405 research outputs found

    Radar-absorbent properties of a foam glass with gallium arsenide addition

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    The principal possibility of using wastes of semiconductor devices production containing gallium arsenide as a component of radio-absorbing material was established. The composition formulation including perlite, liquid glass, complex blowing agent and waste is developed. It is shown that with increase the waste amount in the composition from 10 to 30 wt. % the absorption coefficient increases from 80 to 98%, the transmission coefficient decreases to zero. The obtained results indicate a high absorbing capacity of composite in the frequency range of 120 - 260 GHz that refers to ultrasonic waves

    Bescheidenes Wissen - unbescheidene Ansprüche. Neurowissenschaft und Gewaltforschung – Ambivalenzen eines neu entstehenden Kontrollregimes. Eine Analyse aus sozialwissenschaftlicher und historischer Sicht

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    Becker P, Bergmann W, Ellerbrock D, Heitmeyer W, Schumann D, Thome H. Bescheidenes Wissen - unbescheidene Ansprüche. Neurowissenschaft und Gewaltforschung – Ambivalenzen eines neu entstehenden Kontrollregimes. Eine Analyse aus sozialwissenschaftlicher und historischer Sicht. ZiF-Mitteilungen. 2008;2008(4):5-8

    Evaluation of a new approach for semi-automatic segmentation of the cerebellum in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Cerebellar dysfunction is an important contributor to disability in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), however, few in vivo studies focused on cerebellar volume loss so far. This relates to technical challenges regarding the segmentation of the cerebellum. In this study, we evaluated the semi-automatic ECCET software for performing cerebellar volumetry using high-resolution 3D T1-MR scans in patients with MS and healthy volunteers. We performed test-retest as well as inter-observer reliability testing of cerebellar segmentation and compared the ECCET results with a fully automatic cerebellar segmentation using the FreeSurfer software pipeline in 15 MS patients. In a pilot matched-pair analysis with another data set from 15 relapsing-remitting MS patients and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC), we assessed the feasibility of the ECCET approach to detect MS-related cerebellar volume differences. For total normalized cerebellar volume as well as grey and white matter volumes, intrarater (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)=0.99, 95% CI=0.98-0.99) and interobserver agreement (ICC=0.98, 95% CI=0.74-0.99) were strong. Comparison between ECCET and FreeSurfer results likewise yielded a good intraclass correlation (ICC=0.86, 95% CI=0.58-0.95). Compared to HC, MS patients had significantly reduced normalized total brain, total cerebellar, and grey matter volumes (p≤0.05). ECCET is a suitable tool for cerebellar segmentation showing excellent test-retest and inter-observer reliability. Our matched-pair analysis between MS patients and healthy volunteers suggests that the method is sensitive and reliable in detecting cerebellar atrophy in M

    Перевод котельной месторождения в районе г. Нижневартовска на водогрейный режим.

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    Целью работы является перевод котла ДКВр-10-13 с парового режима работы в водогрейный. В связи с поставленной задачей была подобрана схема перевода парового котла ДКВр-10-13 в водогрейный режим, проведен тепловой, гидравлический и аэродинамический расчет котла, технико-экономический расчет котельной, а так же рассмотрены вопросы безопасности жизнедеятельности работников котельной.The aim is to transfer the boiler DKVr-10-13 with steam mode to hot water. In connection with the task of thermal, hydraulic and aerodynamic calculation of the boiler, technical and economic calculation boiler, as well as the issues of life safety professionals boiler was selected transfer circuit boiler DKVr-10-13 in hot water mode performed

    Expression of distinct RNAs from 3′ untranslated regions

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    The 3′ untranslated regions (3′UTRs) of eukaryotic genes regulate mRNA stability, localization and translation. Here, we present evidence that large numbers of 3′UTRs in human, mouse and fly are also expressed separately from the associated protein-coding sequences to which they are normally linked, likely by post-transcriptional cleavage. Analysis of CAGE (capped analysis of gene expression), SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) and cDNA libraries, as well as microarray expression profiles, demonstrate that the independent expression of 3′UTRs is a regulated and conserved genome-wide phenomenon. We characterize the expression of several 3′UTR-derived RNAs (uaRNAs) in detail in mouse embryos, showing by in situ hybridization that these transcripts are expressed in a cell- and subcellular-specific manner. Our results suggest that 3′UTR sequences can function not only in cis to regulate protein expression, but also intrinsically and independently in trans, likely as noncoding RNAs, a conclusion supported by a number of previous genetic studies. Our findings suggest novel functions for 3′UTRs, as well as caution in the use of 3′UTR sequence probes to analyze gene expression

    Твердофазно-спектрофотометрическое определение ртути с использованием дифенилкарбазона

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    Объектом исследования является полимерный датчик с иммобилизированным реагентом для определения ионов ртути. Целью работы является создание оптического сенсора для твёрдофазно-спектрофотометрического определения ртути на основе полимерной матрицы. В процессе выполнения магистерской диссертации проведен анализ существующих методов определения ртути, проверена возможность применения твердофазной спектрофотометрии для определения ионов ртути, подобраны оптимальные условия иммобилизации реагента (время, pH), получены калибровочные зависимости, рассмотрены вопросы ресурсоэффективности и безопасности данного исследования.The object of the study is a polymer sensor with an immobilized reagent for the determination of mercury ions. The aim of the work is to create an optical sensor for solid-phase-spectrophotometric determination of mercury based on a polymer matrix. During execution master thesis analyzed existing mercury determination methods verified the possibility of applying solid phase spectrophotometry to determine the mercury ions, optimal conditions are selected immobilization reagent (time, pH), prepared according to the calibration, the issues of security and resource efficiency of the study

    A critical time window of Sry action in gonadal sex determination in mice

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    In mammals, the Y-linked sex-determining gene Sry cell-autonomously promotes Sertoli cell differentiation from bipotential supporting cell precursors through SRY-box containing gene 9 (Sox9), leading to testis formation. Without Sry action, the supporting cells differentiate into granulosa cells, resulting in ovarian development. However, how Sry acts spatiotemporally to switch supporting cells from the female to the male pathway is poorly understood. We created a novel transgenic mouse line bearing an inducible Sry transgene under the control of the Hsp70.3 promoter. Analysis of these mice demonstrated that the ability of Sry to induce testis development is limited to approximately 11.0-11.25 dpc, corresponding to a time window of only 6 hours after the normal onset of Sry expression in XY gonads. If Sry was activated after 11.3 dpc, Sox9 activation was not maintained, resulting in ovarian development. This time window is delimited by the ability to engage the high-FGF9/low-WNT4 signaling states required for Sertoli cell establishment and cord organization. Our results indicate the overarching importance of Sry action in the initial 6-hour phase for the female-to-male switching of FGF9/WNT4 signaling patterns

    Cell cycle analysis of fetal germ cells during sex differentiation in mice

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    Background information. Primordial germ cells in developing male and female gonads are responsive to somatic cell cues that direct their sex-specific differentiation into functional gametes. The first divergence of the male and female pathways is a change in cell cycle state observed from 12.5 dpc (days post coitum) in mice. At this time XY and XX germ cells cease mitotic division and enter G1/G0 arrest and meiosis prophase I respectively. Aberrant cell cycle regulation at this time can lead to disrupted ovarian development, germ cell apoptosis, reduced fertility and/or the formation of germ cell tumours