Nickel and cobalt adsorption in an ion exchange resin as an alternative for treating the leached liquer.


Estudou-se o emprego da resina PUROLITE S-930 como substrato para a remo??o de n?quel e cobalto de solu??es sulf?ricas. Experimentos de adsor??o com diferentes raz?es [Ni]/[Co] mostraram uma maior sele??o da resina em solu??es mais ricas em n?quel (Ni 600 mg/L - Co 800 mg/L). Isotermas de adsor??o mostraram um aumento na capacidade de adsor??o da resina em temperaturas mais elevadas (qmax Ni 0,28 mol/L, a 70?C e qmax Co 0,18 mol/L, a 60?C). Os valores de ?H indicaram uma fisiossor??o endot?rmica. Para modelar a cin?tica de carregamento da resina, em leito fixo, utilizou-se o modelo de difus?o superficial homog?nea (Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model - HSDM). Os resultados mostram um bom ajuste ao modelo, com kf = 5,2x10-6 m/s e DS = 4,5x10-12 m2/s, indicando que o carregamento da resina baseia-se em difus?o na camada-limite e difus?o nos poros da resina.A study concerning the resin PUROLITE S-930 as a substrate to remove nickel and cobalt from sulphuric solution is herein presented. The influence of nickel and cobalt concentrations was studied, and the results have shown a greater selection of the resins for solutions rich in nickel (Ni 600 mg/L - Co 800 mg/L). The adsorption isotherms showed an increase in the resin adsorption capacity at higher temperatures (qmax Ni 0.28 mol/L, at 70?C and qmax Co 0.18 mol/L, at 60?C). The enthalpy values suggested endothermic physisorption. The Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model (HSDM) was chosen for modeling the adsorption kinetics of metals in a fixed-bed column. The results showed good agreement with the model. Both, kf = 5.2x10-6 m/s and DS = 4.5x10-12 m2/s indicated that resin loading is based on transport through the boundary layer and porous diffusion in the resin

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