52 research outputs found

    Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees

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    Novel transmission routes can allow infectious diseases to spread, often with devastating consequences. Ectoparasitic varroa mites vector a diversity of RNA viruses, having switched hosts from the eastern to western honey bees (Apis cerana to Apis mellifera). They provide an opportunity to explore how novel transmission routes shape disease epidemiology. As the principal driver of the spread of deformed wing viruses (mainly DWV-A and DWV-B), varroa infestation has also driven global honey bee health declines. The more virulent DWV-B strain has been replacing the original DWV-A strain in many regions over the past two decades. Yet, how these viruses originated and spread remains poorly understood. Here, we use a phylogeographic analysis based on whole-genome data to reconstruct the origins and demography of DWV spread. We found that, rather than reemerging in western honey bees after varroa switched hosts, as suggested by previous work, DWV-A most likely originated in East Asia and spread in the mid-20th century. It also showed a massive population size expansion following the varroa host switch. By contrast, DWV-B was most likely acquired more recently from a source outside East Asia and appears absent from the original varroa host. These results highlight the dynamic nature of viral adaptation, whereby a vector's host switch can give rise to competing and increasingly virulent disease pandemics. The evolutionary novelty and rapid global spread of these host-virus interactions, together with observed spillover into other species, illustrate how increasing globalization poses urgent threats to biodiversity and food security

    Influence of Hyper-Alkaline pH Leachate on Mineral and Porosity Evolution in the Chemically Disturbed Zone Developed in the Near-Field Host Rock for a Nuclear Waste Repository

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    This paper evaluates the effect of hyper-alkaline (NaOH/KOH) leachate on the mineralogy and porosity of a generic quartzo-feldspathic host rock for intermediate- and low-level nuclear waste disposal following permeation of the cementitious repository barrier by groundwater. The analysis is made with reference to expected fluid compositions that may develop by contact of groundwater with the cementitious barrier to form a chemically disturbed zone (CDZ) in the adjacent host rock, as informed by relevant natural analogue sites. Theoretical analysis and numerical modelling is used to explore the influence of different host rock mineral assemblages on changes in pore fluid chemistry, multiple mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions and matrix porosity within the CDZ under these conditions. The numerical modelling accounts for kinetic and surface area effects on the mineral transformation and porosity development for periods of up to 10,000 years travel time from the repository and ambient temperature of 20∘C. The analysis shows that dissolution of quartz, feldspar and muscovite in the host rock, by the hyper-alkaline waste leachate, will create relatively high concentrations of dissolved Si and Al in the pore fluid, which migrates as chemical fronts within the CDZ. Precipitation of secondary mineral phases is predicted to occur under these conditions. The increase in matrix porosity that arises from dissolution of primary aluminosilicate minerals is compensated by a reduction in porosity due to precipitation of the secondary phases, but with a net overall increase in matrix porosity. These coupled physical and geochemical processes are most important for contaminant transport in the near-field zone of the CDZ and are eventually buffered by the host rock within 70 m of the repository for the 10,000 year travel time scenario. The predicted changes in matrix porosity may contribute to increased transport of radionuclides in the host rock, in the absence of attenuation by other mechanisms in the CDZ

    Activation of Protein Kinase A and Exchange Protein Directly Activated by cAMP Promotes Adipocyte Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Human mesenchymal stem cells are primary multipotent cells capable of differentiating into several cell types including adipocytes when cultured under defined in vitro conditions. In the present study we investigated the role of cAMP signaling and its downstream effectors, protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) in adipocyte conversion of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue (hMADS). We show that cAMP signaling involving the simultaneous activation of both PKA- and Epac-dependent signaling is critical for this process even in the presence of the strong adipogenic inducers insulin, dexamethasone, and rosiglitazone, thereby clearly distinguishing the hMADS cells from murine preadipocytes cell lines, where rosiglitazone together with dexamethasone and insulin strongly promotes adipocyte differentiation. We further show that prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) may fully substitute for the cAMP-elevating agent isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX). Moreover, selective activation of Epac-dependent signaling promoted adipocyte differentiation when the Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) was inhibited. Unlike the case for murine preadipocytes cell lines, long-chain fatty acids, like arachidonic acid, did not promote adipocyte differentiation of hMADS cells in the absence of a PPARÎł agonist. However, prolonged treatment with the synthetic PPARÎŽ agonist L165041 promoted adipocyte differentiation of hMADS cells in the presence of IBMX. Taken together our results emphasize the need for cAMP signaling in concert with treatment with a PPARÎł or PPARÎŽ agonist to secure efficient adipocyte differentiation of human hMADS mesenchymal stem cells

    Modelling of multi-minerals kinetic evolution in hyper-alkaline leachate for a 15-year experiment

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    Cement has been widely used for low- to intermediate-level radioactive waste management; however, the long-term modelling of multiple mineral transfer between the cement leachate and the host rock of a geological disposal facility remains a challenge due to the strong physical-chemical interactions within the chemically disturbed zone. This paper presents a modelling study for a 15-year experiment simulating the reaction of crystalline basement rock with evolved near-field groundwater (pH = 10.8). A mixed kinetic equilibrium (MKE) modelling approach was employed to study the dolomite-rich fracture-filling assemblage reacting with intermediate cement leachate. The study found that the mineralogical and geochemical transformation of the system was driven by the kinetically controlled dissolution of the primary minerals (dolomite, calcite, quartz, k-feldspar and muscovite). The initial high concentration of calcium ions appeared to be the main driving force initiating the dedolomitization process, which played a significant role in the precipitation of secondary talc, brucite and Mg-aluminosilicate minerals. The modelling study also showed that most of the initially precipitated calcium silicon hydrate phases redissolved and formed more stable calcium silicon aluminium hydrate phases. The findings highlight the importance of a deep and insightful understanding of the geochemical transformations based on the type and characteristics of the host rock, where the system is under out of equilibrium conditions, and the rates of mineral reactions

    Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees

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    Novel transmission routes can allow infectious diseases to spread, often with devastating consequences. Ectoparasitic varroa mites vector a diversity of RNA viruses, having switched hosts from the eastern to western honey bees (Apis cerana to Apis mellifera). They provide an opportunity to explore how novel transmission routes shape disease epidemiology. As the principal driver of the spread of deformed wing viruses (mainly DWV-A and DWV-B), varroa infestation has also driven global honey bee health declines. The more virulent DWV-B strain has been replacing the original DWV-A strain in many regions over the past two decades. Yet, how these viruses originated and spread remains poorly understood. Here, we use a phylogeographic analysis based on whole-genome data to reconstruct the origins and demography of DWV spread. We found that, rather than reemerging in western honey bees after varroa switched hosts, as suggested by previous work, DWV-A most likely originated in East Asia and spread in the mid-20th century. It also showed a massive population size expansion following the varroa host switch. By contrast, DWV-B was most likely acquired more recently from a source outside East Asia and appears absent from the original varroa host. These results highlight the dynamic nature of viral adaptation, whereby a vector's host switch can give rise to competing and increasingly virulent disease pandemics. The evolutionary novelty and rapid global spread of these host-virus interactions, together with observed spillover into other species, illustrate how increasing globalization poses urgent threats to biodiversity and food security

    Chemical and isotopic characterization of water–rock interactions in shales induced by the intrusion of a basaltic dike: A natural analogue for radioactive waste disposal.

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    Disposal of nuclear waste in deep geological formations is expected to induce thermal fluxes for hundreds of years with maximum temperature reaching about 100–150 °C in the nearfield argillaceous environment. The long-term behavior of clays subjected to such thermal gradients needs to be perfectly understood in safety assessment considerations. In this respect, a Toarcian argillaceous unit thermally disturbed by the intrusion of a 1.1-m wide basaltic dike at the Perthus pass (Herault, France), was studied in detail as a natural analogue. The thermal imprint induced by the dike was evaluated by a mineralogical, chemical and K–Ar study of the <2 ÎŒm clay fraction of shale samples collected at increasing distance from the basalt. The data suggest that the mineral composition of the shales was not significantly disturbed when the temperature was below 100–150 °C. Closer to the dike at 150–300 °C, changes such as progressive dissolution of chlorite and kaolinite, increased content of the mixed layers illite–smectite with more illite layers, complete decalcification and subsequent increased content of quartz, were found.At the eastern contact with the dike, the mineral and chemical compositions of both the shales and the basalt suggest water–rock interactions subsequent to the intrusion with precipitation of palagonite and renewed but discrete deposition of carbonate. A pencil cleavage developed in the shales during the dike emplacement probably favored water circulation along the contact. Strontium isotopic data suggest that the fluids of probable meteoric origin, reacted with Bathonian and Bajocian limestones before entering the underlying Toarcian shales.By analogy with deep geological radioactive waste repositories, the results report discrete mineralogical variations of the clays when subjected to temperatures of 100–150 °C that are expected in deep storage conditions. Beyond 150 °C, significant mineralogical changes may alter the physical and chemical properties of the shales, especially of the clay fraction. Also, the development of structural discontinuities in the so-called thermally disturbed zone might be of importance as these discontinuities might become zones for preferential fluid circulation. Finally, the study emphasizes the use of Rb–Sr and K–Ar isotopic systems as tracers of local circulating fluids related to low-grade thermal imprints
