761 research outputs found

    Performance Characteristics of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Modified Asphalt

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    Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic is utilized primarily in food and beverage packaging. Although a portion of waste PET is recycled, the majority of the waste is buried in landfills. Therefore, the use of ground PET particles in asphalt may provide an environmentally friendly solution for the disposal of large quantities of PET waste. This study evaluated the performance of PET as an asphalt modifier with both asphalt binder and asphalt mixture testing. The binder testing was conducted on wet process blends produced with a high shear mixer at PET contents of 5, 10, and 15 percent by weight of the binder. Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Rotational Viscosity (RV) tests were performed on the unaged and Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) aged mixtures. The mixture tests were conducted on the PET modified mixtures in both wet and dry process, and an unmodified control mixture. The wet and dry process mixtures contained 10% PET by weight of the binder. The mixture performance tests included Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) rutting test, retrofitted APA Hamburg test, Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS), and Asphalt mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) dynamic modulus. The results showed: 1) the addition of PET increased the high temperature performance resulting in a bump in PG grade. Additionally, the viscosity and resulting workability of the modified binders were not adversely affected. 2) PET modified mixtures have higher maximum specific gravity and lower bulk specific gravity than the control mixture. 3) The wet process mixture exhibited better rutting resistance and a higher TSR than the control in ITS testing. 4) The dry process mixture exhibited better resistance to permanent moisture damage in APA Hamburg testing and also exhibited a higher TSR than the control in ITS testing. 5) The modified mixtures exhibited lower E* and higher phase angles than the control in AMPT modulus testing

    On-line mass storage system functional design document

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    A functional system definition for an on-line high density magnetic tape data storage system is provided. This system can be implemented in a multi-purpose, multi-host environment, and satisfy the requirements of economical data storage in the range of 2 to 50 billion bytes

    Atomic layer deposition of titanium nitride for quantum circuits

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    Superconducting thin films with high intrinsic kinetic inductance are of great importance for photon detectors, achieving strong coupling in hybrid systems, and protected qubits. We report on the performance of titanium nitride resonators, patterned on thin films (9-110 nm) grown by atomic layer deposition, with sheet inductances of up to 234 pH/square. For films thicker than 14 nm, quality factors measured in the quantum regime range from 0.4 to 1.0 million and are likely limited by dielectric two-level systems. Additionally, we show characteristic impedances up to 28 kOhm, with no significant degradation of the internal quality factor as the impedance increases. These high impedances correspond to an increased single photon coupling strength of 24 times compared to a 50 Ohm resonator, transformative for hybrid quantum systems and quantum sensing.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures including supplemental material

    Random access quantum information processors

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    Qubit connectivity is an important property of a quantum processor, with an ideal processor having random access -- the ability of arbitrary qubit pairs to interact directly. Here, we implement a random access superconducting quantum information processor, demonstrating universal operations on a nine-bit quantum memory, with a single transmon serving as the central processor. The quantum memory uses the eigenmodes of a linear array of coupled superconducting resonators. The memory bits are superpositions of vacuum and single-photon states, controlled by a single superconducting transmon coupled to the edge of the array. We selectively stimulate single-photon vacuum Rabi oscillations between the transmon and individual eigenmodes through parametric flux modulation of the transmon frequency, producing sidebands resonant with the modes. Utilizing these oscillations for state transfer, we perform a universal set of single- and two-qubit gates between arbitrary pairs of modes, using only the charge and flux bias of the transmon. Further, we prepare multimode entangled Bell and GHZ states of arbitrary modes. The fast and flexible control, achieved with efficient use of cryogenic resources and control electronics, in a scalable architecture compatible with state-of-the-art quantum memories is promising for quantum computation and simulation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, supplementary information ancillary file, 21 page

    Chemostratigraphy and depositional environment of an Ordovician sedimentary section across the Miramichi Group - Tetagouche Group contact, northeastern New Brunswick

