1,662 research outputs found

    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation at Benglog, north Wales

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    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation around Benglog is one of three investigations designed to assess the metallogenic potential of the Ordovician Aran Volcanic Group. Detailed geological mapping in the Benglog area enabled an interpretation of the volcanic environment, critical to such an assessment, to be made. The eruptive rocks are acid and basic in composition; the acid rocks are mostly ash-flow tuffs derived from outside the area, whereas the basic rocks have a local derivation. They are all interbedded with dark grey or black silty mudstone and were probably erupted in a submarine environment. Contemporaneous dolerite sills were intruded into wet sediment. This environment was suitable for volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits to form and indications of a metallogenic horizon were found at the top of the Y Fron Formation in the form of abundant pyrite, minor pyrrhotite and minor base metal enrichment. Soil samples, analysed for copper, lead and zinc, were collected and geophysical surveys were carried out along eleven east-west trending traverse lines 300 m apart across the volcanic succession. Indications were found of minor vein mineralisation at dolerite intrusion margins and locally along faults. Very high chargeability and low resistivity anomalies over mudstones did not spatially coincide with geochemical anomalies in soil, but the secondary redistribution of metals in soils and variable thickness of overburden precluded confident interpretation of the source of many soil anomalies. Geochemical drainage data, in conjunction with rock analyses, show strong barium enrichment in mudstones which could be volcanogenic in origin but related to two separate eruptive episodes. The findings of the survey were inconclusive. An environment suitable for the formation of volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits was established, but the geochemical and geophysical surveys located only minor vein mineralisation and tenuous indications of other styles of mineralisation. Recommendations are made for further work

    Use of cumulative mortality data in patients with acute myocardial infarction for early detection of variation in clinical practice: observational study

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    OBJECTIVES: Use of cumulative mortality adjusted for case mix in patients with acute myocardial infarction for early detection of variation in clinical practice. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: 20 hospitals across the former Yorkshire region. PARTICIPANTS: All 2153 consecutive patients with confirmed acute myocardial infarction identified during three months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Variable life­adjusted displays showing cumulative differences between observed and expected mortality of patients; expected mortality calculated from risk model based on admission characteristics of age, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure. RESULTS: The performance of two individual hospitals over three months was examined as an example. One, the smallest district hospital in the region, had a series of 30 consecutive patients but had five more deaths than predicted. The variable life­adjusted display showed minimal variation from that predicted for the first 15 patients followed by a run of unexpectedly high mortality. The second example was the main tertiary referral centre for the region, which admitted 188 consecutive patients. The display showed a period of apparently poor performance followed by substantial improvement, where the plot rose steadily from a cumulative net lives saved of - 4 to 7. These variations in patient outcome are unlikely to have been revealed during conventional audit practice. CONCLUSIONS: Variable life­adjusted display has been integrated into surgical care as a graphical display of risk­adjusted survival for individual surgeons or centres. In combination with a simple risk model, it may have a role in monitoring performance and outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction

    Production and quality evaluation of cake from wheat and red banana flour blends

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    Cakes are convenient food products prepared from flour basically wheat and other principal ingredients and often baked. This study investigated the quality of cake produced from flour blends of wheat and red banana. Cakes were produced from eight formulations of flour blends of wheat and red banana at 10-80% ratios. Cakes from 100% wheat flour served as the control. The flour blends were analysed for functional properties while the cakes were subjected to proximate, physical and sensory evaluation. Results of the functional properties of the flour blends significantly (p<0.05) increased with increased proportion of banana flour in all the parameters evaluated. The same trend was observed in the proximate composition of the cakes in the ash, fibre and carbohydrate contents. Amongst the physical properties (weight, height, volume) of the cakes evaluated the weights were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the flour blends than the control sample (100% wheat flour). The sensory evaluation showed high scores of preference and acceptance in cakes containing up to 30% banana flour and were comparable to the control (100% wheat) in all the parameters analysed. The study revealed that cake produced from wheat/banana flour blends possesses good nutrient quality comparable to the control (100% wheat flour)

    The local adsorption structure of methylthiolate and butylthiolate on Au(1 1 1): a photoemission core-level shift investigation

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    Measurements of the core-level shifts in Au 4f photoemission spectra from Au(1 1 1) at different coverages of methylthiolate and butylthiolate are reported. Adsorption leads to two components in addition to that from the bulk, one at lower photoelectron binding energy attributed to surface atoms not bonded to thiolate species, while the second component has a higher binding energy and is attributed to Au atoms bonded to the surface thiolate. The relative intensities of these surface components for the saturation coverage (mainly (√3 × √3)R30°) phases are discussed in terms of different local adsorption sites in a well-ordered surface, and favour adsorption of the thiolate species atop Au adatoms. Alternative interpretations that might be consistent with an Au-adatom-dithiolate model are discussed, particularly in the context of the possible influence of reduced coverage associated with a disordered surface. Marked differences from previously-reported results for longer-chain alkylthiolate layers are highlighted

    Eigenmodes of index-modulated layers with lateral PMLs

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    Maxwell equations are solved in a layer comprising a finite number of homogeneous isotropic dielectric regions ended by anisotropic perfectly matched layers (PMLs). The boundary-value problem is solved and the dispersion relation inside the PML is derived. The general expression of the eigenvalues equation for an arbitrary number of regions in each layer is obtained, and both polarization modes are considered. The modal functions of a single layer ended by PMLs are found, and their orthogonality relation is derived. The present method is useful to simulate scattering problems from dielectric objects as well as propagation in planar slab waveguides. Its potential to deal with more complex problems such as the scattering from an object with arbitrary cross section in open space using the multilayer modal method is briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Advances in the proposed electromagnetic zero-point field theory of inertia

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    A NASA-funded research effort has been underway at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto and at California State University in Long Beach to develop and test a recently published theory that Newton's equation of motion can be derived from Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics as applied to the zero-point field (ZPF) of the quantum vacuum. In this ZPF-inertia theory, mass is postulated to be not an intrinsic property of matter but rather a kind of electromagnetic drag force that proves to be acceleration dependent by virtue of the spectral characteristics of the ZPF. The theory proposes that interactions between the ZPF and matter take place at the level of quarks and electrons, hence would account for the mass of a composite neutral particle such as the neutron. An effort to generalize the exploratory study of Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994) into a proper relativistic formulation has been successful. Moreover the principle of equivalence implies that in this view gravitation would also be electromagnetic in origin along the lines proposed by Sakharov (1968). With regard to exotic propulsion we can definitively rule out one speculatively hypothesized mechanism: matter possessing negative inertial mass, a concept originated by Bondi (1957) is shown to be logically impossible. On the other hand, the linked ZPF-inertia and ZPF-gravity concepts open the conceptual possibility of manipulation of inertia and gravitation, since both are postulated to be electromagnetic phenomena. It is hoped that this will someday translate into actual technological potential. A key question is whether the proposed ZPF-matter interactions generating the phenomenon of mass might involve one or more resonances. This is presently under investigation.Comment: Revised version of invited presentation at 34th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, July 13-15, 1998, Cleveland, OH, 10 pages, no figure

    Blackbody Radiation and the Scaling Symmetry of Relativistic Classical Electron Theory with Classical Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation

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    It is pointed out that relativistic classical electron theory with classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation has a scaling symmetry which is suitable for understanding the equilibrium behavior of classical thermal radiation at a spectrum other than the Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum. In relativistic classical electron theory, the masses of the particles are the only scale-giving parameters associated with mechanics while the action-angle variables are scale invariant. The theory thus separates the interaction of the action variables of matter and radiation from the scale-giving parameters. Classical zero-point radiation is invariant under scattering by the charged particles of relativistic classical electron theory. The basic ideas of the matter -radiation interaction are illustrated in a simple relativistic classical electromagnetic example.Comment: 18 page

    A Derivation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Transformations

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    The derivation of the transformations between inertial frames made by Mansouri and Sexl is generalised to three dimensions for an arbitrary direction of the velocity. Assuming lenght contraction and time dilation to have their relativistic values, a set of transformations kinematically equivalent to special relativity is obtained. The ``clock hypothesis'' allows the derivation to be extended to accelerated systems. A theory of inertial transformations maintaining an absolute simultaneity is shown to be the only one logically consistent with accelerated movements. Algebraic properties of these transformations are discussed. Keywords: special relativity, synchronization, one-way velocity of light, ether, clock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages (A5), Latex, one figure, to be published in Found. Phys. Lett. (1997

    Charge and Current Sum Rules in Quantum Media Coupled to Radiation

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    This paper concerns the equilibrium bulk charge and current density correlation functions in quantum media, conductors and dielectrics, fully coupled to the radiation (the retarded regime). A sequence of static and time-dependent sum rules, which fix the values of certain moments of the charge and current density correlation functions, is obtained by using Rytov's fluctuational electrodynamics. A technique is developed to extract the classical and purely quantum-mechanical parts of these sum rules. The sum rules are critically tested in the classical limit and on the jellium model. A comparison is made with microscopic approaches to systems of particles interacting through Coulomb forces only (the non-retarded regime). In contrast with microscopic results, the current-current correlation function is found to be integrable in space, in both classical and quantum regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur