3,429 research outputs found

    Matsuo algebras in characteristic 2

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    We extend the theory of Matsuo algebras, which are certain non-associative algebras related to 3-transposition groups, to characteristic 2. Instead of idempotent elements associated to points in the corresponding Fischer space, our algebras are now generated by nilpotent elements associated to lines. For many 3-transposition groups, this still gives rise to a Z/2Z\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}-graded fusion law, and we provide a complete classification of when this occurs. In one particular small case, arising from the 3-transposition group Sym(4)\operatorname{Sym}(4), the fusion law is even stronger, and the resulting Miyamoto group is an algebraic group Ga2Gm\mathbb{G}_a^2 \rtimes \mathbb{G}_m.Comment: 19 page

    Особливості побудови соціоеконометричних моделей на змішаному факторному просторі

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    Подано методологічні підходи до побудови, ідентифікації та змістовної інтерпретації економетричних моделей взаємозв'язків на факторному просторі, що поєднує ознаки, виражені як метричною, або порядковою, так і дихотомічною, або номінальною, шкалами. Розглянуто особливості використання алгоритмів регресійного аналізу для побудови моделей такого типу. На фактичному матеріалі наведено варіанти апробації запропонованих підходів.Представлены методологические подходы к построению, идентификации и содержательной интерпретации эконометрических моделей взаимосвязей на факторном пространстве, которое объединяет признаки, выраженные как метрической, или порядковой, так и дихотомической, или номинальной, шкалами. Рассмотрены особенности использования алгоритмов регрессионного анализа для построения моделей такого типа. На фактическом материале представлены варианты апробации предложенных подходов.The paper presents methodological approaches to construction, identification and substantial interpretation of econometric models of interrelations in the factorial spacee. The factorial space includes the factors presented both by metric or ordinal, and dichotomizing or nominal scales. The features of regression analysis algorithms use for constructing of the above models are considered. The variants of approbation of the offered approaches are presented using the real material

    Wettability versus roughness of engineering surfaces

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    Wetting of real engineering surfaces occurs in many industrial applications (liquid coating, lubrication, printing, painting, ...). Forced and natural wetting can be beneficial in many cases, providing lubrication and therefore reducing friction and wear. However the wettability of surfaces can be strongly affected by surface roughness. This influence can be very significant for static and dynamic wetting [1]. In this paper authors experimentally investigate the roughness influence on contact angle measurements and propose a simple model combining Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter theories with simple 2D roughness profile analysis. The modelling approach is applied to real homogeneous anisotropic surfaces, manufactured on a wide range of engineering materials including aluminium alloy, iron alloy, copper, ceramic, plastic (poly-methylmethacrylate: PMMA) and titanium alloy

    Optimal interactions of light with magnetic and electric resonant particles

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    This work studies the limits of far and near-field electromagnetic response of sub-wavelength scatterers, like the unitary limit and of lossless scatterers, and the ideal absorption limit of lossy particles. These limit behaviors are described in terms of analytic formulas that approximate finite size effects while rigorously including radiative corrections. This analysis predicts the electric and/or magnetic limit responses of both metallic and dielectric nanoparticles while quantitatively describing near-field enhancements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Areal surface texture data extraction from x-ray computed tomography reconstructions of metal additively manufactured parts

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    Many applications that exploit the manufacturing flexibility of additive manufacturing (AM) produce surfaces, primarily internal features, which cannot be measured using conventional contact or line-of-sight optical methods. This paper evaluates the capability of a novel technique to extract areal surface data from micro-focus x-ray computed tomography (XCT) from AM components and then generate surface parameter data per ISO 25178-2. This non-destructive evaluation of internal features has potential advantages during AM product research and commercial production. The data extracted from XCT is compared with data extracted using a focus variation instrument. A reference dimensional artefact is included in all XCT measurements to evaluate XCT surface determination performance and dimensional scaling accuracy. Selected areal parameters generated using the extraction technique are compared, including Sa, for which the nominal difference between the value obtained using XCT and used the focus variation method was less than 2.5%

    A parallel solution-adaptive scheme for ideal magnetohydrodynamics

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77232/1/AIAA-1999-3273-200.pd

