66 research outputs found

    Оценка потребности региона в человеческих ресурсах на основе анализа статистических данных и патентных ландшафтов

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    Переход России на новую технологическую платформу актуализирует проблему кадрового обеспечения по перспективным направлениям квалификации. Структурная трансформация экономики после пандемии ускорила изменения на рынке труда, выявив необходимость разработки новых методов прогнозирования с учетом приоритетов регионального технологического развития. Целью данного исследования является разработка новых подходов, основывающихся на структурированных и неструктурированных базах данных, для определения системы факторов формирования потребности в кадровом обеспечении. Потребности региона в человеческих ресурсах были спрогнозированы с использованием методик интеллектуального анализа данных и патентных ландшафтов. Такое прогнозирование учитывает экономическую направленность региона, а также его географическое положение, программу развития инвестиций и НИОКР, специфику рынка труда. Преимуществом предлагаемой методики является получение обоснованных оценок потребности региона в человеческих ресурсах методами интеллектуального анализа данных и патентных ландшафтов в условиях недостатка официальных статистических данных. База исследования включает более 25 миллионов записей: полнотекстовые коллекции российских и зарубежных патентов, научные работы, статистические показатели и т. д. Анализ ситуации в Вологодской области выявил перспективные направления подготовки, привлекательные для квалифицированных кадров и соответствующие приоритетам регионального технологического развития. В дальнейшем планируется совершенствование методики количественной оценки региональной потребности в специалистах отдельных отраслей. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы государственными органами и исследовательскими центрами при разработке региональных стратегий.Implementation of a new technological platform in Russia requires providing promising areas of professional qualification with human resources. Post-pandemic structural economic transformation has accelerated changes in the labour market and highlighted the need to develop new approaches and forecasting methods with the priorities of regional technological development. The study presents a methodology to reveal the regional demand for staffing based on the analysis of the factors affecting staff demands using structured and unstructured datasets. The study is focused on forecasting the region's needs for human resources based on data mining and patent landscapes. That forecasting should consider the economic focus of a region as well as its location, investment and R&D development programme, labour market specificity. The advantage of the proposed methodology is obtaining reasonable estimates of the region's needs for human resources with data mining and patent landscaping methods in conditions of limited official statistical data. Our database includes more than 25 million records: full-text collections of Russian and foreign patents, research papers, statistical indicators, etc. As a result, we identified promising training areas attractive for qualified personnel in the Vologda region corresponding with the priorities of regional technological development. The future development of this research is the improvement of the methodology for quantitative assessment of the regional need for professionals in particular industries. The obtained results can be useful to government bodies and research centres for the development of regional strategies.Статья подготовлена при поддержке РФФИ, проект № 20-04-60188. Авторы выражают благодарность к. э. н. Наталье Ивановне Усенко за ее вклад в разработку методики, ценные замечания и комментарии.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project No. 20-04-60188. The authors would like to express gratitude to Dr. Natalia Usenko for the contribution to the development of the methodology, valuable remarks and comments

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99 942 Apophis

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    Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO . The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Nonlinear time-series analysis of Hyperion's lightcurves

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    Hyperion is a satellite of Saturn that was predicted to remain in a chaotic rotational state. This was confirmed to some extent by Voyager 2 and Cassini series of images and some ground-based photometric observations. The aim of this aticle is to explore conditions for potential observations to meet in order to estimate a maximal Lyapunov Exponent (mLE), which being positive is an indicator of chaos and allows to characterise it quantitatively. Lightcurves existing in literature as well as numerical simulations are examined using standard tools of theory of chaos. It is found that existing datasets are too short and undersampled to detect a positive mLE, although its presence is not rejected. Analysis of simulated lightcurves leads to an assertion that observations from one site should be performed over a year-long period to detect a positive mLE, if present, in a reliable way. Another approach would be to use 2---3 telescopes spread over the world to have observations distributed more uniformly. This may be achieved without disrupting other observational projects being conducted. The necessity of time-series to be stationary is highly stressed.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; v2 after referee report; matches the version accepted in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    GRB 051008: A long, spectrally hard dust-obscured GRB in a lyman-break galaxy at z ≈ 2.8*

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    We present observations of the dark gamma-ray burst GRB 051008 provided by Swift/BAT, Swift/XRT, Konus-WIND, INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS in the high-energy domain and the Shajn, Swift/UVOT, Tautenburg, NOT, Gemini and Keck I telescopes in the optical and near-infrared bands. The burst was detected only in gamma- and X-rays and neither a prompt optical nor a radio afterglow was detected down to deep limits. We identified the host galaxy of the burst, which is a typical Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) with R-magnitude of 24.06 ± 0.10 mag. A redshift of the galaxy of z = 2.77+0.15-0.20 is measured photometrically due to the presence of a clear, strong Lyman-break feature. The host galaxy is a small starburst galaxy with moderate intrinsic extinction (AV = 0.3) and has a star formation rate of ~60M( yr-1 typical for LBGs. It is one of the few cases where a GRB host has been found to be a classical LBG. Using the redshift we estimate the isotropic-equivalent radiated energy of the burst to be Eiso = (1.15 ± 0.20) × 1054 erg.We also provide evidence in favour of the hypothesis that the darkness ofGRB051008 is due to local absorption resulting from a dense circumburst medium © 2014 The Authors

    Стратегии лекарственного обеспечения пациентов с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С

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    The report reviews the options of drug supply for patients with chronic hepatitis C in the Russian Federation and elsewhere. The results of the Moscow regional program aimed at improving the quality of medical care in such patients are discussed. The proposed measures contribute to the reduced mortality rate in patients suffering from infections. The prospects of further improvements in the availability of antiviral medications for patients with chronic viral hepatitis C are outlined. В статье рассмотрены варианты лекарственного обеспечения пациентов с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С за рубежом и в Российской Федерации. Продемонстрирована эффективность работы целевой региональной программы, направленной на повышение качества оказания медицинской помощи жителям города Москвы, страдающим хроническим вирусным гепатитом С, снижение смертности от инфекционных заболеваний. Определен вектор дальнейшего перспективного развития для повышения доступности лекарственного обеспечения противовирусной терапии (ПВТ) для пациентов с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С.

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99942 Apophis

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    © 2015 ESO. Aims. Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO. Methods. The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. Results. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids