22 research outputs found

    Редкие виды перфораций желудочно-кишечного тракта — диагностика, тактика, лечение

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    RATIONALE Hollow organ perforation is an urgent problem in abdominal surgery. According to the literature, the incidence of perforation is from 0.37% to 2.3% of cases among various acute surgical pathologies of the abdominal organs. The greatest attention in the literature is paid to the problem of perforated gastroduodenal ulcers. At the same time, a much smaller number of publications, both Russia and foreign, are devoted to other, more rare types of perforations. This situation is most likely explained by the low prevalence of other types of perforations, which, in turn, does not make them a less urgent problem in emergency surgery, which requires a modern approach to the treatment of this group of patients.PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the diagnosis and treatment of rare types of benign intestinal perforations.MATERIAL AND METHODS A literature review was performed for the period from 1994 to 2020 in Russian and in English, available on Pubmed, Medline, Springer, Scopus, E-library, on topics such as perforated diverticula of the small intestine, perforation of Meckel’s diverticulum, perforated ulcers of the small intestine, perforation of the intestine by a foreign body. RESUltS With all the variety of surgical techniques for various types of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, currently in the literature there are no specific criteria for choosing a particular method of intervention with regard to the cause, level, and duration of perforation.CONCLUSION The lack of unified approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with rare GIT perforations dictates the need for a more in-depth study of this issue in order to apply and optimize the technique of videolaparoscopic approach, develop a treatment and diagnostic algorithm for patients with suspected perforations of the gastrointestinal tract using the video laparoscopic method.Перфорация полого органа — актуальная проблема в абдоминальной хирургии. По данным литературы частота развития перфораций составляет от 0,37 до 2,3% случаев среди различной острой хирургической патологии органов брюшной полости.Наибольшее внимание в литературе уделено проблеме перфоративных гастродуоденальных язв. В то же время другим, более редким, видам перфораций посвящено гораздо меньшее количество публикаций, как отечественных, так и зарубежных. Такая ситуация, вероятнее всего, объясняется небольшой распространенностью других видов перфораций, что в свою очередь не делает их менее актуальной проблемой в экстренной хирургии, требующей современного подхода к лечению данной группы пациентов.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Анализ отечественной и зарубежной литературы, посвященной диагностике и лечению редких видов доброкачественных перфораций кишечника.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Выполнен обзор литературы за период с 1994 по 2020 г. на русском и английском языках, доступной на базах Pubmed, Medline, Springer, Scopus, E-library, по таким темам, как перфоративные дивертикулы тонкой кишки, перфорация дивертикула Меккеля, перфоративные язвы тонкой кишки, перфорация кишки инородным телом.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ При всем разнообразии оперативных методик при различных видах перфораций желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ), в настоящее время в литературе не определены конкретные критерии выбора того или иного способа вмешательства операции в зависимости от причины, уровня, срока перфорации.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Отсутствие единых подходов в диагностике и лечении пациентов с редкими перфорациями ЖКТ диктует необходимость более углубленного изучения данного вопроса с целью применения и оптимизации техники видеолапароскопического пособия, разработки лечебно-диагностического алгоритма у больных с подозрением на перфорацию органов ЖКТ с использованием видеолапароскопического метода

    Genetic variability of the grey wolf Canis lupus in the Caucasus in comparison with Europe and the Middle East: distinct or intermediary population?

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    Despite continuous historical distribution of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) throughout Eurasia, the species displays considerable morphological differentiation that resulted in delimitation of a number of subspecies. However, these morphological discontinuities are not always consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. Here we assess genetic distinctiveness of grey wolves from the Caucasus (a region at the border between Europe and West Asia) that have been classified as a distinct subspecies C. l. cubanensis. We analysed their genetic variability based on mtDNA control region, microsatellite loci and genome-wide SNP genotypes (obtained for a subset of the samples), and found similar or higher levels of genetic diversity at all these types of loci as compared with other Eurasian populations. Although we found no evidence for a recent genetic bottleneck, genome-wide linkage disequilibrium patterns suggest a long-term demographic decline in the Caucasian population – a trend consistent with other Eurasian populations. Caucasian wolves share mtDNA haplotypes with both Eastern European and West Asian wolves, suggesting past or ongoing gene flow. Microsatellite data also suggest gene flow between the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. We found evidence for moderate admixture between the Caucasian wolves and domestic dogs, at a level comparable with other Eurasian populations. Taken together, our results show that Caucasian wolves are not genetically isolated from other Eurasian populations, share with them the same demographic trends, and are affected by similar conservation problems

    A European concern? genetic structure and expansion of golden jackals (canis aureus) in Europe and the caucasus

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    In the first continent-wide study of the golden jackal (Canis aureus), we characterised its population genetic structure and attempted to identify the origin of European populations. This provided a unique insight into genetic characteristics of a native carnivore population with rapid large-scale expansion. We analysed 15 microsatellite markers and a 406 basepair fragment of the mitochondrial control region. Bayesian-based and principal components methods were applied to evaluate whether the geographical grouping of samples corresponded with genetic groups. Our analysis revealed low levels of genetic diversity, reflecting the unique history of the golden jackal among Europe’s native carnivores. The results suggest ongoing gene flow between south-eastern Europe and the Caucasus, with both contributing to the Baltic population, which appeared only recently. The population from the Peloponnese Peninsula in southern Greece forms a common genetic cluster with samples from south-eastern Europe (Î"K approach in STRUCTURE, Principal Components Analysis [PCA]), although the results based on BAPS and the estimated likelihood in STRUCTURE indicate that Peloponnesian jackals may represent a distinct population. Moreover, analyses of population structure also suggest either genetic distinctiveness of the island population from Samos near the coast of Asia Minor (BAPS, most STRUCTURE, PCA), or possibly its connection with the Caucasus population (one analysis in STRUCTURE). We speculate from our results that ancient Mediterranean jackal populations have persisted to the present day, and have merged with jackals colonising from Asia. These data also suggest that new populations of the golden jackal may be founded by long-distance dispersal, and thus should not be treated as an invasive alien species, i.e. an organism that is “non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human healtha. These insights into the genetic structure and ancestry of Baltic jackals have important implications for management and conservation of jackals in Europe. The golden jackal is listed as an Annex V species in the EU Habitats Directive and as such, considering also the results presented here, should be legally protected in all EU member states. © 2015 Rutkowski et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited