124 research outputs found


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    SrFe12O19 coatings, intended as electromagnetic wave absorbers, were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) using two different kindsof feedstock powders: spray-dried agglomerates of micrometric SrFe12O19 particles (type-A) or spray-dried agglomerates of raw materials (SrCO3,Fe2O3), reactively sintered at 1100 ◦C (type-B).During spraying, type-A agglomerates either remain unmelted, producing porous coating regions where crystalline hexaferrite is retained, orare disrupted into smaller granules which melt completely, resulting in dense coating regions with no crystalline hexaferrite.The sintered type-B agglomerates possess higher cohesive strength and do not fall apart: the finer ones melt completely, whereas, in the largerones, the outer region melts and infiltrates the porous unmelted core which retains crystalline hexaferrite. Dense coatings can therefore be obtainedwhile preserving high amounts of crystalline hexaferrite even inside the dense areas. Such coatings show magnetic properties that are promisingfor electromagnetic wave absorption applications

    Estimation of Wear Resistance in Acid Solution of Dental Ceramics by Neural Network

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    It is known that exposure to acid causes damage to the glass surface. The aim of this study was to examine wear resistance, measuring the mass change of dental ceramics after contact with 10-3 mol dm-3 HCl at temperature of 50°C. Four samples of dental ceramics were analyzed: feldspatic ceramic, hydrothermal ceramic, glass ceramic for staining and glass ceramic for layering. The mass concentrations of eluted Na+, K+ and Ca2+ were determined by ion chromatography (IC) and mass concentrations of Si4+ and Al3+ by UV/VIS spectrometry. Measurements were conducted after 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months of emersion. For the subject issue, using experimental data, the feedforward backpropagation neural network for estimation of wear resistance of dental ceramics was modelled. The results of 1, 2 and 12 months of emersion were used for the training 13-20-5 model of neural network. Comparison of experimental data and data obtained by estimation (results of 3 and 6 month intervals) of neural network shows that the applied network model provided a very good prediction of wear behavior of dental ceramics with high correlation coefficient (R) and low sum of squared error (SSE) between measurement and estimated output values

    Polyphenolic Characterisation of Vranac, Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) Grapes and Wines from Different Vineyard Locations in Montenegro

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    In Montenegro, red wines are produced predominantly, and Vranac accounts for nearly 80% of thesewines, followed by Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon. In order to characterise polyphenols in red varieties,grapes were sampled from representative vineyards at harvest time during 2011 and 2012. The contentand distribution of extractable anthocyanins, low-molecular mass proanthocyanidins (LMP) and highmolecularmass proanthocyanidins (HMP) in the seeds and skins of the grape berries were evaluated byapplying a five-day extraction method using ethanol:water (12:88) as extraction solvent. On average, thehighest content of LMP (2 006 and 1 690 mg/kg of grape fresh mass in years 2011 and 2012 respectively),HMP (2 705 and 2 805 mg/kg in years 2011 and 2012 respectively) and anthocyanins (1 035 mg/kg in theyear 2011) was found in the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. The highest content of anthocyanins (1 113 mg/kgin the year 2012) and the lowest content of LMP (1 103 and 846 mg/kg in years 2011 and 2012 respectively)was found in Vranac grapes. Kratosija grapes had the lowest anthocyanin content (456 and 517 mg/kg inyears 2011 and 2012 respectively), and levels of LMP were similar to Vranac. The percentage distributionsof LMP between skins and seeds were 34:66, 39:61 and 49:51, whereas the distributions of HMP betweenskins and seeds were 67:33, 62:38 and 64:36 for Vranac, Kratosija and Cabernet Sauvignon respectively.All varieties had more LMP in the seeds and more HMP in the skins of the grapes. The results obtained areimportant to better understand the polyphenolic potential of Montenegrin red grape varieties


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    High rainfall and rapid water uptake by dry seed after sowing in the field can result in so-called seed imbibitional damage. Here, lipid peroxidation levels were evaluated in seed testa, embryos and cotyledons of three soybean cultivars (Podravka 95, Tisa and Vita), after 3, 6, 12 and 24 h of seed imbibition in water at 20oC. In general, lipid peroxidation was enhanced in soybean embryos and the lowest vales were observed in seed testa. With respect to imbibition duration, the highest lipid peroxidation was observed after 3 h of imbibition and decreased thereafter in seed of Podravka 95 and Vita, with similar trend regarding seed of the same age.Intenzivne oborine i intenzivno usvajanje vode suhoga sjemena nakon sjetve u polju mogu rezultirati takozvanim imbibicijskim oštećenjem sjemena. U ovom istraživanju analiziran je intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije u sjemenjači, klici i kotiledonima sjemena tri sorte soje (Podravka 95, Tisa i Vita), nakon 3, 6, 12 i 24 imbibicije u vodi pri 20oC. U cjelini, lipidna peroksidacija bila je povećana u klici soje, a najslabije izražena u sjemenjači. S obzirom na dužinu imbibicije, najveći intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije utvrđen je nakon 3 h imbibicije, nakon čega se smanjivao kod sorata Podravka 95 i Vita, uz sličan trend, s obzirom na sjeme iste starosti

    Effect of Cocoa Roasting on Chocolate Polyphenols Evolution

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    Cocoa and chocolate antioxidants might contribute to human health through, for instance, blood flow improvement or blood pressure and glycemia reduction, as well as cognitive function improvement. Unfortunately, polyphenol content is reduced during cocoa fermentation, drying, roasting and all the other phases involved in the chocolate production. Here, we investigated the evolution of the polyphenol content during all the different steps of chocolate production, with a special emphasis on roasting (3 different roasting cycles with 80, 100, and 130 °C as maximum temperature). Samples were followed throughout all processes by evaluating the total polyphenols content, the antioxidant power, the epicatechin content, and epicatechin mean degree of polymerization (phloroglucinol adducts method). Results showed a similar trend for total polyphenol content and antioxidant power with an unexpected bell-shaped curve: an increase followed by a decrease for the three different roasting temperatures. At the intermediate temperature (100 °C), the higher polyphenol content was found just after roasting. The epicatechin content had a trend similar to that of total polyphenol content but, interestingly, the mean degree of polymerization data had the opposite behavior with some deviation in the case of the highest temperature, probably due to epicatechin degradation. It seems likely that roasting can free epicatechin from oligomers, as a consequence of oligomers remodeling

    Impact of leaf removal after berry set on fruit composition and bunch rot in 'Sauvignon blanc'

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    Leaf removal is a viticultural practice applied to improve cluster microclimate and grape composition. This practice can reduce the incidence of bunch rot but could also promote the degradation of berry methoxypyrazines, key components for the aromatic profile of 'Sauvignon blanc' wines. The influence of cluster-zone leaf removal, applied after berry set, was evaluated on 'Sauvignon blanc' grapevines grown in the Isonzo DOC region (Italy). In 2010 and 2011, yield components and fruit chemical composition were recorded from vines in which the five basal leaves of each single shoot were manually removed at the groat-sized phenological stage, and compared to untreated vines. Our results indicated that leaf removal did not influence yield or fruit composition at harvest, but significantly decreased the incidence and severity of Botrytis bunch rot, while reducing the severity of sunburn damage to the fruit. Increased sunlight cluster exposure decreased 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine (IBMP) and 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IPMP) concentrations in early stages of berry development, whereas at harvest no significant differences between treatments (defoliated and non-defoliated) were observed. We conclude that leaf removal performed after berry set is a pivotal viticultural management practice to cope with harvest bunch rot complex without negatively affecting fruit composition at harvest

    The influence of polydispersity on the structural properties of the isotropic phase of magnetic nanoplatelets

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    By employing a combination of Molecular Dynamics simulations and experimental SAXS studies, we investigate low-concentration suspensions of polydisperse magnetic platelets with dipole moments perpendicular to the platelets' plane. Exploiting the precise control of platelet size and shape in simulation, we are also able to contrast these results with equivalent density monodisperse suspensions. We show how the polydispersity may lead to the reduction of the orientational and spatial correlations in the absence of an applied field, while simultaneously facilitating the field-induced transition into a nematic-like phase. Along with structural properties, we investigate the magnetic response. This allows us to confirm that the inter-platelet magnetic correlations have a negligible influence on the structure of the low-density suspensions. © 2020Austrian Science Fund, FWF: START-Projekt A Y 627-N27OeAD-GmbH, OEAD: SI 13/2016Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-12-00209Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS, ARRS: J7-8267, P2-0089, P1-0192American Roentgen Ray Society, ARRS: BI-AT/18-19-009This research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant 19-12-00209 . The work was also supported by the FWF START-Projekt A Y 627-N27 . Simulations were performed in Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC3 and VSC4). NS, DL, ŽG and AM acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding P1-0192 and P2-0089 and the project J7-8267 ). Also, the financial support from OeAD and the Slovenian Research Agency for a bilateral project (WTZ grant number SI 13/2016 and ARRS grant number BI-AT/18-19-009 ) is acknowledged. We acknowledge support by Prof. H. Peterlik and the Faculty center for Nano Structure Research at the University of Vienna for the assistance with the SAXS measurements and for the use of Bruker AXS Nanostar. We also thank Ekaterina Novak for assistance with the calculation of bond order parameters

    Impact of Leaf Removal, Applied Before and After Flowering, on Anthocyanin, Tannin, and Methoxypyrazine Concentrations in ‘Merlot’ (Vitis viniferaL.) Grapes and Wines

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    7siThe development and accumulation of secondary metabolites in grapes determine wine color, taste, and aroma. This study aimed to investigate the effect of leaf removal before flowering, a practice recently introduced to reduce cluster compactness and Botrytis rot, on anthocyanin, tannin, and methoxypyrazine concentrations in Merlot' grapes and wines. Leaf removal before flowering was compared with leaf removal after flowering and an untreated control. No effects on tannin and anthocyanin concentrations in grapes were observed. Both treatments reduced levels of 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) in the grapes and the derived wines, although the after-flowering treatment did so to a greater degree in the fruit specifically. Leaf removal before flowering can be used to reduce cluster compactness, Botrytis rot, and grape and wine IBMP concentration and to improve wine color intensity but at the expense of cluster weight and vine yield. Leaf removal after flowering accomplishes essentially the same results without loss of yield. © 2016 American Chemical Society.reservedmixedSivilotti, Paolo; Herrera, Jose Carlos; Lisjak, Klemen; Baša Česnik, Helena; Sabbatini, Paolo; Peterlunger, Enrico; Castellarin, Simone DiegoSivilotti, Paolo; Herrera, Jose Carlos; Lisjak, Klemen; Baša Česnik, Helena; Sabbatini, Paolo; Peterlunger, Enrico; Castellarin, Simone Dieg

    Бокс в Томском Политехническом университете

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    Это первая книга о боксе в одном из томских университетов. События, факты, рассказы о боксёрах и их тренерах основаны на документальных материалах, в том числе из архивных источников, воспоминаниях ветеранов и действующих спортсменов. Это знак благодарности и признания боксёрам, тренерам и спортивным организаторам за их нелёгкую, но благодарную работу, за популяризацию бокса. В результате работы получилась содержательная и увлекательная книга, которая вызовет несомненный интерес у читателей, и будет способствовать популяризации такого замечательного вида единоборств как бокс

    Complementary hydro-mechanical coupled finite/discrete element and microseismic modelling to predict hydraulic fracture propagation in tight shale reservoirs

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    This paper presents a novel approach to predict the propagation of hydraulic fractures in tight shale reservoirs. Many hydraulic fracture modelling schemes assume that the fracture direction is pre-seeded in the problem domain discretization. This is a severe limitation as the reservoir often contains large numbers of pre-existing fractures that strongly influence the direction of the propagating fracture. To circumvent these shortcomings a new fracture modelling treatment is proposed where the introduction of discrete fracture surfaces is based on new and dynamically updated geometrical entities rather than the topology of the underlying spatial discretization. Hydraulic fracturing is an inherently coupled engineering problem with interactions between fluid flow and fracturing when the stress state of the reservoir rock attains a failure criterion. This work follows a staggered hydro-mechanical coupled finite/discrete element approach to capture the key interplay between fluid pressure and fracture growth. In field practice the fracture growth is hidden from the design engineer and microseismicity is often used to infer hydraulic fracture lengths and directions. Microsesimic output can also be computed from changes of the effective stress in the geomechanical model and compared against field microseismicity. A number of hydraulic fracture numerical examples are presented to illustrate the new technology