406 research outputs found

    Hausdorff-Distance Enhanced Matching of Scale Invariant Feature Transform Descriptors in Context of Image Querying

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    Reliable and effective matching of visual descriptors is a key step for many vision applications, e.g. image retrieval. In this paper, we propose to integrate the Hausdorff distance matching together with our pairing algorithm, in order to obtain a robust while computationally efficient process of matching feature descriptors for image-to-image querying in standards datasets. For this purpose, Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors have been matched using our presented algorithm, followed by the computation of our related similarity measure. This approach has shown excellent performance in both retrieval accuracy and speed

    Optical character recognition based-on system for automated software testing

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    The paper presents the development and deployment of an artificial intelligence (AI) test automation framework that allows testers to more fluidly develop scripts and carry out their day-to-day tasks. In particular, the framework aims to speed up the test automation process by enabling its users to locate elements on a webpage through the use of template-matching-based image recognition as well as optical character recognition (OCR). Indeed, test automation specialists spend much of their time creating page-object models (POMs), where they capture elements on the screen via complex locators such as cascading style sheet (CSS) or XPath. However, when webpages are updated or elements are moved around, locators become void, eventually pointing to nothing unless written in such a dynamic way as to prevent this. This heavily relies on developers providing meaningful tags to elements that they can then be located by, whereas with the introduction of an image recognition engine in our AI fr amework, this tedious and long-winded approach has been be shortened

    Muscle ultrastructural changes from exhaustive exercise performed after prolonged restricted activity and retraining in dogs

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    The effect of exhaustive treadmill exercise on ultrastructural changes in the quadriceps femoris muscle was studied in 7 normal, healthy dogs, before and after restricted activity (RA), and following a subsequent 2 month treadmill exercise retraining period for the 5 mo group. Mean time to exhaustion in the 2 mo group decreased from 177 + or - 22 min before to 90 + or - 32 min after RA. Retraining increased tolerance to 219 + or - 73 min; 24 pct. above the before RA and 143 pct. above the after RA time. After RA exhaustion time in the 5 mo group was 25 and 45 min. Before RA, pre-exercise muscle structure was normal and post exercise there was only slight swelling of mitochondria. After RA, pre-exercise, numerous glycogen granules and lipid droplets appeared in the muscle fibers, mitochondria were smaller, and sarcoplasmic reticulum channels widened; post exercise these changes were accentuated and some areas were devoid of glycogen, and there was fiber degradation. After 5 mo RA pre-exercise there were more pronounced changes; mitochondria were very small and dense, there were many lipid droplets, myofibrils were often separated, and the fibers appeared edematous and degenerating; post exercise the sarcoplasmic reticulum was swollen, no glycogen was present, and there was marked swelling and deformation of mitochondria. After retraining, both pre-exercise and post exercise there was still evidence of fiber degeneration. Thus, susceptibility of active skeletal muscle structures and subcellular elements, e.g., mitochondria, to the action of damaging factors occurring during exhaustive exercise is enhanced considerably by prolonged disuse

    Tailoring complexity metrics for simulink models

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    The size and complexity of Simulink models is constantly increasing, just as the systems which they represent. Therefore, it is beneficial to control them already at the design phase. In this paper we establish a set of complexity metrics for Simulink models to capture diverse aspects of complexity by proposing new and redefining existing metrics. To evaluate the applicability of our metrics, we compare them with the closed-source metric proposed by Mathworks. Moreover, through a case study from the automotive domain, we relate such metrics to quality attributes as determined by domain experts, and correlate them to known faults. Preliminary assessment suggests that complexity is closely related to analysability, understandability, and testability

    Multicolour interphase cytogenetics: 24 chromosome probes, 6 colours, 4 layers

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    From the late 1980s onwards, the use of DNA probes to visualise sequences on individual chromosomes (fluorescent in-situ hybridisation - FISH) revolutionised the study of cytogenetics. Following single colour experiments, more fluorochromes were added, culminating in a 24 colour assay that could distinguish all human chromosomes. Interphase cytogenetics (the detection of chromosome copy number in interphase nuclei) soon followed, however 24 colour experiments are hampered for this application as mixing fluorochromes to produce secondary colours produces images that are not easily distinguishable from overlapping signals. This study reports the development and use of a novel protocol, new fast hybridising FISH probes, and a bespoke image capture system for the assessment of chromosome copy number in interphase nuclei. The multicolour probe sets can be used individually or in sequential hybridisation layers to assess ploidy of all 24 human chromosomes in the same nucleus. Applications of this technique are in the investigation of chromosome copy number and the assessment of nuclear organisation for a range of different cell types including human sperm, cancer cells and preimplantation embryos

    Differential Expression of Ovine Innate Immune Genes by Preterm and Neonatal Lung Epithelia Infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus

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    Preterm infants have increased susceptibility to severe manifestations of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The cause(s) for this age-dependent vulnerability is/are not well-defined, but alterations in innate immune products have been implicated. In sheep, RSV disease severity has similar age-dependent characteristics and sheep have several related innate molecules for study during pulmonary infection including surfactant protein A (SP-A), surfactant protein D (SP-D), sheep beta defensin 1 (SBD1), monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP1), and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). However, the in vivo cellular gene expression as a response to RSV infection is poorly understood. In this study, the effect of RSV infection on expression of these innate immune genes was determined for bovine RSV-infected (bRSV+ fluorescence) epithelial cells, adjacent cells lacking bRSV antigen (adjoining cells lacking fluorescence), and control cells from non-infected lung using laser capture microdissection (LCM) and real-time RT-PCR. Control lambs had increased expression of innate immune molecules in full term (term) compared to preterm epithelia with statistical significance in SBD1, SP-D, and TLR4 mRNA. Infected cells (bRSV+ fluorescent cells) had consistently higher mRNA levels of SP-A (preterm and term), MCP1 (preterm and term), and SP-D (preterm). Interestingly, bRSV- cells of infected term lambs had significantly reduced SP-D mRNA expression compared to bRSV+ and control epithelia, suggesting that RSV infected cells may regulate the adjacent epithelial SP-D expression. This study defines specific innate immune components (e.g., SBD1, SP-D, and TLR4) that have differential age-dependent expression in the airway epithelia. Furthermore, cellular bRSV infection enhanced certain innate immune components while suppressing adjacent cellular SP-D expression in term animals. These in vivo gene expression results provide a framework for future studies on age-dependent susceptibility to RSV and RSV pathogenesis