81 research outputs found

    Acompanhando a inovação organizacional pela investigação: o caso da avaliação de desempenho de diretores de escola italianos

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    In 2015, the Italian parliament approved the law no. 107, named “La Buona Scuola” (“The Good School”), in order to boost the quality of organizational processes in schools. Among these, one of the most innovative was introducing a performance evaluation procedure for the nearly 7000 school principals of Italian public schools, from primary to college.From 2000 on, the legal status of schools principals in the public system have been set to the managerial level. However, no formal performance evaluation had been really performed before. In 2016, the INVALSI (the governmental agency for the evaluation of the national education system - http://www.invalsi.it/invalsi/index.php) was instructed to formulate a project aimed to: i) translate into concrete organizational procedures the goals dictated by the law; ii) train the evaluation teams needed; iii) monitor by an appropriate research design the outcomes of the new performance evaluation.The paper describes and discusses the training programme for assessors, the research design and some preliminary results.Em 2015, o parlamento italiano aprovou a lei nº 107, denominada “La Buona Scuola” (“A Boa Escola”), com o objetivo de impulsionar a qualidade dos processos organizacionais nas escolas. Entre eles, um dos mais inovadores foi a introdução de um procedimento de avaliação de desempenho para os quase 7 mil diretores de escolas públicas italianas, do ensino primário ao universitário.Já desde 2000 que o estatuto legal dos diretores de escolas no sistema público ficou definido para o nível de gestão. No entanto, nenhuma avaliação formal de desempenho foi antes realmente realizada.Em 2016, a INVALSI (a agência governamental para a avaliação do sistema nacional de educação - http://www.invalsi.it/invalsi/index.php) foi instruída no sentido de formular um projeto com o objetivo de: i) traduzir em procedimentos organizacionais concretos; os objetivos ditados pela lei; ii) treinar as equipes de avaliação necessárias; iii) monitorizar, por meio de um desenho de investigação apropriado, os resultados da nova avaliação de desempenho.Este artigo descreve e discute o programa de formação para avaliadores, o desenho da investigação e alguns resultados preliminares

    Psychological Contract and Quality of Organizational Life : An Empirical Study on Workers at a Rest Home

