54 research outputs found

    The Quantum Reduced Action In Higher Dimensions

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    The solution with respect to the reduced action of the one-dimensional stationary quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation is well known in the literature. The extension to higher dimensions in the separated variable case was proposed in contradictory formulations. In this paper we provide new insights into the construction of the reduced action. In particular, contrary to the classical mechanics case, we analytically show that the reduced action constructed as a sum of one variable functions does not contain a complete information about the quantum motion. In the same context, we also make some observations about recent results concerning quantum trajectories. Finally, we will examine the conditions in which microstates appear even in the case where the wave function is complex.Comment: 12 pages, no figur

    Dynamics of tree diversity in undisturbed and logged subtropical rainforest in Australia

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    In subtropical rainforest in eastern Australia, changes in the diversity of trees were compared under natural conditions and eight silvicultural regimes over 35 years. In the treated plots basal area remaining after logging ranged from 12 to 58 m2 per ha. In three control plots richness differed little over this period. In the eight treated plots richness per plot generally declined after intervention and then gradually increased to greater than original diversity. After logging there was a reduction in richness per plot and an increase in species richness per stem in all but the lightest selective treatments. The change in species diversity was related to the intensity of the logging, however the time taken for species richness to return to pre-logging levels was similar in all silvicultural treatments and was not effected by the intensity of treatment. These results suggest that light selective logging in these forests mainly affects dominant species. The return to high diversity after only a short time under all silvicultural regimes suggests that sustainability and the manipulation of species composition for desired management outcomes is possible

    The SPTPoL extended cluster survey

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    We describe the observations and resultant galaxy cluster catalog from the 2770 deg2 SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey (SPT-ECS). Clusters are identified via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and confirmed with a combination of archival and targeted follow-up data, making particular use of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). With incomplete follow-up we have confirmed as clusters 244 of 266 candidates at a detection significance ξ ≥ 5 and an additional 204 systems at 4 4 threshold, and 10% of their measured SZ flux. We associate SZ-selected clusters, from both SPT-ECS and the SPT-SZ survey, with clusters from the DES redMaPPer sample, and we find an offset distribution between the SZ center and central galaxy in general agreement with previous work, though with a larger fraction of clusters with significant offsets. Adopting a fixed Planck-like cosmology, we measure the optical richness-SZ mass (l - M) relation and find it to be 28% shallower than that from a weak-lensing analysis of the DES data-a difference significant at the 4σ level-with the relations intersecting at λ = 60. The SPT-ECS cluster sample will be particularly useful for studying the evolution of massive clusters and, in combination with DES lensing observations and the SPT-SZ cluster sample, will be an important component of future cosmological analyses

    Urolitíase: estudo comparativo em bovinos Guzerá oriundos de propriedades com e sem o problema

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    Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a formação de cálculos urinários, dentre estes, o desequilíbrio nutricional e a dureza da água consumida pelos ruminantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características de propriedades que predispõem à urolitíase, através da avaliação da água, da dieta e determinações séricas e urinárias de cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, cloretos, sódio, potássio, cálculo da excreção fracionada (EF) dos eletrólitos, e da creatinina, proteína total, albumina e globulinas séricas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e urina de bovinos, Guzerá, criados semi intensivamente, distribuídos por dois grupos. O primeiro denominado grupo urolitíase (Gu), composto de animais com histórico, sinais clínicos e confirmação ultrassonográfica que apresentavam urolitíase; o segundo: grupo controle (Gc), sem histórico, nem sintomas da doença. Os bovinos do grupo urolitíase consumiam água com dureza total na concentração de 166,0mg CaCO3/L. A dieta dos animais do Gu apresentava maior concentração de fósforo e relação Ca:P inadequada. Os teores de fósforo sérico e urinário dos animais do Gu foram maiores do que os do Gc, assim como a concentração sérica de magnésio (p0,05), mas houve diminuição significativa nas EFs de magnésio, cloretos e de potássio do grupo urolitíase (p<0,05). A união destes fatores contribuiu para a ocorrência da urolitíase, sendo dureza total da água e a alta concentração de fósforo na dieta os principais fatores na gênese dos cálculos em bovinos

    Gene-educational attainment interactions in a multi-population genome-wide meta-analysis identify novel lipid loci

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    Introduction: Educational attainment, widely used in epidemiologic studies as a surrogate for socioeconomic status, is a predictor of cardiovascular health outcomes.Methods: A two-stage genome-wide meta-analysis of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglyceride (TG) levels was performed while accounting for gene-educational attainment interactions in up to 226,315 individuals from five population groups. We considered two educational attainment variables: "Some College" (yes/no, for any education beyond high school) and "Graduated College" (yes/no, for completing a 4-year college degree). Genome-wide significant (p < 5 x 10(-8)) and suggestive (p < 1 x 10(-6)) variants were identified in Stage 1 (in up to 108,784 individuals) through genome-wide analysis, and those variants were followed up in Stage 2 studies (in up to 117,531 individuals).Results: In combined analysis of Stages 1 and 2, we identified 18 novel lipid loci (nine for LDL, seven for HDL, and two for TG) by two degree-of-freedom (2 DF) joint tests of main and interaction effects. Four loci showed significant interaction with educational attainment. Two loci were significant only in cross-population analyses. Several loci include genes with known or suggested roles in adipose (FOXP1, MBOAT4, SKP2, STIM1, STX4), brain (BRI3, FILIP1, FOXP1, LINC00290, LMTK2, MBOAT4, MYO6, SENP6, SRGAP3, STIM1, TMEM167A, TMEM30A), and liver (BRI3, FOXP1) biology, highlighting the potential importance of brain-adipose-liver communication in the regulation of lipid metabolism. An investigation of the potential druggability of genes in identified loci resulted in five gene targets shown to interact with drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including genes with roles in adipose and brain tissue.Discussion: Genome-wide interaction analysis of educational attainment identified novel lipid loci not previously detected by analyses limited to main genetic effects.Pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of agein

    Heterogeneous integration of visible AlGaInP and infrared AlInGaAs lasers with GaN-based light sources

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    Organic spectroscopy

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