114 research outputs found

    Quintais Orgùnicos de Frutas: diversificação da matriz produtiva e geração de renda familiar.

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    Quintais OrgĂąnicos de Frutas Ă© uma iniciativa de transferĂȘncia de tecnologia desenvolvida pela Embrapa Clima Temperado que leva, a pĂșblicos em situação de vulnerabilidade social, econĂŽmica e alimentar (agricultores familiares, assentados da reforma agrĂĄria, comunidades indĂ­genas, quilombolas, alunos de escolas rurais e instituiçÔes assistencialistas), as Ășltimas soluçÔes tecnolĂłgicas desenvolvidas e validadas pela Embrapa, buscando a sustentabilidade; as prĂĄticas compreendem desde o preparo do solo atĂ© o pĂłs-colheita

    Neural Networks for State Evaluation in General Game Playing

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    Abstract. Unlike traditional game playing, General Game Playing is concerned with agents capable of playing classes of games. Given the rules of an unknown game, the agent is supposed to play well without human intervention. For this purpose, agent systems that use deterministic game tree search need to automatically construct a state value function to guide search. Successful systems of this type use evaluation functions derived solely from the game rules, thus neglecting further improvements by experience. In addition, these functions are fixed in their form and do not necessarily capture the game’s real state value function. In this work we present an approach for obtaining evaluation functions on the basis of neural networks that overcomes the aforementioned problems. A network initialization extracted from the game rules ensures reasonable behavior without the need for prior training. Later training, however, can lead to significant improvements in evaluation quality, as our results indicate.

    Projeto Quintais Orgùnicos de Frutas: Contribuição para a segurança alimentar em åreas rurais, indígenas e urbanas.

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    O Projeto Quintais tem como objetivo contribuir com a sustentabilidade social, econĂŽmica e ambiental de pĂșblicos em situação de vulnerabilidade e de risco social, econĂŽmico e alimentar. Para a composição dos quintais, sĂŁo adotadas trĂȘs plantas frutĂ­feras, provenientes de um conjunto de 20 espĂ©cies, sementes de feijĂŁo e milho, mudas de trĂȘs cultivares de batata doce, mudas de uma espĂ©cie forrageira e de doze espĂ©cies de plantas medicinais, totalizando 38 produtos cultivados no interior de cada Quintal. As tecnologias desenvolvidas no Projeto, tais como novas cultivares, conhecimento das propriedades funcionais dos alimentos que compĂ”em o Quintal, assim como o processo de verticalização ou transformação e agregação de valor aos alimentos deverĂŁo promover a capacitação e a inclusĂŁo social de beneficiĂĄrios, assim como, viabilizar a geração de emprego e renda.Anais da ReuniĂŁo TĂ©cnica sobre Agroecologia: Agroecologia, ResiliĂȘncia e Bem Viver, 2021, Pelotas

    Hepatitis C in Brazil: lessons learned with boceprevir and telaprevir

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    In 2012, the first-generation protease inhibitors telaprevir (TVR) and boceprevir (BOC) were introduced in the Brazilian health system for treatment of chronic hepatitis C, after their approval by the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation (CONITEC). However, these medicines were discontinued in 2015. The short period of use in therapy and their high cost require a discussion about the consequences for patients and for the health system of the early incorporation of new therapies. The article presents a qualitative analysis of the incorporation process of both medications in Brazil and the results of a multicenter study that included patients treated with BOC or TVR between January 2011 and December 2015 in five Brazilian cities. The study included 855 patients (BOC: n=247) and (TVR: n=608). The document analysis showed that CONITEC’s decision to incorporate BOC and TVR was based on results of phase III clinical trials that compared sustained virologic response (SVR) rates of patients treated with BOC and TVR with rates of those that received placebo. However, these studies included a low percentage of cirrhotic patients. The SVR rates observed in this multicenter study were worse than clinical trials pointed out (BOC: 45.6%; TVR: 51.8%), but similar to those achieved with previously adopted therapies. The discontinuation rate due to adverse events was (BOC: 15.4%; TVR: 12.7%). Based on these unsatisfactory results, the study brings a discussion that goes beyond the therapy outcomes, exploring the incorporation of these high-cost medicines and the related decision-making process, contributing to future decisions in medicine policies and in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C

    A Multicenter, Long-Term Study on Arrhythmias in Children with Ebstein Anomaly

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    To assess the prevalence, history, and treatment of arrhythmias, in particular preexcitation and Wolff–Parkinson–White (WPW) syndrome, in patients with Ebstein anomaly (EA) during childhood and adolescence, we performed a multicenter retrospective study of all consecutive live-born patients with EA, diagnosed, and followed by pediatric cardiologists between 1980 and 2005 in The Netherlands. During a follow-up after EA diagnosis of 13 years 3 months (range: 6 days to 28 years 2 months), 16 (17%) of the 93 pediatric EA patients exhibited rhythm disturbances. Nine patients showed arrhythmic events starting as of the neonatal period. Supraventricular tachycardia was noted in 11 patients. One patient died in the neonatal period due to intractable supraventricular tachycardia resulting in heart failure and one patient died at 5 weeks of age most probably due to an arrhythmic event. The 14 surviving patients all show preexcitation, albeit 4 of them intermittently, and all have a right-sided accessory pathway location. Nine patients underwent catheter ablation of an accessory pathway. Only four patients are currently on antiarrhythmic drugs. The 17% prevalence of rhythm disturbances in pediatric EA patients, most commonly supraventricular arrhythmias, is significantly lower than in adult EA patients. Life-threatening rhythm disturbances are not frequent early in life. Symptomatic patients are well treated with radiofrequency catheter ablation

    Fast relational learning using bottom clause propositionalization with artificial neural networks

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    Relational learning can be described as the task of learning first-order logic rules from examples. It has enabled a number of new machine learning applications, e.g. graph mining and link analysis. Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) performs relational learning either directly by manipulating first-order rules or through propositionalization, which translates the relational task into an attribute-value learning task by representing subsets of relations as features. In this paper, we introduce a fast method and system for relational learning based on a novel propositionalization called Bottom Clause Propositionalization (BCP). Bottom clauses are boundaries in the hypothesis search space used by ILP systems Progol and Aleph. Bottom clauses carry semantic meaning and can be mapped directly onto numerical vectors, simplifying the feature extraction process. We have integrated BCP with a well-known neural-symbolic system, C-IL2P, to perform learning from numerical vectors. C-IL2P uses background knowledge in the form of propositional logic programs to build a neural network. The integrated system, which we call CILP++, handles first-order logic knowledge and is available for download from Sourceforge. We have evaluated CILP++ on seven ILP datasets, comparing results with Aleph and a well-known propositionalization method, RSD. The results show that CILP++ can achieve accuracy comparable to Aleph, while being generally faster, BCP achieved statistically significant improvement in accuracy in comparison with RSD when running with a neural network, but BCP and RSD perform similarly when running with C4.5. We have also extended CILP++ to include a statistical feature selection method, mRMR, with preliminary results indicating that a reduction of more than 90 % of features can be achieved with a small loss of accuracy
