1,118 research outputs found

    Higher Spin BRS Cohomology of Supersymmetric Chiral Matter in D=4

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    We examine the BRS cohomology of chiral matter in N=1N=1, D=4D=4 supersymmetry to determine a general form of composite superfield operators which can suffer from supersymmetry anomalies. Composite superfield operators \Y_{(a,b)} are products of the elementary chiral superfields SS and \ov S and the derivative operators D_\a, \ov D_{\dot \b} and \pa_{\a \dot \b}. Such superfields \Y_{(a,b)} can be chosen to have `aa' symmetrized undotted indices \a_i and `bb' symmetrized dotted indices \dot \b_j. The result derived here is that each composite superfield \Y_{(a,b)} is subject to potential supersymmetry anomalies if a−ba-b is an odd number, which means that \Y_{(a,b)} is a fermionic superfield.Comment: 15 pages, CPT-TAMU-20/9

    BRS Operators and Covariant Derivatives in Loop Space for P-Branes Coupled to Yang-Mills

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    Canonical forms are given for the nilpotent BRS operator \d and the covariant `loop space' derivative {\cal D}_{\m} for the p-brane fields for all odd p. The defining characteristic of {\cal D}_{\m} is that it is a functional derivative operator which generalizes the ordinary functional derivative and also commutes with \d. Methods of construction for the canonical forms are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, CTP-TAMU-50/9

    BRS Cohomology of the Supertranslations in D=4

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    Supersymmetry transformations are a kind of square root of spacetime translations. The corresponding Lie superalgebra always contains the supertranslation operator ÎŽ=cασαÎČ˙Όc‟ÎČ˙(ϔΌ)† \delta = c^{\alpha} \sigma^{\mu}_{\alpha \dot \beta} {\overline c}^{\dot \beta} (\epsilon^{\mu})^{\dag} . We find that the cohomology of this operator depends on a spin-orbit coupling in an SU(2) group and has a quite complicated structure. This spin-orbit type coupling will turn out to be basic in the cohomology of supersymmetric field theories in general.Comment: 14 pages, CTP-TAMU-13/9

    Localized Tachyons and the g_cl conjecture

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    We consider C/Z_N and C^2/Z_N orbifolds of heterotic string theories and Z_N orbifolds of AdS_3. We study theories with N=2 worldsheet superconformal invariance and construct RG flows. Following Harvey, Kutasov, Martinec and Moore, we compute g_cl and show that it decreases monotonically along RG flows- as conjectured by them. For the heterotic string theories, the gauge degrees of freedom do not contribute to the computation of g_cl.Comment: Corrections and clarifications made, 19 page

    The Coupling of Yang-Mills to Extended Objects

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    The coupling of Yang-Mills fields to the heterotic string in bosonic formulation is generalized to extended objects of higher dimension (p-branes). For odd p, the Bianchi identities obeyed by the field strengths of the (p+1)-forms receive Chern-Simons corrections which, in the case of the 5-brane, are consistent with an earlier conjecture based on string/5-brane duality.Comment: 14 Page

    Fitting the Quark and Lepton Masses in String Theories

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    The capability of string theories to reproduce at low energy the observed pattern of quark and lepton masses and mixing angles is examined, focusing the attention on orbifold constructions, where the magnitude of Yukawa couplings depends on the values of the deformation parameters which describe the size and shape of the compactified space. A systematic exploration shows that for Z3Z_3, Z4Z_4, Z6Z_6--I and possibly Z7Z_7 orbifolds a correct fit of the physical fermion masses is feasible. In this way the experimental masses, which are low--energy quantities, select a particular size and shape of the compactified space, which turns out to be very reasonable (in particular the modulus TT defining the former is T=O(1)T=O(1)). The rest of the ZNZ_N orbifolds are rather hopeless and should be discarded on the assumption of a minimal SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)YSU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)_Y scenario. On the other hand, due to stringy selection rules, there is no possibility of fitting the Kobayashi--Maskawa parameters at the renormalizable level, although it is remarked that this job might well be done by non--renormalizable couplings.Comment: 19 page

    Soft SUSY Breaking Terms in Stringy Scenarios: Computation and Phenomenological Viability

