129 research outputs found

    Gravity Duo: An Audiovisual Experience

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    The current project focuses on the creation of “Gravity Duo”, an ensemble comprised of Phui Kuan Kok and Diego Demarco. One of the main features of this culminating experience is live performance combined with electronics and visuals. The musical setup consists of live vocals, vocoder, piano and guitar, and is supported by a custom-made library of visuals that interacts with the audio in real time. This report will provide an in-depth analysis of how the music, visuals and live show were developed from the ground up. This culminating experience has ended up being a success, and with high expectations for being performed in a variety of different venues in the coming years.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1111/thumbnail.jp

    Laticifers and Secretory Ducts: Similarities and Differences

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    During the evolution of terrestrial plants, many protective strategies have emerged, guaranteeing the survival of plants in the most varied environments. Among these strategies, we highlight the chemical defense of plants given by secretory structures, such as laticifers and secretory ducts. These glands are responsible for the production of viscous exudates that can be toxic, deterrent or repellent to herbivores, in addition to acting against microorganisms and sealing wounds. The similarities between latex and resin produced by certain ducts led several researchers to misinterpret their characteristics and generated a great number of divergences in the literature. This chapter aims to review the similarities and differences between laticifers and ducts and to demonstrate the structure, secretory activity and chemical composition of the secretion of each one, as well as the evolutionary and ecological aspects that can be associated with the high rate of survival and diversification of the plants that contain laticifers and/or ducts

    Micromorphology and Histochemistry of the Laticifers from Vegetative Organs of Asclepiadoideae species (Apocynaceae)

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    Micromorphology and main substances of the laticifer walls and latex of Asclepias curassavica, Fischeria stellata, Gonioanthela axillaris, Matelea denticulata, and Oxypetalum banksii were analyzed and compared with those of Apocynacean Cerrado species. Laticifers of the studied species from different rainforest vegetations exhibit similar features. The walls are primary, highly hydrated, pectic-cellulosic, and firmly attached to adjacent cell walls. The latex is milky white, constituted by polysaccharides, including mucilage, proteins, lipids, including fatty acids, phenolic compounds, and alkaloids; however, Fischeria and Gonioanthela differ from the other species for also producing neutral lipids. The latex of the investigated species is related to plant defense against herbivory, and may be toxic and inhibit microorganism proliferation. Also, it can coagulate, sealing plants wounds and working as a physical barrier. These latex properties provide greater adaptive advantage to these plants in relation to non-latescent plants.MICROMORFOLOGÍA E HISTOQUÍMICA DE LOS LATICÍFEROS DE ÓRGANOS VEGETATIVOS DE ESPECIES DE ASCLEPIADOIDEAE (APOCYNACEAE)La micromorfología y las principales clases de componentes de las paredes de los laticíferos y del látex de Asclepias curassavica, Fischeria stellata, Gonioanthela axillaris, Matelea denticulata y Oxypetalum banksii, fueron analizadas y comparadas con las de especies de Apocynaceae de Cerrado. Los laticíferos de las especies estudiadas de diferentes tipos de bosques presentan características semejantes. Las paredes son primarias, altamente hidratadas, pecto-celulósicas y fuertemente adheridas a las paredes de las células adyacentes. El látex es blanco lechoso, constituido por polisacáridos, incluyendo mucílago, proteínas, lípidos, incluyendo ácidos grasos, compuestos fenólicos e alcaloides. Fischeria y Gonioanthela difieren de las demás especies por producir lípidos neutros. El látex de las especies investigadas está asociado a la protección de la planta contra herbivoría, pudiendo ser tóxico e inhibir la proliferación de microorganismos, además de coagular, sellando heridas de las plantas y funcionando como barrera física. Estas propiedades del látex proporcionan una mayor ventaja adaptativa a estas plantas en relación a las no latescentes

    Style head in Apocynaceae: a very complex secretory activity performed by one tissue

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    Nuptial glands are very diverse and associated with different pollination mechanisms. The greater the specificity in the pollen transfer mechanism from anther to stigma, the greater the morphological elaboration of flowers and functional complexity of the nuptial glands. In Apocynaceae, pollination mechanisms reached an extreme specificity, a fact that was only possible due to an extreme morphological synorganization and a profusion of floral glands. Although these glands are of different types, the vast majority have secretory cells only in the epidermis. In general, these epidermal cells produce many different compounds at the same time, and previous studies have demonstrated that in the style head, the functional complexity of epidermis has become even greater. Four types of style head are found in the family, which have different degrees of functional complexity in relation to the secretion produced and pollen dispersal mechanism. The secretion is fluid in types I, II and III, and the pollen is dispersed and adhered to the pollinator by the secretion produced by the style head. In type IV, the secretion hardens and acquires a specific shape, moulded by the spatial constraints of the adjacent floral organs. This evolutionary alteration is accompanied by changes in the structure and arrangement of the secretory cells, as well as in pollen aggregation and position of stigma. Histochemical analysis has shown that the secretion is mixed and highly complex, especially in the style head type IV, where the secretion, called translator, is formed by a rigid central portion, which adheres to the pollinator, and two caudicles that attach to two pollinia. The translator has a distinct composition in its different parts. Further studies are needed to answer the new questions that have arisen from the discovery of this highly functional complexity of the secretory tissue

