288 research outputs found

    Hybrid model associating thermodynamic calculations and artificial neural network in order to predict molten steel temperature evolution from blowing end of a BOF for secondary metallurgy.

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    The developed model is an association of thermodynamic calculations for dissolution of alloys, slag formers and the deoxidation reaction in the molten steel with two artificial neural network (ANN) models trained with industrial data, to predict the molten steel temperature drop from the blowing end of the BOF until the first measurement at secondary metallurgy. To calculate the associated energy for deoxidation, an experiment was designed to set up the parameters for oxygen partitioning among deoxidants, with timed aluminum addition during teeming being the main parameter. The temperature control in the teeming stage presented a standard deviation for the error of prediction of 5.46 oC, for transportation from the rinsing station to the secondary metallurgy of 2.79 oC. The association of all calculations presented an error standard deviation of 7.49 oC. The operational validation presented superior accuracy compared with the current method for controlling the temperature, resulting in a reduction in the aluminum consumption for heating at secondary metallurgy with a potential economy of U$ 4.07 million per year for a steel shop producing 5 million tons of steel yearly. The artificial neural network model confirmed its capacity for modeling a complex multivariable process and the separation of thermodynamic calculation provides a better adaptability to different steel grades with different teeming strategies

    Para al?m do figurino : ?peles em processo? como dispositivo criativo para atores e atrizes na sala de ensaio.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Artes C?nicas. Instituto de Filosofia, Artes e Cultura, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A presente disserta??o discorre sobre quest?es relacionadas ao figurino teatral como elemento fundamental do discurso c?nico. Considera os diversos elementos que envolvem a pele do ator/performer como constituintes de uma segunda pele, capaz de conduzir, estimular e alimentar a concep??o c?nica, a partir das provoca??es feitas sobre seu corpo na sala de ensaio. Examina tamb?m outros dispositivos de cria??o: as peles plurais formadas pelos elementos est?ticos da encena??o ? caracteriza??o, ilumina??o, adere?os cenogr?ficos, etc., aqui denominados de ?peles em processo?. A pesquisa dialoga com o conceito de ?eu-pele?, do psicanalista Didier Anzieu; com a concep??o de ?cinco peles?, do pintor austr?aco Friedensreich Hundertwasser, referida pelo cr?tico de arte Pierre Restany e com o conceito de ?Teatro performativo?, da pesquisadora Josette F?ral. S?o analisadas quatro pr?ticas processuais de obras c?nicas/performativas pela ?tica dos conceitos referidos.The present dissertation discusses issues related to theatrical costumes as a fundamental element of the scenic discourse. It considers the various elements that involve the skin of the actor/performer as constituents of a second skin, capable of conducting, stimulating and feeding the scenic conception, from the provocations made on his body in the rehearsal room. It examines also other devices of creation: the plural skins formed by the aesthetic elements of the staging ? characterization, stage lighting, scenographic props, etc., hereinafter ?skin in process?. The research dialogues with the concept of ?Skin-Ego?, of the psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu; with the "Five Skins" conception of the Austrian painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser, referred to by the art critic Pierre Restany and the concept of ?performative theater? by the researcher Josette F?ral. Four procedural practices of scenic / performative works are analyzed from the perspective of the referred concepts

    De cofre n?o tem mais que o nome : a Provedoria das Fazendas dos Defuntos e Ausentes no Brasil Colonial (s?culos XVI-XVIII).

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Esta tese de doutoramento se prop?e a analisar a Provedoria das Fazendas dos Defuntos e Ausentes, Capelas e Res?duos no Brasil colonial. Isso envolve diretamente o papel desempenhado por tal institui??o tanto no cumprimento quanto na administra??o das disposi??es testament?rias, fossem aquelas referentes aos legados pios ou as concernentes ? transmiss?o dos esp?lios para os herdeiros. Pretende-se avaliar os significados sociais, econ?micos e espirituais da Provedoria, bem como o que ela representou em termos de pol?tica e administra??o do governo portugu?s em terras bras?licas. Essa empreitada envolve tamb?m a compreens?o de outros aspectos relacionados ? din?mica do dito ju?zo, tais como as pr?ticas institucionais dos seus membros no exerc?cio cotidiano de suas atribui??es, as rela??es dos diversos oficiais com os grupos de poderes locais e com outras autoridades rein?is, os desvios de conduta e os conflitos entre a norma e a pr?tica.This doctorate thesis proposes to analyze the Provider of the wealths of the Dead and Absentees, Chapels and Residues in the colonial Brazil. This directly involves the role played by such institution both in fulfillment and administration of the testamentary dispositions, being them concerned to the pious legacies or to the spoils to be passed to the heirs. The intent here is to evaluate the social, economic and spiritual meanings of the Provider, as well as what it represented in terms of politics and administration of the Portuguese rule in the Brazilian lands. This task also involves the comprehension of other aspects related to the dynamics of such judgement, such as the institutional practices of its members in their daily doings, the relations of the several officers with the groups of local and other authorities, the misconducts and also the conflicts between norm and practice

    Ethnography and Management Talent as a Tools to Knowledge Sharing in the Consulting Sector

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    The goal of this paper was to understand if the current KM practices in a consultancy organization met what the workers preferred and in what way ethnography could be integrated in these practices and give guidelines for future studies where it can be integrated in the talent management process. The results showed an organization with employees willing to share their knowledge and obtain it through methods that involve the participative observation employed in ethnography as in the Socialization process of the SECI Model

    Historiografia e Escravidão: novos desafios para a história da Igreja

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    Os estudos históricos, em especial sobre a escravidão (diáspora), têm avançado muito no Brasil, seja no aspecto teórico, seja no âmbito da pesquisa empírica, desde a década de 1970, pontuando tendências, temas emergentes e desafios. Esses estudos levantam desafios para a História da Igreja e, em particular, para os Institutos Teológicos

    O impacto da pol??tica do ICMS Esportivo sobre a gest??o esportiva municipal de Minas Gerais

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    O ICMS Esportivo ?? uma pol??tica institu??da pelo governo de Minas Gerais para repassar aos munic??pios os recursos oriundos do Imposto sobre Opera????es Relativas ?? Circula????o de Mercadorias e sobre Presta????es de Servi??os de Transporte Interestadual, Intermunicipal e de Comunica????o (ICMS). Os munic??pios participantes recebem os recursos de acordo com suas realiza????es no esporte municipal e, desde sua cria????o, em 2009, essa pol??tica tem contribu??do para o aumento no n??mero de praticantes, modalidades e atividades esportivas oferecidas no Estado. Tendo em vista que ?? pr??-requisito para participa????o no ICMS Esportivo que o munic??pio possua um conselho municipal de esportes em funcionamento, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o impacto dessa pol??tica na gest??o esportiva municipal, dando enfoque ?? rela????o estabelecida entre o poder p??blico municipal e o Conselho Municipal de Esportes

    Nickel and cobalt adsorption in an ion exchange resin as an alternative for treating the leached liquer.

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    Estudou-se o emprego da resina PUROLITE S-930 como substrato para a remo??o de n?quel e cobalto de solu??es sulf?ricas. Experimentos de adsor??o com diferentes raz?es [Ni]/[Co] mostraram uma maior sele??o da resina em solu??es mais ricas em n?quel (Ni 600 mg/L - Co 800 mg/L). Isotermas de adsor??o mostraram um aumento na capacidade de adsor??o da resina em temperaturas mais elevadas (qmax Ni 0,28 mol/L, a 70?C e qmax Co 0,18 mol/L, a 60?C). Os valores de ?H indicaram uma fisiossor??o endot?rmica. Para modelar a cin?tica de carregamento da resina, em leito fixo, utilizou-se o modelo de difus?o superficial homog?nea (Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model - HSDM). Os resultados mostram um bom ajuste ao modelo, com kf = 5,2x10-6 m/s e DS = 4,5x10-12 m2/s, indicando que o carregamento da resina baseia-se em difus?o na camada-limite e difus?o nos poros da resina.A study concerning the resin PUROLITE S-930 as a substrate to remove nickel and cobalt from sulphuric solution is herein presented. The influence of nickel and cobalt concentrations was studied, and the results have shown a greater selection of the resins for solutions rich in nickel (Ni 600 mg/L - Co 800 mg/L). The adsorption isotherms showed an increase in the resin adsorption capacity at higher temperatures (qmax Ni 0.28 mol/L, at 70?C and qmax Co 0.18 mol/L, at 60?C). The enthalpy values suggested endothermic physisorption. The Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model (HSDM) was chosen for modeling the adsorption kinetics of metals in a fixed-bed column. The results showed good agreement with the model. Both, kf = 5.2x10-6 m/s and DS = 4.5x10-12 m2/s indicated that resin loading is based on transport through the boundary layer and porous diffusion in the resin

    Texture and magnetic properties improvement of a 3% Si non-oriented electrical steel by Sb addition.

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    The influence of small antimony addition and thermomechanical processing on the magnetic properties of a 3% Si steel was investigated. The samples were processed in the laboratory with 930 1C hot rolling finishing temperature, three different hot band thicknesses, hot band annealing at 1030 1C, cold rolling with three different reductions to 0.35 mm thickness and final annealing at 1030 1C. The results have shown that the best combination of core loss and magnetic induction can be obtained by Sb content of 0.045% and 76% cold rolling reduction, and that Eta/Gamma ratio is higher and grain size larger at this Sb content

    Mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and confinement in strongly coupled lattice quantum chromodynamics.

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    We show the existence of all the 36 eightfold way mesons and determine their masses and dispersion curves exactly, from dynamical first principles such as directly from the quark-fluon dynamics. We also give a proof of confinement below the two-meson energy threshold. For this purpose, we consider an imaginary time functional integral representation of a 3 1 dimensional lattice QCD model with Wilson action, SU 3 f global and SU 3 c local symmetries. We work in the strong coupling regime, such that the hopping parameter 0 is small and much larger than the plaquette coupling 1/g0 2 0 1 . In the quantum mechanical physical Hilbert space H, a Feynman-Kac type representation for the two-meson correlation and its spectral representation are used to establish an exact rigorous connection between the complex momentum singularities of the two-meson truncated correlation and the energy-momentum spectrum of the model. The total spin operator J and its z-component Jz are defined by using /2 rotations about the spatial coordinate axes, and agree with the infinitesimal generators of the continuum for improper zero-momentum meson states. The mesons admit a labelling in terms of the quantum numbers of total isospin I, the third component I3 of total isospin, the z-component Jz of total spin and quadratic Casimir C2 for SU 3 f. With this labelling, the mesons can be organized into two sets of states, distinguished by the total spin J. These two sets are identified with the SU 3 f nonet of pseudo-scalar mesons (J=0 and the three nonets of vector mesons J=1,Jz= 1,0 . Within each nonet a further decomposition can be made using C2 to obtain the singlet state C2=0 and the eight members of the octet C2=3 . By casting the problem of determination of the meson masses and dispersion curves into the framework of the the anaytic implicit function theorem, all the masses m , are found exactly and are given by convergent expansions in the parameters and . The masses are all of the form m , =0 m =?2ln ?3 2 /2+ 4r with r 0 0 and r real analytic; for 0,m , +2ln is jointly analytic in and . The masses of the vector mesons are independent of Jz and are all equal within each octet. All isospin singlet masses are also equal for the vector mesons. For each nonet and =0, up to and including O 4 , the masses of the octet and the singlet are found to be equal. But there is a pseudoscalar-vector meson mass splitting given by 2 4+O 6 and the splitting persists for 0. For =0, the dispersion curves are all of the form w p =?2 ln ?3 2 /2+ 1 4 2 j=1 3 2 1?cos pj + 4r , p , with r , p const. For the pseudoscalar mesons, r , p is jointly analytic in and pj, for and Im pj small. We use some machinery from constructive field theory, such as the decoupling of hyperplane method, in order to reveal the gauge-invariant eightfold way meson states and a correlation subtraction method to extend our spectral results to all He, the subspace of H generated by vectors with an even number of Grassmann variables, up to near the two-meson energy threshold of ?4 ln . Combining this result with a previously similar result for the baryon sector of the eightfold way, we show that the only spectrum in all H He Ho Ho being the odd subspace below ?4 ln is given by the eightfold way mesons and baryons. Hence, we prove confinement up to near this energy threshold

    Analysis of student´s proficiency evaluation model for adaptative testing / Analysis of student's proficiency evaluation model for adaptive testing

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    A evolução da Internet e sua adoção transformou e continua transformando cada vez mais o contexto humano e, a educação, também está inserida nessa situação. Devido a isso, há ferramentas de apoio ao estudante, como sistemas avaliativos online. Apresentaremos nesse trabalho os resultados da simulação de uma avaliação online feita por um aluno com dada proficiência, a fim de coletar todos os dados a respeito do desempenho deste aluno – sua nota final – utilizando a teoria de Resposta ao Item em duas abordagens para cômputo da nota final. Uma primeira abordagem usando a questão subsequente a uma respondida de um nível de dificuldade superior ou inferior dependendo do acerto da questão anterior. E uma segunda usando a questão subsequente a uma respondida de um nível de dificuldade entre a anterior e a do limite máximo ou mínimo dependendo do acerto da questão anterior. Foram analisados resultados de simulação para diferentes tamanhos de provas e para diferentes proficiências dos respondentes simulados. Após análise multivariada de clusterização dos resultados por K-means, verifica-se que ambas as abordagens são subótimas para situações diferentes de tamanhos de prova na busca da nota final mais próxima da proficiência simulada
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