10 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Identitas Budaya Banyumasan dalam Kaus Dablongan

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    Di wilayah Banyumas banyak beredar kaus oblong yang mengklaim sebagai kaus oblong Banyumasan. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana identitas budaya Banyumasan dikonstruksikan dalam salah satu merk kausoblong tersebut, yakni kaus Dablongan. Kaos Dablongan adalah kaos sablon yang diproduksi oleh orangBanyumas yang menampilkan tulisan-tulisan ungkapan tradisi lisan Banyumas. Ciri yang membedakan kaosDablongan dari kaos oblong lainnya adalah teks dalam desainnya yang menggunakan bahasa Banyumasan.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan denganmengobservasi berbagai teks yang ada dalam kaos Dablongan, baik teks visual maupun teks verbalnya. Kemudian,peneliti menentukan empat kaus Dablongan sebagai unit analsis. Selanjutnya teks tersebut dianalisa denganmenggunakan pendekatan semiotik dari Rolland Barthes. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa teks visual danverbal yang terdapat dalam desain kaos Dablongan sebagian besar mengkonstruksikan karakteristik khasmasyarakat Banyumas yang sekaligus merupakan identitas budayanya. Karakteristik tersebut antara lain nilai-nilaikejujuran yang dalam bahasa Banyumas disebut cablaka. Identitas budaya lainnya adalah masyarakat Banyumasyang religius, pantang menyerah, adaptif, kreatif, egaliter dan pekerja keras


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    Kaus oblong Banyumasan sering menampilkan situasi dan isu aktual dalam setiap desainnya, seperti persoalan pendidikan, politik, budaya dan dinamika sosial kemasyarakatan yang terjadi di Banyumas. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana representasi perubahan sosial yang dapat terbaca dalam desain kaus oblong Banyumasan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotik dari Rolland Barthes. Data penelitian berupa desain kaus oblong Banyumasan merk Dablongan Clothing. Data tersebut dianalisis melalui dua tahap penafsiran, dimana penafsiran makna tataran pertama selanjutnya dijadikan pijakan dalam menafsirkan makna tataran kedua. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa sebagian besar desain kaus oblong Banyumasan merupakan representasi sekaligus kritik terhadap perubahan sosial di Banyumas. Perubahan sosial yang dimaksud antara lain tentang penataan kota yang tidak humanis; perubahan masyarakat agrarais menjadi kota industri; dan gaya hidup masyarakat Banyumas yang adaptif terhadap modernitas dalam hal konsumsi makanan-makanan bergaya barat.

    Revitalisasi dan Konservasi Permainan Anak Tradisional Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Kabupaten Banyumas sangat kaya akan potensi wisata, namun potensi tersebut baru dinikmati oleh segelintir orang. Oleh karena itu, tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Tujuan khususnya adalah melakukan inventori terhadap berbagai permainan anak tradisional di Kabupaten Banyumas untuk dijadikan pangkalan data dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Sasaran penelitiannya adalah seniman, budayawan dan para pamong budaya. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa di Kabupaten Banyumas terdapat banyak permainan anak tradisional, baik yang memiliki unsur tembang  dan kesenangan, olah fikir maupun olahraga dan ketangkasan. Ragam permainan anak tradisional tersebut sebagian besar berada di ambang kepunahan karena tergilas oleh terpaan globalisasi berupa menjamurnya mainan dan permainan anak modern. Selain itu, Pemkab Banyumas belum melakukan upaya serius untuk melestarikan permainan anak tradisional. Kesimpulannya, revitalisasi permainan anak tradisional menjadi aset wisata, bisa menjadi salah satu strategi untuk melestarikan permainan anak tradisional sekaligus mengembangkan wisata Banyumas. Revitalisasi dimulai dengan inventori dan dokumentasi ragam permainan anak tradisional, mensosialisasikannya dan  menjadikannya sebagai atraksi wisata

    The Bureaucratization of Collaborative Governance in Realizing Tourism Villages during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Winduaji Village, Paguyangan Brebes

