179 research outputs found

    Extracció amb CO2 supercrític. I. Una alternativa als dissolvents per a l'obtenció d'extractes naturals dels aliments

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    La tècnica d'extracció amb fluids supercrítics a la indústria alimentària i amb CO2 com a dissolvent està plenament establerta, sobretot en processos de descafeïnat de cafè i te, extracció de llúpol, extracció d'aromes i sabors d'espècies i herbes aromàtiques i separació del colesterol de la mantega, la carn i el rovell de l'ou. L'ESC és una tècnica de separació respectuosa amb el medi ambient i pot substituir progressivament molts dels processos d'extracció duts a terme amb uns dissolvents orgànics, que són en general potencialment tòxics, inflamables i tenen un preu elevat. L'ESC presenta un futur encoratjador en processos d'extracció i separació de principis actius de productes naturals pels seus avantatges. Aquesta primera part correspon a les bases teòriques de la nova tècnica d'extracció. En una segona part es presentaran les aplicacions industrials. Aquest article correspon a un resum adaptat d'un treball més complet que ha estat publicat en un review al Food Science and Technology International (octubre 2002), i constitueix el capítol 5 del llibre sobre tecnologies emergents (gener 2003).The extraction technique in the food industry by using supercritical fluids, and with CO2 as solvent, is widely established, especially in caffeine removing from coffee and tea, in the extraction of hops, flavours and fragrances from spices and aromatic herbs, as well as in the separation of cholesterol from butter, meat and egg-yolk. The ESC is an environmental friendly technique and is able to substitute progressively a lot of extraction processes based on organic solvents, which are usually potentially toxic, flammable and expensive.Due to their advantages, ESC shows an encouraging future in the processes of extraction and separation of the active substances in natural products. The present article is an abstracts from the complete job that has been published as a review in FSTI (October 2002) and corresponds to chapter 5 of the book on emergent technologies (January 2003)

    Extracció amb CO2 supercrític: II. Aplicacions a la indústria alimentària

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    La tècnica d'extracció amb fluids supercrítics (ESC) a la indústria alimentària i amb CO2 com a dissolvent està plenament establerta, sobretot en processos de descafeïnat de cafè i te, extracció de llúpol, extracció d'aromes i sabors d'espècies i herbes aromàtiques i separació del colesterol de la mantega, la carn i el rovell de l'ou. L'ESC és una tècnica de separació respectuosa amb el medi ambient i pot substituir progressivament molts dels processos d'extracció realitzats amb dissolvents orgànics, que són en general potencialment tòxics, inflamables i tenen un preu elevat. L'ESC presenta un futur encoratjador en processos d'extracció i separació de principis actius en productes naturals pels seus avantatges. El present article correspon a un resum adaptat del treball complet que ha estat publicat en una revisió al Food Science and Technology International (FSTI) (octubre 2002) i constitueix el capítol 5 del llibre sobre tecnologies emergents (gener 2003).The extraction technique with supercritical fluids at food industries, and with CO2 as a solvent, is fully established, mainly in processes for caffeine extraction in coffee and tea, hops extraction, flavours and fragrances extraction from spices and aromatic herbs, as for cholesterol separation from butter, fats, meat and egg yolk. The SCE is a separation technique that is environmental friendly and can substitute progressively many of the extraction processes that use organic potentially toxic and flammable solvents and have a high cost. SCE shows a pretty good future due to its advantage for extraction and separation processes of active components in natural products. This article corresponds to an adaptation of the original that has been published in a Review at Food Science and Technology International (FSTI) (2002, October) and is the 5th chapter of the book about Emergent Technologies (2003, January)

    Sedimentos prodeltaicos en el Delta emergido del Llobregat

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    La unidad de limos intermedios del delta del Llobregat corresponde a un ambiente prodeltaico en el que se han identificado, por comparación al modelo actual, subambientes de prodelta proximal, medio y medio-distal. Su agua intersticial es sinsedimentaria, hallándose en la actualidad parcialmente diluid

    Advances in the knowledge of the inocybe mixtilis group (Inocybaceae, Agaricomycetes), through molecular and morphological studies

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    Inocybe mixtilis constitutes a complex of species characterized by nodulose-angulose spores, absence of cortina and a more or less bulbous marginate stipe that is not darkening when desiccated. In order to elucidate species limits within the I. mixtilis complex, an ITS-RPB2 phylogeny was performed and interpreted using morphological and ecological characters. Six supported clades were obtained in our analyses that correspond to I. mixtilis, I. subtrivialis, and four new species to science: I. ceskae, I. johannis-stanglii, I. nothomixtilis and I. occulta. Species within this complex can be morphologically recognized through a unique combination of morphological characters, such as the spore shape, cystidial length and shape, presence and development of the velipellis and pileus colour and viscidity. Nevertheless, those characters overlap, especially among I. mixtilis, I. ceskae and I. occulta, and intermediate collections are therefore more reliably identified through ITS-sequencing. Two species, I. ceskae and I. occulta are present in both North America and Europe, while the rest are so far only known in Europe, or Europe and Asia (I. mixtilis). All species, except I. johannis-stanglii, seem to be able to establish ectomycorrhizal association both with conifers and angiosperms. Descriptions, colour illustrations and a key to all known species in the I. mixtilis group are provided

    Encapsulation of Phenolic Compounds from a Grape Cane Pilot-Plant Extract in Hydroxypropyl Beta-Cyclodextrin and Maltodextrin by Spray Drying