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    We calculate the soft SUSY breaking terms arising from a large class of string scenarios, namely symmetric orbifold constructions, and study its phenomenological viability. They exhibit a certain lack of universality, unlike the usual assumptions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Assuming gaugino condensation in the hidden sector as the source of SUSY breaking, it turns out that squark and slepton masses tend to be much larger than gaugino masses. Furthermore, we show that these soft breaking terms can be perfectly consistent with both experimental and naturalness constraints (the latter comes from the absence of fine tuning in the SU(2)×U(1)Y→U(1)emSU(2)\times U(1)_Y\rightarrow U(1)_{em} breaking process). This is certainly non--trivial and in fact imposes interesting constraints on measurable quantities. More precisely, we find that the gluino mass (M3M_3) and the chargino mass (Mχ±M_{\chi^{\pm}}) cannot be much higher than their present experimental lower bounds (M3∌<285 M_3\stackrel{<}{{}_\sim}285\ GeV ; $M_{\chi^\pm}\stackrel{<}{{}_\sim}80\ GeV),whilesquarkandsleptonmassesmustbemuchlarger(GeV), while squark and slepton masses must be much larger (\stackrel{>}{{}_\sim} 1\ TeV).Thiscanbeconsideredasanobservationalsignatureofthiskindofstringyscenarios.Besides,thetopmassisconstrainedtobewithinarange(TeV). This can be considered as an observational signature of this kind of stringy scenarios. Besides, the top mass is constrained to be within a range (80\ GeVGeV\stackrel{<}{{}_\sim}m_t\stackrel{<}{{}_\sim}165\ $GeV)Comment: 18 pages, CERN-TH.6681/9

    Pembelajaran Menulis Karangan Narasi Menggunakan Pemetaan Alur Pikir Siswa SMAN 9 Kota Kupang

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    This study refers to the low interest of students in writing narrative essays, students prefer to work on the questions in the Student Worksheet (LKS) compared to writing assignments, learning to write essays, especially teacher narrative essays only explain the material and assign students to write essays freely without guidance from the teacher, in writing narrative essays students struggle to arrange essays chronologically. In fact, writing learning itself has been applied in schools, especially in Class X2 students of SMA Negeri 9 Kupang City, but there are still many students who do not understand how to write essays, especially writing narrative essays. Based on that the solution applied is the researchers chose to use the Mind Mapping model which aims to explore information from both inside and outside the brain in order to obtain new ideas, new concepts according to students' understanding and prove the effectiveness of learning to write narrative essays. This research uses Pre Experimental in the form of Pretest-Posttest Design. The research data were obtained from observations, questionnaires, test results and field notes. The results showed that in the pretest, the average value of students was 51.73 or less categorized. The scores on the pretest have not yet reached the KKM that has been set. While the posttest increased by 29.63 or 57.27% to 81.36 and was in the good category. The expected benefit of this research is the development of educational theory theory, specifically the problem of the effectiveness of mind-mapping technique to develop students' writing potential, can improve and provide a more varied choice of learning techniques in the learning process and can create a fun learning activity, to improve skills student writing

    Chern-Simons forms, Mickelsson-Faddeev algebras and the p-branes

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    In string theory, nilpotence of the BRS operator \d for the string functional relates the Chern-Simons term in the gauge-invariant antisymmetric tensor field strength to the central term in the Kac-Moody algebra. We generalize these ideas to p-branes with odd p and find that the Kac-Moody algebra for the string becomes the Mickelsson-Faddeev algebra for the p-brane.Comment: 11 pages, CTP-TAMU-45-92, (Correction of some minor sign errors and typos

    Threshold Corrections and Gauge Symmetry in Twisted Superstring Models

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    Threshold corrections to the running of gauge couplings are calculated for superstring models with free complex world sheet fermions. For two N=1 SU(2)×U(1)5SU(2)\times U(1)^5 models, the threshold corrections lead to a small increase in the unification scale. Examples are given to illustrate how a given particle spectrum can be described by models with different boundary conditions on the internal fermions. We also discuss how complex twisted fermions can enhance the symmetry group of an N=4 SU(3)×U(1)×U(1)SU(3)\times U(1)\times U(1) model to the gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1). It is then shown how a mixing angle analogous to the Weinberg angle depends on the boundary conditions of the internal fermions.Comment: easier to Tex version, figures to be sent separatel
