1,504 research outputs found

    Merger trees and the multiplicity function of halos

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    We present a new method for calculating the merger history of matter halos in hierarchical clustering cosmologies. The linear density field is smoothed on a range of scales, these are then ordered in decreasing density and a merger tree constructed. The method is similar in many respects to the block model of Cole \& Kaiser but has a number of advantages: (i) it retains information about the spatial correlations between halos, (ii) it uses a series of overlapping grids and is thereby much better at finding rare, high-mass halos, (iii) it is not limited to halos whose mass ratios are powers of two, and (iv) it is based on an actual realization of the density field and so can be tested against N-body simulations. The major disadvantages are (i) the minimum halo mass is eight times the unit cell with a corresponding loss of dynamic range, and (ii) occasionally the relative location of halos in the tree does not reflect the correct ordering of their collapse times, as computed from the mean halo density. We show that our model exhibits the required scaling behaviour when tested on power-law spectra of density perturbations, but that it predicts far more massive halos than does the Press-Schechter formalism for flat spectra. We suggest reasons why this should be so.Comment: plain tex, 10 pages; figures (all Postscript) in a uuencoded compressed tar file; submitted to M.N.R.A.

    Self-reported dermal effects of hand sanitisers in industrial workers

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    Artigo publicado em: Proceedings Book of the SHO2023. https://books.fe.up.pt/index.php/feup/catalog/view/978-989-54863-4-2/332/426Background: During COVID-19 pandemic, preventing the virus spread was extremely important to reduce the overall burden of the disease, to maintain the companies running and to remain safe. WHO recommended physical distances, appropriate use of personal protective equipment and hand hygiene practices to reduce the spread. Hand hygiene practice by using alcohol-based hand sanitisers was generalized in all sectors of activity, including those with no previous need to implement preventive measures against biological risks. Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain self-reported data on hand hygiene habits and perceived symptomatology regarding skin health effects associated with skin exposure to alcohol-based hand sanitisers of industrial workers during COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Between November 2021 and April 2022, a questionnaire-based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using 97 study participants. Results: The reported information on hands sanitisers used show that most of the participants at work, use the hand sanitizer provided by the company a alcoholic solution of 2-propanol 70%. Nearly half of the workers disinfected their hands more than 3 times per day, but at work, there was a concern to also disinfect wrists and forearms. Self-reported dermal effects show that half of the participants noticed skin dryness with the increased use of hand sanitisers. Application: The novelty of this work is posed by the type of sample under study (industrial rather than hospital context) which allow gathering data to build knowledge in this field and to develop guidelines of good practices on how to make adequate disinfection and to promote skin health in industrial settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the use of the quality function deployment matrix for flexible and quantitative prioritization

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    The QFD methodology is totally directed to the client instead of the product, wherein the effort from all the involved departments allows the match between the client’s requirements and the offered product. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the engineering characteristics that aim at satisfying those customer attributes. These engineering characteristics must be measurable, in order to provide analysis and optimization opportunities. Afterwards, the prioritization of these engineering characteristics is carried out so that they are performed in the most efficient way. Throughout the paper, the authors propose the design of a new simple, flexible and quantitative methodology of activities prioritization. Strategic planning is introduced in the QFD methodology of organization and proposes the minimization of possible incompatibilities that may arise between its capabilities and customer requirements. Business variables are introduced at different stages of the design in order to calculate with greater precision the value resulting from the prioritization and to allow nullity or uniformity of the relative importance of customer attributes. The qualitative fulfillment of the correlations of the QFD methodology is replaced by a quantitative aspect that aims to minimize the filling of errors and interpretation when using the methodology. At the end of the paper, an example of planning the design of a smartphone using the new methodology is given.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Levantamentos altimétrico e florístico na Fazenda Nhumirim, Pantanal da Nhecolândia-MS.

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    No Brasil, o Pantanal está dividido em 11 sub-regiões, sendo a Nhecolândia a segunda maior em extensão de área. A imensa maioria de seu território está situada dentro do município de Corumbá. De acordo com dados da literatura, nesta sub-região observa-se uma sucessiva freqüência de contrastes altimétricos de dois a cinco metros. Esses contrastes estão entre o topo das parte altas denominadas regionalmente de cordilheiras, que podem ser formadas por cerradão, cerrado, vindo a seguir as áreas de campo limpo, os campos alagáveis (baixadas) e os corpos d'água (baías e salinas). Com o objetivo de verificar essas diferenças altimétricas e o comportamento da vegetação foi feito um experimento na fazenda Nhumirim, no ano de 2002

    On the origin of the extremely different solubilities of polyethers in water

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    The solubilities of polyethers are surprisingly counter-intuitive. The best-known example is the difference between polyethylene glycol ([–CH2–CH2–O–]n) which is infinitely soluble, and polyoxymethylene ([–CH2–O–]n) which is completely insoluble in water, exactly the opposite of what one expects from the C/O ratios of these molecules. Similar anomalies exist for oligomeric and cyclic polyethers. To solve this apparent mystery, we use femtosecond vibrational and GHz dielectric spectroscopy with complementary ab initio calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the dynamics of water molecules solvating polyethers is fundamentally different depending on their C/O composition. The ab initio calculations and simulations show that this is not because of steric effects (as is commonly believed), but because the partial charge on the O atoms depends on the number of C atoms by which they are separated. Our results thus show that inductive effects can have a major impact on aqueous solubilities

    Potencial de radão em setores da Zona de Ossa Morena

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    O radão é considerado a maior fonte de exposição a radiação ionizante dentro de habitações, motivo pelo qual é essencial conhecer a sua distribuição espacial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do potencial de radão de rochas aflorantes na Zona de Ossa Morena (ZOM). Para tal, foram colhidas 132 amostras nos principais setores da ZOM. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a enorme variabilidade das propriedades radiológicas e físicas nas litologias analisadas. As atividades de 226Ra e de radão são, em média, inferiores nas rochas calco-silicatadas e rochas ígneas básicas e ultrabásicas e superiores nas rochas graníticas e sienitos. Os metassedimentos, rochas de alto grau metamórfico, granodioritos, dioritos e tonalitos apresentam atividades de 226Ra e de radão intermédias e similares entre si. A porosidade, que determina a capacidade de migração de radão no meio, é superior nos metassedimentos e inferior nas rochas ígneas, independentemente do seu caráter

    Effect of Agrobacterium rhizogenes infection on in vitro rooting of Vitis vinifera

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    Agrobacterium rhizogenes is known to induce the proliferation of rapid growing, highly branching roots (hairy roots) in most dicotyledonous plants. We report here the effect of in vitro infection of Vitis vinifera with two A. rhizogenes strains (b-glucuronidase transgenic A4 and wild type LBA), with regard to an increase of root mass. In vitro-grown V. vinifera explants were infected with two A. rhizogenes strains. Both strains induced a significant increase in the number of the developed roots, and of their weight and length. Root number was increased by a factor of 2.9 (strain A4) and 2.7 (strain LBA), length increased 1.9 and 1.6 times (strains A4 and LBA, respectively), while the root weight was more affected by strain A4 (2.8 times increasing) than by LBA strain (1.9 times increasing). The transformation status of the developed roots was assessed by two different methods: PCR detection of rolB gene in LBA strain-derived roots and quantification of â-glucuronidase activity in A4 strain-derived roots.

    Psychosocial and psychopathological predictors of HIV-risk injecting behavior among drug users in Portugal

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    Abstract Despite the introduction of needle and syringe exchange programs (NSPs), sharing of syringes and other materials remains common among injection drug users (IDUs) worldwide. For this reason, IDUs are at high-risk of HIV transmission. This paper studies the psychosocial and psychopathological determinants of sharing among IDUs. Understanding the relationship between psychological morbidity, HIV knowledge, HIV risk perception, and sharing behaviors is important to developing campaigns to curb sharing among IDUs. We recruited 120 male (76.7%) and female (23.3%) IDUs at a public outpatient treatment service in northern Portugal whose age average was 34 (sd=7.56). They were characterized for sociodemographic, clinical, and behavioral variables, as well as for knowledge on HIV transmission and prevention, HIV risk perception, and psychopathological symptoms. Almost all patients (95.8%) were tested for HIV and 31.7% were HIV positive. Half of them had a chronic disease (50.8%) and declared to engage in sharing (51.7%). Most had accurate knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention. A great majority deemed HIV risk to be high in their communities (80.8%) but deemed their personal risk to be zero or low (72.5%). Statistical analysis showed that sociodemographic variables (female sex, lower education, living alone) and psychopathological symptoms (obsession-compulsion and somatization) predict sharing. We conclude that the development and implementation of campaigns to reduce sharing among IDUs should focus more on women, IDUs living alone, as well as early assessment and intervention on psychopathological disorders.   Keywords: HIV-risk injecting behavior, HIV knowledge, HIV risk perception, psychopathology, injection drug users (IDUs), Portuga

    Multicomponent complex formation between vinpocetine, cyclodextrins, tartaric acid and water-soluble polymers monitored by NMR and solubility studies

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    This work deals with multicomponent complex formation of vinpocetine (VP) with [beta]-cyclodextrin ([beta]CD), sulfobutyl ether [beta]-cyclodextrin (SBE[beta]CD) and tartaric acid (TA), in the presence or absence of water-soluble polymers, in aqueous solution. Complexation was monitored by phase-solubility and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) studies. TA demonstrated a synergistic effect on VP solubility, and in the complexation efficiency of [beta]CD and SBE[beta]CD. Additionally, water-soluble polymers increased even more the complexation efficiency of the CDs that was reflected by a 2.1-2.5 increase on KC values for VP-CD-TA-polymer multicomponent complexes. SBE[beta]CD was more effective in VP solubilization, as KC values of VP-SBE[beta]CD-TA multicomponent complexes were notably higher than in corresponding [beta]CD complexes. The large chemical shift displacements from protons located in the interior of the hydrophobic CD cavities (i.e., H-3 and H-5) coupled with significant chemical shift displacements of VP aromatic protons suggested that this moiety was included in the cavity of both [beta]CD and SBE[beta]CD. Two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) experiments were carried out in order to obtain information about the multicomponent complex geometry in solution. Inspection of ROESY spectra allowed the establishment of spatial proximities between all aromatic protons of VP and the internal protons of the CDs, confirming that the aromatic moiety of VP is included in CD cavities being deeply inserted in SBE[beta]CD multicomponent complexes, since additional interactions with the sulfobutyl side chains were evidenced.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T25-4DT2KX7-1/1/a543ba03bff16fe4ef579956893c94b
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