486 research outputs found

    The Stellar Content Near the Galactic Center

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    High angular resolution J, H, K, and L' images are used to investigate the stellar content within 6 arcsec of SgrA*. The data, which are complete to K ~ 16, are the deepest multicolor observations of the region published to date.Comment: 34 pages, including 12 figure

    The Metallicity of the Red Giant Branch in the Disk of NGC 6822

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    Deep J, H, and K' images obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics system are used to investigate the metallicity of red giant branch (RGB) stars in three fields in the disk of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The slope of the RGB on the (K, J-K) color-magnitude diagrams indicates that = -1.0 +/- 0.3. The locus of the RGB is bluer than that of globular clusters with the same RGB slope, by an amount that is consistent with the majority of RGB stars in these fields having an age near 3 Gyr. It is demonstrated that if RGB stars in NGC 6822 are this young then the metallicity computed from the RGB slope may be ~ 0.05 dex too low.Comment: 19 pages of text; 10 figures; to appear in the PAS

    The Near-Infrared Photometric Properties of Bright Giants in the Central Regions of the Galactic Bulge

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    Images recorded through broad (J, H, K), and narrow (CO, and 2.2micron continuum) band filters are used to investigate the photometric properties of bright (K < 13.5) stars in a 6 x 6 arcmin field centered on the SgrA complex. The giant branch ridgelines in the (K, J-K) and (K, H-K) color-magnitude diagrams are well matched by the Baade's Window (BW) M giant sequence if the mean extinction is A_K ~ 2.8 mag. Extinction measurements for individual stars are estimated using the M_K versus infrared color relations defined by M giants in BW, and the majority of stars have A_K between 2.0 and 3.5 mag. The extinction is locally high in the SgrA complex, where A_K ~ 3.1 mag. Reddening-corrected CO indices, CO_o, are derived for over 1300 stars with J, H, and K brightnesses, and over 5300 stars with H and K brightnesses. The distribution of CO_o values for stars with K_o between 11.25 and 7.25 can be reproduced using the M_K versus CO_o relation defined by M giants in BW. The data thus suggest that the most metal-rich giants in the central regions of the bulge and in BW have similar photometric properties and 2.3micron CO strengths. Hence, it appears that the central region of the bulge does not contain a population of stars that are significantly more metal-rich than what is seen in BW.Comment: 29 pages, including 14 figure

    High Angular Resolution JHK Imaging of the Centers of the Metal-Poor Globular Clusters NGC5272 (M3), NGC6205 (M13), NGC6287, and NGC6341 (M92)

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    The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Adaptive Optics Bonnette (AOB) has been used to obtain high angular resolution JHK images of the centers of the metal-poor globular clusters NGC5272 (M3), NGC6205 (M13), NGC6287, and NGC6341 (M92). The color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) derived from these data include the upper main sequence and most of the red giant branch (RGB), and the cluster sequences agree with published photometric measurements of bright stars in these clusters. The photometric accuracy is limited by PSF variations, which introduce systematic errors of a few hundredths of a magnitude near the AO reference star. The clusters are paired according to metallicity, and the near-infrared CMDs and luminosity functions are used to investigate the relative ages within each pair. The near-infrared CMDs provide the tightest constraints on the relative ages of the classical second parameter pair NGC5272 and NGC6205, and indicate that these clusters have ages that differ by no more than +/- 1 Gyr. These results thus support the notion that age is not the second parameter. We tentatively conclude that NGC6287 and NGC6341 have ages that differ by no more than +/- 2 Gyr. However, the near-infrared spectral energy distributions of stars in NGC6287 appear to differ from those of stars in outer halo clusters, bringing into question the validity of this age estimate.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures. To be published in the Astronomical Journa

    The Recent Stellar Archeology of M31 - The Nearest Red Disk Galaxy

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    We examine the star-forming history (SFH) of the M31 disk during the past few hundred Myr. The luminosity functions (LFs) of main sequence stars at distances R_GC > 21 kpc (i.e. > 4 disk scale lengths) are matched by models that assume a constant star formation rate (SFR). However, at smaller R_GC the LFs suggest that during the past ~10 Myr the SFR was 2 - 3 times higher than during the preceding ~100 Myr. The rings of cool gas that harbor a significant fraction of the current star-forming activity are traced by stars with ages ~100 Myr, indicating that (1) these structures have ages of at least 100 Myr, and (2) stars in these structures do not follow the same relation between age and random velocity as their counterparts throughout the disks of other spiral galaxies, probably due to the inherently narrow orbital angular momentum distribution of the giant molecular clouds in these structures. The distribution of evolved red stars is not azimuthally symmetric, in the sense that their projected density along the north east segment of the major axis is roughly twice that on the opposite side of the galaxy. The north east arm of the major axis thus appears to be a fossil star-forming area that dates to intermediate epochs. Such a structure may be the consequence of interactions with a companion galaxy.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Peak Brightness and Spatial Distribution of AGB Stars Near the Nucleus of M32

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    The bright stellar content near the center of the Local Group elliptical galaxy M32 is investigated with 0.12 arcsec FWHM H and K images obtained with the Gemini Mauna Kea telescope. Stars with K = 15.5, which are likely evolving near the tip of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), are resolved to within 2 arcsec of the nucleus, and it is concluded that the peak stellar brightness near the center of M32 is similar to that in the outer regions of the galaxy. Moreover, the projected density of bright AGB stars follows the visible light profile to within 2 arcsec of the nucleus, indicating that the brightest stars are well mixed throughout the galaxy. Thus, there is no evidence for an age gradient, and the radial variations in spectroscopic indices and ultraviolet colors that have been detected previously must be due to metallicity and/or some other parameter. We suggest that either the bright AGB stars formed as part of a highly uniform and coherent galaxy-wide episode of star formation, or they originated in a separate system that merged with M32.Comment: 9 pages of text, 3 figures. ApJ (Letters) in pres

    Near-Infrared Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Central Regions of Nearby Sc Galaxies. II. NGC 247 and NGC 2403

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    J, H, and K' images obtained with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics system are used to investigate the star-forming histories of the central regions of the Sc galaxies NGC 247 and NGC 2403. The brightest resolved red stars within 15 arcsec of the nucleus of each galaxy are red supergiants, indicating that the central few hundred parsecs of these galaxies experienced star formation within the last ~ 0.1 Gyr. However, when averaged over Gyr time scales, the star-forming histories of the inner disks of these galaxies have been remarkably similar, as expected if the long-term evolution of disks is defined by local characteristics such as mass density. It is demonstrated that NGC 247 and NGC 2403, like M33, harbour nuclear star clusters with stellar contents that differ from the surrounding central light concentrations. The nucleus of NGC 2403 is significantly bluer than that of the other two galaxies and the K-band surface brightnesses near the centers of NGC 247 and NGC 2403 are 1 -- 2 mag per square arcsec lower than in M33. Finally, it is noted that young or intermediate-age nuclear star clusters are a common occurence in nearby spirals, indicating that nuclear star formation in these objects is either continuous or episodic on time scales of 0.1 - 1 Gyr.Comment: 27 pages of text and 14 figures; to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Estudio de la viabilidad comercial para la creación de un spa para hombres de 25 a 59 años en la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2015

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    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo principal investigar la viabilidad comercial de implementar un Spa exclusivamente para hombres en la ciudad de Chiclayo, debido a que diversos estudios indicaron que en la actualidad los índices de estrés, ya sea laboral o psicológico, son elevados y se requiere desarrollar modelos de negocio que permitan atenuarlos. Por ello, la presente investigación, basándose en una segmentación que abarca hombres de 25 a 59 años, de estilos de vida sofisticados y progresistas, realizó mediante encuestas, entrevistas y grupos focales, un estudio para verificar la viabilidad de ejecución del spa masculino, del cual se obtuvo resultados positivos con respecto al crecimiento de éste sector, demostrando la aceptación del proyecto como parte del cuidado masculino, de modo que éste pueda brindar un servicio innovador, exclusivo y necesario, que ayude a mejorar la calidad de vida y satisfacción de los clientes, a través de las preferencias, características y sugerencias recolectadas en el estudio y análisis del mercado Chiclayano, por lo que se concluyó del estudio que sí es viable la creación de un spa para hombres en dicha ciudad.Tesi

    Supernova 2008bk and its red supergiant progenitor

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    Indexación: ISIHemos obtenido pocos datos fotométricos y espectroscópicos de supernova (SN) 2008bk en NGC 7793, principalmente a 150 días después de la explosión. Nos parece que se trata de un tipo II-Plateau (II-P) SN que más se asemeja a la de baja luminosidad SN 1999br en NGC 4900. Dada la similitud general entre las curvas de luz observadas y colores de SNs 2008bk y 1999br, inferimos que la extinción total visual a SN 2008bk ( A V = 0,065 mag) debe ser casi en su totalidad debido a un primer plano galáctico, similar a lo que ha supuesto para SN 1999br. Confirmamos la identificación de la supergigante roja putativo (RSG) estrella progenitora de SN en la alta calidad de g ' r ' i imágenes "que había obtenido en 2007 en el Gemini-Sur 8 telescopio m. Existe poca ambigüedad en esta identificación progenitor, calificándolo como el mejor ejemplo hasta la fecha, junto con la identificación de la estrella Sk -69 ° 202 como el progenitor de SN 1987A. A partir de una combinación de fotometría de las imágenes de Gemini con el de archivo, pre-SN, el Telescopio Muy Grande de JHK s imágenes, derivamos una precisa distribución observada energía espectral (SED) para el progenitor. Nos encontramos con índices de nebulares fuerte intensidad de emisiones de línea para varios H II regiones cercanas a la SN que la metalicidad en el medio ambiente es probable subsolar ( Z 0.6 Z ☉ ). El SED observado de la estrella concuerda bastante bien con SED sintéticos obtenidos a partir de modelos de atmósferas RSG eficaz con temperatura T eff = 3600 ± 50 K. Nos encontramos, por tanto, que la estrella tenía una luminosidad bolométrica con respecto al Sol de log ( L bol / L ☉ ) = 4,57 ± 0,06 y el radio R = 496 ± 34 R ☉ a ~ 6 meses antes de la explosión. Al comparar las propiedades del progenitor con teóricos masiva estrella modelos evolutivos, llegamos a la conclusión de que el progenitor RSG tenía una masa inicial en el rango de 8-8,5 M ☉ . Esta masa es consistente con, aunque en el extremo bajo de la gama inferido de masas iniciales para SN II-P progenitores. También es coherente con el límite superior estimado de la masa inicial de la progenitora de SN 1999br, y concuerda con las masas iniciales bajos encontrados para los progenitores RSG de otras supernovas de baja luminosidad II-P.http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/issn/0004-6256/es/http://iopscience.iop.org/1538-3881/143/1/19