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    The development of nature-based tourism that can be used as a way of empowering rural communities during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be a solution to improve the economic conditions of the community. The problem is that the village does not have the same perspective in developing nature-based tourism villages. As a result of this, various problems arise in the development of natural tourism. This study aims to analyze the collaborative governance process in building tourist villages, their problems, and solutions. The research method is descriptive qualitative, with the process of collecting data through in-depth interviews, observations, and FGDs. The results showed that collaboration between stakeholders often leads to horizontal conflicts, awareness of the COVID-19 process is difficult to build in tourism development, and collaborative governance is more bureaucratic. This research can conclude that the development of nature-based tourism is a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic, but building public awareness of the importance of COVID-19 health protocols in tourism services is an obstacle. In addition, the bureaucratization of the collaboration process of governance hinders the development of natural tourism. Keywords: tourism village, collaborative governance, COVID-19 pandemi

    Konflik dalam Tradisi Nyumbang (Studi Tradisi Nyumbang Dengan Sistem Pinggelan Di Desa Plana Kecamatan Somagede Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    Abstract This study aims to explain the conflict in the minggel tradition in the Plana Village, Somagede District, Banyumas Regency with a socio-cultural perspective. The tradition of giving is able to have an influence on social and cultural life for the community, where donation is an inseparable part of social life. Plana Village has three donation systems, namely the pinggelan system, the social gathering system and the regular donation system. The tradition of donating in society does not have a clear written law regarding the donating process, so people only donate according to cultural traditions that have been carried out for generations. The emergence of conflicts in the tradition of donating is caused by a discrepancy in the donating process with what is the goal in donating. The nature of the pekewuh owned by the village community makes them try to donate, even though they are faced with the inability to donate. The tradition of donating has an exchange system for both goods and services used to donate, what is used to donate will return to the donor at a predetermined time. Every donation transaction made by the community has a record book that each person has. The Plana Village community has two forms of donation systems, each of which has differences. Contributing pinggelan and donating arisan, where donations with the pinggelan system are done when the celebration has not yet started, while donating to the arisan system is done when the celebration is in progress. Keywords: Conflict, Minggel, Contributing Pingela

    Policies to Protect Children during the Pandemic in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality

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    COVID-19 has affected Indonesia in the health aspect and social, economic, and human rights, especially for vulnerable groups. The pandemic also multiplied the injustice experienced by women, children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians died, experienced by not only the elderly, the most vulnerable group, but also the productive age population. Children have to face two kinds of threats at once, the threat of COVID-19 exposure and the potential of losing their parents. Abandoned forever by their father, mother, or both parents due to exposure to COVID-19, causing many children to be orphaned. According to the data of the Indonesian COVID-19 Handling Task Force, on July 20, 2021, 11,045 children were orphaned. Another data informed that the number of children exposed to COVID-19 was 350,000 children, and 777 children of that died. There are two main purposes of the study to answer the research problem. First, to identify the problems of children as the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Second, to map out the policies and stakeholders which are able to provide protection for children as the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The results of the study showed that various ministries and national governments have had certain policies to protect children as victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, these policies have not integrated with each other and have not been implemented optimally in the regions.&nbsp

    The Bureaucratization of Collaborative Governance in Realizing Tourism Villages during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Winduaji Village, Paguyangan Brebes

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    The development of nature-based tourism that can be used as a way of empowering rural communities during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be a solution to improve the economic conditions of the community. The problem is that the village does not have the same perspective in developing nature-based tourism villages. As a result of this, various problems arise in the development of natural tourism. This study aims to analyze the collaborative governance process in building tourist villages, their problems, and solutions. The research method is descriptive qualitative, with the process of collecting data through in-depth interviews, observations, and FGDs. The results showed that collaboration between stakeholders often leads to horizontal conflicts, awareness of the COVID-19 process is difficult to build in tourism development, and collaborative governance is more bureaucratic. This research can conclude that the development of nature-based tourism is a solution during the COVID-19 pandemic, but building public awareness of the importance of COVID-19 health protocols in tourism services is an obstacle. In addition, the bureaucratization of the collaboration process of governance hinders the development of natural touris


