19 research outputs found

    HIV-1 gp120 influences the expression of microRNAs in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells via STAT3 activation

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    Background: MicroRNAs (miRs) are an abundant class of small non-coding RNAs (~22 nt) that reprogram gene ex- pression by targeting mRNA degradation and translational disruption. An emerging concept implicates miR coup- ling with transcription factors in myeloid cell development and function, thus contributing to host defense and inflammation. The important role that these molecules play in the pathogenesis of HIV-1 is only now emerging. Results: We provide evidence that exposure of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs) to recombinant HIV-1 R5 gp120, but not to CCR5 natural ligand CCL4, influences the expression of a panel of miRs (i.e., miR-21, miR-155 and miR-181b) regulated by STAT3 and potentially targeting genes belonging to the STAT3 signaling pathway. The blockage of gp120-induced STAT3 activation impairs gp120 capacity to modulate the expression level of above mentioned miRs. Predictive analysis of miR putative targets emphasizes that these miRs share common target genes. Furthermore, gene ontology and pathway enrichment analysis outline that these genes mainly belong to biological processes related to regulation of transcription, in a complex network of interactions involving pathways relevant to HIV-DC interaction. Conclusions: Overall, these results point to gp120-triggered modulation of miR expression via STAT3 activation as a novel molecular mechanism exploited by HIV-1 to affect DC biology and thus modulate the immune response through complex regulatory loops involving, at the same time, miRs and transcription factors

    Computational Challenges in miRNA Target Predictions: To Be or Not to Be a True Target?

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    All microRNA (miRNA) target—finder algorithms return lists of candidate target genes. How valid is that output in a biological setting? Transcriptome analysis has proven to be a useful approach to determine mRNA targets. Time course mRNA microarray experiments may reliably identify downregulated genes in response to overexpression of specific miRNA. The approach may miss some miRNA targets that are principally downregulated at the protein level. However, the high-throughput capacity of the assay makes it an effective tool to rapidly identify a large number of promising miRNA targets. Finally, loss and gain of function miRNA genetics have the clear potential of being critical in evaluating the biological relevance of thousands of target genes predicted by bioinformatic studies and to test the degree to which miRNA-mediated regulation of any “validated” target functionally matters to the animal or plant

    Quantification of Small Non-Coding RNAs Allows an Accurate Comparison of miRNA Expression Profiles

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are highly conserved ∼22-mer RNA molecules, encoded by plants and animals that regulate the expression of genes binding to the 3′-UTR of specific target mRNAs. The amount of miRNAs in a total RNA sample depends on the recovery efficiency that may be significantly affected by the different purification methods employed. Traditional approaches may be inefficient at recovering small RNAs, and common spectrophotometric determination is not adequate to quantify selectively these low molecular weight (LMW) species from total RNA samples. Here, we describe the use of qualitative and quantitative lab-on-a-chip tools for the analysis of these LMW RNA species. Our data emphasize the close correlation of LMW RNAs with the expression levels of some miRNAs. We therefore applied our result to the comparison of some miRNA expression profiles in different tissues. Finally, the methods we used in this paper allowed us to analyze the efficiency of extraction protocols, to study the small (but significant) differences among various preparations and to allow a proper comparison of some miRNA expression profiles in various tissues

    Bioinformatics Tools and Novel Challenges in Long Non-Coding RNAs (lncRNAs) Functional Analysis

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    The advent of next generation sequencing revealed that a fraction of transcribed RNAs (short and long RNAs) is non-coding. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have a crucial role in regulating gene expression and in epigenetics (chromatin and histones remodeling). LncRNAs may have different roles: gene activators (signaling), repressors (decoy), cis and trans gene expression regulators (guides) and chromatin modificators (scaffolds) without the need to be mutually exclusive. LncRNAs are also implicated in a number of diseases. The huge amount of inhomogeneous data produced so far poses several bioinformatics challenges spanning from the simple annotation to the more complex functional annotation. In this review, we report and discuss several bioinformatics resources freely available and dealing with the study of lncRNAs. To our knowledge, this is the first review summarizing all the available bioinformatics resources on lncRNAs appeared in the literature after the completion of the human genome project. Therefore, the aim of this review is to provide a little guide for biologists and bioinformaticians looking for dedicated resources, public repositories and other tools for lncRNAs functional analysis

    Recent Insights and Novel Bioinformatics Tools to Understand the Role of MicroRNAs Binding to 5' Untranslated Region

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression through the binding of the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of specific mRNAs. MiRNAs are post-transcriptional regulators and determine the repression of translation processes or the degradation of mRNA targets. Recently, another kind of miRNA-mediated regulation of translation (repression or activation) involving the binding of miRNA to the 5'UTR of target gene has been reported. The possible interactions and the mechanism of action have been reported in many works that we reviewed here. Moreover, we discussed also the available bioinformatics tools for predicting the miRNA binding sites in the 5'UTR and public databases collecting this information

    Recent Insights and Novel Bioinformatics Tools to Understand the Role of MicroRNAs Binding to 5\u27 Untranslated Region

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression through the binding of the 3\u27 untranslated region (3\u27UTR) of specific mRNAs. MiRNAs are post-transcriptional regulators and determine the repression of translation processes or the degradation of mRNA targets. Recently, another kind of miRNA-mediated regulation of translation (repression or activation) involving the binding of miRNA to the 5\u27UTR of target gene has been reported. The possible interactions and the mechanism of action have been reported in many works that we reviewed here. Moreover, we discussed also the available bioinformatics tools for predicting the miRNA binding sites in the 5\u27UTR and public databases collecting this information

    Mirnome analysis reveals novel molecular determinants in the pathogenesis of diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging disease with a broad spectrum of liver conditions. The complex molecular pathogenesis of NAFLD is still unclear. In this study, we conducted an analysis of microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles in liver of rats made NAFLD by different diets. To this aim, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed ad libitum for 3 months with different diets: standard diet (SD), diet enriched in fats and low in carbohydrates (HFD), SD with high fructose (SD-HF) and diet with high levels of fats and fructose (HFD-HF). Our results demonstrated that the treatment with different dietetic regimens caused a significant increase of the body weight and the alteration of some metabolic parameters compared with control animals, as well as various liver injuries. The miRNAs analysis showed the significant downregulation of three miRNAs (miR-122, miR-451 and miR-27) and the upregulation of miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-429 in HFD, SD-HF and HFD-HF rats. Besides, miR-21 expression was significantly decreased only in fructose-enriched diets. These miRNAs target molecules involved in the control of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, signal transduction, cytokine and chemokine-mediated signaling pathway and apoptosis. Western blot analysis of PKC delta, LITAF, ALDOLASE-A, p38MAPK, PTEN, LIPIN1, EPHRIN-A1, EPHA2 and FLT1 showed a diet-induced deregulation of all these proteins. Interestingly, the expression pattern of LITAF, PTEN, LIPIN1, EPHRIN-A1, EPHA2 and FLT1 might be well explained by the trend of their specific mRNAs, by potentially regulatory miRNAs, or both. In conclusion, we highlight for the first time the potential involvement of novel determinants (miRNAs and proteins) in the molecular pathogenesis of diet-induced NAFLD. Laboratory Investigation (2011) 91, 283-293; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2010.166; published online 18 October 2010Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging disease with a broad spectrum of liver conditions. The complex molecular pathogenesis of NAFLD is still unclear. In this study, we conducted an analysis of microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles in liver of rats made NAFLD by different diets. To this aim, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed ad libitum for 3 months with different diets: standard diet (SD), diet enriched in fats and low in carbohydrates (HFD), SD with high fructose (SD-HF) and diet with high levels of fats and fructose (HFD-HF). Our results demonstrated that the treatment with different dietetic regimens caused a significant increase of the body weight and the alteration of some metabolic parameters compared with control animals, as well as various liver injuries. The miRNAs analysis showed the significant downregulation of three miRNAs (miR-122, miR-451 and miR-27) and the upregulation of miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-429 in HFD, SD-HF and HFD-HF rats. Besides, miR-21 expression was significantly decreased only in fructose-enriched diets. These miRNAs target molecules involved in the control of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, signal transduction, cytokine and chemokine-mediated signaling pathway and apoptosis. Western blot analysis of PKCδ, LITAF, ALDOLASE-A, p38M.A.PK, PTEN, LIPIN1, EPHRIN-A1, EPHA2 and FLT1 showed a diet-induced deregulation of all these proteins. Interestingly, the expression pattern of LITAF, PTEN, LIPIN1, EPHRIN-A1, EPHA2 and FLT1 might be well explained by the trend of their specific mRNAs, by potentially regulatory miRNAs, or both. In conclusion, we highlight for the first time the potential involvement of novel determinants (miRNAs and proteins) in the molecular pathogenesis of diet-induced NAFLD. © 2011 USCAP, Inc All rights reserved