289 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals in mucosal tissue

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    In the absence of an HIV vaccine or cure, antiretroviral (ARV) based prevention strategies are being investigated to reduce HIV incidence. These prevention strategies depend on achieving effective drug concentrations at the site HIV exposure which is most commonly the mucosal tissues of the lower gastrointestinal tract and the female genital tract

    Effect of HIV-infection and menopause status on raltegravir pharmacokinetics in the blood and genital tract

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    This study describes first dose and steady state pharmacokinetics of raltegravir (RAL) in cervicovaginal fluid (CVF) and blood plasma (BP)

    Fair play:Perceived fairness in crowdsourcing competitions and the customer relationship-related consequences

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    TeleRehab enables the rehabilitation services to be delivered in distance by providing information exchange between patient with disabilities and the clinical professionals. The readiness step in any adoption of healthcare services should always be one of the requirements for a successful implementation of an innovation. However, little scholarly has been undertaken to study its influence on TeleRehab and the various barrier factors that influence its adoption. This research explores the barrier factors that influence the readiness of healthcare institution to adopt TeleRehab. This paper presents a semi-structured interview involving 23 clinical professionals of a case study on the issues of TeleRehab readiness in one rehabilitation centre in Malaysia. By applying thematic analysis, the study uncovers seven barriers that affect the TeleRehab readiness. This includes barriers of no urgency to change, less awareness, less involvement in planning, not enough exposure on e-Healthcare knowledge, resistance to change, low usage of hardware and software, and less connectivity. The study contributes to both TeleRehab management and technology readiness research in hospitals

    Somatic mutations of GNA11 and GNAQ in CTNNB1-mutant aldosterone-producing adenomas presenting in puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

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    Most aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) have gain-of-function somatic mutations of ion channels or transporters. However, their frequency in aldosterone-producing cell clusters of normal adrenal gland suggests a requirement for codriver mutations in APAs. Here we identified gain-of-function mutations in both CTNNB1 and GNA11 by whole-exome sequencing of 3/41 APAs. Further sequencing of known CTNNB1-mutant APAs led to a total of 16 of 27 (59%) with a somatic p.Gln209His, p.Gln209Pro or p.Gln209Leu mutation of GNA11 or GNAQ. Solitary GNA11 mutations were found in hyperplastic zona glomerulosa adjacent to double-mutant APAs. Nine of ten patients in our UK/Irish cohort presented in puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Among multiple transcripts upregulated more than tenfold in double-mutant APAs was LHCGR, the receptor for luteinizing or pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). Transfections of adrenocortical cells demonstrated additive effects of GNA11 and CTNNB1 mutations on aldosterone secretion and expression of genes upregulated in double-mutant APAs. In adrenal cortex, GNA11/Q mutations appear clinically silent without a codriver mutation of CTNNB1

    Results of a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial of melatonin for treatment of Nocturia in adults with multiple sclerosis (MeNiMS)

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: Nocturia is a common urinary symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) which can affect quality of life (QoL) adversely. Melatonin is a hormone known to regulate circadian rhythm and reduce smooth muscle activity such as in the bladder. There is limited evidence supporting use of melatonin to alleviate urinary frequency at night in the treatment of nocturia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of melatonin on the mean number of nocturia episodes per night in patients with MS. Methods: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial was conducted. 34 patients with nocturia secondary to multiple sclerosis underwent a 4-day pre-treatment monitoring phase. The patients were randomized to receive either 2 mg per night (taken at bedtime) of capsulated sustained-release melatonin (Circadin®) or 1 placebo capsule for 6 weeks followed by a crossover to the other regimen for an additional 6 weeks after a 1-month washout period. Results: From the 26 patients who completed the study, there was no significant difference observed in the signs or symptoms of nocturia when taking 2 mg melatonin compared to placebo. The primary outcome measure, mean number of nocturia episodes on bladder diaries, was 1.8/night at baseline, and 1.4/night on melatonin, compared with 1.6 for placebo (Medians 1.70, 1.50, and 1.30 respectively, p = 0.85). There was also no significant difference seen in LUTS, QoL and sleep quality when taking melatonin. No significant safety concerns arose. Conclusions: This small study suggests that a low dose of melatonin taken at bedtime may be ineffective therapy for nocturia in MS. Trial registration: (EudraCT reference) 2012-00418321 registered: 25/01/13. ISRCTN Registry: ISRCTN38687869

