424 research outputs found

    Emotions Recollected in Tranquility: Wordsworth’s Concept of Poetic Creation

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    Wordsworth believes that artistic composition is a combination of thought and emotion. During the poetic process, the poet is possessed by powerful passions but he undergoes a period of emotions recollected in tranquility. During this process the influxes of feelings are modified and directed by thoughts. The direction of thought adds a depth of meaning and truth to poetry. For Wordsworth poetry is a method of interpreting reality or the meaning of life.</p

    Metabolic Mentorship

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    In this editorial, we propose metabolic mentorship as an umbrella term, which includes all activities that are undertaken inorder to achieve and maintain metabolic health. Metabolic mentorship includes not only conventional medical prescription,but also education, counseling and support for effective self-management. Metabolic mentorship facilitates value-addedtherapy (VAT), i.e, the nonpharmacological and pharmacological interventions that help ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes.From a pedagogic perspective, metabolic mentorship implies the learning that health care professionals can gain by interactingand sharing experiences with each other. We suggest that endocrinologists take the responsibility of spearheading metabolicmentorship within, and beyond, the health care science

    Developments in Business Gaming A Review of the Past 40 Years

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    This article examines developments in business simulation gaming during the past 40 years. Covered in this article are a brief history of business games, the changing technology employed in the development and use of business games, changes in why business games are adopted and used, changes in how business games are administered, and the current state of business gaming. Readers interested in developments in other areas of simulation gaming (urban planning, social studies, ecology, economics, geography, health, etc.) are encouraged to look at other articles appearing during the 40th anniversary year of Simulation & Gaming and at the many fine articles that appeared in the silver anniversary issue of Simulation & Gaming (December 1995)

    Skills of ICTs among Library Professionals of South Punjab

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    The study aimed to explore the skills, knowledge, abilities, and competencies of library professionals working in the academic libraries of public sector universities and private sector universities located in south Punjab. Library professionals working in the libraries of public sector universities and private sector universities were the population of the study. Convenience sampling technique was used to meet the objectives of the study. Quantitative research technique followed by the questionnaire as a data collection tool was used to accomplish the research. The findings of the study revealed that ICT is an essential part of the libraries and librarians are there to perform library operations to facilitate the library users of their respective libraries. It is the basic necessity of the present age to learn new skills, abilities, and competencies related to ICTs to survive in the profession of librarianship. Training courses about ICT are an effort to enhance the skills of library professionals. Library associations can play an important role in uplifting the trainings regarding ICTs

    Numerical modelling of concrete curing, regarding hydration and temperature phenomena

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    A numerical model that accounts for the hydration and aging phenomena during the early ages of concrete curing is presented in a format suitable for a finite element implementation. Assuming the percolation of water through the hydrates already formed as the&nbsp;dominant mechanism&nbsp;of cement hydration, the model adopts an internal variable called hydration degree, whose evolution law&nbsp;is easily calibrated and allows an accurate prediction of the hydration heat production.&nbsp;Compressive strength&nbsp;evolution is related to the aging degree, a concept that accounts for the influences of the hydration and&nbsp;curing temperature&nbsp;on the final mechanical&nbsp;properties of concrete. The model capabilities are illustrated by means of a wide set of experimental tests involving ordinary and&nbsp;high performance concretes, and through the simulation of the concrete curing on a viaduct deck of the &Ouml;resund Link

    Perancangan Sistem K3 Dalam Aktivitas Praktikum Teknik Industri Berdasarkan Metode Swift (The Structured What-If Analysis) di Teknik Industri Studi Kasus: Laboratorium Teknik Industri, Lantai 3 Gedung H, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    Risiko tentang bahaya kerja tidak hanya berada diperusahaan atau digedung-gedung besar tetapi segala tempat yang beresiko menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja tentunya perlu terstandarisasi yang mengacu pada standarisasi K3 demi mendapatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan. Saat ini banyak kita jumpai karyawan di perusahaan yang kurang menyadari terhadap penerapan sistem K3, hal semacam ini tidak lain dikarenakan SDM yang kurang mendukung. Sebagai sarana untuk mulai mengenalkan K3 kedalam sistem edukasi tentunya yang pertama adalah memasukkan mata kuliah K3 didalam perkuliahan, selain itu untuk memperdalam pemahaman mahasiswa bisa juga kita langsung mempraktikkan sistem K3 tersebut didalam sebuah kampus dengan cara membuat bangunan kampus standar dengan detail-detail K3. Sehingga mahasiswa akan paham lebih mendalam dengan adanya praktik langsung didalam kampus melalui Standar Operasional Sistem yang sudah menyerupai sebuah perusahaan. Faktor kecelakaan yang terjadi di laboratorium komputer dan laboratorium PTI diakibatkan karena alat pelindung diri (APD) yang tidak ditaati oleh mahasiswa, melanggar larangan/ peraturan yang telah ditetapkan, dan ketidaktahuan mahasiswa akan pentingnya K3. Metoda SWIFT merupakan metode identifikasi bahaya yang memperkirakan bahaya yang timbul dan mempersiapkan daftar periksa yang dapat mengungkapkan kemungkinan bahaya yang terkandung dalam unit proses. Analisis dilakukan dengan penentuan prioritas bahaya yang terjadi untuk dibuat suatu usulan perbaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu memberikan usulan perbaikan sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada Teknik Industri menentukan sistem Standar Operational Procedure (SOP) yang akan diamati, mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yang mungkin terjadi di stasiun kerja menggunakan kata kunci checklist, dan membuat usulan perbaikan

    Neonatal lupus with atypical cardiac and cutaneous manifestation

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    SUMMARY Neonatal lupus erythematosus is a rare, passively acquired autoimmune disease, caused by maternal autoantibodies. The most common manifestations are skin rash and congenital heart block. Cutaneous manifestations may be present at birth, but often develop within a few weeks after delivery. Congenital heart block may present as bradycardia in utero or during physical examination at birth. Approximately 40-60% of mothers are asymptomatic when the infants are diagnosed. We present a case of a child, born with erythematosus lesions in the face, scalp, trunk, limbs and nodules/papules on the palmar and plantar surfaces. He also had hepatosplenomegaly and thrombocytopenia. Echocardiography showed hyperechoic lesions on the anterior papilar muscle of the left ventricle and on the lateral cusp of the tricuspid valve. The mother had unexplained fever and vasculitic lesions in her hands and feet. Antinuclear antibodies, anti-SSa/Ro and anti-SSb/La were positive in the mother and child, making the diagnosis of neonatal lupus. BACKGROUN

    A comparative study of synthetic winged peptides for absolute protein quantification

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    A proper internal standard choice is critical for accurate, precise, and reproducible mass spectrometry-based proteomics assays. Synthetic isotopically labeled (SIL) proteins are currently considered the gold standard. However, they are costly and challenging to obtain. An alternative approach uses SIL peptides or SIL "winged" peptides extended at C- or/and N-terminus with an amino acid sequence or a tag cleaved during enzymatic proteolysis. However, a consensus on the design of a winged peptide for absolute quantification is missing. In this study, we used human serum albumin as a model system to compare the quantitative performance of reference SIL protein with four different designs of SIL winged peptides: (i) commercially available SIL peptides with a proprietary trypsin cleavable tag at C-terminus, (ii) SIL peptides extended with five amino acid residues at C-terminus, (iii) SIL peptides extended with three and (iv) with five amino acid residues at both C- and N-termini. Our results demonstrate properties of various SIL extended peptides designs, e.g., water solubility and efficiency of trypsin enzymatic cleavage with primary influence on quantitative performance. SIL winged peptides extended with three amino acids at both C- and N-termini demonstrated optimal quantitative performance, equivalent to the SIL protein

    Is a Genome a Codeword of an Error-Correcting Code?

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    Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction
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