    Articulated anastomosing laticifers in species of Asclepiadeae (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) and their ecological significance

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    Laticifers occur in all members of Apocynaceae. They are described as nonarticulated branched by most authors, but articulated laticifers have been reported to some species of this family. The present study aims to describe the laticifer ontogeny, structure, distribution, and type in vegetative organs of Fischeria stellata (Vell.) E.Fourn., Gonioanthela axillaris (Vell.) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz, Matelea denticulata (Vahl) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz, and Oxypetalum banksii Schult. and re-evaluate the laticifers of Asclepias curassavica L. from Atlantic rainforest, comparing the results with those of species from cerrado vegetation. The laticifers of these five species are articulated anastomosing, whose transverse or oblique walls dissolve rapidly and entirely. The laticifers branch through lateral anastomoses and form a continuous system throughout the adult plant. They are observed in primary tissues of stem and leaf, except in epidermis; they are also present in the secondary vascular tissue, except in the secondary xylem of A. curassavica. The ontogeny of these laticifers may explain the divergence between our data and those recorded for most species of the family. The results obtained revealed that the ontogeny, type, structure, and distribution of laticifers of the species of Asclepiadeae from restinga, lowland humid forests, and cerrado vegetation are similar. The continuity of the articulated anastomosing laticifer system ensures a greater latex flow into the injured organ, releasing the laticifer exsudate simultaneously, coagulating and sealing the wounds rapidly, besides hindering the entrance of microorganisms.Laticíferos ocorrem em todos os representantes de Apocynaceae e são considerados não articulados ramificados pela maioria dos autores; entretanto, laticíferos articulados têm sido descritos para algumas espécies da família. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever a ontogênese, estrutura, distribuição e o tipo dos laticíferos em órgãos vegetativos de Fischeria stellata (Vell.) E.Fourn., Gonioanthela axillaris (Vell.) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz, Matelea denticulata (Vahl) Fontella & E.A. Schwarz e Oxypetalum banksii Schult. e reavaliar os laticíferos de Asclepias curassavica L. de mata atlântica, comparando os resultados aos de espécies de cerrado. Os laticíferos das cinco espécies são articulados anastomosados, cujas paredes transversais ou oblíquas são dissolvidas rápida e integralmente. Os laticíferos ramificam-se através de anastomose lateral e formam um sistema contínuo por todos os órgãos da planta adulta. Eles são observados em todos os tecidos primários do caule e da folha, excetuando-se a epiderme, e no tecido vascular secundário, exceto no xilema secundário de A. curassavica. A ontogênese destes laticíferos pode explicar a divergência entre os nossos dados e aqueles publicados para a grande maioria das espécies desta família. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que a ontogênese, estrutura e distribuição dos laticíferos das espécies de Asclepiadeae de floresta de restinga, floresta ombrófila densa de terras baixas e cerrado são semelhantes. A continuidade do sistema laticífero articulado anastomosado permite um maior afluxo de látex ao local injuriado, pois o conteúdo das regiões interconectadas é liberado simultaneamente, coagulando e selando os ferimentos rapidamente, além de impedir a entrada de microorganismos.701713Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Producción de bovinos en la Argentina : de carne somos

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    Fil: Demarco, Diego. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: de la Orden, Jorge L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Cervini, Lourdes M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Gil, Susana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaA pesar que desde 1990 el stock ganadero ha permanecido relativamente estancado,\nfundamentalmente por la competencia de la actividad agrícola, con mejores márgenes\neconómicos, Argentina sigue siendo un importantísimo productor de carne vacuna, de\nexcelente calidad, el octavo exportador mundial y, por supuesto, el líder en el consumo\nper cápita

    Las razas bovinas carniceras en Argentina : carne for export

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    Fil: Fornieles, Alejandro S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Área de Producción Bovinos para Carne; Argentina.Fil: Cervini, María L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Área de Producción Bovinos para Carne; Argentina.Fil: Gil, Susana B. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Área de Producción Bovinos para Carne; Argentina.Fil: Demarco, Diego. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Área de Producción Bovinos para Carne; Argentina.Fil: De la Orden, Jorge L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Área de Producción Bovinos para Carne; Argentina.En un principio había razas bovinas que respondían a biotipos carniceros o lecheros. Hoy, a los\nefectos productivos, se habla de biotipos continentales, británicos o índicos. Las razas son las\nvariables genéticas que se manejan dentro del sistema. No tienen ninguna característica especial que\nlas hagan mejores o peores, sino que según sea el sistema de producción será la raza que convenga\nutilizar

    Leaf anatomical features of three Theobroma species \ud (Malvaceae s.l.) native to the Brazilian Amazon

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    Theobroma species have economic importance due to their use in the cosmetic and food industries, mainly in the production \ud of chocolate. However, the anatomy of their vegetative structures remains poorly studied. The goal of this study was to describe \ud the anatomical features of Theobroma grandiflorum, T. speciosum and T. subincanum to contribute to the biological knowledge \ud of these species, as well as provide support to the biotechnological studies of native fruit plants of the Amazon. Leaves at \ud different developmental stages were collected and analyzed under light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Sessile \ud and stalked stellate trichomes and digitiform glandular trichomes were observed in the expanded leaves of T. grandiflorum and \ud T. subincanum. These species were also similar in the morphology of the midrib, the organization of the mesophyll and the \ud presence of starch grains in the midrib pith cells. Claviform glandular trichomes and mucilage cells in the epidermis occurred \ud only in the expanded leaves of T. speciosum. The presence of mucilage secretory trichomes in shoot apices (colleters) of all \ud species is a new finding for the genus Theobroma.As espécies de Theobroma têm importância econômica devido a sua utilização nas indústrias cosmética e alimentícia, \ud principalmente na produção de chocolate. Entretanto, a anatomia de suas estruturas vegetativas permanece pouco conhecida. O \ud presente estudo teve por objetivo descrever as características anatômicas de Theobroma grandiflorum, T. speciosum e T. subincanum, \ud como contribuição ao conhecimento biológico dessas espécies, bem como, fornecer subsídios aos estudos biotecnológicos de \ud fruteiras nativas da Amazônia. Folhas em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento foram coletadas e analisadas sob microscopia \ud de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Nas folhas expandidas de T. grandiflorum e T. subincanum foram observados tricomas dos \ud tipos estrelado séssil, pedunculado e glandular digitiforme. Estas espécies também foram similares quanto à morfologia da \ud nervura central, à organização do mesofilo e à presença de grãos de amido no parênquima medular da nervura central. Tricomas \ud glandulares claviformes e células mucilaginosas na epiderme do limbo foliar ocorreram somente em T. speciosum. A presença \ud de tricomas secretores de mucilagem nos ápices vegetativos (coléteres) de todas as espécies estudadas é um novo registro para \ud o gênero Theobroma.The first author is grateful to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for a graduate student scholarship (Process number 132764/2010- 5) and to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Botânica Tropical of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi and Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. We also greatly acknowledge the Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC) for providing equipment and technical support and Dr Dewey Litwiller (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) for the revision of the paper and value suggestions and comments

    Osmophores and floral fragrance in Anacardium humile and Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae): an overlooked secretory structure in Sapindales

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    Background and aims: Flowers of Anacardiaceae and other Sapindales typically produce nectar, but scent, often associated with a reward for pollinators, has surprisingly been mentioned only rarely for members of the family and order. However, flowers of Anacardium humile and Mangifera indica produce a strong sweet scent. The origin and composition of these floral scents is the subject of this study. Methods: Screening of potential osmophores on the petals and investigations of their anatomy were carried out by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The composition of the floral fragrance was characterized by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Key results: In both species, the base of the adaxial side of each petal revealed specialized secretory epidermal cells which are essentially similar in structure and distinct from all other neighbouring cells. These cells also showed evidence of granulocrine secretory mechanisms and slight specific variations in their subcellular apparatus coinciding with the respective composition of the floral fragrance, predominantly composed of sesquiterpenes in Anacardium humile and monoterpenes in Mangifera indica. Conclusions: This study reports the presence of osmophores for the first time in flowers of Anacardiaceae and confirms the link between the ultrastructural features of their secretory cells and the volatiles produced by the flowers. The flowers of most Sapindales, including Anacardiaceae, are nectariferous. However, the presence of osmophores has only been described for very few genera of Rutaceae and Sapindaceae. Both the occurrence of osmophores and fragrance may have largely been overlooked in Anacardiaceae and Sapindales until now. Further studies are needed to better understand the nature and diversity of the interactions of their nectariferous flowers with their pollinators

    Avaliação da tutoria no Curso de Especialização em Negociação Coletiva / Modalidade a Distância (MPOG-EA/UFRGS)

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    O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar a atuação dos tutores do Curso de Especialização em Negociação Coletiva (NEGCOL-EA/UFRGS), ofertado na modalidade a distância. A justificativa deste estudo visa aperfeiçoar o papel desempenhado pelo tutor no processo de ensino-aprendizagem mediado por TICs. Na discussão teórica são apresentadas noções conceituais acerca do papel dos tutores no processo de ensinoaprendizagem mediado por tecnologias, bem como da importância da avaliação da atuação dos mesmos. Em termos metodológicos, realizou-se um levantamento com delineamento exploratório-descritivo, sendo que os dados foram coletados via web com 288 alunos, cujas respostas foram analisadas por meio de estatísticas simples. Tambémse fez uso de dados secundários. Os principais resultados indicam que a avaliação do desempenho dos tutores, tanto nas avaliações reativas dos alunos ao final das disciplinas, como na avaliação final do curso, foi bastante positiva. Há fortes indícios de que a estrutura de tutoria adotada pelo curso tenha contribuído para o bom desempenho dos tutores. Na avaliação pela coordenação do curso fica em aberto a questão quanto aomodelo de estruturação da tutoria, se por disciplina ou permanente, tendo em vista que no caso do curso foi uma mescla de ambos os modelos