342 research outputs found

    Expression patterns of terpene biosynthesis-related genes and resin production analysis in seedlings of Pinus elliottii Engelm

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    As sessile organisms, plants must rely on a diverse array of chemical and physiological defenses to avoid and/or tolerate abiotic and biotic stresses. Pinaceae species produce resin rich in defensive terpenes which are exploited by industry. In order to identify young plants of Pinus elliottii (slash pine) that produce a higher quantity of resin, three different methodologies were tested to measure this potential in plants previously known to synthesize high and low quantities of resin. Resin exuded after bark removal and application of a chemical stimulant (methyl jasmonate) was quantified in parallel with qRT-PCR evaluations of transcriptional changes of genes related to the synthesis of terpenes and ethylene-responsive transcription factors. In addition, a gravimetric analysis of the resin content in brachyblasts was performed. The first two approaches proved to faithfully reflect the seedling’s capacity to yield resin, since consistent differences in resin weight and corresponding level of expression of several of the genes examined were observed for the two contrasting phenotypes. On the other hand, brachyblast resin gravimetry did not show significant difference between the phenotypes. To sum up, both resin weighing after bark removal and terpene and ethylene related gene expression properly reflected resin yield capacity, which may be useful for earlier selection of elite individuals to establish superresinous forests aiming at supplying the resin industry. In addition, resin production seems to be regulated at least partially by transcriptional activity in young slash pine trees

    Proportion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescription in equine practice

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    BACKGROUND: There is little knowledge of the prescription of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and whether their prescription varies between countries. OBJECTIVE: To describe prescription practices of NSAIDs in equids in the United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA) and Canada. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive observational study. METHODS: Free-text electronic medical records from 141,543 equids from 10 equine practices in the UK, 255,777 equids from 7 equine practices with 20 branches from the USA and 2 practices with 7 branches from Canada were evaluated. A validated text-mining technique was used to describe the proportion of equids prescribed NSAIDs at least once in these countries. The choice of NSAIDs in orthopaedic and colic cases was evaluated. RESULTS: The prescription of NSAIDs is more common in the USA (42.4%) and Canada (34.2%) than in the UK (28.6%). Phenylbutazone and flunixin meglumine were the drugs mostly prescribed in all countries. While flunixi meglumine was most prescribed with colic cases in all countries, a proportion received phenylbutazone despite this drug being licensed for use only with musculoskeletal disease. Phenylbutazone was the most commonly prescribed drug in cases with orthopaedic disease followed by flunixin meglumine in all countries. Only a small proportion of cases received meloxicam, ketoprofen or firocoxib. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The retrospective design might have resulted in an unknown number of incomplete records, particularly in the reporting of colic and orthopaedic disease. Although the data set is large, the relatively small number of practices recruited from each country may introduce bias. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical practice can differ between countries although the influence of individual practitioners and practice-specific policy on apparent intercountry differences requires further research. Despite several other NSAIDs being available and a substantial effort being made to evaluate their efficacy, the prescription of NSAIDs other than phenylbutazone and flunixin meglumine remains rather limited

    Assessment of a methodology for determination of H[2]O[2] concentration and pH in exhaled breath condensate in horses with and without lower airway inflammation

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    Measurement of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration and pH in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is useful for detection and monitoring of diseases of the lower respiratory tract in humans, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In contrast, limited information on the use of these parameters for the investigation of lower airway inflammation (LAI) is available for horses. Aims of the current study were to develop a device to collect EBC from non-sedated horses, assess inter-day and intra-day variability of EBC H2O2 concentration and pH and determine if there was an association between these parameters and the presence and severity of LAI. The methodology used for collection of EBC was adapted from that used in a previous study (Wyse et al. 2005) and was evaluated for its repeatability. Hydrogen peroxide was measured using previously reported analytic methods (Wyse et al. 2005). During studies for the determination of a methodology for measurement of pH in EBC, samples of EBC were divided into 3 aliquots. One aliquot was left non-deaerated, one aliquot was deaerated with argon and one aliquot underwent standardisation with CO2. The pH of each aliquot was measured using a bench pH meter. The most repeatable measurement of EBC pH was obtained from plain samples (i.e. non-dearated). Intra-day and inter-day variability of H2O2 concentration and pH were assessed by collecting and analysing EBC three times a day for 3 consecutive days. For H2O2 the variability in concentrations was large (60-103%), while the pH of EBC had little variability (3-7%). No significant difference in the intra-day or inter-day H2O2 concentrations or pH measurements were found in control or LAI horses, except for inter-day H2O2 concentration in horses with LAI (p=0.019). There was no significant difference in EBC H2O2 concentration between control horses (Mean +/- SD) and horses with LAI (mean +/- SD). There was no significant difference in EBC pH between control horses (Mean +/- SD) and horses with LAI (mean +/- SD), however a trend for a reduced pH in horses with LAI was observed (p= 0.079). The results of this study suggest that EBC H2O2 concentration is not suitable for detecting mild LAI or monitoring horses with LAI due to the high variability. The pH of EBC is more stable overtime and the measurements are more repeatable than H2O2 concentration and further studies are required to improve the stability of its measurement and to assess its sensitivity in a population of horses with more severe LAI against healthy controls. Further studies are also required to determine whether determination of H2O2 concentration in EBC is useful for detection of marked LAI in horses

    Potilaan lämpötaloudesta huolehtiminen leikkauksen aikana : kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty yhteistyössä Laurean ammattikorkeakoulun ja Naistenklinikan kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kehittää leikkauspotilaiden hoitotyötä ja tuottaa naistentautien leikkausosastolle uusinta tietoa potilaan lämpötaloudesta ja sen merkityksestä potilaan hoidon kannalta sekä, millä keinoin potilasta voidaan pitää lämpimänä leikkauksen aikana. Opinnäytetyö toteutetaan kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka avulla tuotetaan uutta tietoa tutkittavasta aiheesta. Opinnäytetyöhön otettiin mukaan 6 artikkelia, jotka analysoitiin sisältöanalyysillä. Kaikki mukaan otetut artikkelit olivat englanninkielisiä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat sen, että potilaan lämmittäminen pre- ja intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa ennaltaehkäisee hypotermiaa ja siitä johtuvat komplikaatiot. Passiivinen lämmittäminen esimerkiksi puuvilla tai heijastava viltti vain pitää lämmön ja on riittämätön estämään perioperatiivista hypotermiaa. Pakkoilmapuhallin (FAW) todettiin tehokkaaksi lämmitysmenetelmäksi. Tehokkainta oli potilaan lämmittäminen ennen leikkausta sekä leikkauksen aikana. Leikkauspotilaan pitäminen lämpimänä on hyvin tärkeätä, sillä hypotermia aiheuttaa vakavia komplikaatioita leikkauspotilaille. Se saattaa muun muassa lisätä alttiutta haavainfektioille aiheuttamalla verisuonten supistumista ja heikentynyttä immuniteettia

    Relatório de estágio curricular em clínica e cirurgia de pequenos animais e animais selvagens: Diabetes mellitus tipo II em sagui-de-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicillata) - relato de caso

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.A disciplina de estágio curricular obrigatório possibilita que o acadêmico aplique os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do curso de Medicina Veterinária na rotina de trabalho, permitindo a assimilação da teoria através da prática. Optou-se por realizar o estágio em clínica e cirurgia, tanto de pequenos animais como de animais selvagens com o intuito de adquirir o máximo de conhecimento possível, pois são áreas que se complementam. O estágio curricular na área de clínica e cirurgia de pequenos animais, foi realizado no Hospital VetCentral (HVC), em Charneca da Caparica, Setubal, Portugal. Já o estágio curricular na área de clínica e cirurgia de animais selvagens foi realizado no Centro de Medicina e Pesquisa em Animais Selvagens (CEMPAS) da UNESP, em Botucatu, São Paulo, e, em seguida, no Núcleo de Conservação e Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres – Preservas da UFRGS, em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo relatar as atividades desenvolvidas e acompanhadas pela acadêmica Janyni Duz durante o período de estágio curricular obrigatório em medicina veterinária.The compulsory curricular traineeship discipline allows the academic to apply the knowledge acquired during of Veterinary Medicine course in the routine of work, allowing the assimilation of theory through practice. It was decided to carry out the traineeship in clinical and surgery, both of small animals and wild animals in order to acquire the maximum knowledge possible, because are areas that complement each other. The curricular traineeship in the area of small animal clinical and surgery was carried out at VetCentral Hospital (HVC) in Charneca da Caparica, Setubal, Portugal. The curricular traineeship in the area of clinical and surgery of wild animals was carried out at the Centro de Medicina e Pesquisa em Animais Selvagens (CEMPAS) of UNESP, in Botucatu, São Paulo, and then at the Núcleo de Conservação e Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres - Preservas of the UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The present work of course completion aims to report the activities developed and accompanied by the academic Janyni Duz during the period of compulsory curricular traineeship in veterinary medicine

