47 research outputs found

    The impact of ocean acidification on the functional morphology of foraminifera

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    This work was supported by the NERC UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme grant NE/H017445/1. WENA acknowledges NERC support (NE/G018502/1). DMP received funding from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions.Culturing experiments were performed on sediment samples from the Ythan Estuary, N. E. Scotland, to assess the impacts of ocean acidification on test surface ornamentation in the benthic foraminifer Haynesina germanica. Specimens were cultured for 36 weeks at either 380, 750 or 1000 ppm atmospheric CO2. Analysis of the test surface using SEM imaging reveals sensitivity of functionally important ornamentation associated with feeding to changing seawater CO2 levels. Specimens incubated at high CO2 levels displayed evidence of shell dissolution, a significant reduction and deformation of ornamentation. It is clear that these calcifying organisms are likely to be vulnerable to ocean acidification. A reduction in functionally important ornamentation could lead to a reduction in feeding efficiency with consequent impacts on this organism’s survival and fitness.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    500 million years of foraminiferal calcification

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    Ongoing ocean acidification affects marine calcification, although the scope and magnitude of this impact is essentially unknown. Here, we investigate the evolutionary origin of shell building in foraminifera to understand the long-term interplay between ocean carbon chemistry and calcification. Our analysis of shell chemical composition reveals multiple, independent origins for foraminiferal calcification throughout the Phanerozoic. Differences between orders reflect the different physiological controls employed by foraminifera to take up Ca2+ and inorganic carbon from seawater for CaCO3 precipitation. With the long timespan involved, variability in seawater chemistry provided contrasting environments for calcification to arise, resulting in the diverse calcification strategies that exist today. This, in turn, explains the opposite responses of shell building to carbon perturbations. Our results call for adopting an evolutionary perspective when predicting the impact of perturbations on marine calcification and thereby, on the global carbon cycle

    Impact of seawater sulfate concentration on sulfur concentration and isotopic composition in calcite of two cultured benthic foraminifera

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    Marine sediments can be used to reconstruct the evolution of seawater [SO42-] and ή34S over time, two key parameters that contribute to refine our understanding of the sulfur cycle and thus of Earth's redox state. ή34S evolution can be measured from carbonates, barites and sulfate evaporites. [SO42-] variations can be reconstructed using fluid inclusions in halites, a method that only allows a low-resolution record. Reconstruction of the past sulfur cycle could be improved if carbonates allowed the tracking of both seawater ή34S and [SO42-] variations in a sole, continuous sedimentary repository. However, most primary carbonates formed in the ocean are biogenic, and organisms tend to overprint the geochemical signatures of their carbonates through a combination of processes often collectively referred to as vital effects. Hence, calibrations are needed to allow seawater ή34S and [SO42-] reconstructions based on biogenic carbonates. Because foraminifera are important marine calcifiers, we opted to focus on calcite synthesized by individuals of rosalinid benthic foraminifera cultured in the laboratory under controlled conditions, with varying seawater [SO42-] (ranging from 0 to 180 mM). Our experimental design allowed us to obtain foraminiferal asexual reproduction over several generations. We measured bulk carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS) content and sulfur isotopic composition (ή34SCAS) on samples of tens to hundreds of specimens from a selection of culture media, where [SO42-] varied from 5 to 60 mM. Increasing or decreasing [SO42-] with respect to modern-day seawater concentration (28 mM) impacted foraminiferal population size dynamics and the total amount of bioprecipitated carbonate. Foraminiferal CAS concentration increased proportionally with [SO42-] concentration from 5 mM up to 28 mM and then showed a plateau from 28 to 60 mM. The existence of a threshold at 28 mM is interpreted as the result of a control on the precipitation fluid chemistry that foraminifera exert on the carbonate precipitation loci. However, at high seawater sulfate concentrations (&gt; 40 mM) the formation of sulfate complexes with other cations may partially contribute to the non-linearity of the CAS concentration in foraminiferal tests at high increases in [SO42-]. Yet, despite the significant effect of seawater [SO42-] on foraminiferal reproduction and on CAS incorporation, the isotopic fractionation between CAS and seawater remains stable through varying seawater [SO42-]. Altogether, these results illustrate that CAS in biogenic calcite could constitute a good proxy for both seawater [SO42-] and ή34S and suggests that sulfate likely plays a role in foraminiferal biomineralization and biological activity.</p

    Evolution of hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor asparaginyl hydroxylase regulation in chronic kidney disease

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    Background The roles of hypoxia and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) during chronic kidney disease (CKD) are much debated. Interventional studies with HIF-α activation in rodents have yielded contradictory results. The HIF pathway is regulated by prolyl and asparaginyl hydroxylases. While prolyl hydroxylase inhibition is a well-known method to stabilize HIF-α, little is known about the effect asparaginyl hydroxylase factor inhibiting HIF (FIH). Methods We used a model of progressive proteinuric CKD and a model of obstructive nephropathy with unilateral fibrosis. In these models we assessed hypoxia with pimonidazole and vascularization with three-dimensional micro-computed tomography imaging. We analysed a database of 217 CKD biopsies from stage 1 to 5 and we randomly collected 15 CKD biopsies of various severity degrees to assess FIH expression. Finally, we modulated FIH activity in vitro and in vivo using a pharmacologic approach to assess its relevance in CKD. Results In our model of proteinuric CKD, we show that early CKD stages are not characterized by hypoxia or HIF activation. At late CKD stages, some areas of hypoxia are observed, but these are not colocalizing with fibrosis. In mice and in humans, we observed a downregulation of the HIF pathway, together with an increased FIH expression in CKD, according to its severity. Modulating FIH in vitro affects cellular metabolism, as described previously. In vivo, pharmacologic FIH inhibition increases the glomerular filtration rate of control and CKD animals and is associated with decreased development of fibrosis. Conclusions The causative role of hypoxia and HIF activation in CKD progression is questioned. A pharmacological approach of FIH downregulation seems promising in proteinuric kidney disease

    Differential Responses of Calcifying and Non-Calcifying Epibionts of a Brown Macroalga to Present-Day and Future Upwelling pCO2

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    Seaweeds are key species of the Baltic Sea benthic ecosystems. They are the substratum of numerous fouling epibionts like bryozoans and tubeworms. Several of these epibionts bear calcified structures and could be impacted by the high pCO2 events of the late summer upwellings in the Baltic nearshores. Those events are expected to increase in strength and duration with global change and ocean acidification. If calcifying epibionts are impacted by transient acidification as driven by upwelling events, their increasing prevalence could cause a shift of the fouling communities toward fleshy species. The aim of the present study was to test the sensitivity of selected seaweed macrofoulers to transient elevation of pCO2 in their natural microenvironment, i.e. the boundary layer covering the thallus surface of brown seaweeds. Fragments of the macroalga Fucus serratus bearing an epibiotic community composed of the calcifiers Spirorbis spirorbis (Annelida) and Electra pilosa (Bryozoa) and the non-calcifier Alcyonidium hirsutum (Bryozoa) were maintained for 30 days under three pCO2 conditions: natural 460±59 ”atm, present-day upwelling1193±166 ”atm and future upwelling 3150±446 ”atm. Only the highest pCO2 caused a significant reduction of growth rates and settlement of S. spirorbis individuals. Additionally, S. spirorbis settled juveniles exhibited enhanced calcification of 40% during daylight hours compared to dark hours, possibly reflecting a day-night alternation of an acidification-modulating effect by algal photosynthesis as opposed to an acidification-enhancing effect of algal respiration. E. pilosa colonies showed significantly increased growth rates at intermediate pCO2 (1193 ”atm) but no response to higher pCO2. No effect of acidification on A. hirsutum colonies growth rates was observed. The results suggest a remarkable resistance of the algal macro-epibionts to levels of acidification occurring at present day upwellings in the Baltic. Only extreme future upwelling conditions impacted the tubeworm S. spirorbis, but not the bryozoans

    A core-top study of dissolution effect on B/Ca inGlobigerinoides sacculiferfrom the tropical Atlantic: Potential bias for paleo-reconstruction of seawater carbonate chemistry

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    It has been recently shown that B/Ca in planktonic foraminiferal calcite can be used as a proxy for seawater pH. Based on the study of surface sediments (multi-cores) retrieved along a depth transect on the Sierra Leone Rise (Eastern Equatorial Atlantic), we document the decrease of B/Ca and Mg/Ca of Globigerinoides sacculifer shells with increasing water depth and dissolution. This effect of dissolution on B/Ca may potentially represent a severe bias for paleo-pH reconstructions using this species. Samples of G. sacculifer were analyzed independently at two laboratories for B/Ca and Mg/Ca. Both sets of results show a systematic decrease of B/Ca and Mg/Ca along the depth transect, with an overall loss of ~14 mmol/mol (~15%) for B/Ca and of ~0.7 mmol/mol (~21%) for Mg/Ca between the shallowest (2640 m) and the deepest (4950 m) sites. Because of this dissolution effect, surface water pH reconstructed from B/Ca of G. sacculifer decreases by ~0.11 units between the shallowest site and the deepest site, a magnitude similar to the expected glacial/interglacial surface water pH changes