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    Grape canes, the main byproducts of the viticulture industry, contain high-value bioactive phenolic compounds, whose application is limited by their instability and poorly solubility in water. Encapsulation in cyclodextrins allows these drawbacks to be overcome. In this work, a grape cane pilot-plant extract (GCPPE) was encapsulated in hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) by a spray-drying technique and the formation of an inclusion complex was confirmed by microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The phenolic profile of the complex was analyzed by LC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS and the encapsulation efficiency of the phenolic compounds was determined. A total of 42 compounds were identified, including stilbenes, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, and a complex of (epi)catechin with β-CD was detected, confirming the interaction between polyphenols and cyclodextrin. The encapsulation efficiency for the total extract was 80.5 ± 1.1%, with restrytisol showing the highest value (97.0 ± 0.6%) and (E)-resveratrol (32.7 ± 2.8%) the lowest value. The antioxidant capacity of the inclusion complex, determined by ORAC-FL, was 5300 ± 472 µmol TE/g DW, which was similar to the value obtained for the unencapsulated extract. This formulation might be used to improve the stability, solubility, and bioavailability of phenolic compounds of the GCPPE for water-soluble food and pharmaceutical applications

    Crioconcentración progresiva de soluciones de sacarosa mediante agitación magnética

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    En este trabajo se estudia el proceso de crioconcentración progresiva mediante agitación magnética. Los resultados muestran que todas las variables analizadas (concentración inicial, temperatura del refrigerante y velocidad de agitación) afectan significativamente al coeficiente de distribución (k), índice de concentración (IC) y eficiencia (eff).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cefalea en racimos

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    artículo (arbitrado) -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular, 2003La cefalea en racimos (CR) o “neuralgia de Horton”, es un tipo relativamente raro de cefalea que se presenta en forma de ataques y cuya severidad le ha dado el nombre de “dolor de cabeza suicida”. Debido a que la CR es una patología bastante desconocida, el paciente puede tardar en ser diagnosticado, especialmente debido a que es raro que un médico lo atienda en el momento mismo del ataque. La CR suele ser confundida con sinusitis, migraña o patología dental. De ahí que los pacientes no reciban el tratamiento adecuado, o lo reciban demasiado tarde.Cluster headache or Horton’s neuralgia is a relatively infre- quent form of headache,which presents as attacks. It has been called suicide headache because of its severity. Becau- se of its rarity, the diagnosis usually is delayed, especially since the physician is not present at the time of the attack. It can be confused with sinusitis,migraine, or dental pathology. Consequently, the patient is treated incorrectly or the treat- ment is delayed. Nonetheless, cluster headache is easy to diagnose because of typical clinical features, and usually it is also easy to treat. It is important to recognize this illness as soon as possible. General practitioners can play a vital role in its correct diagnosis.Universidad de Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM

    Testing the efficacy of INtegral Cognitive REMediation (INCREM) in major depressive disorder : study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Given the limitation of pharmacological treatments to treat cognitive symptoms in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), cognitive remediation programs has been proposed as a possible procognitive intervention but findings are not conclusive. This study investigates the efficacy of an INtegral Cognitive REMediation (INCREM) that includes a combination of a Functional Remediation (FR) strategy plus a Computerized Cognitive Training (CCT) in order to improve not only cognitive performance but also the psychosocial functioning and the quality of life. A single blind randomized controlled clinical trial in 81 patients with a diagnosis of MDD in clinical remission or in partial remission. Participants will be randomized to one of three conditions: INCREM (FR + CCT), Psychoeducation plus online games and Treatment As Usual (TAU). Intervention will consist in 12 group sessions, of approximately 110 min once a week. The primary outcome measure will be % of change in psychosocial functioning after treatment measured by the Functional Assessment Short Test (FAST); additionally, number of sick leaves and daily activities will also be recorded as pragmatic outcomes. To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled clinical trial using a combination of two different approaches (FR + CCT) to treat the present cognitive deficits and to promote their improvements into a better psychosocial functioning. Clinical Trials . Date registered 10th of August 2018 and last updated 24th August 2018

    Evaluation of the Kinetics of Pancreatic Stone Protein as a Predictor of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

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    Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a severe condition. Early and adequate antibiotic treatment is the most important strategy for improving prognosis. Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) has been described as a biomarker that increases values 3-4 days before the clinical diagnosis of nosocomial sepsis in different clinical settings. We hypothesized that serial measures of PSP and its kinetics allow for an early diagnosis of VAP. METHODS: The BioVAP study was a prospective observational study designed to evaluate the role of biomarker dynamics in the diagnosis of VAP. To determine the association between repeatedly measured PSP and the risk of VAP, we used joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data. RESULTS: Of 209 patients, 43 (20.6%) patients developed VAP, with a median time of 4 days. Multivariate joint models with PSP, CRP, and PCT did not show an association between biomarkers and VAP for the daily absolute value, with a hazard ratio (HR) for PSP of 1.01 (95% credible interval: 0.97 to 1.05), for CRP of 1.00 (0.83 to 1.22), and for PCT of 0.95 (0.82 to 1.08). The daily change of biomarkers provided similar results, with an HR for PSP of 1.15 (0.94 to 1.41), for CRP of 0.76 (0.35 to 1.58), and for PCT of 0.77 (0.40 to 1.45). CONCLUSION: Neither absolute PSP values nor PSP kinetics alone nor in combination with other biomarkers were useful in improving the prediction diagnosis accuracy in patients with VAP. Clinical Trial Registration: Registered retrospectively on August 3rd, 2012. NCT02078999