    Testing for Changes in Kendall's Tau

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    For a bivariate time series ((Xi,Yi))i=1,...,n((X_i,Y_i))_{i=1,...,n} we want to detect whether the correlation between XiX_i and YiY_i stays constant for all i=1,...,ni = 1,...,n. We propose a nonparametric change-point test statistic based on Kendall's tau and derive its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no change by means a new U-statistic invariance principle for dependent processes. The asymptotic distribution depends on the long run variance of Kendall's tau, for which we propose an estimator and show its consistency. Furthermore, assuming a single change-point, we show that the location of the change-point is consistently estimated. Kendall's tau possesses a high efficiency at the normal distribution, as compared to the normal maximum likelihood estimator, Pearson's moment correlation coefficient. Contrary to Pearson's correlation coefficient, it has excellent robustness properties and shows no loss in efficiency at heavy-tailed distributions. We assume the data ((Xi,Yi))i=1,...,n((X_i,Y_i))_{i=1,...,n} to be stationary and P-near epoch dependent on an absolutely regular process. The P-near epoch dependence condition constitutes a generalization of the usually considered LpL_p-near epoch dependence, p1p \ge 1, that does not require the existence of any moments. It is therefore very well suited for our objective to efficiently detect changes in correlation for arbitrarily heavy-tailed data

    Development and validation of solution-adaptive, parallel schemes for compressible plasmas

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76300/1/AIAA-2001-2525-679.pd

    Річард Смоллі і знамениті «десять вересневих днів»

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    У вересні цього року виповнюється 27 років, як було відкрито фулерен — нову сфероподібну форму вуглецю. Ця подія буквально приголомшила вчених, які на той час вважали, що про елементарний вуглець їм відомо практично все. Історія відкриття цієї речовини досить незвичайна. Ще в 1971 р. можливість існування молекули фулерену була передбачена японським ученим Е. Осавою (E. Osawa), за два роки радянські хіміки-теоретики Д.А. Бочвар і О.Г. Гальперн квантово-хімічними розрахунками підтвердили стабільність молекули С60, і лише у 1985 р. Р. Смоллі, Р. Керл та Г. Крото експериментально отримали кластери із 60 атомів вуглецю в стійкій формі, яку вони пояснили структурою молекули у вигляді футбольного м’яча. Натхненнику цього відкриття, видатному вченому, нобелівському лауреату, активному популяризатору нанотехнологій Річарду Смоллі присвячено цей матеріал.В сентябре этого года исполняется 27 лет с момента открытия фуллерена — новой сферообразной формы углерода. Это событие буквально потрясло ученых, которые в то время считали, что об элементарном углероде им известно практически все. История открытия этого вещества довольно необычна. Еще в 1971 г. возможность су ществования молекулы фуллерена была предсказана японским ученым Е. Осавой (E. Osawa), через два года советские химики-теоретики Д.А. Бочвар и Е.Г. Гальперн с помощью квантово-химических расчетов подтвердили стабильность молекулы С60, и только в 1985 г. Р. Смолли, Р. Керл и Г. Крото экспериментально получили кластеры из 60 атомов углерода в устойчивой форме, которую они объяснили структурой молекулы в виде футбольного мяча. Вдохновителю этого открытия, выдающемуся ученому, нобелевскому лауреату, активному популяризатору нанотехнологий Ричарду Смолли посвящен этот материал.27 years since the discovery of fullerene, the new form of carbon, is observed in September of this year. This event has literally shocked scientists, who believed at that time that they know almost everything about the elementary carbon. History of this discovery is rather unusual. Long ago, in 1971 the possibility of the existence of a fullerene molecule was predicted by an young Japanese scientist E. Osawa. Then two Soviet chemists and theorists D.A. Bochvar and E.G. Hal pern confirm the stability of the C60 molecule using quantum chemical calculations, and in 1985 at last R. Smalley, R. Curl and H. Kroto experimentally obtained clusters of 60 carbon atoms in a sustainable form. They explained the structure of this molecule as the structure of a soccer ball. This material is devoted to the inspirer of this discovery, an outstanding scientist, Nobel laureate, active popularizer of nanotechnology — Richard Smalley