3,534 research outputs found

    Quantum phase transitions in Bose–Einstein condensates from a Bethe ansatz perspective

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    We investigate two solvable models for Bose–Einstein condensates and extract physical information by studying the structure of the solutions of their Bethe ansatz equations. A careful observation of these solutions for the ground state of both models, as we vary some parameters of the Hamiltonian, suggests a connection between the behavior of the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations and the physical behavior of the models. Then, by the use of standard techniques for approaching quantum phase transition – gap, entanglement and fidelity – we find that the change in the scenery in the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations is directly related to a quantum phase transition, thus providing an alternative method for its detection

    REFLEXÕES SOBRE TDAH: os múltiplos olhares

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral compreender o processo de identificação e diagnóstico do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade nas crianças. A metodologia usada foi pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, sendo que através das leituras feitas e dos achados na pesquisa de campo concluiu-se que é preciso realizar um diagnóstico multidisciplinar para afirmar que uma criança possui TDAH e, como tal, somente profissionais especializados podem realizar o diagnóstico, tendo a família e a escola como colaboradoras neste processo

    Cytogenetics, JAK2 and MPL mutations in polycythemia vera, primary myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythemia

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    BACKGROUND: The detection of molecular and cytogenetic alterations is important for the diagnosis, prognosis and classification of myeloproliferative neoplasms. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to detect the following mutations: JAK2 V617F, JAK2 exon 12 and MPL W515K/L, besides chromosomal abnormalities. Furthermore, molecular and cytogenetic alterations were correlated with the leukocyte and platelet counts, hemoglobin levels and age in all patients and with the degree of fibrosis in primary myelofibrosis cases. METHODS: Twenty cases of polycythemia vera, 17 of essential thrombocythemia and 21 of primary myelofibrosis were selected in the Hematology Department of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) between February 2008 and December 2009. The JAK2 V617F, JAK2 exon 12 mutations, MPL W515K and MPL W515L mutations were investigated by real-time PCR and direct sequencing. G-band karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization were used to detect chromosomal abnormalities. RESULTS: Chromosomal abnormalities were observed only in polycythemia vera (11.8%) and primary myelofibrosis cases (17.6%), without correlation to clinical data. Chromosomal abnormalities were not detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The JAK2 V617F mutation was observed in polycythemia vera (90%), primary myelofibrosis (42.8%) and essential thrombocythemia (47%). Patients with JAK2 V617F-negative polycythemia vera had lower platelet and leukocyte counts compared to V617F-positive polycythemia vera (p-value = 0.0001 and p-value = 0.023, respectively). JAK2 V617F-positive and MPL W515L-positive primary myelofibrosis cases had a higher degree of fibrosis than V617F-negative cases (p-value = 0.022). JAK2 exon 12 mutations were not detected in polycythemia vera patients. The MPL W515L mutation was observed in one case of primary myelofibrosis and in one of essential thrombocythemia. The MPL W515K mutation was not found in patients with essential thrombocythemia or primary myelofibrosis. The MPL W515L-positive patient with primary myelofibrosis had more severe anemia than other patients with primary myelofibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that karyotyping for JAK2 and MPL mutations is useful in the diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms. The precise pathogenetic contribution of these alterations is still unclear. However, this study adds more information about the pathophysiology of polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Hematology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Rheumatology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Genetics DepartmentUNIFESP, Hematology DepartmentUNIFESP, Rheumatology DepartmentUNIFESP, Genetics DepartmentSciEL

    A produção textual na esfera acadêmica: desafios concernentes ao ato de dizer materializados em gêneros do discurso secundários

