824 research outputs found

    Increased Aβ pathology in aged Tg2576 mice born to mothers fed a high fat diet

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    Maternal obesity is associated with increased risk of developing diabetes, obesity and premature death in adult offspring. Mid-life diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia are risk factors for the development of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). A key pathogenic feature of AD is the accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) in the brain. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of high fat diet feeding during early life on Aβ pathology in the Tg2576 mouse model of AD. Female mice were fed a standard (C) or high fat (HF) diet before mating and during gestation and lactation. At weaning, male offspring were fed a C diet. Significantly higher levels of guanidine-soluble Aβ and plaque loads were observed in the hippocampi of 11-month old Tg2576 mice born to mothers fed a HF diet. Changes in the extracellular matrix led to increased retention of Aβ within the parenchyma. These data support a role for maternal and gestational health on the health of the aged brain and pathologies associated with AD and may provide a novel target for both the prevention and treatment of AD

    Sequential activation of different pathway networks in ischemia-affected and non-affected myocardium, inducing intrinsic remote conditioning to prevent left ventricular remodeling

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    We have analyzed the pathway networks of ischemia-affected and remote myocardial areas after repetitive ischemia/reperfusion (r-I/R) injury without ensuing myocardial infarction (MI) to elaborate a spatial- and chronologic model of cardioprotective gene networks to prevent left ventricular (LV) adverse remodeling. Domestic pigs underwent three cycles of 10/10 min r-I/R by percutaneous intracoronary balloon inflation/deflation in the mid left anterior descending artery, without consecutive MI. Sham interventions (n = 8) served as controls. Hearts were explanted at 5 h (n = 6) and 24 h (n = 6), and transcriptomic profiling of the distal (ischemia-affected) and proximal (non-affected) anterior myocardial regions were analyzed by next generation sequencing (NGS) and post-processing with signaling pathway impact and pathway network analyses. In ischemic region, r-I/R induced early activation of Ca-, adipocytokine and insulin signaling pathways with key regulator STAT3, which was also upregulated in the remote areas together with clusterin (CLU) and TNF-alpha. During the late phase of cardioprotection, antigen immunomodulatory pathways were activated with upregulation of STAT1 and CASP3 and downregulation of neprilysin in both zones, suggesting r-I/R induced intrinsic remote conditioning. The temporo-spatially differently activated pathways revealed a global myocardial response, and neprilysin and the STAT family as key regulators of intrinsic remote conditioning for prevention of adverse remodeling

    Entrepreneurial sons, patriarchy and the Colonels' experiment in Thessaly, rural Greece

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    Existing studies within the field of institutional entrepreneurship explore how entrepreneurs influence change in economic institutions. This paper turns the attention of scholarly inquiry on the antecedents of deinstitutionalization and more specifically, the influence of entrepreneurship in shaping social institutions such as patriarchy. The paper draws from the findings of ethnographic work in two Greek lowland village communities during the military Dictatorship (1967–1974). Paradoxically this era associated with the spread of mechanization, cheap credit, revaluation of labour and clear means-ends relations, signalled entrepreneurial sons’ individuated dissent and activism who were now able to question the Patriarch’s authority, recognize opportunities and act as unintentional agents of deinstitutionalization. A ‘different’ model of institutional change is presented here, where politics intersects with entrepreneurs, in changing social institutions. This model discusses the external drivers of institutional atrophy and how handling dissensus (and its varieties over historical time) is instrumental in enabling institutional entrepreneurship

    Institutions and Functions

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    What is an institution? And what distinguishes one type of institution from another? We answer these questions using a functionalist approach: types of institutions are identified by their function, or the coordination problems they solve; token institutions are specific solutions to these problems, or equilibria of strategic games. The functionalist approach provides some insights into the limits of reform, or the extent to which institutions \u2013 like marriage, property, or democracy \u2013 can be modified without turning them into entities of a different kind

    Strong fisheries management and governance positively impact ecosystem status

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    Bundy, Alida ... et al.-- 28 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, supporting information https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/faf.12184Fisheries have had major negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and effective fisheries management and governance are needed to achieve sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation goals and thus good ecosystem status. To date, the IndiSeas programme (Indicators for the Seas) has focussed on assessing the ecological impacts of fishing at the ecosystem scale using ecological indicators. Here, we explore fisheries ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ and relate this to ecosystem health and status. We developed a dedicated expert survey, focused at the ecosystem level, with a series of questions addressing aspects of management and governance, from an ecosystem-based perspective, using objective and evidence-based criteria. The survey was completed by ecosystem experts (managers and scientists) and results analysed using ranking and multivariate methods. Results were further examined for selected ecosystems, using expert knowledge, to explore the overall findings in greater depth. Higher scores for ‘Management Effectiveness’ and ‘Governance Quality’ were significantly and positively related to ecosystems with better ecological status. Key factors that point to success in delivering fisheries and conservation objectives were as follows: the use of reference points for management, frequent review of stock assessments, whether Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) catches were being accounted for and addressed, and the inclusion of stakeholders. Additionally, we found that the implementation of a long-term management plan, including economic and social dimensions of fisheries in exploited ecosystems, was a key factor in successful, sustainable fisheries management. Our results support the thesis that good ecosystem-based management and governance, sustainable fisheries and healthy ecosystems go togetherThis is a contribution to the IndiSeas Working Group, which, by the time of the study, was cofunded by IOC-UNESCO (www.ioc-unesco.org), EuroMarine (http://www.euromarinenetwork.eu), the European FP7 MEECE research project, the European Network of Excellence Eur-Oceans and the FRB EMIBIOS project (contract n°212085)Peer Reviewe

    Wet Granular Materials

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    Most studies on granular physics have focused on dry granular media, with no liquids between the grains. However, in geology and many real world applications (e.g., food processing, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, civil engineering, constructions, and many industrial applications), liquid is present between the grains. This produces inter-grain cohesion and drastically modifies the mechanical properties of the granular media (e.g., the surface angle can be larger than 90 degrees). Here we present a review of the mechanical properties of wet granular media, with particular emphasis on the effect of cohesion. We also list several open problems that might motivate future studies in this exciting but mostly unexplored field.Comment: review article, accepted for publication in Advances in Physics; tex-style change

    Cascaded logic gates in nanophotonic plasmon networks

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    Optical computing has been pursued for decades as a potential strategy for advancing beyond the fundamental performance limitations of semiconductor-based electronic devices, but feasible on-chip integrated logic units and cascade devices have not been reported. Here we demonstrate that a plasmonic binary NOR gate, a 'universal logic gate', can be realized through cascaded OR and NOT gates in four-terminal plasmonic nanowire networks. This finding provides a path for the development of novel nanophotonic on-chip processor architectures for future optical computing technologies

    The impact of genetic counselling about breast cancer risk on women's risk perceptions and levels of distress

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    Women referred to a familial breast cancer clinic completed questionnaires before and after counselling and at annual follow-up to assess their risk estimate and psychological characteristics. The aims were to determine whether those who attended the clinic overestimated their risk or were highly anxious and whether counselling influenced risk estimates and levels of distress. Women (n = 450) at this clinic were more likely to underestimate (39%) than overestimate (14%) their risk. Mean trait anxiety scores were higher than general population data (t = 4.9, n = 1059, P < 0.001) but not significantly different from published data from other screening samples. Overestimators (z = 5.69, P < 0.0001) and underestimators (z = –8.01, P < 0.0001) reported significantly different risk estimates (i.e. increased accuracy) after counselling, but significant inaccuracies persisted. Over- (n = 12) and underestimators (n = 60) were still inaccurate in their risk estimates by a factor of 2 after counselling. Thirty per cent of the sample scored above the cut-off (5/6) for case identification on a screening measure for psychological distress, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). GHQ scores were significantly lower after counselling (t = 3.6, d.f. = 384, P = 0.0004) with no evidence of increasing risk estimate causing increased distress. The risk of distress after counselling was greater for younger women and those who were more distressed at first presentation. The counselling offered was effective in increasing the accuracy of risk perceptions without causing distress to those who initially underestimated their risk. It is worrying that inaccuracies persisted, particularly as the demand for service has since reduced the consultation time offered in this clinic. Further work is needed to evaluate alternative models of service delivery using more sophisticated methods of assessing understanding of risk. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Psychological distress in cancer patients assessed with an expert rating scale

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate psychosocial stress in a large sample of cancer patients using an expert rating scale. Specific aims were to analyse the relevance of setting variables (type of clinic, contact initiative, therapy) and gender. A total of 6365 patients were assessed in 105 institutions. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis of setting variables indicated that patients treated in palliative care settings showed highest distress scores compared to patients recruited from hospitals and outpatient clinics (P<0.001). Significant differences were also found for contact initiative (P<0.001); lowest distress was found in patients who were recruited by routine contact. Patients who asked for psychosocial support or who were recruited by the medical staff showed the highest distress scores. The analysis of therapy groups showed that patients receiving radiotherapy or surgery were not more distressed than patients without therapy. The most distressing treatment was chemotherapy. Gender had differential effects on clinic type (P<0.001) and contact initiative (P<0.001) but not on treatment and diagnosis. Expert rating scales are an important complement for self-assessment questionnaires to evaluate psychological distress of cancer patients in psychosocial studies as well as in routine medical care

    Identidad étnica y redes personales entre jóvenes de Sarajevo

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    After fieldwork conducted among young people in Sarajevo, we found a relation between the discourses sustained by them and the ethnic categories they use to classify people and to identify themselves. Also we have found that people self-affiliated as "Bosnians" play an important role in the network of multiethnic relationships, in which strong ties, surprisingly, are still very important. Finally we found a relationship between the composition of personal networks and the ethnic discourses that are maintained.Después de un trabajo de campo realizado con un grupo de jóvenes en Sarajevo, hemos constatado la existencia de una relación entre los discursos que sostienen y las categorías étnicas que utilizan tanto para clasificar a los demás como para auto-identificarse. Asimismo hemos encontrado que los jóvenes que se autodenominan "Bosnios" juegan un rol importante en la red de relaciones multiétnicas, en la que los lazos fuertes, sorprendentemente, son muy importantes. Finalmente hemos hallado una relación entre la composición de las redes personales y los discursos étnicos que se sostienen. Vivimos, o creemos vivir, en múltiples "comunidades", imaginadas o no. Al mismo tiempo, el individuo y no el lugar, la familia o el grupo, se sitúa en el centro de la vida social y de las comunicaciones (Cf. Wellman, 2001). En este contexto, inducido por el avance del capitalismo flexible (Castells, 1996), pensamos que para entender adecuadamente la identidad o identidades postuladas por los individuos es necesario estudiar las redes personales y su dinámica. Desde esta perspectiva no podemos hablar de "etnias" o "multietnicidad" sin más precisiones, pues son conceptos basados en una concepción esencialista y estática de la identidad individual. El concepto de "sociedad multiétnica" es utilizado de una manera engañosamente progresista y objetiva, pues lo que en realidad legitima es la existencia de diferencias esenciales entre personas, alejando en lugar de acercar. Sin embargo, somos plenamente conscientes que los discursos esencialistas de la identidad étnica son omnipresentes, con enormes efectos políticos e individuales. Que planteemos que la concepción esencialista de la identidad sea inapropiada desde un punto de vista académico, no significa que ésta no se utilice políticamente y por lo tanto tenga consecuencias formidables en las relaciones sociales. Precisamente el estudio de las redes personales nos permite situarnos en una perspectiva que no utiliza con pretensiones analíticas conceptos "folk", como son los de "etnia", "pueblo" o "nación", sino que los sitúa en el terreno de los discursos sustentados por los actores (y los estados y medios de comunicación) y nos permite contextualizarlos mediante conceptos etic, es decir, impuestos por los investigadores. Sólo así podemos superar las tautologías que abundan en los discursos étnicos