technology flows distributed regionally? Which sectors of industry are the most dynamic in their employment of scientific knowledge? Which are the scientific fields that are most closely associated with regional industry? What factors influence the regional variability of science-technology flows? How does regional expenditure on scientific research affect science-technology flows? The methodology utilised in this study is based on the scientific citations in patent documents (NPC), and has previously only been applied in national contexts. In other words, we assume that the NPC citations, or the scientific citations, are an adequate measurement of the science-technology flows in regional contexts, too. After describing the spatial and sectorial patterns, we propose to identify the explanatory factors by modelling the citations in patent documents (taking this variable as a proxy for the science-technology flows) in function of a set of three blocks of explanatory factors: businesses (microeconomic variables), industries (sectorial variables) and spatial contexts (variables of location and of the scientific environment). The model is of the microeconomic type and the most appropriate formulation, given the nature of the endogenous variable, is that of the counted data type. The statistical data originate from a comprehensive review of the 1,643 patents applied for by 1,129 companies, and published during the years 1998 to 2001, both inclusive. The basic source of data is the domestic patent documents themselves, published by the Spanish Office of Patents and Trade Marks. This information has been tabulated to obtain regional indicators of science-technology flows and the variables for inclusion in the model. The statistical treatment of the primary information and the operation of the model provide us with objective data that may serve as an additional point of reference for reflecting on the incidence on the regional productive system of specific measures taken under regional scientific policies.

    The influence of regional location on the innovation activity of Spanish firms: A logit analysis.

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    The set of elements which explain the results of the innovation process undertaken by the firms is an ongoing cause of worry for policy makers. In our case, after analyzing how R+D activities and their results are related to regional development, we will examine the factors which influence investigation activities. Among this factors we shall include both those related to the characteristics of the companies as well as government funding of R+D or the effects of the firms' location. In order to do this a logit model will be created in which the endogenous variable will measure whether or not an enterprise has patented an innovative activity. The final objective of the paper is to provide policy makers with a way of evaluating the results of their policies, as well as to examine the effects of other elements in the process. Keywords: R+D, Regional Development, Technological Policy, Patents.

    Caracterización interlingüística de la producción textual en inglés de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa

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    Los avances en el campo de la educación para el bilingüismo en los programas universitarios han contribuido al esclarecimiento teórico de diferentes aspectos cruciales concernientes al desarrollo y adquisición de una segunda lengua y/o extranjera. Estos avances profundizan en fenómenos interlingüísticos que se evidencian durante la formación bilingüe, por lo que se ha logrado identificar la interlengua como un objeto de estudio. El presente trabajo explora manifestaciones interlingüísticas a partir de los errores, aciertos y la conciencia metalingüística en la producción textual de un grupo de estudiantes-profesores que cursan inglés intermedio en una universidad colombiana. Esta investigación cualitativa adoptó el análisis de contenido, proceso que permitió describir los datos arrojados por los errores y aciertos en la producción textual, los cuales fueron triangulados con un protocolo de acción retrospección. Los resultados revelan construcciones oracionales simples, errores morfosintácticos a nivel local, una baja conciencia metalingüística y la existencia de interdependencia entre la L1 y la L2 como características principales de la interlengua de los participantes. Con estos resultados se propone además generar una visión más amplia sobre los procesos cognitivos y metodológicos relacionados con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera con el fin de ampliar el campo de reflexión y dialogar con los hallazgos precedentes, y de esta manera, abonar al escaso conglomerado de estudios sobre la interlengua a nivel nacional

    Access to universities' public knowledge: Who's more regionalist?

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    Trabajo presentado a la "Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Annual Conference" celebrada en Bergamo (Italia) del 8 al 9 de Noviembre de 2013.Universities strive and are also requested to contribute to public knowledge both within and across local borders. Studies on the geography of knowledge flows have identified a localisation effect; however, studies for Europe do not use the region as the unit of observation and hence do not explore regional patterns. We hypothesise that the localisation of university knowledge flows is directly related to share of firm expenditure on research and development. To test so, we use references to universities in patent documents based on a dataset for 94 EU27 regions in the period 1997-2007. We build indicators for the university knowledge flows both inside and outside the applicant region, which we explain as a function of some proxies for regional research structure based on econometric estimations. We draw some conclusions which may be of practical value to understand the regional role of the private R&D expenditure in fostering local university knowledge flows.Trabajo presentado a la >Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Annual Conference> celebrada en bergamo (Italia) del 8 al 9 de Noviembre de 2013.Peer Reviewe

    Access to Universities' Public Knowledge: Who is More Regionalist?