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    Desa Gununglurah, di Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah merupakan wilayah yang hingga tahun 2011 masih sangat terkurung oleh lebatnya hutan dan lekuk-lekuk Gunung Slamet. Akses masyarakat setempat kepada pendidikan sangatlah rendah. Namun demikian, hingga kurun waktu setahun setelah itu, di tengah masih kuatnya kegagahan alam, MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) PAKIS –Piety, Achievement, Knowledge, Integrity, Sincerity – dibangun dan dikembangkan oleh warga setempat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kiprah MTs PAKIS di desa Gununglurah selama ini serta mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan upaya pengembangan sekolah komunitas itu sendiri. Penelitian yang mendasari tulisan ini dilaksanakan secara kualitatif dan data diperoleh melalui focused group discussion bersama murid dan para relawan MTs PAKIS serta orang tua murid MTs PAKIS. Sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan, MTs PAKIS meberikan layanan pendidikan melalui pemberian pelajaran-pelajaran umum sebagaimana di sekolah-sekolah SMP. Namun demikian, metode pembelajarannya tidak murni instruksional layaknya pendidikan formal. Belajar mandiri, membaca, dan berdiskusi adalah model pembelajaran utamanya. Bersamaan dengan itu, MTs PAKIS juga mengajak murid-muridnya untuk bercocok tanam, beternak, dan memelihara ikan di kolam. Hal ini dilakukan agar para murid mengenal lingkungan geografis, sosial, dan kultural wilayahnya sendiri. MTs PAKIS tentulah sekolah non-formal namun ia bukanlah model pendidikan masyarakat atau pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat namun gabungan secara eklektik keduanya dan merupakan sekolah yang dibangun oleh-untuk-bagi masyarakat: sebuah sekolah komunitas. Meskipun model pendidikan tersebut tidak dikenal di dunia pendidikan namun merupakan alternatif lain bagi masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraannya sendiri di tengah keterbatasannya.  Gununglurah village, in Cilongok district, Banyumas regency, Central Java, is an area which in 2011 still surrounded by thick forest and valley of Slamet volcano. Its community has low access on education. However, a year later, in the middle of mighty surroundings, they build MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) PAKIS –Piety, Achievement, Knowledge, Integrity, Sincerity – to cope with their need of education. The purpose of this article is to describe and explain educational process in MTs PAKIS and its developing progress as community school. The research as the basis of this article accomplished through qualitatuve method and the data collected through focused group discussion with MTs PAKIS volunteers, its students and their parents. As an educational institution, MTs PAKIS delivers educational service through general courses as in formal junior high school (SMP). However, its method of delivering such courses is not instructional as in formal school of SMP. Self taught by reading, learning, and discussion is the main method of MTs PAKIS in delivering educational activities. MTs PAKIS also brought the students to learn and practice farming, raising livestock, and home-fishing activities. These activities carried out in order to familiarized students with their surroundings. MTs PAKIS is non-formal school. However, it is not community education services or center of community learning activity. MTs PAKIS is an eclectic mix of them and a school build by-to-for the community: a community school. It is hardly to find its recognizeable definitions in the realm of education. Nevertheless, it is an alternative or complementory way for community to increase their quality of life and well-being in their own inadequacy.Key words: education, MTs PAKIS, Community schoo


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    Upacara ngasa merupakan ritual adat yang sudah ada sejak dulu hingga saat ini dan dilakukan sekali dalam setahun oleh masyarakat di Kampung Budaya Jalawastu. Upacara ngasa dipengaruhi oleh berbagai kepercayaan yang berkembang sesuai masanya. Hal tersebut membuat upacara ngasa mengandung nilai religius yang cukup kompleks. Untuk itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk aktualisasi nilai religius dalam upacara ngasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, serta teori  tindakan sosial sebagai landasan analisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa: (1) aktualisasi nilai religius dalam upacara ngasa di Kampung Buaya Jalawatu  mengandung nilai religius yang dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan; Animisme-Dinamisme, Sunda Wiwitan, Hindu-Budha, dan Islam. (2) aktualisasi nilai religius tersebut diwujudkan dalam lima hal, yaitu: waktu pelakanaan upacara ngasa, tempat upacara ngasa berlangsung, peralatan yang digunakan dalam upacara ngasa, makanan yang disajikan dalam upacara ngasa, dan pakaian yang dikenakan pada upacara ngasa. (3)