18 research outputs found

    Effects of seawater and freshwater challenges on the Gh/Igf system in the saline-tolerant blackchin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron)

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    Prolactin (Prl) and growth hormone (Gh) as well as insulin-like growth factor 1 (Igf1) are involved in the physiological adaptation of fish to varying salinities. The Igfs have been also ascribed other physiological roles during development, growth, reproduction and immune regulation. However, the main emphasis in the investigation of osmoregulatory responses has been the endocrine, liver-derived Igf1 route and local regulation within the liver and osmoregulatory organs. Few studies have focused on the impact of salinity alterations on the Gh/Igf-system within the neuroendocrine and immune systems and particularly in a salinity-tolerant species, such as the blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron. This species is tolerant to hypersalinity and saline variations, but it is confronted by severe climate changes in the Saloum inverse estuary. Here we investigated bidirectional effects of increased salinity followed by its decrease on the gene regulation of prl, gh, igf1, igf2, Gh receptor and the tumor-necrosis factor a. A mixed population of sexually mature 14-month old blackchin tilapia adapted to freshwater were first exposed to seawater for one week and then to fresh water for another week. Brain, pituitary, head kidney and spleen were excised at 4 h, 1, 2, 3 and 7 days after both exposures and revealed differential expression patterns. This investigation should give us a better understanding of the role of the Gh/Igf system within the neuroendocrine and immune organs and the impact of bidirectional saline challenges on fish osmoregulation in non-osmoregulatory organs, notably the complex orchestration of growth factors and cytokines

    Species-Specific Marker Discovery in Tilapia

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    Tilapias (family Cichlidae) are of importance in aquaculture and fisheries. Hybridisation and introgression are common within tilapia genera but are difficult to analyse due to limited numbers of species-specific genetic markers. We tested the potential of double digested restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing for discovering single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to distinguish between 10 tilapia species. Analysis of ddRAD data revealed 1,371 shared SNPs in the de novo-based analysis and 1,204 SNPs in the reference-based analysis. Phylogenetic trees based on these two analyses were very similar. A total of 57 species-specific SNP markers were found among the samples analysed of the 10 tilapia species. Another set of 62 species-specific SNP markers was identified from a subset of four species which have often been involved in hybridisation in aquaculture: 13 for Oreochromis niloticus, 23 for O. aureus, 12 for O. mossambicus and 14 for O. u. hornorum. A panel of 24 SNPs was selected to distinguish among these four species and validated using 91 individuals. Larger numbers of SNP markers were found that could distinguish between the pairs of species within this subset. This technique offers potential for the investigation of hybridisation and introgression among tilapia species in aquaculture and in wild populations

    A high-resolution map of the Nile tilapia genome: a resource for studying cichlids and other percomorphs

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    Background: The Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the second most farmed fish species worldwide. It is also an important model for studies of fish physiology, particularly because of its broad tolerance to an array of environments. It is a good model to study evolutionary mechanisms in vertebrates, because of its close relationship to haplochromine cichlids, which have undergone rapid speciation in East Africa. The existing genomic resources for Nile tilapia include a genetic map, BAC end sequences and ESTs, but comparative genome analysis and maps of quantitative trait loci (QTL) are still limited. Results: We have constructed a high-resolution radiation hybrid (RH) panel for the Nile tilapia and genotyped 1358 markers consisting of 850 genes, 82 markers corresponding to BAC end sequences, 154 microsatellites and 272 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). From these, 1296 markers could be associated in 81 RH groups, while 62 were not linked. The total size of the RH map is 34,084 cR3500 and 937,310 kb. It covers 88% of the entire genome with an estimated inter-marker distance of 742 Kb. Mapping of microsatellites enabled integration to the genetic map. We have merged LG8 and LG24 into a single linkage group, and confirmed that LG16-LG21 are also merged. The orientation and association of RH groups to each chromosome and LG was confirmed by chromosomal in situ hybridizations (FISH) of 55 BACs. Fifty RH groups were localized on the 22 chromosomes while 31 remained small orphan groups. Synteny relationships were determined between Nile tilapia, stickleback, medaka and pufferfish. Conclusion:The RH map and associated FISH map provide a valuable gene-ordered resource for gene mapping and QTL studies. All genetic linkage groups with their corresponding RH groups now have a corresponding chromosome which can be identified in the karyotype. Placement of conserved segments indicated that multiple inter-chromosomal rearrangements have occurred between Nile tilapia and the other model fishes. These maps represent a valuable resource for organizing the forthcoming genome sequence of Nile tilapia, and provide a foundation for evolutionary studies of East African cichlid fishes.Additional co-authors: Thomas D Kocher, Catherine Ozouf-Costaz, Jean Francois Baroiller and Francis Galiber

    Sex control in tilapias

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    Endocrine and Local IGF-I in the Bony Fish Immune System

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    A role for GH and IGF-I in the modulation of the immune system has been under discussion for decades. Generally, GH is considered a stimulator of innate immune parameters in mammals and teleost fish. The stimulatory effects in humans as well as in bony fish often appear to be correlated with elevated endocrine IGF-I (liver-derived), which has also been shown to be suppressed during infection in some studies. Nevertheless, data are still fragmentary. Some studies point to an important role of GH and IGF-I particularly during immune organ development and constitution. Even less is known about the potential relevance of local (autocrine/paracrine) IGF-I within adult and developing immune organs, and the distinct localization of IGF-I in immune cells and tissues of mammals and fish has not been systematically defined. Thus far, IGF-I has been localized in different mammalian immune cell types, particularly macrophages and granulocytes, and in supporting cells, but not in T-lymphocytes. In the present study, we detected IGF-I in phagocytic cells isolated from rainbow trout head kidney and, in contrast to some findings in mammals, in T-cells of a channel catfish cell line. Thus, although numerous analogies among mammals and teleosts exist not only for the GH/IGF-system, but also for the immune system, there are differences that should be further investigated. For instance, it is unclear whether the primarily reported role of GH/IGF-I in the innate immune response is due to the lack of studies focusing on the adaptive immune system, or whether it truly preferentially concerns innate immune parameters. Infectious challenges in combination with GH/IGF-I manipulations are another important topic that has not been sufficiently addressed to date, particularly with respect to developmental and environmental influences on fish growth and health

    Morphology of control and UV-treated embryos and larvae.

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    <p>a) Control embryo at 74 h pf; b) control larva at hatching; c) UV treated embryos at 74 hpf showing microcephaly, short and large body; d) UV-treated larvae at hatching showing microphtalmy, short body and curved tail. Scale bars represent 500 ”m.</p

    Genetics of sex determination in tilapiine species

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    We identified DNA markers linked to sex determining genes in six closely related species of tilapiine fishes. The mode of sex determination differed among species. In Oreochromis karongae and Tilapia mariae the sex-determining locus is on linkage group (LG) 3 and the female is heterogametic (WZ-ZZ system). In O. niloticus and T. zillii the sex-determining locus is on LG1 and the male is heterogametic (XX-XY system). A more complex pattern was observed in O. aureus and O. mossambicus, in which markers on both LG1 and LG3 were associated with sex. We found evidence for sex-linked lethal effects on LG1, as well as interactions between loci in the two linkage groups. Comparison of genetic and physical maps demonstrated a broad region of recombination suppression harboring the sex-determining locus on LG3. Sex-specific recombination suppression was found in the female heterogametic sex. Sequence analysis showed the accumulation of repetitive elements in this region. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that at least two transitions in the mode of sex determination have occurred in this clade. This variation in sex determination mechanisms among closely related species makes tilapias an excellent model system for studying the evolution of sex chromosomes in vertebrates