116 research outputs found

    Implementasi Lean Manufacuring pada Proses Produksi untuk Mengurangi Pemborosan Persediaan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Perusahaan manufaktur sepatu bertaraf Internasional. Saat ini, terdapat penumpukan persediaan yang terjadi di setiap stasiun kerja. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi alat yang tepat untuk memetakan secara detail aliran nilai (value stream), mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab terjadinya pemborosan, memberikan dan mengimplementasikan usulan tindakan perbaikan untuk meminimalkan pemborosan persediaan pada proses produksi. Mengacu pada pendekatan lean manufacturing, penelitian ini dimulai dengan memetakan aliran proses saat ini dengan menggunakan Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Tahap berikutnya, dilakukan identifikasi pemborosan dengan menggunakan Waste Assessment Model (WAM) dan menetapkan alat yang cocok untuk memetakan secara detail aliran nilai dengan menggunakan VALSAT. Selanjutnya, menganalisis penyebab dominan dari pemborosan persediaan dengan menggunakan fishbone diagram. Alat yang tepat untuk memetakan aliran nilai secara detail dengan menggunakan VALSAT adalah Process Activity Mapping (PAM) dengan total skor 500,12. Kemudian, faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya pemborosan persediaan disebabkan oleh 3 faktor yaitu manusia, metode, dan material. Tahap penyelesaian masalah dilakukan dengan merancang sistem kanban dan diimplementasikan ke value stream tersebut. Setelah mengimplementasikan usulan tindakan, diperoleh jumlah persediaan berkurang. Pada kondisi aktual sebelum diterapkan sistem kanban, jumlah persediaan tercatat 12.945 pasang. Setelah diterapkan sistem kanban, jumlah persediaan menjadi 11.602 pasang

    Preparing the upper gastrointestinal tract for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy to identify the source of acute bleeding

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    Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) is the main way to diagnose bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Diagnostic accuracy of the study depends on the preparation. Aim of the study was to evaluate the preparation of the upper parts of the digestive tract in case of esophagogastroduodenal bleeding. Material and methods. The retrospective analysis of 2570 case histories was carried out. Gastric lavage through nasogastric tube was carried out in the main group (1299 patients). Preparation for the primary EGDS was not carried out in the control group (1271 patients). A comparison of the number of EGDS performed and the detection of the bleeding source in the control and the main groups as well as the period of investigation up to the detection of the bleeding source were performed. Results. EGDS without preparation of the upper gastrointestinal tract in case of acute bleeding and determination of the diagnosis is possible in 85,6 % of patients. Preparation of the upper gastrointestinal tract for EGDS prolongs the study period by 30–60 minutes, but allows establishing the diagnosis in 93.7 % of cases that is by 8.1 % more than without preparation

    Modern management of acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

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    Acute, non-varicose bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract remains a common clinical problem. Bleeding episodes are associated with high mortality and a significant economic burden on the health care system. Despite the continuing improvement in endoscopic treatment, recurrent bleeding and associated mortality are still a pressing issue. In addition to the well-established modalities of endoscopic hemostasis: injection, thermal, mechanical, used both as mono therapy and as part of a combination therapy, the review discusses the use of novel types of endoscopic devices. The results of the use of over-the-scope clips, coagrasper, hemostatic sprays, endoscopic angiography, radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy and endoscopic suturing device are described. The technical aspects of their application, the issues of efficacy and safety, the advantages and limitations of methods for achieving final endoscopic hemostasis are considered. The methods of initial assessment and treatment strategies for recurrent bleeding and unsuccessful endoscopic hemostasis were also analyzed. Material and methods. Literature search was carried out using the following electronic information resources: CyberLeninka, PubMed, Nature Pathology, MEDLINE, PLoS ONE. Results. Сombined endoscopic hemostasis is a standard therapy in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract cerebral infections with an efficiency of 95-98 %, new modalities of endoscopic hemostasis are able, in some cases, to achieve final endoscopic hemostasis both in primary endoscopic treatment and in recurrent bleeding

    Benchmarking of cell type deconvolution pipelines for transcriptomics data

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    Many computational methods have been developed to infer cell type proportions from bulk transcriptomics data. However, an evaluation of the impact of data transformation, pre-processing, marker selection, cell type composition and choice of methodology on the deconvolution results is still lacking. Using five single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) datasets, we generate pseudo-bulk mixtures to evaluate the combined impact of these factors. Both bulk deconvolution methodologies and those that use scRNA-seq data as reference perform best when applied to data in linear scale and the choice of normalization has a dramatic impact on some, but not all methods. Overall, methods that use scRNA-seq data have comparable performance to the best performing bulk methods whereas semi-supervised approaches show higher error values. Moreover, failure to include cell types in the reference that are present in a mixture leads to substantially worse results, regardless of the previous choices. Altogether, we evaluate the combined impact of factors affecting the deconvolution task across different datasets and propose general guidelines to maximize its performance. Inferring cell type proportions from transcriptomics data is affected by data transformation, normalization, choice of method and the markers used. Here, the authors use single-cell RNAseq datasets to evaluate the impact of these factors and propose guidelines to maximise deconvolution performance

    Methylsulfonylmethane Suppresses Breast Cancer Growth by Down-Regulating STAT3 and STAT5b Pathways

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    Breast cancer is the most aggressive form of all cancers, with high incidence and mortality rates. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the molecular mechanism by which methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) inhibits breast cancer growth in mice xenografts. MSM is an organic sulfur-containing natural compound without any toxicity. In this study, we demonstrated that MSM substantially decreased the viability of human breast cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. MSM also suppressed the phosphorylation of STAT3, STAT5b, expression of IGF-1R, HIF-1α, VEGF, BrK, and p-IGF-1R and inhibited triple-negative receptor expression in receptor-positive cell lines. Moreover, MSM decreased the DNA-binding activities of STAT5b and STAT3, to the target gene promoters in MDA-MB 231 or co-transfected COS-7 cells. We confirmed that MSM significantly decreased the relative luciferase activities indicating crosstalk between STAT5b/IGF-1R, STAT5b/HSP90α, and STAT3/VEGF. To confirm these findings in vivo, xenografts were established in Balb/c athymic nude mice with MDA-MB 231 cells and MSM was administered for 30 days. Concurring to our in vitro analysis, these xenografts showed decreased expression of STAT3, STAT5b, IGF-1R and VEGF. Through in vitro and in vivo analysis, we confirmed that MSM can effectively regulate multiple targets including STAT3/VEGF and STAT5b/IGF-1R. These are the major molecules involved in tumor development, progression, and metastasis. Thus, we strongly recommend the use of MSM as a trial drug for treating all types of breast cancers including triple-negative cancers

    Russian consensus on exoand endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment

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    The Russian consensus on exo - and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency after surgical treatment was prepared on the initiative of the Russian "Pancreatic Club" on the Delphi method. His goal was to clarify and consolidate the opinions of specialists on the most relevant issues of diagnosis and treatment of exo - and endocrine insufficiency after surgical interventions on the pancreas. An interdisciplinary approach is provided by the participation of leading gastroenterologists and surgeons

    Genetic variability for carotenoid content of grains in a composite maize population

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    Local maize (Zea mays L.) varieties are cultivated by small-scale farmers in western Santa Catarina (SC) State, in southern Brazil. These small areas frequently present many problems related to biotic and non-biotic stresses, which have limited the economic output and income of the farmers. Production from local varieties for human consumption would be an alternative way of improving income and stimulating on farm conservation. The genetic variability of the total carotenoid content (TCC) of kernels in a local maize population was evaluated for their economic exploitation potential as biofortified food. Two independent samples of 96 half-sib families (HSF) plus four checks were evaluated in two groups of experiments in western SC and each one was carried out in two environments. They were set out in a 10 × 10 partially balanced lattice with three replications per location; plots consisted of one row, 5.0 m long with 1.0 m between rows. TCC ranged from 11 to 23 µg g-1, averaging ≈16 µg g-1 in the pooled analysis over the two sets. The local composite population exhibited genetic variability in order to increase the TCC of grains in the second cycle of selection by the convergent-divergent scheme

    Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection

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    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with a large heterogeneity of climates and massive mixing of the population. Almost the entire national territory is located between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Earth axial tilt to the south certainly makes Brazil one of the countries of the world with greater extent of land in proximity to the sun. The Brazilian coastline, where most of its population lives, is more than 8,500 km long. Due to geographic characteristics and cultural trends, Brazilians are among the peoples with the highest annual exposure to the sun. Epidemiological data show a continuing increase in the incidence of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers. Photoprotection can be understood as a set of measures aimed at reducing sun exposure and at preventing the development of acute and chronic actinic damage. Due to the peculiarities of Brazilian territory and culture, it would not be advisable to replicate the concepts of photoprotection from other developed countries, places with completely different climates and populations. Thus the Brazilian Society of Dermatology has developed the Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection, the first official document on photoprotection developed in Brazil for Brazilians, with recommendations on matters involving photoprotection

    Diagnostic and conservative treatment nuances in patients with obstructive jaundice: in the wake of Russian consensus

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