124 research outputs found

    Wasting syndrome with deep bradycardia as presenting manifestation of long-standing severe male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism : a case series

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    Background: Physiological functioning of the testes is important for cardiac health besides for virilisation, physical strength, behavior and reproduction; moreover, hypogonadism has been demonstrated as a significant risk marker of increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.Cases presentation: We reported two cases of long-standing hypogonadotropic hypogonadism presenting with wasting, bradycardia and heart failure. The two patients were admitted to emergency department for deep weakness, unresponsive anemia and severe bradycardia, requiring in one case the implanting of a monocameral pace-maker for treatment of heart failure. No previous cardiologic disorders were known and cardiac ischemia was ruled out in both patients. The first patient presented congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism combined with mild central hypothyroidism and growth hormone deficiency occurred in the peripubertal age, while the second one was diagnosed with isolated adult-onset severe central hypogonadism. Testosterone deficiency was the main feature in both patients as physical examination revealed clinical stigmata of hypogonadism and testosterone replacement induced a dramatic improvement of general condition. Genetic analysis of genes involved in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism failed to identify alterations.Conclusion: Long-standing hypogonadism in males can be associated with life threatening body alterations including severe bradycardia and heart failure

    Analisi della variabilità genetica della razza Gentile di Puglia mediante microsatelliti

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    La razza Gentile di Puglia conta circa 2813 soggetti allevati in 29 aziende distribuite sui territori di Puglia, Abruzzo, Calabria e Molise (dati Asso.Na.Pa del 2006); da decenni si sta verificando una costante e preoccupante contrazione numerica degli esemplari appartenenti alla razza. La pecora Gentile presenta una produzione di latte modesta in termini quantitativi, sebbene l’elevato contenuto in grasso e proteine lo rendano particolarmente idoneo alla lavorazione casearia. In tale contesto la caratterizzazione genetica della razza Gentile di Puglia, attraverso lo studio della variabilità genetica con approccio di tipo molecolare, potrebbe rappresentare un valido strumento per la sal- vaguardia della razza e per la valorizzazione delle sue produzioni

    New limits on heavy sterile neutrino mixing in 8B{^{8}\rm{B}}-decay obtained with the Borexino detector

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    If heavy neutrinos with mass mνHm_{\nu_{H}}\geq2me m_e are produced in the Sun via the decay 8B8Be+e++νH{^8\rm{B}} \rightarrow {^8\rm{Be}} + e^+ + \nu_H in a side branch of pp-chain, they would undergo the observable decay into an electron, a positron and a light neutrino νHνL+e++e\nu_{H}\rightarrow\nu_{L}+e^++e^-. In the present work Borexino data are used to set a bound on the existence of such decays. We constrain the mixing of a heavy neutrino with mass 1.5 MeV mνH\leq m_{\nu_{H}} \le 14 MeV to be UeH2(1034×106)|U_{eH}|^2\leq (10^{-3}-4\times10^{-6}) respectively. These are tighter limits on the mixing parameters than obtained in previous experiments at nuclear reactors and accelerators.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Artificial neural network applied in the analysis of health-related quality of life of adolescents / Rede neural artificial aplicada na análise da qualidade de vida de adolescentes

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    Objective: to build a model that explains the quality of life in school adolescents from the KIDSCREEN-27 instrument through the creation of an artificial neural network. Method: cross-sectional and analytical study with 635 adolescents using KIDSCREEN-27. An artificial neural network with four layers was developed to evaluate the variable quality of life by means of the mean responses. For the first three layers of neurons, logistic function was used as transfer function and linear function was used for activation. Results: the neural network reached accuracy of 98.96% and when compared the dimensions of kidscreen-27 with sex and practice of physical activities all presented significant statistical association, except the dimensions social support and peer group and school environment. Conclusion: the results may have important consequences for the identification of adolescents at risk and the direction of public health policies.Objetivo: construir un modelo que explique la calidad de vida en adolescentes escolares a partir del instrumento KIDSCREEN-27 a través de la creación de una red neuronal artificial. Método: estudio transversal y analítico con 635 adolescentes utilizando KIDSCREEN-27. Se desarrolló una red neuronal artificial con cuatro capas para evaluar la variable calidad de vida mediante las respuestas medias. Para las tres primeras capas de neuronas, la función logística se utilizó como función de transferencia y la función lineal se utilizó para la activación. Resultados: la red neuronal alcanzó una precisión del 98,96% y cuando se compararon las dimensiones de kidscreen-27 con el sexo y la práctica de actividades físicas todos presentaron una asociación estadística significativa, excepto las dimensiones de apoyo social y grupo de pares y entorno escolar. Conclusión: los resultados pueden tener consecuencias importantes para la identificación de adolescentes en riesgo y la orientación de las políticas de salud.Objetivo: construir um modelo que explique a qualidade de vida em adolescentes escolares a partir do instrumento KIDSCREEN-27 por meio da criação de uma rede neural artificial. Método: estudo transversal e analítico com 635 adolescentes utilizando-se o KIDSCREEN-27. Foi desenvolvida uma rede neural artificial com quatro camadas para avaliar a variável qualidade de vida por meio da média das respostas. Para as três primeiras camadas de neurônios foi utilizada função logística como função de transferência e para a ativação foi utilizada função linear. Resultados: a rede neural alcançou acurácia de 98,96% e quando comparadas as dimensões do KIDSCREEN-27 com sexo e prática de atividades físicas todas apresentaram associação estatística significativa, exceto as dimensões suporte social e grupo de pares e ambiente escolar. Conclusão: os resultados podem ter importantes consequências para a identificação de adolescentes em risco e o direcionamento de políticas públicas de saúde.

    Artificial neural network applied in the analysis of health-related quality of life of adolescents / Rede neural artificial aplicada na análise da qualidade de vida de adolescentes

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    Objetivo: construir um modelo que explique a qualidade de vida em adolescentes escolares a partir do instrumento KIDSCREEN-27 por meio da criação de uma rede neural artificial. Método: estudo transversal e analítico com 635 adolescentes utilizando-se o KIDSCREEN-27. Foi desenvolvida uma rede neural artificial com quatro camadas para avaliar a variável qualidade de vida por meio da média das respostas. Para as três primeiras camadas de neurônios foi utilizada função logística como função de transferência e para a ativação foi utilizada função linear. Resultados: a rede neural alcançou acurácia de 98,96% e quando comparadas as dimensões do KIDSCREEN-27 com sexo e prática de atividades físicas todas apresentaram associação estatística significativa, exceto as dimensões suporte social e grupo de pares e ambiente escolar. Conclusão: os resultados podem ter importantes consequências para a identificação de adolescentes em risco e o direcionamento de políticas públicas de saúde.

    Momentum sharing in imbalanced Fermi systems

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    The atomic nucleus is composed of two different kinds of fermions, protons and neutrons. If the protons and neutrons did not interact, the Pauli exclusion principle would force the majority fermions (usually neutrons) to have a higher average momentum. Our high-energy electron scattering measurements using 12C, 27Al, 56Fe and 208Pb targets show that, even in heavy neutron-rich nuclei, short-range interactions between the fermions form correlated high-momentum neutron-proton pairs. Thus, in neutron-rich nuclei, protons have a greater probability than neutrons to have momentum greater than the Fermi momentum. This finding has implications ranging from nuclear few body systems to neutron stars and may also be observable experimentally in two-spin state, ultra-cold atomic gas systems.Comment: Published in Science. 10 pages, 3 figure

    Exclusive photoproduction of pi degrees up to large values of Mandelstam variables s, t, and u with CLAS

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    Exclusive photoproduction cross sections have been measured for the process γppπ0(e+e(γ))\gamma p \rightarrow p\pi^0(e^+e^-(\gamma)) with the Dalitz decay final state using tagged photon energies in the range of Eγ=1.2755.425E_{\gamma} = 1.275-5.425 GeV. The complete angular distribution of the final state π0\pi^0, for the entire photon energy range up to large values of tt and uu, has been measured for the first time. The data obtained show that the cross section dσ/dtd\sigma/dt, at mid to large angles, decreases with energy as s6.89±0.26s^{-6.89\pm 0.26} . This is in agreement with the perturbative QCD quark counting rule prediction of s7s^{-7} . Paradoxically, the size of angular distribution of measured cross sections is greatly underestimated by the QCD based Generalized Parton Distribution mechanism at highest available invariant energy s=11s=11 GeV2^2. At the same time, the Regge exchange based models for π0\pi^0 photoproduction are more consistent with experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure