55 research outputs found

    Pilot Study on the Investigation of Tear Fluid Biomarkers as an Indicator of Ocular, Neurological, and Immunological Health in Astronauts

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    The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the collection, preparation, and analysis of tear biomarkers as a means of assessing ocular, neurological, and immunological health. At present, no published data exists on the cytokine profiles of tears from astronauts exposed to long periods of microgravity and space irradiations. In addition, no published data exist on cytokine (biomarker) profiles of tears that have been collected from irradiated non-human biological systems (primates and other animal models). A goal for the proposed pilot study is to discover novel tear biomarkers which can help inform researchers, clinicians, epidemiologist and healthcare providers about the health status of a living biological system, as well as informing them when a disease state is triggered. This would be done via analysis of the onset of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading up to the full progression of a disease (i.e. cancer, loss of vision, radiation-induced oxidative stress, cardiovascular disorders, fibrosis in major organs, bone loss). Another goal of this pilot study is to investigate the state of disease against proposed medical countermeasures, in order to determine whether the countermeasures are efficacious in preventing or mitigating these injuries. An example of an up and coming tear biomarker technology, Ascendant Dx, a clinical stage diagnostic company, is developing a screening test to detect breast cancer using proteins from tears. The team utilized Liquid Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry with Mass analysis (LC MS/MS) as a discovery platform followed by validation with ELISA to come up with a panel of protein biomarkers that can differentiate breast cancer samples from control ("cancer free") samples with results far surpassing the results of imaging techniques in use today. Continued research into additional proteins is underway to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the test and development efforts are on the way to transfer the test onto a fast, accurate and inexpensive point of care platform. In conclusion, the expected results from this proposed pilot study are to: a) establish an SOP for retrieving/storing/transporting tear fluid samples from multicentre sites b) establish a normal range for relevant biomarkers in tears; and c) establish a database (biobank) of tears of space nave versus veteran astronauts, to establish a personal baseline for long-term ocular health monitorin

    Revisiting cannabinoid receptor 2 expression and function in murine retina.

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    The cannabinoid receptor CB2 plays a significant role in the regulation of immune function whereas neuronal expression remains a subject of contention. Multiple studies have described CB2 in retina and a recent study showed that CB2 deletion altered retinal visual processing. We revisited CB2 expression using immunohistochemistry and a recently developed CB2-eGFP reporter mouse. We examined the consequence of acute vs. prolonged CB2 deactivation on the electroretinogram (ERG) responses. We also examined lipidomics in CB2 knockout mice and potential changes in microglia using Scholl analysis. Consistent with a published report, in CB2 receptor knockout mice see an increased ERG scotopic a-wave, as well as stronger responses in dark adapted cone-driven ON bipolar cells and, to a lesser extent cone-driven ON bipolar cells early in light adaptation. Significantly, however, acute block with CB2 antagonist, AM630, did not mimic the results observed in the CB2 knockout mice whereas chronic (7 days) block did. Immunohistochemical studies show no CB2 in retina under non-pathological conditions, even with published antibodies. Retinal CB2–eGFP reporter signal is minimal under baseline conditions but upregulated by intraocular injection of either LPS or carrageenan. CB2 knockout mice see modest declines in a broad spectrum of cannabinoid-related lipids. The numbers and morphology of microglia were unaltered. In summary minimal CB2 expression is seen in healthy retina. CB2 appears to be upregulated under pathological conditions. Previously reported functional consequences of CB2 deletion are an adaptive response to prolonged blockade of these receptors. CB2 therefore impacts retinal signaling but perhaps in an indirect, potentially extra-ocular fashion.post-print8285 K

    Factors underlying metastatic breast cancer patients' perceptions of symptom importance: a qualitative analysis

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    The symptom literature in cancer has primarily examined symptom severity, frequency and distress. Assessing cancer patients' perceptions of symptom importance-how important it is for them to see improvement in a symptom following an intervention-and factors influencing these judgments would also inform patient-centred care, but this analysis has not been undertaken. This qualitative study aimed to identify factors underlying perceptions of symptom importance among 25 symptomatic metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients. Participants were recruited from a cancer centre in the Midwestern USA. Semi-structured interviews focused on patients' rationale for considering common symptoms (i.e., anxiety, sadness, sleep problems, pain or fatigue) to be important. Thematic analyses revealed five interrelated factors underlying MBC patients' perceptions of symptom importance: activity restriction, concentration difficulties, exacerbation of other physical symptoms, symptom-related long-term health concerns and negative impact on their relationships with others. Patients most frequently stated that a physical or psychological symptom was important because of the resulting activity restriction. Additionally, some patients considered pain to be important because it signalled potential long-term health concerns, such as worsening metastatic disease. Findings suggest that clinicians should take into account MBC patients' perceptions of symptom importance and factors underlying these judgments when making shared treatment decisions

