632 research outputs found

    A high speed Tri-Vision system for automotive applications

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    Purpose: Cameras are excellent ways of non-invasively monitoring the interior and exterior of vehicles. In particular, high speed stereovision and multivision systems are important for transport applications such as driver eye tracking or collision avoidance. This paper addresses the synchronisation problem which arises when multivision camera systems are used to capture the high speed motion common in such applications. Methods: An experimental, high-speed tri-vision camera system intended for real-time driver eye-blink and saccade measurement was designed, developed, implemented and tested using prototype, ultra-high dynamic range, automotive-grade image sensors specifically developed by E2V (formerly Atmel) Grenoble SA as part of the European FP6 project – sensation (advanced sensor development for attention stress, vigilance and sleep/wakefulness monitoring). Results : The developed system can sustain frame rates of 59.8 Hz at the full stereovision resolution of 1280 × 480 but this can reach 750 Hz when a 10 k pixel Region of Interest (ROI) is used, with a maximum global shutter speed of 1/48000 s and a shutter efficiency of 99.7%. The data can be reliably transmitted uncompressed over standard copper Camera-Link® cables over 5 metres. The synchronisation error between the left and right stereo images is less than 100 ps and this has been verified both electrically and optically. Synchronisation is automatically established at boot-up and maintained during resolution changes. A third camera in the set can be configured independently. The dynamic range of the 10bit sensors exceeds 123 dB with a spectral sensitivity extending well into the infra-red range. Conclusion: The system was subjected to a comprehensive testing protocol, which confirms that the salient requirements for the driver monitoring application are adequately met and in some respects, exceeded. The synchronisation technique presented may also benefit several other automotive stereovision applications including near and far-field obstacle detection and collision avoidance, road condition monitoring and others.Partially funded by the EU FP6 through the IST-507231 SENSATION project.peer-reviewe

    Distorted, non-spherical transiting planets: impact on the transit depth and on the radius determination

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    We quantify the systematic impact of the non-spherical shape of transiting planets and brown dwarfs, due to tidal forces and rotation, on the observed transit depth. Such a departure from sphericity leads to a bias in the derivation of the transit radius from the light curve and affects the comparison with planet structure and evolution models which assume spherical symmetry. As the tidally deformed planet projects its smallest cross section area during the transit, the measured effective radius is smaller than the one of the unperturbed spherical planet. This effect can be corrected by calculating the theoretical shape of the observed planet. We derive simple analytical expressions for the ellipsoidal shape of a fluid object (star or planet) accounting for both tidal and rotational deformations and calibratre it with fully numerical evolution models in the 0.3Mjup-75Mjup mass range. Our calculations yield a 20% effect on the transit depth, i.e. a 10% decrease of the measured radius, for the extreme case of a 1Mjup planet orbiting a Sun-like star at 0.01AU. For the closest planets detected so far (< 0.05 AU), the effect on the radius is of the order of 1 to 10%, by no means a negligible effect, enhancing the puzzling problem of the anomalously large bloated planets. These corrections must thus be taken into account for a correct determination of the radius from the transit light curve. Our analytical expressions can be easily used to calculate these corrections, due to the non-spherical shape of the planet, on the observed transit depth and thus to derive the planet's real equilibrium radius. They can also be used to model ellipsoidal variations of the stellar flux now detected in the CoRoT and Kepler light curves. We also derive directly usable analytical expressions for the moment of inertia, oblateness and Love number (k_2) of a fluid planet as a function of its mass.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Published in A&A. Correction of minor errors in Appendix B. An electronic version of the grids of planetary models is available at http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/jeremy.leconte/JLSite/JLsite/Exoplanets_Simulations.htm

    Multi-state and non-volatile control of graphene conductivity with surface electric fields

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    Planar electrodes patterned on a ferroelectric substrate are shown to provide lateral control of the conductive state of a two-terminal graphene stripe. A multi-level and on-demand memory control of the graphene resistance state is demonstrated under low sub-coercive electric fields, with a susceptibility exceeding by more than two orders of magnitude those reported in a vertical gating geometry. Our example of reversible and low-power lateral control over 11 memory states in the graphene conductivity illustrates the possibility of multimemory and multifunctional applications, as top and bottom inputs remain accessible.Comment: Graphene ferroelectric lateral structure for multi-state and non-volatile conductivity control, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mortalités et dépopulations des colonies d’abeilles aux États-Unis

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    Après la France et l’Europe, les États-Unis d’Amérique subissent de plein fouet les problèmes de mortalités massives d’abeilles. Un déficit d’abeilles disponibles pour la pollinisation et les résultats d’enquêtes auprès des apiculteurs attestent clairement ce phénomène très préoccupant pour l’apiculture américaine. Y a-t-il des analogies avec ce que nous avons vécu sur nos populations d’abeilles ou bien est-ce un phénomène différent ? L’état américain débloque des fonds importants pour expliquer et lutter contre ce syndrome qui détruit leur cheptel

    Pattern of Reaction Diffusion Front in Laminar Flows

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    Autocatalytic reaction between reacted and unreacted species may propagate as solitary waves, namely at a constant front velocity and with a stationary concentration profile, resulting from a balance between molecular diffusion and chemical reaction. The effect of advective flow on the autocatalytic reaction between iodate and arsenous acid in cylindrical tubes and Hele-Shaw cells is analyzed experimentally and numerically using lattice BGK simulations. We do observe the existence of solitary waves with concentration profiles exhibiting a cusp and we delineate the eikonal and mixing regimes recently predicted.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. This paper report on experiments and simulations in different geometries which test the theory of Boyd Edwards on flow advection of chemical reaction front which just appears in PRL (PRL Vol 89,104501, sept2002

    Projet de paysage participatif à Villandry

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet intitulé « Participation des populations et renouvellement des pratiques paysagistes. Une approche par l’expérimentation et la comparaison des méthodes » au sein du programme « Paysage et Développement durable II », porté par le MEDDE. L’originalité de ce projet tient en partie à la collaboration entre des enseignants-chercheurs de trois écoles de paysage françaises (Angers, Versailles et Bordeaux) et des paysagistes, engagés ensemble dans deux démarches expérimentales. Nous revenons plus particulièrement dans cet article sur l’une des deux expérimentations, conduite sur la commune de Villandry dans le Val de Loire

    Emotional expressiveness of 5–6 month-old infants born very premature versus full-term at initial exposure to weaning foods

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    Facial expressions of 5–6 month-old infants born preterm and at term were compared while tasting for the first time solid foods (two fruit and two vegetable purées) given by the mother. Videotapes of facial reactions to these foods were objectively coded during the first six successive spoons of each test food using Baby FACS and subjectively rated by naïve judges. Infant temperament was also assessed by the parents using the Infant Behaviour Questionnaire. Contrary to our expectations, infants born preterm expressed fewer negative emotions than infants born full-term. Naïve judges rated infants born preterm as displaying more liking than their full-term counterparts when tasting the novel foods. The analysis of facial expressions during the six spoonfuls of four successive meals (at 1-week intervals) suggested a familiarization effect with the frequency of negative expressions decreasing after tasting the second spoon, regardless of infant age, type of food and order of presentation. Finally, positive and negative dimensions of temperament reported by the parents were related with objective and subjective coding of affective reactions toward foods in infants born preterm or full-term. Our research indicates that premature infants are more accepting of novel foods than term infants and this could be used for supporting the development of healthy eating patterns in premature infants. Further research is needed to clarify whether reduced negativity by infants born prematurely to the exposure to novel solid foods reflects a reduction of an adaptive avoidant behaviour during the introduction of novel foods

    Le matériau sol-chaux comme une matériau résistant à l'érosion pour les ouvrages hydrauliques : état de l'art et projet de R&D français DigueElite

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    International audienceThe treatment of silty and clayey soils with lime (calcium oxide or hydroxide) is a technique widely used for soils improvement and stabilization for construction of roads, highways, railways, platforms. However, the principles of lime treatment for hydraulic earthen structures remains barely applied or even forgotten (European case). If existing testimonials (levees, dams, mainly in US and Australia) are evidences that show effectiveness and durability of lime-treated structures, there was a necessity to evaluate a series of unknown characteristics and relevant properties of lime-treated soils for an application in hydraulic context, through laboratory studies and full-scale experiments

    Droit de la construction : de la jurisprudence à la pratique notariale

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    "Parce que le contentieux de la construction concerne les notaires à bien des égards, cette nouvelle chronique, rédigée par des universitaires et des praticiens, a pour objectif premier de brosser un panorama des décisions importantes rendues au cours de l\u27année 2012 en la matière. Les signataires de ces lignes ont ensuite cherché, dans le cadre de cette collaboration entre chercheurs et notaires, à enrichir leurs commentaires de conseils pratiques. Ainsi, au cours de l\u27année écoulée, la Cour de cassation s\u27est prononcée sur des questions générales d\u27organisation de l\u27immeuble, précisant la liberté de choix entre le statut de la copropriété et la division en volumes ou revenant sur les règles applicables aux travaux réalisés sur un mur mitoyen. Des précisions ont également été apportées sur le champ d\u27application de la responsabilité décennale des constructeurs, puisqu\u27il a été rappelé que le vendeur même non professionnel d\u27un immeuble rénové peut, à certaines conditions, engager sa responsabilité décennale, de même que cette cause de responsabilité est également susceptible de s\u27appliquer lorsque les dommages affectant un immeuble neuf causent des préjudices à des tiers ou se matérialisent par un simple risque d\u27écroulement, sans que la catastrophe ne soit encore survenue. Un arrêt important précise en outre, dans le domaine des assurances, la distinction entre la faute lourde, couverte, et celle intentionnelle, dont l\u27assureur ne répondra pas. On relèvera finalement trois décisions importantes en matière de vente d\u27immeubles à construire. Deux concernent la rédaction des actes, quant à la distinction entre les notions d\u27achèvement et de livraison d\u27une part, puis relativement aux clauses d\u27allongement de délai de livraison pour intempéries, d\u27autre part. Le dernier revient sur la question importante la rénovation en précisant l\u27étendue de la responsabilité du notaire dans le choix entre le modèle de la vente en l\u27état futur d\u27achèvement et celui de la vente d\u27immeuble à rénover." Gwenaëlle Durand-Pasquie