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    This study assesses psychological contract using a feature-oriented approach which measures perceptions about employer and employee obligations along the dimensions of duration, tangibility, scope, stability/flexibility, contract level and exchange symmetry. Questionnaires were administered to 170 workers (23 males, 147 females) employed at a rest home in Northern Italy. The results confirm the hypothesized relation between the employee’s perceptions of employer obligations and the organizational role component of organizational life (in terms of low role ambiguity and high development expectations). Similarly, the hypothesized relation between the employee’s perceived obligations to the employer and the affective and motivational area is supported (in terms of affective commitment and perceived organizational justice). The results also show the importance of assessing the employee’s perceptions both of employer obligations and of her/his own obligations to the employer, considering the differentiated influence that each of them has on organizational life.La notion de contrat psychologique joue à l’heure actuelle un rôle de plus en plus important dans le domaine de la psychologie du travail et des organisations. Le contrat psychologique se rapporte aux croyances sur les obligations réciproques existant entre l’employé et l’organisation : ces croyances reposent sur la perception que des promesses ont été faites par l’employeur (salaires compétitifs, avancement de carrière, formation professionnelle) en échange d’autres promesses faites par l’employé (loyauté, honnêteté, engagement) (Rousseau, 1989 ; Rousseau et Tijoriwala, 1998).Dans cette recherche, le contrat psychologique a été analysé en utilisant la méthode de mesure axée sur les caractéristiques créée par Sels, Janssens et Van den Brande (2004). Celle-ci analyse le contrat psychologique sur la base de six éléments, à savoir la durée, la tangibilité, le but, la stabilité, le niveau du contrat et la symétrie de l’échange. Cette échelle révèle les perceptions de l’employé sur deux aspects : par rapport aux obligations que l’employeur a envers lui, et par rapport aux obligations qu’il estime avoir lui-même envers l’employeur. La perception du travailleur de son propre contrat psychologique est donc analysée à travers deux grilles de questions. Cependant, les perceptions de l’employeur n’ont pas été prises en compte.Dans la présente étude, l’hypothèse était que les caractéristiques du contrat psychologique ont des conséquences spécifiques dans le rapport de travail. En particulier, on s’attendait à ce que les obligations perçues de l’employeur soient en rapport avec les attitudes et les perceptions de l’employé en ce qui concerne son rôle professionnel (à savoir, les attentes d’avancement et l’ambiguïté de rôle). Nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que les obligations perçues de l’employé étaient liées à la composante affective et motivationnelle du rapport de travail et, notamment, aux perceptions de justice organisationnelle et à l’engagement affectif.Cette étude se base sur une recherche menée dans une maison de retraite de l’Italie du Nord. Un questionnaire a été soumis à 170 individus employés dans cette structure avec des tâches différentes (principalement des travailleurs dans le domaine de l’assistance sociale et des infirmiers) : 147 femmes et 23 hommes ; 33,3 % âgés de moins de 36 ans ; 34,5 % d’âge compris entre 36 et 45 ans ; 32,2 % âgés de plus de 45 ans. Le questionnaire a été autorempli. Le traitement statistique des données a été effectué à l’aide des programmes SPSS (pour les statistiques descriptives et les analyses de la variance) et AMOS (pour vérifier les modèles expérimentaux supposés).En ce qui concerne le rapport entre le contrat psychologique et les résultats organisationnels, les hypothèses énoncées ont été confirmées : la perception des obligations de l’employeur a un lien positif avec les attentes d’avancement et négatif avec l’ambiguïté de rôle, tandis que les obligations perçues de l’employé sont liées à la justice organisationnelle et à l’engagement de type affectif. La tangibilité constitue une exception : dans ce cas, les obligations de l’employé n’ont aucun lien ni avec la justice, ni avec l’engagement affectif, mais, au contraire, elles sont liées aux attentes d’avancement. Il paraît donc que la tangibilité est liée aux perspectives de progrès de l’employé à l’intérieur de son propre rôle professionnel, indépendamment du fait que l’on mesure la perception des obligations de l’employeur ou de l’employé.Ces résultats nous montrent que plus l’employé perçoit que l’employeur a des obligations fortes envers lui, plus il aura le sentiment de maîtriser sa tâche professionnelle (en termes de faible ambiguïté de rôle); en outre, il considérera l’organisation comme un lieu dans lequel il peut avancer et développer ses compétence et sa carrière professionnelle (en termes d’attentes d’avancement). Par contre, plus le travailleur perçoit qu’il a pris des obligations fortes envers l’organisation, plus il considérera celle-ci comme un lieu où s’engager ; par conséquent, il développera des sentiments d’attachement affectif et il considérera comme plus équitables et justes les modalités par lesquelles l’organisation prend ses décisions et les communique.Cette recherche montre encore une fois l’importance du contrat psychologique dans la formation de la qualité du rapport de travail. Elle montre également que la perception des obligations de l’employeur et de l’employé contribuent de façon significative à la création d’un rapport de travail satisfaisant et gratifiant pour les deux parties. Il devient donc fondamental pour les gestionnaires d’avoir pleine conscience de l’importance de cette notion et des conséquences positives pouvant découler d’une correcte interprétation et du respect des conditions qui la composent.Este estudio evalúa el contrato sicologico utilizando una perspectiva caracterial que permite medir las percepciones respecto a las obligaciones del empleador y de los empleados a través las dimensiones de duración, tangibilidad, ambito, estabilidad / flexibilidad, nivel de contrato y simetría de intercambio. Se administraron cuestionarios a 170 trabajadores (23 hombres y 147 mujeres) empleados de una casa de reposo en el Norte de Italia. Los resultados confirman la hipotesis sobre la relación entre las percepciones de los empleados sobre las obligaciones de los empleadores y el rol orgnizacional componente de la vida organizacional (en terminos de ambiguedad de rol limitada y espectativas de desarrollo elevadas). Asi mismo, la hipotesis de la relación entre las percepciones de las obligaciones de los empleados para con el empleador y el area afectiva y motivacional es también confirmada (en terminos de implicación afectiva y percepción de justicia organizacional). Los resultados muestran tambien la importancia de evaluar la percepción de los empleados sobre las obligaciones del empleador y sus respectivas obligaciones para con el empleador, considerando la influencia diferencial que cada una de ellas tiene sobre la vida organizacional