    Lessons Learned from the First 10 Years of the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture’s Grassland Restoration Incentive Program (GRIP)

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    The Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture (OPJV) was formed in 2008 as a public-private partnership of agencies and organizations working across jurisdictional boundaries in portions of Texas and Oklahoma, USA. The OPJV’s major focus is reversing declines of bird populations by supporting strategic habitat conservation (biological planning, conservation design, conservation delivery, mission-based monitoring, and assumption-driven research) for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), grasslandobligate species, and their respective habitats. Our objective for this paper is to document and share a decade of lessons learned in developing a partnership-based native grassland conservation program to meet grassland bird conservation targets. We share lessons learned about how to manage partnership-based, large-scale habitat incentive programs to better target project locations and habitat practice types. To establish initial shared purpose, OPJV partners drew from population and habitat objectives in various state, national, and international bird conservation plans, stepped down to ecoregion levels, to establish the OPJV Grassland Bird Conservation Business Plan. The plan has 4 strategies directly contributing to the achievement of OPJV grassland bird biological objectives that are directly supported by OPJV staff or resources (or both). The overall objective for 2015–2025 was 619,978 ha (1,532,000 acres) improved within 40 focal counties, representing 1/3 of all counties in the OPJV. Our main strategy was to provide financial incentives through the OPJV Grassland Restoration Incentive Program (GRIP) to private landowners for conducting beneficial grassland bird habitat management practices. Since inception in 2013, GRIP has treated over 44,515 ha (110,000 acres) on private lands in Texas and Oklahoma, with the goal of maintaining highquality grassland bird habitat on treated hectares for ≥5 years. In 2017, OPJV partners working with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, began a 5-year, $6.1 million partnership to provide additional technical and financial assistance to private landowners interested in grassland conservation through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). A project scoring system was designed to strategically encourage individual projects to include prescribed fire—one of the lowest cost practices per hectare—as a recurring practice to maintain program-achieved grassland improvements. Post-inception of the RCPP, the area treated with prescribed fire increased from approximately 809 ha (2,000 acres)/year to 3,237 ha (8,000 acres)/ year, while maintaining average annual hectares of all other beneficial practices. Beginning in 2013, bird point count surveys were conducted annually to monitor northern bobwhite and grassland bird populations, including a subset of points under the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) Coordinated Implementation Plan. To date, nearly 25,000 individual point counts have been performed in Texas (n = 20,111) and Oklahoma (n = 4,558). Working together, OPJV partners have made significant progress toward meeting grassland bird habitat and population objectives, while tracking progress and improving methods. However, there is still considerable work ahead

    Socially-augmented argumentation tools: rationale, design and evaluation of a debate dashboard

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    Collaborative Computer-Supported Argument Visualization (CCSAV) is a technical methodology that offers support for online collective deliberation over complex dilemmas. As compared with more traditional conversational technologies, like wikis and forums, CCSAV is designed to promote more critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning, by using representations that highlight conceptual relationships between contributions, and through computational analytics that assess the structural integrity of the network. However, to date, CCSAV tools have achieved adoption primarily in small-scale educational contexts, and only to a limited degree in real world applications. We hypothesise that by reifying conversations as logical maps to address the shortcomings of chronological streams, CCSAV tools underestimate the importance of participation and interaction in enhancing collaborative knowledge-building. We argue, therefore, that CCSAV platforms should be socially augmented in order to improve their mediation capability. Drawing on Clark and Brennan’s influential Common Ground theory, we designed a Debate Dashboard, which augmented a CCSAV tool with a set of widgets that deliver meta-information about participants and the interaction process. An empirical study simulating a moderately sized collective deliberation scenario provides evidence that this experimental version outperformed the control version on a range of indicators, including usability, mutual understanding, quality of perceived collaboration, and accuracy of individual decisions. No evidence was found that the addition of the Debate Dashboard impeded the quality of the argumentation or the richness of content

    Facile synthesis of B/g-C3N4 composite materials for the continuous-flow selective photo-production of acetone

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    In this work versatile boron–carbon nitride composite materials were synthesized and utilized in a sustainable process using sunlight as the energy source for the continuous-flow selective photocatalytic production of acetone from 2-propanol. It is worth highlighting that the sample preparation was carried out by an environmentally friendly strategy, without a solvent or additional reagents. Samples containing boron in 1–10 wt% were subjected to physico-chemical characterization using XRD, porosimetry, UVvisible spectroscopy, TEM, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and XPS. The reaction output was analyzed on the basis of the reaction rate, selectivity and quantum efficiency of the process. A correlation analysis between catalytic properties with two observables, the boron phase distribution in the materials and charge handling efficiency (measured using photoluminescence), rationalizes photoactivity. Such an analysis indicates that the presence of an amorphous boron metallic phase and its contact with the carbon nitride component are key to setting up a renewable and easily scalable chemical process to obtain acetone.MINECO (Spain) ENE2016-77798-C4-1-RConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)Secretaria de Ciencia Tecnologia e Innovacion of CDMX (SECTEI, Mexico)MINECO CTQ2016-78289-PEuropean Union (EU)RUDN University Program 5-10

    Do Bat Gantries and Underpasses Help Bats Cross Roads Safely?

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    Major roads can reduce bat abundance and diversity over considerable distances. To mitigate against these effects and comply with environmental law, many European countries install bridges, gantries or underpasses to make roads permeable and safer to cross. However, through lack of appropriate monitoring, there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. Three underpasses and four bat gantries were investigated in northern England. Echolocation call recordings and observations were used to determine the number of bats using underpasses in preference to crossing the road above, and the height at which bats crossed. At gantries, proximity to the gantry and height of crossing bats were measured. Data were compared to those from adjacent, severed commuting routes that had no crossing structure. At one underpass 96% of bats flew through it in preference to crossing the road. This underpass was located on a pre-construction commuting route that allowed bats to pass without changing flight height or direction. At two underpasses attempts to divert bats from their original commuting routes were unsuccessful and bats crossed the road at the height of passing vehicles. Underpasses have the potential to allow bats to cross roads safely if built on pre-construction commuting routes. Bat gantries were ineffective and used by a very small proportion of bats, even up to nine years after construction. Most bats near gantries crossed roads along severed, pre-construction commuting routes at heights that put them in the path of vehicles. Crossing height was strongly correlated with verge height, suggesting that elevated verges may have some value in mitigation, but increased flight height may be at the cost of reduced permeability. Green bridges should be explored as an alternative form of mitigation. Robust monitoring is essential to assess objectively the case for mitigation and to ensure effective mitigation

    Structural and Functional Roles of Coevolved Sites in Proteins

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    Understanding the residue covariations between multiple positions in protein families is very crucial and can be helpful for designing protein engineering experiments. These simultaneous changes or residue coevolution allow protein to maintain its overall structural-functional integrity while enabling it to acquire specific functional modifications. Despite the significant efforts in the field there is still controversy in terms of the preferable locations of coevolved residues on different regions of protein molecules, the strength of coevolutionary signal and role of coevolution in functional diversification.In this paper we study the scale and nature of residue coevolution in maintaining the overall functionality and structural integrity of proteins. We employed a large scale study to investigate the structural and functional aspects of coevolved residues. We found that the networks representing the coevolutionary residue connections within our dataset are in general of 'small-world' type as they have clustering coefficient values higher than random networks and also show smaller mean shortest path lengths similar and/or lower than random and regular networks. We also found that altogether 11% of functionally important sites are coevolved with any other sites. Active sites are found more frequently to coevolve with any other sites (15%) compared to protein (11%) and ligand (9%) binding sites. Metal binding and active sites are also found to be more frequently coevolved with other metal binding and active sites, respectively. Analysis of the coupling between coevolutionary processes and the spatial distribution of coevolved sites reveals that a high fraction of coevolved sites are located close to each other. Moreover, approximately 80% of charge compensatory substitutions within coevolved sites are found at very close spatial proximity (<or= 5A), pointing to the possible preservation of salt bridges in evolution.Our findings show that a noticeable fraction of functionally important sites undergo coevolution and also point towards compensatory substitutions as a probable coevolutionary mechanism within spatially proximal coevolved functional sites

    Interview with Anna Maria Dailey [2010]

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    Tears as the Next Diagnostic Biofluid: A Comparative Study between Ocular Fluid and Blood

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    The need to easily isolate small molecular weight proteins and genomic fragments has prompted a search for an alternative biofluid to blood that has traversed sweat, urine, saliva, and even breath. In this study, both the genomic and proteomic profiles of tears and blood are evaluated to determine the similarity and differences between the two biofluids. Both fluids were tested utilizing microarray panels for identifying proteins as well as isolation of microRNA for sequencing. As anticipated, most (118) of the proteins detected in plasma were also detected in the tear samples, with tear samples also showing 34 unique proteins that were not found in the plasma. Over 400 microRNAs were isolated in both samples with 250 microRNA fragments commonly expressed in both tears and blood. This preliminary analysis, along with simplicity of collection and processing, lends credence to further investigate tears as an alternative biofluid to blood