47 research outputs found

    Relative luminosity measurement of the LHC with the ATLAS forward calorimeter

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    In this paper it is shown that a measurement of the relative luminosity changes at the LHC may be obtained by analysing the currents drawn from the high voltage power supplies of the electromagnetic section of the forward calorimeter of the ATLAS detector. The method was verified with a reproduction of a small section of the ATLAS forward calorimeter using proton beams of known beam energies and variable intensities at the U-70 accelerator at IHEP in Protvino, Russia. The experimental setup and the data taking during a test beam run in April 2008 are described in detail. A comparison of the measured high voltage currents with reference measurements from beam intensity monitors shows a linear dependence on the beam intensity. The non-linearities are measured to be less than 0.5 % combining statistical and systematic uncertainties.Comment: 16 page

    Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter

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    The construction and assembly of the two half barrels of the ATLAS central electromagnetic calorimeter and their insertion into the barrel cryostat are described. The results of the qualification tests of the calorimeter before installation in the LHC ATLAS pit are given

    Construction, assembly and testing of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter

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    The construction and assembly of the four wheels of the ATLAS hadronic end-cap calorimeter and their insertion into the two end-cap cryostats are described. The results of the qualification tests prior to installation of the two cryostats in the ATLAS experimental cavern are reviewed

    Bead arrays for antibody and complement profiling reveal joint contribution of antibody isotypes to C3 deposition

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    The development of antigen arrays has provided researchers with great tools to identify reactivities against self or foreign antigens from body fluids. Yet, these approaches mostly do not address antibody isotypes and their effector functions even though these are key points for a more detailed understanding of disease processes. Here, we present a bead array-based assay for a multiplexed determination of antigen-specific antibody levels in parallel with their properties for complement activation. We measured the deposition of C3 fragments from serum samples to reflect the degree of complement activation via all three complement activation pathways. We utilized the assay on a bead array containing native and citrullinated peptide antigens to investigate the levels of IgG, IgM and IgA autoantibodies along with their complement activating properties in serum samples of 41 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 40 controls. Our analysis revealed significantly higher IgG reactivity against the citrullinated fibrinogen β and filaggrin peptides as well as an IgA reactivity that was exclusive for citrullinated fibrinogen β peptide and C3 deposition in rheumatoid arthritis patients. In addition, we characterized the humoral immune response against the viral EBNA-1 antigen to demonstrate the applicability of this assay beyond autoimmune conditions. We observed that particular buffer compositions were demanded for separate measurement of antibody reactivity and complement activation, as detection of antigen-antibody complexes appeared to be masked due to C3 deposition. We also found that rheumatoid factors of IgM isotype altered C3 deposition and introduced false-positive reactivities against EBNA-1 antigen. In conclusion, the presented bead-based assay setup can be utilized to profile antibody reactivities and immune-complex induced complement activation in a high-throughput manner and could facilitate the understanding and diagnosis of several diseases where complement activation plays role in the pathomechanism

    Volume kinetics of acetated Ringer's solution during experimental spinal anaesthesia

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    Background: General anaesthesia lowers the clearance of crystalloid fluid, but the volume kinetics of such fluid throughout the duration of spinal anaesthesia has not been studied. Methods: Ten female volunteers (mean age 29 years) received an intravenous infusion of 25 ml/kg of acetated Ringer's solution with and without spinal anaesthesia. A volume kinetic model was fitted to serial measurements of the haemoglobin concentration over 240 min based on arterial, cubital vein, and femoral vein blood. The measured urine flow was compared to the model-predicted elimination. Results: The arterial pressure remained stable, although the block reached to Th3-Th5 in half of the volunteers. There were no differences in fluid kinetics between the spinal anaesthesia and the control experiments. The administered volume was well confined to the kinetic system, which consisted of two communicating fluid spaces that were 2.8 l and approximately 7 l in size at baseline. The arteriovenous difference in plasma dilution remained positive for 30 min post-infusion in those having analgesia reaching to Th3-Th5, which differed significantly from low-level analgesia (Th12-L2, P &lt; 0.03) when venous plasma was sampled from the leg. The urinary excretion averaged 1.13 l and 1.01 l for the spinal and control experiments, respectively. Volume kinetics predicted the urinary excretion at 5- to 10-min intervals with an overall bias of 52 ml. Conclusion: Acetated Ringer's solution showed the same kinetics during experimental spinal anaesthesia as when the fluid was infused alone. Hence, spinal anaesthesia is not associated with the reduced fluid clearance reported for general anaesthesia.Funding Agencies|Sodersjukhuset AB Research Fund||</p

    Providing Care to Patients with a Le Fort Fracture

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Aprūpes nodrošināšanā pacientiem ar Le Fort lūzumu”. Tēmas aktualitāte ik pa brīdim sabiedrībā parādās informācija par dažādu ķermeņa daļu (pārsvarā – roku, kāju un galvas) traumām – lūzumiem, sasitumiem sastiepumiem – un to profilaksi, taču salīdzinoši tiek pieminētas sejas traumas. Taču to nevar izskaidrot ar retāku sejas traumatismu. Sejas un žokļu ķirurgi ik dienu sniedz palīdzību vairākiem pacientiem, kas absolūtas neapdomības vai nelaimīgas nejaušības dēļ nonākuši neapskaužamā situācijā. Viens no tiem ir Le Fort lūzums. Pētījuma mērķis: noskaidrot aprūpes nodrošināšanu pacientiem ar Le Fort lūzumu. Pētījuma uzdevumi: Veikt literatūras analīzi par Le Fort un tās aprūpes īpatnībām; Izanalizēt Virdžinijas Hendersones māszinību teoriju saistībā ar aprūpes nodrošināšanu pacientiem ar Le Fort lūzumu; Izstrādāt kvalitatīvā pētījuma instrumentu – novērošanas protokolu; Veikt pētījumu; Apkopot un izanalizēt iegūtos datus; Izdarīt secinājumus. Pētījuma jautājums: Kāda ir aprūpes nodrošināšana pacientiem ar Le Fort lūzumu? Pētījuma metodoloģija: neeksperimentāls, kvalitatīvs, novērošanas protokols. Datu iegūšanai tikai izmantota protokols ar 12 jautājumiem. Pētījumā piedalījās 10 pacienti. Pētījuma rezultāti tika aprakstīti un analizēti atbilstoši novērošanas protokola prasībām un aptvēra tādas tēmas kā problēmas ar Le Fort lūzumu, kas varētu būt radušies saistībā ar darba pienākumu veikšanu. Pētījuma rezultātu analīze ļauj secināt, ka Le Forl lūzums ir ļoti specifisks un sarežģīts, kas ierobežo pacienta darbības uz ilgu laiku. Atslēgas vārdi: Lūzums, Le Fort, aprūpe.The subject of the Bachelor thesis is "Providing Care to Patients with a Le Fort Fracture". The actuality of the reseach from time to time, in society, information about various injuries (mainly of hands, feet and head) of the body - fractures, bruising sprains - and their prevention appear on the body, but relatively similar are facial injuries. But this can not be explained by the less frequent facial trauma. Facial and jaw surgeons give daily help to a number of patients who, in absolute unconsciousness or unlucky chance, are in an uncomfortable situation. One is Le Fort's fracture. The aim of the reseach: To find out the provision of care for patients with Le Fort fracture. Research tasks: To conduct literature analysis of Le Fort and its care features; To analyze the Virginia Henderson Nursing Theory in providing care for patients with Le Fort fracture; Develop a qualitative research tool - an observation protocol; Veikt pētījumu; Collect and analyze the data obtained; Make conclusions. Research question: What is providing care for patients with Le Fort fracture? Research methodology: non-experimental, qualitative, observation protocol. Only 12 questions were used to get the data. The study was attended by 10 patients. The results of the reseach were described and analyzed in accordance with the requirements of the observation protocol and covered topics such as problems with the Le Fort fracture that might have occurred in connection with the performance of work duties. The analysis of the research results suggests that Le Forl's fracture is very specific and complex, which limits the patient's activities for a long time. Keywords: Fracture, Le Fort, care