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    This paper discusses challenges related to the uses of writing materialized indiscourse genres in the academic sphere, considering the participation of undergraduates of the Language – Portuguese course in the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) in the Textual Production subject. The theoretical foundation articulates conceptions of language, subject and text anchored in the Bakhtinian, Vigotskian and literacy views (CERUTTI-RIZZATTI; MOSSMANN; IRIGOITE, 2013). The methodological approach is ethnographic case study (ANDRÉ, 2008). Concerning the intelligibilities, it is enphasized the tension of the participants constitution in relation to the academic demands for textual production, specially, as to the intersubjective/intrassubjective specificities of the academic speech.Este artigo discute desafios atinentes aos usos da escrita materializados em gêneros do discurso da esfera acadêmica, considerando a participação de graduandos do curso de Letras Português da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina na disciplina de Produção Textual. A fundamentação teórica articula concepções de língua, sujeito e texto ancoradas na ótica bakhtiniana, vigotskiana e do letramento (CERUTTI-RIZZATTI; MOSSMANN, IRIGOITE, 2013). Quanto à metodologia, caracteriza-se como estudo de caso tipo etnográfico (ANDRÉ, 2008). Sobre inteligibilidades, enfatiza-se a tensão da constituição dos participantes em relação às demandas acadêmicas para a produção textual, especialmente, quanto às especificidades intersubjetivas/intrassubjetivas do dizer acadêmico


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    Este artigo tematiza a escritura na universidade, tendo como delimitação a defesa do tensionamento entre o que se coloca, de um lado, como local/específico/vernacular, com o que se coloca, de outro lado, no âmbito do genérico humano, do  grande tempo,  da história. Atende-se ao objetivo de problematizar a exacerbação do relativismo nas lides com a escritura  na esfera acadêmica em se tratando da formação de licenciados em Letras Português. As bases teóricas são a filosofia da linguagem de fundamentação bakhtiniana, a psicologia da linguagem de fundamentação vigotskiana e os estudos do letramento com origem no Reino Unido. A abordagem é qualitativa e são apresentados dados empíricos de um conjunto de vivências com a escritura acadêmica do Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura Escrita e Escolarização. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de ressignificações no campo das contraposições ao que se historiciza como escritura no movimento dinâmico-causal entre o presente e o passado na prospecção com o futuro.  

    Prevalência e gravidade do desgaste dentário e fatores de risco entre adultos jovens no sul do Brasil

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    Introduction: In studies on the prevalence of tooth wear, few publications related to young adults are found. Objectives: To explore the associations of behavioral, medical, and socio-demographic variables with prevalence and severity of tooth wear of the whole dentition, in a sample of young adults, using a modified version of the Tooth Wear Index (TWI). Methods: Sample consisted of 116 university dental students with an average age of 23 years, who answered a questionnaire related to sociodemographic variables, self-perception and health behaviors. In addition, individuals underwent a clinical evaluation of tooth wear by one trained examiner using the TWI modified by Smith and Knight. Logistic regression was carried out at individual level. Results: A total of 9,906 dental surfaces in 116 individuals were examined, 72.27 % dental surfaces had no tooth wear (grade 0), but all individuals had at least one worn surface. Among the individuals, 78,4 % had grade 1 (enamel) as the highest level and 21.6% grade 2 (dentin) as the highest level. The presence of grade 2 tooth wear was mainly prevalent in the following individuals: male; smoker; with bruxism, and among those who reported having undergone orthodontic treatment. Analyzing the relevant factors that affect tooth wear by multiple regression analysis, it was found that smoking (OR 6.67; IC 1.73- 25.76) and bruxism (grinding) (OR 4.05; IC 1.29- 12.7) had the greatest effect on tooth wear. Conclusions: Our results suggest that being male, being a current smoker, having grinding bruxism and having previous orthodontic treatment are associated with tooth wear.Introdução: Nos estudos de prevalência em desgaste dental encontramos poucos trabalhos relacionados com adultos jovens. Objetivos: Explorar a associação de variáveis comportamentais, médicas e sociodemográficas com desgaste dentário em uma amostra de adultos jovens, utilizando uma versão modificada do índice Tooth Wear Index (TWI). Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 116 estudantes universitários de Odontologia, com média de 23.3 anos de idade, que responderam a um questionário relacionado às variáveis sociodemográficas, de autopercepção e comportamentais em saúde. Além disso, esses indivíduos foram submetidos a avaliação clínica do desgaste dental por um examinador treinado usando o TWI modificado por Smith e Knight. Regressão logística foi realizada em nível individual. Resultados: Um total de 9.906 superfícies dentárias em 116 indivíduos foram examinadas, 72,27% das superfícies não apresentavam desgaste dentário (grau 0), mas todos os indivíduos apresentavam pelo menos uma superfície desgastada. Dentre os indivíduos 78,4% apresentaram grau 1 (esmalte) como o nível mais alto e 21,6% grau 2 (dentina) como o mais alto. A presença de desgaste dentário de grau 2 foi principalmente prevalente nos seguintes indivíduos: sexo masculino; fumante; com bruxismo, e entre aqueles que relataram ter realizado tratamento ortodôntico. Analisando os fatores relevantes que afetam o desgaste dentário por análise de regressão múltipla, se verificou que tabagismo (OR = 6,67; IC 1,73-25,76) e bruxismo (OR = 4,05; IC 1,29-12,7) tiveram o maior efeito associado sobre o desgaste dentário. Conclusões: Nossos resultados sugerem que ser do sexo masculino, tabagista, relatar bruxismo e ter realizado tratamento ortodôntico prévio está associado ao desgaste dentário

    Prevalência e gravidade do desgaste dentário e fatores de risco entre adultos jovens no sul do Brasil

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    Introduction: In studies on the prevalence of tooth wear, few publications related to young adults are found. Objectives: To explore the associations of behavioral, medical, and socio-demographic variables with prevalence and severity of tooth wear of the whole dentition, in a sample of young adults, using a modified version of the Tooth Wear Index (TWI). Methods: Sample consisted of 116 university dental students with an average age of 23 years, who answered a questionnaire related to sociodemographic variables, self-perception and health behaviors. In addition, individuals underwent a clinical evaluation of tooth wear by one trained examiner using the TWI modified by Smith and Knight. Logistic regression was carried out at individual level. Results: A total of 9,906 dental surfaces in 116 individuals were examined, 72.27% dental surfaces had no tooth wear (grade 0), but all individuals had at least one worn surface. Among the individuals, 78,4 % had grade 1 (enamel) as the highest level and 21.6% grade 2 (entin) as the highest level. The presence of grade 2 tooth wear was mainly prevalent in the following individuals: male; smoker; with bruxism, and among those who reported having undergone orthodontic treatment. Analyzing the relevant factors that affect tooth wear by multiple regression analysis, it was found that smoking (OR 6.67; IC 1.73- 25.76) and bruxism (grinding) (OR 4.05; IC 1.29- 12.7) had the greatest effect on tooth wear. Conclusions: Our results suggest that being male, being a current smoker, having grinding bruxism and having previous orthodontic treatment are associated with tooth wear.Introdução: Nos estudos de prevalência em desgaste dental encontramos poucos trabalhos relacionados com adultos jovens. Objetivos: Explorar a associação de variáveis comportamentais, médicas e sociodemográficas com desgaste dentário em uma amostra de adultos jovens, utilizando uma versão modificada do índice Tooth Wear Index (TWI). Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 116 estudantes universitários de Odontologia, com média de 23.3 anos de idade, que responderam a um questionário relacionado às variáveis sociodemográficas, de autopercepção e comportamentais em saúde. Além disso, esses indivíduos foram submetidos a avaliação clínica do desgaste dental por um examinador treinado usando o TWI modificado por Smith e Knight. Regressão logística foi realizada em nível individual. Resultados: Um total de 9.906 superfícies dentárias em 116 indivíduos foram examinadas, 72,27% das superfícies não apresentavam desgaste dentário (grau 0), mas todos os indivíduos apresentavam pelo menos uma superfície desgastada. Dentre os indivíduos 78,4% apresentaram grau 1 (esmalte) como o nível mais alto e 21,6% grau 2 (dentina) como o mais alto. A presença de desgaste dentário de grau 2 foi principalmente prevalente nos seguintes indivíduos: sexo masculino; fumante; com bruxismo, e entre aqueles que relataram ter realizado tratamento ortodôntico. Analisando os fatores relevantes que afetam o desgaste dentário por análise de regressão múltipla, se verificou que tabagismo (OR = 6,67; IC 1,73-25,76) e bruxismo (OR = 4,05; IC 1,29-12,7) tiveram o maior efeito associado sobre o desgaste dentário. Conclusões: Nossos resultados sugerem que ser do sexo masculino, tabagista, relatar bruxismo e ter realizado tratamento ortodôntico prévio está associado ao desgaste dentário

    Pylorectomy and Gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I Procedure) for Obstructive Antrum Pyloric Leiomyoma in a Bitch

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    Background: Gastric neoplasms are uncommon in dogs, especially those affecting smooth muscle layers. Leiomyoma is a smooth muscle benign neoplasm, which requires surgical resection. Pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) is the most indicated technique in cases not affecting the biliary and pancreatic tracts. Thus, the purpose of this study was to report a successful case of Billroth I procedure in a bitch presenting antrum pyloric obstructive leiomyoma. Case: A 12-year-old, non-spayed, Cocker Spaniel bitch was admitted presenting depression, hyporexia, postprandial vomiting and sparse episodes of hematemesis, for 30 days. Clinical suspicion on obstructive gastric outflow disease was established. Bloodwork (complete blood count, BUN, albumin, ALP and ALT), abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs were assessed. The patient undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. On endoscopic evaluation, small hemorrhagic mucosa ulcers were visualized on the gastric body, antrum and pylorus. Moreover, a sessile, ulcerated, round-shape and infiltrated antral-pyloric mass was seen. The mass was 1.5-2.0 cm in diameter and apparently involved the smooth muscle layer, causing severe pyloric obstruction. However, endoscopic evaluation of the duodenum was possible. Several biopsy samples were taken from the neoplasm and sent for histopathologic assessment. The result was not conclusive due to low quality samples. The patient had progressive worsening of obstruction episodes and required surgery. A wide-margin pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) was carried out. The retrieved specimen was sent to histopathological and immunohistochemistry (IHC) assessment. Positive staining for actin and desmin confirmed smooth muscle origin of the mass and histopathological assessment confirmed leiomyoma. The patient underwent regular periodic postoperative assessments, revealing progressive clinical improvement and normal weight gain. Control upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed. Gastric ulcers were completely healed and gastroduodenal anastomosis was functional. The anastomotic scar tissue was sampled and revealed chronic and normal healing process. Complete healing was confirmed and the patient was discharged. Discussion: Gastric neoplasms are not common in dogs. However, severe obstruction of gastric outflow is a potential risk for complications in those cases. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopic assessment is important not only for diagnosis, but also for surgery decision making. In the current study, gastroscopy provided accurate preoperative evaluation of severity of pyloric obstruction and diagnosis of secondary gastric ulcers. Direct visualization of lesions and multiple biopsy sampling were performed. The presence of neoplasms over 2-cm in diameter indicates need for complete laparoscopic or conventional surgical resection. In this case report, open resection was carried out due to prohibitive cost of laparoscopic approach, mass dimensions and probable involvement of deeper tissue layers. In conclusion, pylorectomy and gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure) was curative and provided good prognosis following resection of an antrum pyloric obstructive leiomyoma. Endoscopy was critical for both diagnosis and decision-making towards surgery for gastric outflow obstruction due to an antrum pyloric neoplasm. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry assessment confirmed neoplasm type and assured oncological safety of resection with wide margins. Keywords: gastric neoplasms, smooth muscle tumor, endoscopy, dog