4,558 research outputs found

    Adapted Extended Baum-Welch transformations

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    The discrimination technique for estimating parameters of Gaussian mixtures that is based on the Extended Baum-Welch transformations (EBW) has had significant impact on the speech recognition community. \ud In this paper we introduce a general definition of a family of EBW transformations that can be associated with a weighted sum of updated and initial models. We compute a gradient steepness measurement for a family of EBW transformations that are applied to functions of Gaussian mixtures and demonstrate the growth property of these transformations. We consider EBW transformations of discriminative functions in which EBW controlled parameters are adapted to a gradient steepness measurement or to the likelihood of the data given the model. We present experimental results that show that adapted EBW transformations can significantly speed up estimating parameters of Gaussian mixtures and give better decoding results

    La construcción de indicadores como problema epistemológico

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    The construction of indicators does not constitute a smaller epistemological problem, quite the opposite, requires the exigency of a critical way to reflection, to take control and to reconstruct the reality; it requires of monitoring, and permanent ruptures and its corresponding forms to reorganize the thought. The main problem in the construction of indicators does not have to do with the theory itself or the operation of the concepts. The fundamental question is how someone thinks, how someone takes control and how the object is constructed. The indicators constitute an empirical definition of the object and are product of a theoretical construction of the subject on the phenomenon to discover specific concrete of the object.    La construcción de indicadores no constituye un problema epistemológico menor, todo lo contrario, requiere de la exigencia de un modo crítico de reflexionar, de apropiarse y reconstruir la realidad; requiere de vigilancia, y permanentes rupturas y sus correspondientes formas de reorganizar el pensamiento. El problema de fondo en la construcción de indicadores no tiene que ver con la teoría misma o con la operación de los conceptos. La cuestión fundamental es cómo se piensa, cómo se apropia y cómo se construye el objeto. Los indicadores constituyen una definición empírica del objeto y son producto de una construcción teórica del sujeto sobre el fenómeno para descubrir lo específico concreto del objeto.  


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    New media and digital technologies shape the literacy practices and identity development of adolescents (Ellison, 2014, Barton & Hamilton, 2000; Perry, 2012; Lotherington & Jenson, 2011). Research into this phenomenon has largely focused on the general adolescent population. However, this narrative inquiry focuses on the experiences of four adolescents of color in New York City who live in poverty. Participants in this study visit a neighborhood library to access computers and the Internet. The researcher conducted semi-structure interviews in the library to evoke narratives about participants’ use of digital media and observed participants as they used the library computers. Analysis of data revealed several patterns in their stories. None of the participants had daily, personal access to technology outside of school. Their schools provide little time on computers and minimal access to the Internet. One student did have extended computer time for English language learning, and another had a used cell phone with no data plan. All participants exerted enormous effort to gain limited access to computer time after school on weekdays only. At the library computers, they completed school work, played games, used social media, learned English, and conducted research. These literate practices enabled playful learning by doing and the trying on and crafting of identities in these virtual spaces. Students developed hope for future careers--as a photographer, an animator, a medical doctor, and a film maker

    Neither Atheist, not believer nor yet agnostic: Towards a fourth position

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    This brief article begins with outlining the beliefs of the atheist, believer and agnostic. It was found that although they each appear to contain a kernel of truth, there are various deficiencies in each argument. It is then put forward an alternative to such positions and one that appears to embrace them all, while in itself not being anything of substance. Yet it is precisely in such insubstantiality that the debate itself is resolved or dissolves and anamorphous “form” follows, one that may save us from the often-devastating decisions to be any one of atheist, believer or agnostic and instead invites a more holistic perception and a less rigid way of being. One that is less attached to identity and “truth” and more akin to the flowing nature of water or the penetrating beauty of light. This I dub “the fourth position” (dimension), though the name is insignificant

    An Analysis of Trinitarian Foundation of Catholic Teaching on Christian Marriage

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    As is indicated by the title this article is going to illustrate how the Catholic teaching on questions relevant to Christian marriage e g indissolubility monogamy prohibition of unlawful sexual intercourse adultery homosexuality lesbianism Paedophilia use of contraceptives etc is rooted in the inner life of God himself i e the trinity For this purpose an interpretation of the Catholic doctrine on the trinity will be briefly presented by taking the marital act licitly performed in sacramental marriage as point of departur

    Democratization Vs. Liberalization in the Arab World: Dilemmas and Challenges for U.S. Foreign Policy

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    The author looks at the political origins and dynamics of liberalized autocracy in the Arab world. Liberalized autocracy is a system of rule that allows for a measure of political openness and competition in the electoral, party, and press arenas, while ultimately ensuring that power rests in the hands of ruling regimes. This mix of control and openness has not only benefited ruling elites, but oppositions as well. It gives them room to let off steam, to criticize regimes, and occasionally to affect public policy. Moreover, given the absence of consensus in many Arab states over national identity, liberalized autocracy has provided an umbrella by which competing groups--Islamists, secularists, Kurds, and Berbers--can achieve a measure of peaceful coexistence precisely because no group actually wields power. The United States largely has supported such hybrid systems, a fact of political life that has not changed dramatically under the Bush administration despite its rhetorical commitment to democracy. Whether the gap between words and deeds should or can be closed or narrowed is a complex question, since a sudden move from state-managed liberalization to democracy could open the door to Islamist power.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1743/thumbnail.jp

    Going to War With the Allies You Have: Allies, Counterinsurgency, and the War on Terrorism

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    Washington must recognize that its allies, including those in the security forces, are often the source of counterinsurgency problems as well as the heart of any solution. The author argues that the ally\u27s structural problems and distinct interests have daunting implications for successful U.S. counterinsurgency efforts. The nature of regimes and of societies feeds an insurgency, but the United States is often hostage to its narrow goals with regard to counterinsurgency and thus becomes complicit in the host-nation\u27s self-defeating behavior. Unfortunately, U.S. influence often is limited as the allies recognize that America\u27s vital interests with regard to fighting al-Qa\u27ida-linked groups are likely to outweigh any temporary disgust or anger at an ally\u27s brutality or failure to institute reforms. Training, military-to-military contacts, education programs, and other efforts to shape their COIN capabilities are beneficial, but the effects are likely to be limited at best.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1727/thumbnail.jp

    Assessing Internal Communication and Teacher Burnout: An Empirical Study of School Administrators in Select Public High Schools in Kakamega County, Kenya

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    Extant literature suggests that burnout is one of the major factors contributing to declining teacher productivity. Studies have exposed a prevalence of burnout among the teaching fraternity, with administrators recording higher levels of burnout. This research study investigated the association that exists between internal communication and teacher burnout, among public high school administrators employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kakamega County as the target population. The research questions were: a) What is the perceived effectiveness of the internal communication in place based on official channels used by TSC to communicate with the administrators? b) What are the administrator burnout levels in select public high schools in the county? and, c) What is the association between internal communication and teacher burnout among the select public high school administrators? The study which utilized a correlation research design, revealed that all the respondents experienced burnout. The findings further established that there was a weak negative correlation of -.231 between internal communication and corporate burnout, with a statistical significance level of 0.016. This suggests a statistically significant relationship between internal communication and burnout characterized by a weak negative correlation. The study recommends that institutions endeavour to ascertain their employees’ communication interests in order to establish their internal communication system. Similar studies should be conducted in the different Kenyan counties so as to make comparisons as well as among administrators in private and international schools in Kenya, to provide more insight into the association between internal communication and teacher burnout