34,274 research outputs found

    Kwalitatieve evaluatie van 10 jaar zorgcoördinatie en case management in de Oost-Vlaamse drughulpverlening: een rondvraag bij hulpverleners en cliënten

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    Sinds 10 jaar wordt door de Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen – in samenwerking met het provinciaal overlegplatform geestelijke gezondheidszorg (PopovGGZ) en alle betrokken voorzieningen – geïnvesteerd in zorgvernieuwing, coördinatie en afstemming van de zorg in de drughulpverlening. Dit heeft naast heel wat ‘onzichtbare’ realisaties (bv. grotere bekendheid van het zorgaanbod, de intakeprocedure en werkwijze van andere voorzieningen, betere samenwerking tussen voorzieningen als gevolg van meer (informele) contactmomenten), ook tot een aantal duidelijk tastbare resultaten geleid. Het betreft onder meer de oprichting van een netwerkcomité middelenmisbruik, de aanstelling van een zorgcoördinator, de uitbouw van een case managementteam en de organisatie van een driewekelijks cliëntenoverleg. Met name deze laatste twee realisaties komen in voorliggend onderzoeksrapport uitgebreid aan bod. We doen dit in de eerste plaats door de direct betrokkenen (cliënten, hulpverleners en verantwoordelijken) zelf aan het woord te laten. De bevindingen van onze kwalitatieve evaluatie worden afzonderlijk besproken met betrekking tot het cliëntenoverleg en case management. Vooreerst worden beide werkvormen beschreven en worden enkele cijfergegevens meegegeven over de interventie in kwestie. Daarna volgt een beknopte bespreking van de gevolgde methodologie. Bij de rapportage van de onderzoeksresultaten wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen de bevindingen van hulpverleners over het cliëntenoverleg, de visie van cliënten over case management en het perspectief van case managers en projectverantwoordelijken over deze laatste interventie. We sluiten af met een aantal globale conclusies en aanbevelingen voor de toekomstige praktijk, die we terugbrachten tot tien concrete suggesties ter optimalisatie van het cliëntenoverleg en het case management. In tegenstelling tot eerdere publicaties beroepen we ons in dit onderzoeksrapport slechts in beperkte mate op de literatuur. In voorliggend rapport wilden we vooral het ‘insider’-perspectief laten primeren en voor meer theoretische beschouwingen verwijzen we dan ook naar eerdere publicaties (cf. Vanderplasschen, 2004)

    A semi-analytic model comparison - gas cooling and galaxy mergers

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    We use stripped-down versions of three semi-analytic galaxy formation models to study the influence of different assumptions about gas cooling and galaxy mergers. By running the three models on identical sets of merger trees extracted from high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations, we are able to perform both statistical analyses and halo-by-halo comparisons. Our study demonstrates that there is a good statistical agreement between the three models used here, when operating on the same merger trees, reflecting a general agreement in the underlying framework for semi-analytic models. We also show, however, that various assumptions that are commonly adopted to treat gas cooling and galaxy mergers can lead to significantly different results, at least in some regimes. In particular, we find that the different models adopted for gas cooling lead to similar results for mass scales comparable to that of our own Galaxy. Significant differences, however, arise at larger mass scales. These are largely (but not entirely) due to different treatments of the `rapid cooling' regime, and different assumptions about the hot gas distribution. At this mass regime, the predicted cooling rates can differ up to about one order of magnitude, with important implications on the relative weight that these models give to AGN feedback in order to counter-act excessive gas condensation in relatively massive haloes at low redshift. Different assumptions in the modelling of galaxy mergers can also result in significant differences in the timings of mergers, with important consequences for the formation and evolution of massive galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Magnetic Phases in Dense Quark Matter

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    In this paper I discuss the magnetic phases of the three-flavor color superconductor. These phases can take place at different field strengths in a highly dense quark system. Given that the best natural candidates for the realization of color superconductivity are the extremely dense cores of neutron stars, which typically have very large magnetic fields, the magnetic phases here discussed could have implications for the physics of these compact objects.Comment: Presented at VII Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, El Cusco, Peru, June 200

    Dim galaxies and outer halos of galaxies missed by 2MASS ? The near-infrared luminosity function and density