    Biochemical and epidemiological investigations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug usage and related side effects in equids

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in equine veterinary practice. These drugs exert their effect by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, which control prostaglandin production, a major regulator of tissue perfusion. Two isoforms of COX enzymes exist: COX-1 is physiologically present in tissues, while COX-2 is up-regulated during inflammation and has been indicated as responsible for the negative effects of an inflammatory response. Evidence suggests that NSAIDs that inhibit only COX-2, preserving the physiological function of COX-1 might have a safer profile. Studies that evaluate the effect of NSAIDs on COX enzymes are all performed under experimental conditions and none uses actual clinical patients. The biochemical investigations in this work focus on describing the effect on COX enzymes activity of flunixin meglumine and phenylbutazone, two non-selective COX inhibitors and firocoxib, a COX-2 selective inhibitor, in clinical patients undergoing elective surgery. A separate epidemiological investigation was aimed at describing the impact that the findings of biochemical data have on a large population of equids. Electronic medical records (EMRs) from 454,153 equids were obtained from practices in the United Kingdom, United States of America and Canada. Information on prevalence and indications for NSAIDs use was extracted from the EMRs via a text mining technique, improved from the literature and described and validated within this Thesis. Further the prevalence of a clinical sign compatible with NSAID toxicity, such as diarrhoea, is reported along with analysis evaluating NSAID administration in light of concurrent administration of other drugs and comorbidities. This work confirms findings from experimental settings that NSAIDs firocoxib is COX-2 selective and that flunixin meglumine and phenylbutazone are non-selective COX inhibitors and therefore their administration carries a greater risk of toxicity. However the impact of this finding needs to be interpreted with caution as epidemiological data suggest that the prevalence of toxicity is in fact small and the use of these drugs at the labelled dose is quite safe

    Technological evolution of the exams of paternity and its juridical validity

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    Orientador: Eduardo DarugeDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A ciência e a tecnologia vêm se sobrepujando constantemente e seus avanços repercutem nas deliberações do Poder Judiciário. Decisões sobre paternidade baseadas em técnicas, atualmente suplantadas pelo avanço da ciência, têm sido questionadas judicialmente, colocando em evidência a atividade do perito judicial. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar de que maneira tem sido interpretada a responsabilidade do perito que emitiu laudos com resultados de exames de paternidade realizados em época anterior à utilização dos exames de DNA, para esse mesmo fim. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho de pesquisa foram analisados 200 exames de investigação de paternidade, realizados entre os anos de 1994 a 2001, pela técnica dos antígenos eritrocitátios e leucocitátios e 30 exames de investigação de paternidade realizados no ano de 2006, empregando-se a técnica de DNA, todos realizados na FOP-UNICAMP - Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Departamento de Odontologia social, Área de Odontologia Legal e Deodontologia. Foram analisados, também, os aspectos jurídicos dos exames de paternidade avaliando 20 julgados ocorridos no perído entre 1991 e 2006, pelos tribunais pátrios, para verificar como tem sido vista a responsabilidade do perito pelos nossos julgadores. Toda pesquisa foi realizada na Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba -UNICAMP. Atingido o seu termo, este trabalho de pesquisa científica permitiu concluir que a utilização dos exames pelos antígenos eritrocitários e até mesmo dos antígenos leucocitários, levava a um nível de credibilidade absoluta apenas quando excluíam a paternidade acusada; que os exames de DNA oferecem um índice de certeza de 99,99% em casos de investigação de paternidade, que os tribunais passaram a flexibiliar a coisa julgada material em ações nagatórias de paternidade com pedidos baseados em exames de DNA e que o perito, tendo se valido dos limites impostos pela técnica disponível em cada época, não podia ser responsabilizado pela reforma da sentença em ação negatória de paternidade, com base no exame de DNAAbstract: The science and the technology come if constantly surpassing and its progresses rebound in the deliberations of the Judiciary Power. Decisions on paternity set in techniques, now supplanted by the progress of the science, they have been questioned judicially, placing in evidence the activity of the judicial expert. In that context, the present research work had for objective to investigate that way has been interpreted the responsibility of the expert that emitted legal issue with results of exams of paternity accomplished in time previous to the use of the exams of DNA, for that same end. For the development of this research work 200 exams of investigation of paternity were analyzed, accomplished among the years from 1994 to 2001, by the technique of the antigens eritrocitátios and leucocitátios and 30 exams of investigation of paternity accomplished in the year of 2006, being used the technique of DNA, everybody accomplished in FOP-UNICAMP - Ability of Dentistry of Piracicaba, Department of social Dentistry, Area of Legal Dentistry and Deodontology. They were analyzed, also, the juridical aspects of the exams of paternity evaluating 20 judged happened in the period between 1991 and 2006, for the tribunals of the homeland, to verify as the responsibility of the expert has been seen by our judges. Every research was accomplished in the Ability of Dentistry of Piracicaba - UNICAMP. Reached its term, this work of scientific research allowed to end that the use of the exams for the antigens eritrocitários and even of the antigens leucocitários, it just took at a level of absolute credibility when they excluded the paternity accused; that the exams of DNA offer an index of certainty of 99,99% in cases of investigation of paternity, that the tribunals passed the to move the thing judged material in actions that deny of paternity with requests based on exams of DNA and that the expert, having been worth of the limits taxes for the available technique in each time, it could not be made responsible by the reform of the sentence in action that deny of paternity, with base in the exam of DNAMestradoOdontologia Legal e DeontologiaMestre em Odontologia Legal e Deontologi

    Energy Harvesting Technologies: roadway transportation and atmospheric water gathering in Smart City

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    Jednou z hlavních části konceptu "Chytré Město" je energetická stabilita. S rostoucím počtem lidí ve městech se zvyšuje spotřeba elektrické energii. Pro řešení dáného problému se vyvijí zařízení, které sbírají energií a transformují ji. Uvedená zařízení transformují energii okolního prostředí v elektřinu. Dopravní prostředky a atmosfera jsou obnovitelné zdroje energie s velkým potenciálem. Cílem tohoto článku je prezentovat prototypy s jejich výstupními charakteristikámiproject no. FEKT-S-20-6215, New approaches in the use of modern micro and nanoelectronicsOne of the main parts of the "Smart City" concept is energy sustainability. The increasing number of people in cities increases the consumption of electrical energy. To solve this problem, energy harvesting and conversion devices (EHCDs) are developed. These devices convert environmental energy to electricity. Roadway transportation and the atmosphere are renewable sources with a large potential. The aim of the article is to present prototypes with their output characteristic

    The frequency of complementary and integrative medicine methods in headache patients and their spending habits

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    Background It is known that complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) methods are especially used by patients with chronic headaches. The aim of our study is to increase the knowledge on this topic, to provide objective data about use in Turkish headache patients. Methods This study included 425 patients with headache. The survey form prepared was filled in under the supervision of a health professional. The questionnaire included 2 items, about CIM methods and finance. Results Among the patients evaluated, 316 were female, and 109 were male. All of 52% answered yes to the question “did you ever use any CIM treatment method for headaches during your life?”. The most frequently used methods were combined (herbal+one or more other method) (29.6%), herbal (9.4%) and cupping therapy (4.2%). Among the patients that used combined methods, 26.9% had spent 30–100TL (5–25euro), 20.6% had spent 100–300TL (25–70euro), 26.9% had spent 300–500TL (70–120euro) and the last two groups that formed 12.6% had spent 500–1000 (120–250euro) and >1000TL (>250euro). Conclusion Half of the patients that applied to outpatient clinic with headaches use one or more of these methods and make budgets in accordance with their income levels. Physicians should have sufficient knowledge and clinical opinions about the CIM methods used by headache patients

    Reuse and recycle solutions in refineries by ozone-based advanced oxidation processes: A statistical approach

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    [EN]Fresh water sources are under pressure globally by the increasing population and consequently increasing production, which increases the water demand day by day. Thus, decreasing the industrial fresh water demand and wastewater production became crucial both for the water availability in the future and for its impact to the environment. This study examined the ozone-based treatments as the possible solution to a refinery to treat the effluent already treated by the traditional techniques to reach the final requirements for reuse and recycle purposes. The screening tests performed by fractional factorial design revealed that the significant parameters for the treatment were ozone feed ratio, H2O2 amount and processing time while pH was found insignificant for this case. Based on the box-Behnken response surface methodology for effluent collected after biological treatment, the significant parameters were optimized as the ozone ratio of 0.9 g/h, H2O2 amount of 47 mg/L and 60 min duration. However, in case of increasing the H2O2 amount to 80 mg/L the duration can be minimized to 37.5 min decreasing the energy and reagent consumption costs by a 37%, reaching a final total organic carbon (TOC) under 4 mg/L, that is the target for reuse possibilities