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    A thick section of Ordovician sedimentary rocks underlies and overlies felsic to mafic volcanic rocks of the Tetagouche Group, Bathurst Mining Camp. The dark grey quartzose slates and siltstones of the Patrick Brook Formation (Miramichi Group) occur below the volcanic rocks, whereas the dark grey to black slates and siltstones of the Boucher Brook Formation (Tetagouche Group) are intercalated with the volcanic rocks and overlie the sequence. The Miramichi-Tctagouche contact represents the interpreted Gander-Dunnage boundary in northeastern New Brunswick. Distinguishing between these two simitar formations is important for stratigraphic and geo-tectonic interpretations of the Bathurst Mining Camp and for exploration in these sequences. The geochemical composition of a semi-con form able section of rocks from the Boucher Brook (Middle to Late? Ordovician) and Patrick Brook (Early to Middle Ordovician) formations was determined to identify geochemical chemostratigraphic discriminants, as well as to determine the depositional environment in which these were deposited. The high AI2O3 and distinctly higher high-field-strength elements (LREE, Th, HREE, and Y) in the Patrick Brook rocks are characteristic of mature sedimentary rocks and indicate intense chemical weathering (tropical environment) in the source regions, which is consistent with their compositional similarity to Avalon-derived shales analogous to Gander Zone sedimentary rocks. The Boucher Brook slates and siltstones are immature sedimentary rocks based on the preservation of albite and the less coherent trace-element systematics to phyllosilicate indices (AI2O3 and K2O). The Boucher Brook Formation is probably derived from the associated volcanic rocks. The higher Mn and Fe and positive Ce/Ce* anomaly in some Boucher Brook Formation compared to the Patrick Brook rocks indicate that the Boucher Brook rocks in this section were deposited in a transitional anoxic/ oxic environment. The Patrick Brook rocks that immediately precede felsic volcanism and formation of massive sulphide deposits are highly reduced based on C and S contents, which is consistent with the sulphur isotope data. Moderately heavy δ34S values are indicative of SO42- reduction to H2S under anoxic conditions, which is significant in the formation and preservation of massive sulphides in the basal Tetagouche sequence. RÉSUMÉ Une section épaisse de roches sédimentaires de l’Ordovicien est sus-jacente ct sous-jacente à des roches volcanomafiques à volcanofelsiques du groupe de Tetagouche, dans le Camp minier de Bathurst. Des siltstones et des schistes quartzeux gris foncé de la Formation de Patrick Brook (groupe de Miramichi) sont présents au-dessous des roches volcaniques, tandis que des schistes et des siltstones gris foncé à noirs de la formation de Boucher Brook (groupe de Tetagouche) sont intercales dans les roches volcaniques et recouvrent la séquence. La surface de contact de Miramichi-Tetagouche représente ce qu'on interprèts comme la limite de Gander-Dunnage dans le nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il est important d'établir une distinction entre ces deux formations semblables pour les interprétations stratigraphiques du Camp minier de Bathurst et pour l'exploration dans ces séquences. On a détermine la composition géochimique d'une section semi-concordante de roches de Boucher Brook (Ordovicien moyen à tardif?) et de Patrick Brook (Ordovicien inférieur à moyen) afin de repérer les discriminants chimiostratigraphiques géochimiques ainsi que pour définir le milieu sédimentaire dans lequel ceux-ci ont été deposes. La quantité prononcée d'Al2O3 et la présence distinctement supérieure d'éléments d'intensité de champ élevée (éléments de terres rares légers, Th, éléments de terres rares lourds et Y) dans les roches de Patrick Brook constituent des traits caractérstiques de roches sédimentaires matures; el les témoignent d'une altération climatique chimique intense (milieu tropical) dans les regions d'origine, ce qui est compatible avec la similarité de leur composition avec les schistes en provenance d'Avalon analogues aux roches sédimentaires de la zone de Gander. Les schistes et les siltstones de Boucher Brook sont des roches sédimentaires immatures basées sur la conservation d'albite et la corrélation d'éléments traces moins cohérents avec les indices de phyllosilicates (AI2O3). La Formation de Boucher Brook provient probabtement de roches volcaniques connexes. La proportion supérieure de Mn et de Fe et l’anomalie positive de Ce/Ce* dans certaines parties de la Formation de Boucher Brook révèlcnt que les roches de Boucher Brook de cette section ont été déposées dans un milieu anoxique / oxique de transition. Les roches de Patrick Brook qui ont immédiatement précedé le volcanisme felsique et la formation de gitcs de sulfures massifs ont, à en juger par Icur teneur en C et en S, subi une réduction importante, ce qui correspond aux données isotopiques relatives au soufre. Les valeurs moyennement prononcées de δ34S temoignent d'une réduction du SO42- en H2S dans des conditions anoxiques, un phénomène déterminant dans la formation et la conservation des sulfures massifs dans la séquence basale de Tetagouche. [Traduit par la rédaction

    Report of the panel on lithospheric structure and evolution, section 3

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    The panel concluded that NASA can contribute to developing a refined understanding of the compositional, structural, and thermal differences between continental and oceanic lithosphere through a vigorous program in solid Earth science with the following objectives: determine the most fundamental geophysical property of the planet; determine the global gravity field to an accuracy of a few milliGals at wavelengths of 100 km or less; determine the global lithospheric magnetic field to a few nanoTeslas at a wavelength of 100 km; determine how the lithosphere has evolved to its present state via acquiring geologic remote sensing data over all the continents

    Preparing Extension Professionals: The Ohio State University\u27s Model of Extension Education

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    Extension systems throughout the United States require individuals to have college degrees to work as Extension professionals. This article shares The Ohio State University\u27s approach to Extension Education in the Department of Human and Community Resource Development. A model is presented for preparing Extension professionals in an academic setting. Based on the research literature, competencies for success in Extension are matched with courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels of instruction. By sharing our approach, we hope to encourage dialogue and discussion that will help us and other academic programs to offer the best possible curriculum for preparing Extension educators

    International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: beta-alanine

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    Position statement: The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) provides an objective and critical review of the mechanisms and use of beta-alanine supplementation. Based on the current available literature, the conclusions of the ISSN are as follows: 1) Four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation (4–6 g daily) significantly augments muscle carnosine concentrations, thereby acting as an intracellular pH buffer; 2) Beta-alanine supplementation currently appears to be safe in healthy populations at recommended doses; 3) The only reported side effect is paraesthesia (tingling), but studies indicate this can be attenuated by using divided lower doses (1.6 g) or using a sustained-release formula; 4) Daily supplementation with 4 to 6 g of beta-alanine for at least 2 to 4 weeks has been shown to improve exercise performance, with more pronounced effects in open end-point tasks/time trials lasting 1 to 4 min in duration; 5) Beta-alanine attenuates neuromuscular fatigue, particularly in older subjects, and preliminary evidence indicates that beta-alanine may improve tactical performance; 6) Combining beta-alanine with other single or multi-ingredient supplements may be advantageous when supplementation of beta-alanine is high enough (4–6 g daily) and long enough (minimum 4 weeks); 7) More research is needed to determine the effects of beta-alanine on strength, endurance performance beyond 25 min in duration, and other health-related benefits associated with carnosine

    The Quantum Socket: Three-Dimensional Wiring for Extensible Quantum Computing

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    Quantum computing architectures are on the verge of scalability, a key requirement for the implementation of a universal quantum computer. The next stage in this quest is the realization of quantum error correction codes, which will mitigate the impact of faulty quantum information on a quantum computer. Architectures with ten or more quantum bits (qubits) have been realized using trapped ions and superconducting circuits. While these implementations are potentially scalable, true scalability will require systems engineering to combine quantum and classical hardware. One technology demanding imminent efforts is the realization of a suitable wiring method for the control and measurement of a large number of qubits. In this work, we introduce an interconnect solution for solid-state qubits: The quantum socket. The quantum socket fully exploits the third dimension to connect classical electronics to qubits with higher density and better performance than two-dimensional methods based on wire bonding. The quantum socket is based on spring-mounted micro wires the three-dimensional wires that push directly on a micro-fabricated chip, making electrical contact. A small wire cross section (~1 mmm), nearly non-magnetic components, and functionality at low temperatures make the quantum socket ideal to operate solid-state qubits. The wires have a coaxial geometry and operate over a frequency range from DC to 8 GHz, with a contact resistance of ~150 mohm, an impedance mismatch of ~10 ohm, and minimal crosstalk. As a proof of principle, we fabricated and used a quantum socket to measure superconducting resonators at a temperature of ~10 mK.Comment: Main: 31 pages, 19 figs., 8 tables, 8 apps.; suppl.: 4 pages, 5 figs. (HiRes figs. and movies on request). Submitte
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