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    Acosta M., Azagra-Caro J. M. and Coronado D. Access to universities' public knowledge: who is more regionalist?, Regional Studies. This paper tracks university-to-firm patent citations rather than the more usual patent-to-patent or paper-to-patent citations. It explains regional and non-regional citations as a function of firms' absorptive capacity and universities' production capacity in the region rather than explaining citations as a function of distance between citing and cited regions. Using a dataset of European Union regions for the years 1997-2007, it is found that fostering university research and development (R&D) capacity increases the attractiveness of the local university's knowledge base to firms in the region, but also reduces wider searches for university knowledge. Increasing the absorptive capacity of local business encourages firms to access university knowledge from outside the region.This research was extended with funding from Project 2091 of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Project number 201010I004 of the CSIC and by the Junta de Andalucia [project number P08-SEJ-03981].Acosta, M.; Azagra Caro, JM.; Coronado, D. (2016). Access to Universities' Public Knowledge: Who is More Regionalist?. Regional Studies. 50(3):446-459. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2014.923094S44645950

    Análisis de la traducción realizada durante las prácticas profesionales en la Editorial Médica Panamericana: chapter 33. Alterations of Cardiovascular Function

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Traducció Medicosanitària. Codi: SBA032. Curs: 2018/201

    Introducción a los Cristales Líquidos

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    En este trabajo se estudia la descripción teórica de una fase nemática, la transición de fase isotrópica–nemática utilizando la teoría de Landau–de Gennes (LDG) y una simulación molecular de Monte Carlo. La forma más relevante de caracterizar ambas fases es mediante el parámetro de orden orientacional, que es una magnitud física fácil de medir experimentalmente, y la función de correlación de pares. Ambos se relacionan con la función de distribución del sistema, que en principio se desconoce. La transición de fase isotrópica–nemática guarda una estrecha relación con la orientación: la ruptura espontánea de la simetría rotacional de la fase isotrópica da lugar a la fase nemática. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio mediante simulación de Monte Carlo de la transición para un sistema nemático en 3 y 2 dimensiones. Los resultados más destacables para el sistema en 3 dimensiones confirman la fenomenología predicha por la teoría LDG: se distingue una discontinuidad en el parámetro de orden y se encuentra que la transición isotrópica–nemática es débilmente en primer orden. No así en el sistema en 2 dimensiones, en el que se encuentra que la fase nemática desaparece a medida que el sistema se hace más grande, de forma que presenta una transición Kosterlitz–Thouless, y no se predice mediante la teoría LDG.This paper discusses the theoretical description of a nematic phase, the transition from isotropic-nematic by applying the Landau-de Gennes, along with a Monte Carlo molecular simulation. The most relevant way to describe both phases is through orientational order parameter, a physical magnitude that is easy to measure experimentally, and the pair correlation function. Both related to the distribution function of the system, which is unknown. The transition from isotropic-nematic connects with orientation; the spontaneous break of the rotational symmetry in the isotropic phase gives rise to the nematic phase. One of the contributions of this paper consists of the transition for a nematic system in three and two dimensions applying a Monte Carlo simulation. The main findings for a system in three dimensions confirm the prediction of the LDG theory: it can be observed a discontinuity in the order parameter, and the transition isotropic-nematic is weak in its first order. However, in the two dimensions system, the nematic phase gets vanished when the system grows, in such a way that it resembles a Kosterlitz–Thouless transition, and it is not predicted by the LDG theory.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Física e Ingeniería de Materiale

    El Papa Francisco y su presencia en los medios: Análisis de su representación en la prensa española

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    La tesis relaciona el impacto mediático del Papa Francisco con la ideología política de cuatro diferentes medios on-line

    The production of university technological knowledge in European regions: evidence from patent data

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    This paper explores the European regional distribution of the production of new technological knowledge generated by universities, as measured by patent counts. The empirical basis for this study is a unique panel data set of 4,580 European university patents from 1998 to 2004. Our main findings were a strong regional and sectoral concentration of patents, and no average relation between university technological specialization and industrial specialization. Furthermore, our results suggest that variations in regional R&D funding do affect patenting activities in regions, with elasticities showing constant returns to scale, but no evidence was found regarding the industrial potential of the region encouraging the production of new university technological knowledge

    Aspectos destacados del VII congreso internacional de nutrición vegetariana: Featured aspects of the VII vegetarian nutrition international congress

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    El VII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición Vegetariana (CINV) se realizó del 26 al 28 de febrero del 2018 en Loma Linda, CA. Este evento se realiza cada 5 años y convoca a los principales expertos de la dieta basada en plantas para exponer al personal del área de la salud y personas interesadas, las más recientes investigaciones que se han realizado en este aspecto de la nutrición1. Los ponentes fueron reconocidos médicos, investigadores y expertos en nutrición de distintas instituciones médicas y educativas alrededor del mundo como la Universidad de Harvard, la Universidad de Loma Linda, la Universidad de Yale, la Universidad de Oxford, la Universidad de Otago, la Universidad de Toronto, entre otras. El tema del VII CINV de este año fue “Nutrición basada en plantas para la salud personal, de la población y del planeta”. Bajo este enfoque se expusieron los beneficios de seguir esta alimentación para prevenir, controlar e incluso revertir algunas de las enfermedades no transmisibles como la diabetes mellitus, la hipertensión arterial, la obesidad y el cáncer. DOI: 10.25176/RFMH.v18.n2.129