    Thermal Evolution of the Proton Irradiated Structure in Tungsten–5 wt% Tantalum

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    We have monitored the thermal evolution of the proton irradiated structure of W–5 wt% Ta alloy by in-situ annealing in a transmission electron microscope at fusion reactor temperatures of 500–1300 °C. The interstitial-type a/2 dislocation loops emit self-interstitial atoms and glide to the free sample surface during the early stages of annealing. The resultant vacancy excess in the matrix originates vacancy-type a/2 dislocation loops that grow by loop and vacancy absorption in the temperature range of 600–900 °C. Voids form at 1000 °C, by either vacancy absorption or loop collapse, and grow progressively up to 1300 °C. Tantalum delays void formation by a vacancy-solute trapping mechanism

    Arginine Cofactors on the Polymerase Ribozyme

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    The RNA world hypothesis states that the early evolution of life went through a stage in which RNA served both as genome and as catalyst. The central catalyst in an RNA world organism would have been a ribozyme that catalyzed RNA polymerization to facilitate self-replication. An RNA polymerase ribozyme was developed previously in the lab but it is not efficient enough for self-replication. The factor that limits its polymerization efficiency is its weak sequence-independent binding of the primer/template substrate. Here we tested whether RNA polymerization could be improved by a cationic arginine cofactor, to improve the interaction with the substrate. In an RNA world, amino acid-nucleic acid conjugates could have facilitated the emergence of the translation apparatus and the transition to an RNP world. We chose the amino acid arginine for our study because this is the amino acid most adept to interact with RNA. An arginine cofactor was positioned at ten different sites on the ribozyme, using conjugates of arginine with short DNA or RNA oligonucleotides. However, polymerization efficiency was not increased in any of the ten positions. In five of the ten positions the arginine reduced or modulated polymerization efficiency, which gives insight into the substrate-binding site on the ribozyme. These results suggest that the existing polymerase ribozyme is not well suited to using an arginine cofactor

    A qualitative study of cardiovascular disease risk communication in NHS Health Check using different risk calculators: protocol for the RIsk COmmunication in NHS Health Check (RICO) study. BMC family practice, 20(1), 11.

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    Background NHS Health Check is a national cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment programme for 40–74 year olds in England, in which practitioners should assess and communicate CVD risk, supported by appropriate risk-management advice and goal-setting. This requires effective communication, to equip patients with knowledge and intention to act. Currently, the QRISK®2 10-year CVD risk score is most common way in which CVD risk is estimated. Newer tools, such as JBS3, allow manipulation of risk factors and can demonstrate the impact of positive actions. However, the use, and relative value, of these tools within CVD risk communication is unknown. We will explore practitioner and patient CVD risk perceptions when using QRISK®2 or JBS3, the associated advice or treatment offered by the practitioner, and patients’ responses. Methods RIsk COmmunication in NHS Health Check (RICO) is a qualitative study with quantitative process evaluation. Twelve general practices in the West Midlands of England will be randomised to one of two groups: usual practice, in which practitioners use QRISK®2 to assess and communicate CVD risk; intervention, in which practitioners use JBS3. Twenty Health Checks per practice will be video-recorded (n = 240, 120 per group), with patients stratified by age, gender and ethnicity. Post-Health Check, video-stimulated recall (VSR) interviews will be conducted with 48 patients (n = 24 per group) and all practitioners (n = 12–18), using video excerpts to enhance participant recall/reflection. Patient medical record reviews will detect health-protective actions in the first 12-weeks following a Health Check (e.g., lifestyle referrals, statin prescription). Risk communication, patient response and intentions for health-protective behaviours in each group will be explored through thematic analysis of video-recorded Health Checks (using Protection Motivation Theory as a framework) and VSR interviews. Process evaluation will include between-group comparisons of quantitatively coded Health Check content and post-Health Check patient outcomes. Finally, 10 patients with the most positive intentions or behaviours will be selected for case study analysis (using all data sources). Discussion This study will produce novel insights about the utility of QRISK®2 and JBS3 to promote patient and practitioner understanding and perception of CVD risk and associated implications for patient intentions with respect to health-protective behaviours (and underlying mechanisms). Recommendations for practice will be developed