76 research outputs found

    Isomorphism of Commutative Group Algebras over all Fields

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    It is argued that the commutative group algebra over each field determines up to an isomorphism its group basis for any of the following group classes: • Direct sums of cocyclic groups • Splitting countable modulo torsion groups whose torsion parts are direct sums of cyclics; • Splitting groups whose torsion parts are separable countable • Groups whose torsion parts are algebraically compact • Algebraically compact groups These give a partial positive answer to the R.Brauer’s classical problem

    Rings with Jacobson units

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    We introduce and study the notion of JU rings, that are, rings having only Jacobson units. In parallel to the so-called UU rings, these rings also form a large class and have many interesting properties established in the present paper. For instance, it is proved that any exchange JU ring is semi-boolean, and vice versa. This somewhat extends a result due to Lee-Zhou (Glasg. Math. J., 2008) and Danchev-Lam (Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2016)

    On exchange π-UU unital rings

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    We prove that a ring R is exchange 2-UU if, and only if, J(R) is nil and R/J(R)≅B×C, where B is a Boolean ring and C is a ring with C ⊆ Πμ ℤ₃ for some ordinal μ. We thus somewhat improve on a result due to Abdolyousefi-Chen (J. Algebra Appl., 2018) by showing that it is a simple consequence of already well-known results of Danchev-Lam (Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2016) and Danchev (Commun. Korean Math. Soc., 2017)

    Basic subgroups in abelian group rings

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    summary:Suppose RR is a commutative ring with identity of prime characteristic pp and GG is an arbitrary abelian pp-group. In the present paper, a basic subgroup and a lower basic subgroup of the pp-component Up(RG)U_p(RG) and of the factor-group Up(RG)/GU_p(RG)/G of the unit group U(RG)U(RG) in the modular group algebra RGRG are established, in the case when RR is weakly perfect. Moreover, a lower basic subgroup and a basic subgroup of the normed pp-component S(RG)S(RG) and of the quotient group S(RG)/GpS(RG)/G_p are given when RR is perfect and GG is arbitrary whose G/GpG/G_p is pp-divisible. These results extend and generalize a result due to Nachev (1996) published in Houston J. Math., when the ring RR is perfect and GG is pp-primary. Some other applications in this direction are also obtained for the direct factor problem and for a kind of an arbitrary basic subgroup

    Subgroups of the basic subgroup in a modular group ring

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    Warfield Invariants of V(RG)/GV(RG)/G

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    Let RR be a commutativeunitary ring of prime characteristic pp and let GG be an Abelian group. We calculateonly in terms of RR and GG (and their sections)Warfield pp-invariants of thequotient group V(RG)/GV(RG)/G, that is, the group of all normalized units V(RG)V(RG) in the groupring RGRG modulo GG. This supplies recent results of ours in (Extr. Math., 2005),(Collect. Math., 2008) and (J. Algebra Appl., 2008)

    Invo-regular unital rings

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    It was asked by Nicholson (Comm. Algebra, 1999) whether or not unit-regular rings are themselves strongly clean. Although they are clean as proved by Camillo-Khurana (Comm. Algebra, 2001), recently Nielsen and Ster showed in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2018 that there exists a unit-regular ring which is not strongly clean. However, we define here a proper subclass of rings of the class of unit-regular rings, called invo-regular rings, and establish that they are strongly clean. Interestingly, without any concrete indications a priori, these rings are manifestly even commutative invo-clean as defined by the author in Commun. Korean Math. Soc., 2017