184 research outputs found

    Computer-assisted pre-operative automatic segmentation and registration tool for malunited radius osteotomy: A proof-of-concept study

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    Corrective osteotomy is a standard treatment for distal radius fractures in malunited radius cases. In order to increase the efficiency of the osteotomy pre-operative plan, in this study, a proof-of-concept framework of automatic computer-assisted segmentation and registration tool was developed for the purpose of malunited radius osteotomy pre-operative planning. The program consisted of the functions of segmentation, virtual cutting, automatic alignment and registration. One computed tomography (CT) scanning dataset of a patient's bilateral forearm was employed as an illustration example in this study. Three templates of 3D models including the healthy radius, and the pre- and post-correction injured radius were output as STL geometries for pre-operative plan purposes

    The quiet editor: Ivan Vladislavić and South African cultural production

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    This article examines the literary and sociological significance of Ivan Vladislavić’s "double life” (Lahire, 2010: n.p.) as both editor and writer. With reference to a number of his editorial roles as well as the joint projects he has worked on with writers and visual artists, the article considers how Vladislavić’s work with others spreads symbolic value. Described by one of his clients as the “quiet editor”, Vladislavić can be read as a new kind of author; what he terms “creative editing” (Steyn, 2012: n.p.) as a new kind of writing, through which more traditional models of authorship and literary production are thrown into question — less Bourdieu’s (1984) “field of literary production” or Casanova’s (2004: 82) “world literary space”, red in tooth and claw, amd more Howard Becker’s “art world”: a convivial “network of cooperating people, all of whose work is essential to the final outcome” (1982: 25)

    Y2Y4 Receptor Double Knockout Protects Against Obesity Due to a High-Fat Diet or Y1 Receptor Deficiency in Mice

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    Neuropeptide Y receptors are critical regulators of energy homeostasis, but the functional interactions and relative contributions of Y receptors and the environment in this process are unknown. We measured the effects of an ad libitum diet of normal or high-fat food on energy balance in mice with single, double, or triple deficiencies of Y1, Y2, or Y4 receptors. Whereas wild-type mice developed diet-induced obesity, Y2Y4 double knockouts did not. In contrast, Y1 knockout or Y1Y2 or Y1Y4 receptor double knockout mice developed an exacerbated diet-induced obesity syndrome. Remarkably, the antiobesity effect of Y2Y4 deficiency was stronger than the obesogenic effect of Y1 deficiency, since Y1Y2Y4 triple knockouts did not develop obesity on the high-fat diet. Resistance to diet-induced obesity in Y2Y4 knockouts was associated with reduced food intake and improved glucose tolerance in the absence of changes in total physical activity. Fecal concentration of free fatty acids was significantly increased in Y2Y4 knockouts in association with a significantly reduced bile acid pool and marked alterations in intestinal morphology. In addition, hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin expression was decreased in diet-induced obesity (in both wild-type and Y1 receptor knockout mice) but not in obesity-resistant Y2Y4 receptor knockout mice fed a high-fat diet. Therefore, deletion of Y2 and Y4 receptors synergistically protects against diet-induced obesity, at least partially via changes in food intake and hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin expression

    Dynorphin knockout reduces fat mass and increases weight loss during fasting in mice

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    Endogenous opioids, particularly dynorphins, have been implicated in regulation of energy balance, but it is not known how they mediate this in vivo. We investigated energy homeostasis in dynorphin knockout mice (Dyn -/- mice) and probed the interactions between dynorphins and the neuropeptide Y (NPY) system. Dyn-/- mice were no different from wild types with regards to body weight and basal and fasting-induced food intake, but fecal output was increased, suggesting decreased nutrient absorption, and they had significantly less white fat and lost more weight during a 24-h fast. The neuroendocrine and thermal responses to fasting were at least as pronounced in Dyn-/- as in wild types, and there was no stimulatory effect of dynorphin knockout on 24-h energy expenditure (kilocalories of heat produced) or physical activity. However, Dyn-/- mice showed increased circulating concentrations of 3,4-dihydroxyphenlacetic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol, suggesting increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The respiratory exchange ratio of male but not female Dyn-/- mice was reduced, demonstrating increased fat oxidation. Interestingly, expression of the orexigenic acting NPY in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus was reduced in Dyn-/- mice. However, fasting-induced increases in pre-prodynorphin expression in the arcuate nucleus, the paraventricular nucleus, and the ventromedial hypothalamus but not the lateral hypothalamus were abolished by deletion of Y1 but not Y2 receptors. Therefore, ablation of dynorphins results in increases in fatty acid oxidation in male mice, reductions in adiposity, and increased weight loss during fasting, possibly via increases in sympathetic activity, decreases in intestinal nutrient absorption, and interactions with the NPYergic system

    The tactical mimicry of social enterprise strategies: acting ‘as if’ in the everyday life of third sector organizations

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    Using England as a paradigmatic case of the „enterprising up ‟ of the third sector through social enterprise policies and programs, this article sheds light on resistance as enacted through dramaturgical identification with government strategies. Drawing from a longitudinal qualitative research study, which is interpreted via Michel de Certeau‟s theory of the everyday, we present the case study of Teak, a charitable regeneration company, to illustrate how its Chief Executive Liam „acted as ‟ a social entrepreneur in order to gain access to important resources. We establish „tactical mimicry ‟ as a sensitizing concept to suggest that third sector practitioners ‟ identification with the normative premises of „social enterprise ‟ is part of a parasitical prosaics geared toward appropriating public money. While tactical mimicry conforms to strategies only in order to exploit them, its ultimate aim is to increase potentials of collective agency outside the direct influence of power. The contribution we make is threefold: first, we extend the recent debate on productive resistance by highlighting how „playing the game ‟ without changing existing relations of power can nevertheless produce largely favorable outcomes. Second, we suggest that recognition of the productive potential of tactical mimicry requires methodologies which pay attention to the spatial and temporal dynamics of resistance. And third, we argue that explaining „social enterprise‟ without consideration of the non-discursive, mainly financial resources made available to those who identify with it, necessarily risks overlooking a crucial element of the dramaturgical dynamic of discourse
