12,027 research outputs found

    The GeV-TeV Connection in Galactic gamma-ray sources

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    Recent observations with atmospheric Cherenkov telescope systems such as H.E.S.S. and MAGIC have revealed a large number of new sources of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays from 100 GeV - 100 TeV, mostly concentrated along the Galactic plane. At lower energies (100 MeV - 10 GeV) the satellite-based instrument EGRET revealed a population of sources clustering along the Galactic Plane. Given their adjacent energy bands a systematic correlation study between the two source catalogues seems appropriate. Here, the populations of Galactic sources in both energy domains are characterised on observational as well as on phenomenological grounds. Surprisingly few common sources are found in terms of positional coincidence and spectral consistency. These common sources and their potential counterparts and emission mechanisms will be discussed in detail. In cases of detection only in one energy band, for the first time consistent upper limits in the other energy band have been derived. The EGRET upper limits are rather unconstraining due to the sensitivity mismatch to current VHE instruments. The VHE upper limits put strong constraints on simple power-law extrapolation of several of the EGRET spectra and thus strongly suggest cutoffs in the unexplored energy range from 10 GeV - 100 GeV. Physical reasons for the existence of cutoffs and for differences in the source population at GeV and TeV energies will be discussed. Finally, predictions will be derived for common GeV - TeV sources for the upcoming GLAST mission bridging for the first time the energy gap between current GeV and TeV instruments.Comment: (1) Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC), Stanford, USA (2) Stanford University, W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Lab (HEPL) and KIPAC, Stanford, USA (3) ICREA & Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (IEEC-CSIC) Campus UAB, Fac. de Ciencies, Barcelona, Spain. (4) School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK. Paper Submitted to Ap

    Fermi Detection of the Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1640-465

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    We present observations of HESS J1640-465 with the Fermi-LAT. The source is detected with high confidence as an emitter of high-energy gamma-rays. The spectrum lacks any evidence for the characteristic cutoff associated with emission from pulsars, indicating that the emission arises primarily from the pulsar wind nebula. Broadband modeling implies an evolved nebula with a low magnetic field resulting in a high gamma-ray to X-ray flux ratio. The Fermi emission exceeds predictions of the broadband model, and has a steeper spectrum, possibly resulting from a distinct excess of low energy electrons similar to what is inferred for both the Vela X and Crab pulsar wind nebulae.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Liver-specific knockout of arginase-1 leads to a profound phenotype similar to inducible whole body arginase-1 deficiency

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    Arginase-1 (Arg1) converts arginine to urea and ornithine in the distal step of the urea cycle in liver. We previously generated a tamoxifen-inducible Arg1 deficient mouse model (Arg1-Cre) that disrupts Arg1 expression throughout the whole body and leads to lethality ≈ 2 weeks after gene disruption. Here, we evaluate if liver-selective Arg1 loss is sufficient to recapitulate the phenotype observed in global Arg1 knockout mice, as well as to gauge the effectiveness of gene delivery or hepatocyte transplantation to rescue the phenotype. Liver-selective Arg1 deletion was induced by using an adeno-associated viral (AAV)-thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) promoter-Cre recombinase vector administered to Arg1 "floxed" mice; Arg1(fl/fl) ). An AAV vector expressing an Arg1-enhanced green fluorescent protein (Arg1-eGFP) transgene was used for gene delivery, while intrasplenic injection of wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 hepatocytes after partial hepatectomy was used for cell delivery to "rescue" tamoxifen-treated Arg1-Cre mice. The results indicate that liver-selective loss of Arg1 (> 90% deficient) leads to a phenotype resembling the whole body knockout of Arg1 with lethality ≈ 3 weeks after Cre-induced gene disruption. Delivery of Arg1-eGFP AAV rescues more than half of Arg1 global knockout male mice (survival > 4 months) but a significant proportion still succumb to the enzyme deficiency even though liver expression and enzyme activity of the fusion protein reach levels observed in WT animals. Significant Arg1 enzyme activity from engrafted WT hepatocytes into knockout livers can be achieved but not sufficient for rescuing the lethal phenotype. This raises a conundrum relating to liver-specific expression of Arg1. On the one hand, loss of expression in this organ appears to be both necessary and sufficient to explain the lethal phenotype of the genetic disorder in mice. On the other hand, gene and cell-directed therapies suggest that rescue of extra-hepatic Arg1 expression may also be necessary for disease correction. Further studies are needed in order to illuminate the detailed mechanisms for pathogenesis of Arg1-deficiency

    Cambios en la estructura de la comunidad y contenido de carbono orgánico del meio- y macrobentos entre las áreas de planicies de marea y marismas colonizadas por Spartina alterniflora en el Estuario de Bahía Blanca (Atlántico SO)

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    Salt marshes are regarded as among the most productive coastal ecosystems, important “blue carbon” sinks and a support for benthic communities with large abundances, whose structure may be strongly influenced by salt marsh vegetation. During the last few decades, Spartina alterniflora has been colonizing bare mudflats in the Bahía Blanca estuary, and a large increase in the area covered by salt marshes has been reported. This colonization can strongly influence the structure of benthic fauna and its role in the carbon cycle. The hypothesis of this study was that the community structure and the organic carbon contained in the meio- and macrobenthos change between tidal flats and salt marshes recently colonized by S. alterniflora. Response variables studied to compare the tidal flat and salt marsh were density, biomass and production to biomass (P/B) ratio of macro- and meiobenthos. Density and biomass of Gastropoda and P/B ratio of Nematoda were higher on the salt marsh than on the tidal flat. By contrast, density and biomass of Polychaeta were higher on the tidal flat. These results suggest that the expansion of S. alterniflora marshes on tidal flats produces changes in the structure of the macro- and meiobenthos community (taxonomic composition and biomass) that have an influence on carbon cycling.Las marismas son consideradas uno de los ecosistemas costeros más productivos, importantes sumideros de “carbono azul” y soporte para comunidades bentónicas con grandes abundancias, cuya estructura puede estar fuertemente influenciada por la vegetación de las marismas. Durante las últimas décadas, Spartina alterniflora ha estado colonizando las planicies de mareas sin vegetación en el estuario de Bahía Blanca, reportándose un gran incremento del área cubierta por las marismas. Esta colonización puede influir fuertemente en la estructura de la fauna bentónica y en su rol en el ciclo de carbono. La hipótesis de este estudio fue que la estructura de la comunidad y el carbono orgánico contenido en el meiobentos y macrobentos cambian entre las planicies de marea y las marismas recientemente colonizadas por S. alterniflora. Las variables de respuesta estudiadas para comparar la planicie de marea y la marisma fueron la densidad, biomasa y la relación producción/biomasa (P/B) del macrobentos y meiobentos. La densidad y biomasa de Gastropoda y la relación P/B de Nematoda fueron mayores en la marisma que en la planicie de marea. Por el contrario, la densidad y biomasa de Polychaeta fueron mayores en la planicie de marea. Estos resultados sugieren que la expansión de las marismas de S. alterniflora sobre las planicies de marea genera cambios en la estructura de la comunidad del macrobentos y meiobentos (composición taxonómica y biomasa) que influyen en el ciclo del carbono


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    A gas chromatographic method is described for the direct quantitative determination of the partial pressure of halothane {or isoflurane) in blood as well as the blood-gas partition coefficient. A head space technique and a flame ionization detector were used. Standard blood was obtained by equilibrating patients' blood with known gas concentrations in a tonometer. Using an infra-red analyser to measure the halothane gas concentration in the tonometer and within the anaesthetic system allowed for the direct comparison of the partial pressure in blood to the partial pressure in the inspired gas. Technical problems associated with this procedure, and with comparable methods, are discusse

    Combining expert knowledge with NLP for specialised applications

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    Traditionally, there has been a disconnect between custom-built applications used to solve real-world information extraction problems in industry, and automated learning-based approaches developed in academia. Despite approaches such as transfer-based learning, adapting these to more customised solutions where the task and data may be different, and where training data may be largely unavailable, is still hugely problematic, with the result that many systems still need to be custom-built using expert hand-crafted knowledge, and do not scale. In the legal domain, a traditional slow adopter of technology, black box machine learning-based systems are too untrustworthy to be widely used. In industrial settings, the fine-grained highly specialised knowledge of human experts is still critical, and it is not obvious how to integrate this into automated classification systems. In this paper, we examine two case studies from recent work combining this expert human knowledge with automated NLP technologies

    Isotope effect in quasi-two-dimensional metal-organic antiferromagnets

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    Although the isotope effect in superconducting materials is well-documented, changes in the magnetic properties of antiferromagnets due to isotopic substitution are seldom discussed and remain poorly understood. This is perhaps surprising given the possible link between the quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases of the layered cuprates. Here we report the experimental observation of shifts in the N\'{e}el temperature and critical magnetic fields (ΔTN/TN4\Delta T_{\rm N}/T_{\rm N}\approx 4%; ΔBc/Bc4\Delta B_{\rm c}/B_{\rm c}\approx 4%) in a Q2D organic molecular antiferromagnets on substitution of hydrogen for deuterium. These compounds are characterized by strong hydrogen bonds through which the dominant superexchange is mediated. We evaluate how the in-plane and inter-plane exchange energies evolve as the hydrogens on different ligands are substituted, and suggest a possible mechanism for this effect in terms of the relative exchange efficiency of hydrogen and deuterium bonds

    XMM-Newton observations of HESS J1813-178 reveal a composite Supernova remnant

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    We present X-ray and 12CO(J=1-0) observations of the very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray source HESS J1813-178 with the aim of understanding the origin of the gamma-ray emission. Using this dataset we are able to undertake spectral and morphological studies of the X-ray emission from this object with greater precision than previous studies. NANTEN 12CO(J=1-0) data are used to search for correlations of the gamma-ray emission with molecular clouds which could act as target material for gamma-ray production in a hadronic scenario. The NANTEN 12CO(J=1-0) observations show a giant molecular cloud of mass 2.5 10^5 M_{\sun} at a distance of 4 kpc in the vicinity of HESS J1813-178. Even though there is no direct positional coincidence, this giant cloud might have influenced the evolution of the gamma-ray source and its surroundings. The X-ray data show a highly absorbed non-thermal X-ray emitting object coincident with the previously known ASCA source AX J1813-178 showing a compact core and an extended tail towards the north-east, located in the centre of the radio shell-type Supernova remnant (SNR) G12.82-0.2. This central object shows morphological and spectral resemblance to a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) and we therefore consider that the object is very likely to be a composite SNR. We discuss the scenario in which the gamma-rays originate in the shell of the SNR and the one in which they originate in the central object. We demonstrate, that in order to connect the core X-ray emission to the VHE gamma-ray emission electrons have to be accelerated to energies of at least 1 PeV.Comment: Submitted to A&

    TARGET: A Digitizing And Trigger ASIC For The Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The future ground-based gamma-ray observatory Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will feature multiple types of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, each with thousands of pixels. To be affordable, camera concepts for these telescopes have to feature low cost per channel and at the same time meet the requirements for CTA in order to achieve the desired scientific goals. We present the concept of the TeV Array Readout Electronics with GSa/s sampling and Event Trigger (TARGET) Application Specific Circuit (ASIC), envisaged to be used in the cameras of various CTA telescopes, e.g. the Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT), a proposed 2-Mirror Small-Sized Telescope, and the Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (SCT), a proposed Medium-Sized Telescope. In the latest version of this readout concept the sampling and trigger parts are split into dedicated ASICs, TARGET C and T5TEA, both providing 16 parallel input channels. TARGET C features a tunable sampling rate (usually 1 GSa/s), a 16k sample deep buffer for each channel and on-demand digitization and transmission of waveforms with typical spans of ~100 ns. The trigger ASIC, T5TEA, provides 4 low voltage differential signal (LVDS) trigger outputs and can generate a pedestal voltage independently for each channel. Trigger signals are generated by T5TEA based on the analog sum of the input in four independent groups of four adjacent channels and compared to a threshold set by the user. Thus, T5TEA generates four LVDS trigger outputs, as well as 16 pedestal voltages fed to TARGET C independently for each channel. We show preliminary results of the characterization and testing of TARGET C and T5TEA.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2016