    Faunal responses to oxygen gradients on the Pakistan margin: A comparison of foraminiferans, macrofauna and megafauna

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    The Pakistan Margin is characterised by a strong mid-water oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) that intercepts the seabed at bathyal depths (150–1300 m). We investigated whether faunal abundance and diversity trends were similar among protists (foraminiferans and gromiids), metazoan macrofauna and megafauna along a transect (140–1850 m water depth) across the OMZ during the 2003 intermonsoon (March–May) and late/post-monsoon (August–October) seasons. All groups exhibited some drop in abundance in the OMZ core (250–500 m water depth; O2: 0.10–0.13 mL L−1=4.46–5.80 ÎŒM) but to differing degrees. Densities of foraminiferans >63 ÎŒm were slightly depressed at 300 m, peaked at 738 m, and were much lower at deeper stations. Foraminiferans >300 ÎŒm were the overwhelmingly dominant macrofaunal organisms in the OMZ core. Macrofaunal metazoans reached maximum densities at 140 m depth, with additional peaks at 850, 940 and 1850 m where foraminiferans were less abundant. The polychaete Linopherus sp. was responsible for a macrofaunal biomass peak at 950 m. Apart from large swimming animals (fish and natant decapods), metazoan megafauna were absent between 300 and 900 m (O2 0.2 mL L−1=8.92 ÎŒM). The progressively deeper abundance peaks for foraminiferans (>63 ÎŒm), Linopherus sp. and ophiuroids probably represent lower OMZ boundary edge effects and suggest a link between body size and tolerance of hypoxia. Macro- and megafaunal organisms collected between 800 and 1100 m were dominated by a succession of different taxa, indicating that the lower part of the OMZ is also a region of rapid faunal change. Species diversity was depressed in all groups in the OMZ core, but this was much more pronounced for macrofauna and megafauna than for foraminiferans. Oxygen levels strongly influenced the taxonomic composition of all faunal groups. Calcareous foraminiferans dominated the seasonally and permanently hypoxic sites (136–300 m); agglutinated foraminiferans were relatively more abundant at deeper stations where oxygen concentrations were >0.13 mL L−1(=5.80 ÎŒM). Polychaetes were the main macrofaunal taxon within the OMZ; calcareous macrofauna and megafauna (molluscs and echinoderms) were rare or absent where oxygen levels were lowest. The rarity of larger animals between 300 and 700 m on the Pakistan Margin, compared with the abundant macrofauna in the OMZ core off Oman, is the most notable contrast between the two sides of the Arabian Sea. This difference probably reflects the slightly higher oxygen levels and better food quality on the western side

    Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminifera from the oxygen minimum zone of the Pakistan continental margin (Arabian Sea)

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    Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal communities (hard-shelled species only) from the Pakistan continental margin oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) have been studied in order to determine the relation between faunal composition and the oxygenation of bottom waters. Samples were taken from 136 m to 1870 m water depth during the intermonsoon season of 2003 (March–April). Live foraminiferal densities show a clear maximum in the first half centimetre of the sediment only few specimens are found down to 4 cm depth. The faunas exhibit a clear zonation across the Pakistan margin OMZ. Down to 500 m water depth, Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata dominate the assemblages. These taxa are largely restricted to the upper cm of the sediment. They are adapted to the very low bottom-water oxygen values (? 0.1 ml/l in the OMZ core) and the extremely high input of organic carbon on the upper continental slope. The lower part of the OMZ is characterised by cosmopolitan faunas, containing also some taxa that in other areas have been described in deep infaunal microhabitats. The contrast between faunas typical for the upper part of the OMZ, and cosmopolitan faunas in the lower part of the OMZ, may be explained by a difference in the stability of dysoxic conditions over geological time periods. The core of the OMZ has been characterised by prolonged periods of stable, strongly dysoxic conditions. The lower part of the OMZ, on the contrary, has been much more variable over time-scales of 1000s and 10,000 years because of changes in surface productivity and a fluctuating intensity of NADW circulation. We suggest that, as a consequence, well-adapted, shallow infaunal taxa occupy the upper part of the OMZ, whereas in the lower part of the OMZ, cosmopolitan deep infaunal taxa have repeatedly colonised these more intermittent low oxygen environments. <br/