    Perceived sexual harassment at work: meta-analysis and structural model of antecedents and consequences

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    Although sexual harassment has been extensively studied, empirical research has not led to firm conclusions about its antecedents and consequences, both at the personal and organizational level. An extensive literature search yielded 42 empirical studies with 60 samples. The matrix correlation obtained through meta-analytic techniques was used to test a structural equation model. Results supported the hypotheses regarding organizational environmental factors as main predictors of harassment.Pese a que el acoso sexual ha sido extensamente estudiado, la investigación empírica no ha llegado a conclusiones firmes relativas a sus antecedentes y consecuencias personales y organizacionales. Una extensa búsqueda de la literatura arroja 42 estudios empíricos con 60 muestras que son sometidos a técnicas meta-analíticas. La matriz de correlaciones obtenida por técnicas meta-analíticas ha sido usada para probar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados apoyan las hipótesis que indican que los factores del ambiente organizacional son los predictores principales del acoso

    Positive aging in demanding workplaces: The gain cycle between job satisfaction and work engagement

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    Nowadays organizations have to cope with two related challenges: maintaining an engaged and highly performing workforce and, at the same time, protecting and increasing employees' well-being and job satisfaction under conditions of a generalized increase of job demand, in an increasingly growing older population. According to the motivational process of the JD-R model, a work environment with many organizational resources will foster work engagement, which in turn will increase the likelihood of positive personal and organizational outcomes, such as job satisfaction, performance, and intention to stay. However, it is not clear how this motivational process could work in different age cohorts, as older workers may have different priorities to those of younger colleagues. Postulating the existence of a gain-cycle in the relationship between work engagement and outcomes, in this study we tested a longitudinal moderated mediation model in which job satisfaction increases over time through an increment in work engagement. We hypothesized that this process is moderated by job demand and aging. We collected data in public administrations in Northern Italy in order to measure work engagement and job satisfaction. 556 workers aged between 50 and 64 replied to the survey twice (the first time and 8 months later). The findings confirmed a moderated mediation model, in which job satisfaction at time 1 increased work engagement, which in turn fostered job satisfaction 8 months later, confirming the hypothesized gain-cycle. This relationship was shown to be moderated by the joint influence of job demand intensity and age: higher job demands and younger age are related to the maximum level of level gain cycle, while the same high level of job demands, when associated with older age, appears unable to stimulate a similar effect. The results confirm that, on one hand, older workers cannot be seen as a homogeneous group and, on the other hand, the importance of considering the role played by the gain cycle of resources. Our findings show that age matters, and that greater consideration should be devoted to age differences in order to design appropriate human resources practices that foster work engagement and satisfaction

    Qualità della vita lavorativa e rischio di mobbing: l’effetto moderatore del clima sociale

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    The aim of the present study is to identify the psychosocial factors that are more related to the risk of workplace bullying in the organizational contexts. According to the work environment hypothesis, job demands, job control, perception of equity and leadership have been considered. It has been hypothesized that all these variables infl uence directly negative acts and also their effects are moderated by perception of colleagues. In order to investigate these relationships, a self-report questionnaire has been administered to 148 participants who represented all the population of a structure of private health care. The main results showed that job demands and leadership are the organizational antecedents more related to workplace bullying. Furthermore, the perception of colleagues has a moderating effect especially between job characteristics, like job demand, and negative acts, while this effect is weaker between relational antecedent, as leadership, and bullying. The data seem to con- fi rm that mobbing prevention can be implemented starting from the psychosocial work environment and management of relationships involving leader and colleagues.El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar cuáles son los factores psicosociales que se  asocian a un mayor riesgo de acoso en los contextos laborales. En particular, en línea con la hipótesis situacional se tuvieron en cuenta la demanda laboral, el control, la percepción de equidad y el liderazgo. Específicamente se plantea una influencia directa de estos factores sobre las acciones negativas perpetradas en los lugares de trabajo y un efecto moderador de las percepciones de los colegas entre los factores considerados y el riesgo de acoso laboral. El estudio, llevado a cabo en una institución privada hospitalaria, incluyó la aplicación de un cuestionario de auto-reporte a todos los trabajadores de la organización (N = 148). Los resultados han evidenciado que son, sobre todo, la demanda laboral y el liderazgo los que influencian directamente las acciones negativas, mientras que el efecto es más débil entre los antecedentes de carácter más relacional, como el liderazgo, y el acoso laboral. Los datos confirman que la prevención del acoso laboral debe ser implementada a partir del ambiente psicosocial de trabajo y de la gestión de las relaciones que impliquen a los colegas y a los superiores

    Helicopter Pilots’ Tasks, Subjective Workload, and the Role of External Visual Cues During Shipboard Landing

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    Helicopter shipboard landing is a cognitively complex task that is challenging both for pilots and their crew. Effective communication, accurate reading of the flight instruments, as well as monitoring of the external environment are crucial for a successful landing. In particular, the final phases of landing are critical as they imply high workload situations in an unstable environment with restricted space. In the present qualitative study, we interviewed ten helicopter pilots from the Italian Navy using an applied cognitive task analysis approach. We aimed to obtain a detailed description of the landing procedure, and to identify relevant factors that affect pilots’ workload, performance, and safety. Based on the content analysis of the interviews, we have identified six distinct phases of approaching and landing on a ship deck and four categories of factors that may significantly affect pilots’ performance and safety of the landing procedure. Consistent with previous studies, our findings suggest that external visual cueing is vital for a successful landing, in particular during the last phases of landing. Therefore, based on the pilots’ statements, we provide suggestions for possible improvements of external visual cues that have the potential to reduce pilots’ workload and improve the overall safety of landing operations

    Acoso laboral y conductas incĂ­vicas

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    Se presta atención a las conductas incívicas en el lugar de trabajo y se hace hincapié en sus dos características fundamentales: baja intensidad y ambigüedad con respecto a intención de causar daño. Pese a esta baja intensidad, provoca consecuencias tan perjudiciales para las víctimas como las conductas generales de acoso en el lugar de trabajo. Sus efectos se extienden también a los compañeros de trabajo y a la organización en su conjunto. Es importante el papel desempeñado por el contexto (cultural, social, organizacional y grupal) como determinante de las conductas incívicas, al igual que el poder en la organización, un recurso que usan los instigadores para realizar conductas de acoso y para protegerse contra las denuncias de las víctimas de tales conductas. Por último, se sugieren nuevas vías para extender esta investigación y profundizar en algunos aspectos todavía por descubrir.This paper focuses on incivility in the workplace, emphasizing its two defining characteristics: low intensity and ambiguity with respect to intent to harm. Despite its low intensity, its consequences for the victims are as detrimental as the ones caused by other types of harassment in the workplace, and effects on bystanders, and on the organization as a whole, are also observed. In addition, it is argued that social, organizational, and group contexts are determinants of incivility, and especial attention is given to the role played by power in the organization, as an important resource used by instigators both to initiate harassment behaviors and to protect themselves against victims’ voice. Finally, some lines for future research are suggested

    Burnout e Positive Psychology

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