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    By using high-resolution and deep Ks band observations of early-type galaxies of the nearby Universe and of a cluster at z=0.3 we show that the two luminosity functions (LFs) of the local universe derived from 2MASS data miss a fair fraction of the flux of the galaxies (more than 20 to 30%) and a whole population of galaxies of central brightness fainter than the isophote used for detection, but bright enough to be included in the published LFs. In particular, the fraction of lost flux increases as the galaxy surface brightness become fainter. Therefore, the so far derived LF slopes and characteristic luminosity as well as luminosity density are underestimated. Other published near-infrared LFs miss flux in general, including the LF of the distant field computed in a 3 arcsec aperture.Comment: A&A in pres

    Diversity Of Short Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows From Compact Binary Mergers Hosting Pulsars

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    Short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) are widely believed to result from the mergers of compact binaries. This model predicts an afterglow that bears the characteristic signatures of a constant, low density medium, including a smooth prompt-afterglow transition, and a simple temporal evolution. However, these expectations are in conflict with observations for a non-negligible fraction of sGRB afterglows. In particular, the onset of the afterglow phase for some of these events appears to be delayed and, in addition, a few of them exhibit late- time rapid fading in their lightcurves. We show that these peculiar observations can be explained independently of ongoing central engine activity if some sGRB progenitors are compact binaries hosting at least one pulsar. The Poynting flux emanating from the pulsar companion can excavate a bow-shock cavity surround- ing the binary. If this cavity is larger than the shock deceleration length scale in the undisturbed interstellar medium, then the onset of the afterglow will be delayed. Should the deceleration occur entirely within the swept-up thin shell, a rapid fade in the lightcurve will ensue. We identify two types of pulsar that can achieve the conditions necessary for altering the afterglow: low field, long lived pulsars, and high field pulsars. We find that a sizable fraction (~20-50%) of low field pulsars are likely to reside in neutron star binaries based on observations, while their high field counterparts are not. Hydrodynamical calculations motivated by this model are shown to be in good agreement with observations of sGRB afterglow lightcurves.Comment: Accepted to ApjL. Direct comparison to observed X-Ray afterglows now included. 5 Figure

    ARGO CMB Anisotropy Measurement Constraints on Open and Flat-Lambda CDM Cosmogonies

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    We use data from the ARGO cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy experiment to constrain cosmogonies. We account for the ARGO beamwidth and calibration uncertainties, and marginalize over the offset removed from the data. Our derived amplitudes of the CMB anisotropy detected by the ARGO experiment are smaller than those derived previously. We consider open and spatially-flat-Lambda cold dark matter cosmogonies, with clustered-mass density parameter Omega_0 in the range 0.1-1, baryonic-mass density parameter Omega_B in the range (0.005-0.029)h^{-2}, and age of the universe t_0 in the range (10--20) Gyr. Marginalizing over all parameters but Omega_0, the ARGO data favors an open (spatially-flat-Lambda) model with Omega_0= 0.23 (0.1). However, these numerical values are model dependent. At the 2 sigma confidence level model normalizations deduced from the ARGO data are consistent with those drawn from the UCSB South Pole 1994, MAX 4+5, White Dish, and SuZIE data sets. The ARGO open model normalizations are also consistent with those deduced from the DMR data. However, for most spatially-flat-Lambda models the DMR normalizations are more than 2 sigma above the ARGO ones.Comment: 21 pages of latex. Uses aaspp4.sty. 8 figures included. ApJ in pres

    Addressing the Global Tragedy of Needless Pain: Rethinking the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs

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    The lack of medical availability of effective pain medication is an enduring and expanding global health calamity. Despite important medical advances, pain remains severely under-treated worldwide, particularly in developing countries. This article contributes to the discussion of this global health crisis by considering international legal and institutional mechanisms to promote wider accessibility to critical narcotic drugs for pain relief

    A composite K-band Luminosity Function for Cluster Galaxies

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    We present a composite K-band luminosity function for 10 clusters at low redshift, where member galaxies are identified from an existing spectroscopic survey (the 2dF galaxy redshift survey). Our kinematically selected K-band luminosity function is well fitted by a Schechter function with MK=24.50+5loghM^*_K=-24.50 + 5\log h and α=0.98\alpha=-0.98 over 27<<MK5logh<22-27 < <M_K -5\log h < -22. This is very similar to the 2dF field value and suggests that the integrated mass accretion history of galaxies does not vary strongly with environmentComment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Astronomische Nachrichten (JENAM 2008 Symposium 6