611 research outputs found

    Examining the shared and unique features of self-concept content and structure in Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression

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    AcceptedArticleCopyright © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10608-015-9695-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.A number of clinical theories emphasise self-concept disturbance as central to borderline personality disorder (BPD). To date, however, there has been limited empirical examination of exactly how BPD changes the content and structure of self-concept. Moreover, it is unclear if patterns of self-concept disturbance are unique to BPD or are driven by axis-I comorbidities such as depression. To examine this issue, the present study adopted a dimensional design, examining how performance on a novel adaptation of a well-validated measure of self-concept (the Psychological Distance Scaling Task) was related to BPD and depression symptoms in a sample of 93 individuals with a wide range of symptom severity. While greater BPD severity was associated with less positive and more negative content of self-concept, this was driven by depression symptoms. Similarly, positive content was more diffuse and negative content more interconnected at higher levels of BPD severity, but for positive content, this was most clearly linked to comorbid depression features. In contrast, BPD severity (over and above depression symptoms) was uniquely associated with greater ‘clustering’ for positive and negative content (i.e. a more fragmented self-concept). This pattern of results lends support to clinical theories arguing that self-concept fragmentation is core to BPD and also supports the utility of dimensional analyses to identify patterns of cognitive-affective disturbance unique to BPD versus those shared with comorbid conditions like depression.MR

    Flavour in supersymmetry: horizontal symmetries or wave function renormalisation

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    We compare theoretical and experimental predictions of two main classes of models addressing fermion mass hierarchies and flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC) effects in supersymmetry: Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) U(1) gauged flavour models and Nelson-Strassler/extra dimensional models with hierarchical wave functions for the families. We show that whereas the two lead to identical predictions in the fermion mass matrices, the second class generates a stronger suppression of FCNC effects. We prove that, whereas at first sight the FN setup is more constrained due to anomaly cancelation conditions, imposing unification of gauge couplings in the second setup generates conditions which precisely match the mixed anomaly constraints in the FN setup. Finally, we provide an economical extra dimensional realisation of the hierarchical wave functions scenario in which the leptonic FCNC can be efficiently suppressed due to the strong coupling (CFT) origin of the electron mass.Comment: 23 page

    Gaugino Condensation in M-theory on S^1/Z_2

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    In the low energy limit of for M-theory on S^1/Z_2, we calculate the gaugino condensate potential in four dimensions using the background solutions due to Horava. We show that this potential is free of delta-function singularities and has the same form as the potential in the weakly coupled heterotic string. A general flux quantization rule for the three-form field of M-theory on S^1/Z_2 is given and checked in certain limiting cases. This rule is used to fix the free parameter in the potential originating from a zero mode of the form field. Finally, we calculate soft supersymmetry breaking terms. We find that corrections to the Kahler potential and the gauge kinetic function, which can be large in the strongly coupled region, contribute significantly to certain soft terms. In particular, for supersymmetry breaking in the T-modulus direction, the small values of gaugino masses and trilinear couplings that occur in the weakly coupled, large radius regime are enhanced to order m_3/2 in M-theory. The scalar soft masses remain small even, in the strong coupling M-theory limit.Comment: 20 pages, LATE

    Unification, KK-thresholds and the top Yukawa coupling in F-theory GUTs

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    In a class of F-theory SU(5) GUTs the low energy chiral mass spectrum is obtained from rank one fermion mass textures with a hierarchical structure organised by U(1) symmetries embedded in the exceptional E_8 group. In these theories chiral fields reside on matter `curves' and the tree level masses are computed from integrals of overlapping wavefuctions of the particles at the triple intersection points. This calculation requires knowledge of the exact form of the wavefuctions. In this work we propose a way to obtain a reliable estimate of the various quantities which determine the strength of the Yukawa couplings. We use previous analysis of KK threshold effects to determine the (ratios of) heavy mass scales of the theory which are involved in the normalization of the wave functions. We consider similar effects from the chiral spectrum of these models and discuss possible constraints on the emerging matter content. In this approach, we find that the Yukawa couplings can be determined solely from the U(1) charges of the states in the `intersection' and the torsion which is a topological invariant quantity. We apply the results to a viable SU(5) model with minimal spectrum which satisfies all the constraints imposed by our analysis. We use renormalization group analysis to estimate the top and bottom masses and find that they are in agreement with the experimental values.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    Beyond MFV in family symmetry theories of fermion masses

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    Minimal Flavour Violation (MFV) postulates that the only source of flavour changing neutral currents and CP violation, as in the Standard Model, is the CKM matrix. However it does not address the origin of fermion masses and mixing and models that do usually have a structure that goes well beyond the MFV framework. In this paper we compare the MFV predictions with those obtained in models based on spontaneously broken (horizontal) family symmetries, both Abelian and non-Abelian. The generic suppression of flavour changing processes in these models turns out to be weaker than in the MFV hypothesis. Despite this, in the supersymmetric case, the suppression may still be consistent with a solution to the hierarchy problem, with masses of superpartners below 1 TeV. A comparison of FCNC and CP violation in processes involving a variety of different family quantum numbers should be able to distinguish between various family symmetry models and models satisfying the MFV hypothesis.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    Finite temperature behaviour of the ISS-uplifted KKLT model

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    We study the static phase structure of the ISS-KKLT model for moduli stabilisation and uplifting to a zero cosmological constant. Since the supersymmetry breaking sector and the moduli sector are only gravitationally coupled, we expect negligible quantum effects of the modulus upon the ISS sector, and the other way around. Under this assumption, we show that the ISS fields end up in the metastable vacua. The reason is not only that it is thermally favoured (second order phase transition) compared to the phase transition towards the supersymmetric vacua, but rather that the metastable vacua form before the supersymmetric ones. This nice feature is exclusively due to the presence of the KKLT sector. We also show that supergravity effects are negligible around the origin of the field space. Finally, we turn to the modulus sector and show that there is no destabilisation effect coming from the ISS sector.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, mistake corrected, one plot updated, physical conclusions unchange

    Moduli Stabilization with Long Winding Strings

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    Stabilizing all of the modulus fields coming from compactifications of string theory on internal manifolds is one of the outstanding challenges for string cosmology. Here, in a simple example of toroidal compactification, we study the dynamics of the moduli fields corresponding to the size and shape of the torus along with the ambient flux and long strings winding both internal directions. It is known that a string gas containing states with non-vanishing winding and momentum number in one internal direction can stabilize the radius of this internal circle to be at self-dual radius. We show that a gas of long strings winding all internal directions can stabilize all moduli, except the dilaton which is stabilized by hand, in this simple example.Comment: title changed, improved presentation; reference added. 18 pages, JHEP styl

    Universal contributions to scalar masses from five dimensional supergravity

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    We compute the effective Kahler potential for matter fields in warped compactifications, starting from five dimensional gauged supergravity, as a function of the matter fields localization. We show that truncation to zero modes is inconsistent and the tree-level exchange of the massive gravitational multiplet is needed for consistency of the four-dimensional theory. In addition to the standard Kahler coming from dimensional reduction, we find the quartic correction coming from integrating out the gravity multiplet. We apply our result to the computation of scalar masses, by assuming that the SUSY breaking field is a bulk hypermultiplet. In the limit of extreme opposite localization of the matter and the spurion fields, we find zero scalar masses, consistent with sequestering arguments. Surprisingly enough, for all the other cases the scalar masses are tachyonic. This suggests the holographic interpretation that a CFT sector always generates operators contributing in a tachyonic way to scalar masses. Viability of warped su- persymmetric compactifications necessarily asks then for additional contributions. We discuss the case of additional bulk vector multiplets with mixed boundary conditions, which is a partic- ularly simple and attractive way to generate large positive scalar masses. We show that in this case successful fermion mass matrices implies highly degenerate scalar masses for the first two generations of squarks and sleptons.Comment: 23 pages. v2: References added, new section on effect of additional bulk vector multiplets and phenomenolog

    Cosmological Phase Transitions and Radius Stabilization in Higher Dimensions

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    Recently there has been considerable interest in field theories and string theories with large extra spacetime dimensions. In this paper, we explore the role of such extra dimensions for cosmology, focusing on cosmological phase transitions in field theory and the Hagedorn transition and radius stabilization in string theory. In each case, we find that significant distinctions emerge from the usual case in which such large extra dimensions are absent. For example, for temperatures larger than the scale of the compactification radii, we show that the critical temperature above which symmetry restoration occurs is reduced relative to the usual four-dimensional case, and consequently cosmological phase transitions in extra dimensions are delayed. Furthermore, we argue that if phase transitions do occur at temperatures larger than the compactification scale, then they cannot be of first-order type. Extending our analysis to string theories with large internal dimensions, we focus on the Hagedorn transition and the new features that arise due to the presence of large internal dimensions. We also consider the role of thermal effects in establishing a potential for the radius of the compactified dimension, and we use this to propose a thermal mechanism for generating and stabilizing a large radius of compactification.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure
